
    The IT ENDS WITH US Drama Gets Worse & Trisha Was STOOD UP By A Celeb Guest

    enAugust 13, 2024
    What was Trish's experience during her blind date?
    How did Trish react to her companion's conversation skills?
    What was the significance of the surprise guest text?
    How did Justin Long's behavior impact the production of The Disaster Artist?
    What did the Australian breakdancer emphasize after her loss at the Olympics?

    Podcast Summary

    • Blind datesEffective conversation starters can help ease nerves during a blind date, but overcompensating due to unexpected emotional moments can distract from the experience.

      Trish, the host of Just Trish, went on a blind date and shared her nervous experiences leading up to and during the date. She mentioned her companion's ability to initiate conversations and how it made her feel more at ease. They had a Patreon supporter join them, and Trish felt the need to overcompensate and be extra cheerful when the woman shared a sad story. Trish also mentioned receiving a text about a surprise guest, causing her to get dressed up in anticipation, but the identity of the guest remained a mystery. Overall, Trish's nervousness and excitement were palpable throughout the episode.

    • Unexpected circumstancesBe prepared for the unexpected, but also remain flexible and open to change. The thoughtfulness of others, even if the outcome isn't ideal, can bring unexpected joy.

      Preparation and flexibility are key when dealing with unexpected circumstances. The speaker shares her experience of planning a photoshoot and the uncertainty of whether her photographer would show up. She goes back and forth on whether to contact him or not, ultimately deciding to cancel but then regretting her decision. This situation highlights the importance of being prepared while also being open to change. Additionally, the speaker expresses her appreciation for the thoughtfulness of those who consider surprising her, no matter the outcome. She maintains a positive attitude, recognizing that expectations can be humbling and keeping her grounded.

    • Unexpected BrandsPeople can turn anything into a successful brand, even the most unexpected items or experiences. Embrace creativity and passion to build unique and successful brands.

      People can turn anything into a successful brand, even something as unexpected as momos or pink glitter popcorn. During a conversation, the speaker expressed her admiration for a friend's momo brand and shared her own love for momos. Although she hadn't seen her friend wearing momos herself, she appreciated the unique and fierce branding. The speaker also reminisced about a pink glitter popcorn experience and expressed her wish to create her own unexpected product lines. She admired how brands like Barbie successfully marketed their products and encouraged everyone to embrace their creativity and turn their passions into brands. Additionally, she reminded listeners to sign up for her Patreon through the desktop to avoid upcoming price increases for mobile sign-ups.

    • Storage space clean outCleaning out a storage space led to unexpected challenges, discoveries, and a surge in Patreon sign-ups through personalized notes and upcoming merchandise releases.

      The speaker had an eventful experience while cleaning out a storage space, encountering unexpected challenges and discoveries along the way. The space was filled with wigs, theater seats, and various other items, some of which they were trying to sell. During the process, they also created personalized messages for their Patreon supporters, writing haikus, alliterations, and fortunes for each person. Despite the chaos and the challenges, the speaker found joy in the experience, especially in connecting with their supporters through the handwritten notes. The event also led to an increase in patrons, with over 200 new sign-ups. The speaker also mentioned the upcoming release of merchandise and the potential arrival of a complex piece that was ordered earlier. Overall, the experience was a mix of hard work, creativity, and connection with their audience.

    • Internet's Impact on CultureThe internet revolutionized communication, media consumption, and shopping during the late 90s and early 2000s, leading to significant cultural shifts.

      The advent of the internet and its increasing accessibility throughout the late 90s and early 2000s brought about significant cultural shifts. These shifts included the way people connected with each other, consumed media, and even shopped online. The speakers in this conversation shared personal stories of their experiences with the internet during this time, from ordering items online with caution to discovering new forms of entertainment like podcasts and stand-up comedy. They also discussed the impact of social media on their lives, particularly in terms of communication and community building. Overall, this conversation highlights the transformative power of the internet and how it has shaped the way we live, work, and connect with each other today.

    • Managing online hate and cyberbullyingManaging online hate and cyberbullying requires careful consideration of moderation tools, complete removal from the internet, and protecting privacy versus identification. Cyberbullying can have severe mental health consequences, and consent is not permanent. Creating a safe and inclusive online environment is crucial.

      Managing online hate and cyberbullying can be a challenging task for content creators. While some platforms offer moderation tools, complete removal from the internet might be the only way to avoid hateful comments and bullying. The issue of anonymity on social media platforms is a complex one, with debates surrounding the need for identification versus the importance of protecting privacy. Cyberbullying, especially when it involves unsolicited personal content, can have severe mental health consequences. It's essential to remember that consent is not permanent and can be revoked at any time. The impact of hate speech, particularly towards individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, can be profound and deeply rooted in societal norms and biases. Ultimately, it's crucial to create a safe and inclusive online environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

    • Social Media BreaksTaking breaks from social media can improve mental health and reduce negativity, but it's important to prioritize positivity and unity online

      Taking breaks from social media platforms like TikTok can be beneficial for mental health and well-being. However, the platform can also be a source of negativity and conflict, particularly among certain communities. It's important for individuals to prioritize unity and positivity, and to avoid engaging in hateful behavior towards others. The speaker also shared her personal experience of taking a break from social media after having a baby, which helped her reconnect with the real world and find peace away from the online drama. Additionally, the speaker expressed her admiration for those who are knowledgeable and articulate on various subjects, but warned against assuming someone's intelligence based on their online presence alone.

    • Identity and AttractionDespite feeling out of place, the speaker cherishes memories of playing basketball with her brother's friends and finds pride in her mistakes, while reflecting on her own attraction to straight men and the intricacies of human behavior on social media.

      The speaker shares a fond memory of playing basketball with her brother and his friends, despite feeling out of place due to her attraction to them. She recalls making a mistake during the game, leading to an injury, but feeling proud and happy nonetheless. The speaker also expresses her confusion and fascination with a particular individual's behavior on social media, as he seems to be intentionally appealing to gay audiences. She reflects on her own attraction to straight men and her conflicted feelings towards this. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of identity, attraction, and the complexities of human behavior.

    • Pop Culture NostalgiaSpeaker expresses deep connection to pop culture, particularly Hannah Montana era, and feels nostalgic about Miley Cyrus becoming a Disney legend. Excited about Lainey Wilson's performance and anticipates Miley's potential Super Bowl halftime show. Passionate about country music and shares past experiences.

      The speaker expresses a deep connection to pop culture, particularly the Hannah Montana era, and the announcement of Miley Cyrus becoming a Disney legend brought up nostalgic feelings and emotions. The speaker also mentions their excitement about Lainey Wilson's performance at the event and their anticipation for Miley Cyrus' potential Super Bowl halftime show. The conversation also touches on the speaker's love for country music and their past experiences with fashion and phone calls. Overall, the conversation reflects the speaker's passion for pop culture and music, as well as their emotional connection to it.

    • Entertainment projectsThe speaker shared their excitement for upcoming entertainment projects, including a new movie and Broadway debut of 'Hercules', but expressed disappointment over lackluster announcements and jealousy towards a makeup artist working with Lindsay Lohan. They remained optimistic and expressed love for the entertainment industry.

      The speaker was excited about various upcoming projects in entertainment, including potential involvement in a new movie and the Broadway debut of "Hercules." They were disappointed that some announcements lacked star power and expressed jealousy over a makeup artist they had worked with in the past now working with Lindsay Lohan. The speaker also shared their enthusiasm for Disney projects, particularly the new "Snow White" trailer and the upcoming Broadway production of "The Greatest Showman." Despite some disappointments, they remained optimistic and expressed their love for the entertainment industry.

    • Disney animation vs live-action rolesControversy surrounds Disney's decision to animate live-action roles instead of casting actors, with opinions divided over respect for actors, realism, and emotion in animation, and representation issues in toys and movies.

      The decision to animate live-action roles instead of casting actors for Disney movies has sparked controversy and frustration. Some argue that it's disrespectful to actors who could have played those roles, while others prefer the more realistic look of CGI animals. However, there are also those who appreciate the artistry of blending animation styles and believe that each version caters to different audiences. Ultimately, it seems that effective communication and collaboration between creatives and executives could lead to more successful adaptations. The use of little people in toys or movies is a complex issue, with some arguing for their inclusion and others seeing it as outdated or offensive. The debate highlights the importance of representation and the need for sensitivity towards marginalized communities.

    • Speaker's curiosityDespite lacking knowledge or understanding, the speaker remains curious and open-minded, desiring to uncover the truth and even entertain mysterious situations.

      Despite the speaker's lack of knowledge or understanding about certain topics, especially conspiracy theories and the unexplained, they remain curious and open-minded. They express a desire to uncover the truth and even entertain the possibility of being involved in mysterious situations. The speaker also reveals a love for food and a dream of becoming a voiceover actor. The conversation also touches upon past experiences of feeling powerless and the impact of derogatory language. Overall, the speaker's tone is lighthearted and playful, even when discussing serious or sensitive topics.

    • Manifestation focusManifestation requires focusing on specific desires, expressing them out loud, and maintaining belief for them to manifest. Everyone has the power to manifest their dreams.

      The power of manifestation lies in focusing on specific desires and expressing them out loud. The speaker shares her experience of manifesting various things in her life, including financial abundance and personal goals, by focusing on the number eight. She emphasizes the importance of manifesting for oneself and how it becomes easier when individuals reference the same thing from different angles. The conversation also touches upon the importance of staying focused on one's dreams and the potential benefits of lowering the bar for guests on a talk show. The speaker expresses her admiration for certain actors and musicians and the desire to have them as guests on her show. The conversation also includes some confusion about Disney movies and their characters. Overall, the takeaway is that manifestation requires focus, belief, and expression, and that everyone has the power to manifest their dreams.

    • Lucas' talent and connectionThe speaker admires Lucas' talent and has had a connection with him, but dislikes one of his movies for its portrayal of a larger actress and prefers physical items over printed materials.

      The speaker is expressing her admiration for an actor named Lucas, who she believes is extremely talented and good-looking. She also mentions that she had a connection with him during an interview and has continued to interact with him through social media. However, she also expresses her dislike for a particular movie of his, "Smile," due to its portrayal of a larger actress in a negative light. She also mentions her dislike for printing and her preference for receiving physical items in the mail. Despite the various topics discussed, the overarching theme is the speaker's appreciation for Lucas' talent and their past interaction.

    • Perseverance and RepresentationA lack of recognition at the Olympics didn't stop a breakdancer from gaining fame and inspiring others, emphasizing the importance of determination and representation in achieving goals.

      Passion and determination can lead to success, even when faced with adversity. This was exemplified by a breakdancer at the Olympics who received zero points but gained immense fame. Despite the criticism and negative attention, she continued to represent her country and inspire others, especially women in the field. The conversation also touched on the importance of family, as the speaker fondly recalled the experience of sending out patreon packages with her family. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of perseverance and the impact of representation in achieving one's goals.

    • Olympic resilienceAn athlete's creativity and artistry are more important than power moves, as shown by a breakdancer who incorporated a kangaroo move and continued to pursue her passion despite finishing last

      The Olympics showcased the unique talents and resilience of athletes, even those who didn't place first. One dancer, who was the only breakdancer from Australia, shared her perspective after a loss, emphasizing the importance of creativity and artistry over power moves. She created a unique dance style that incorporated a kangaroo move, representing her country. Despite finishing last and receiving zeros from the judges, she saw her performance as a representation of art and continued to pursue her passion. The conversation also touched on the idea of an eating competition at the Olympics, showcasing the aesthetic appeal of food consumption. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's art and passion, even in the face of adversity.

    • Schedule changes, friendships, iconsUnexpected schedule changes can disrupt our favorite shows and cause frustration, but they also provide opportunities for new experiences and conversations about complex relationships and iconic figures.

      The speaker had mixed feelings about the unexpected break in the airing of America's Got Talent and the controversial closing ceremony of the Olympics. She loved the show but was annoyed by the scheduling conflict. The speaker also clarified past rumors about her friendship with JoJo, stating that they had never been friends beyond a collaboration. The speaker expressed understanding for JoJo's perspective and felt bad for any potential misunderstandings. The speaker reiterated her support for JoJo as an icon and expressed excitement for an upcoming Rosie O'Donnell cosplay. Overall, the conversation touched on the annoyance of schedule changes, the complexity of friendships, and the power of icons.

    • JoJo's authenticityThe speaker deeply admires JoJo's authenticity and believes she could make a great Disney princess, appreciating her genuine connections and raw conversations.

      The speaker expresses a deep admiration and love for JoJo, despite some past misunderstandings or perceived manipulations in their professional collaborations. They appreciate her authenticity and believe she could make a great Disney princess. The speaker also shares a fondness for raw, unedited conversations and values the importance of genuine connections. Additionally, they acknowledge the power of social media engagement and the importance of knowing their audience's preferences. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's admiration for JoJo and their appreciation for authenticity and raw conversations.

    • Preparation, Older Women, Social Media EtiquettePreparation is essential even in uncertain situations, older women inspire admiration for their strength and wisdom, and social media etiquette can be complex and conflicting.

      Preparation is key, even when uncertain situations seem unlikely to occur. The speaker shares an analogy of preparing for a date, only for it not to happen, but emphasizes the importance of being over-prepared. The conversation then shifts to a group chat where everyone is waiting for someone to tell a secret, and the speaker expresses her admiration for older women, particularly a podcast duo, who she finds inspiring and fierce. The discussion also touches on the topic of posting babies' pictures on social media with emojis, and the speaker shares her conflicting feelings about it, acknowledging both sides of the argument. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of preparation, the admiration for older women, and the complexity of social media etiquette.

    • Media ethics and babiesMedia use of real babies raises ethical concerns, with some seeing it as personal sharing and others as intrusive and potentially traumatic. Controversy surrounds books with themes of trauma and abusive relationships, with some arguing they romanticize and others finding them empowering.

      The use of real babies in films and the reaction to it raises ethical concerns. While some argue it's no different than sharing personal photos of one's own babies, others find it intrusive and potentially traumatic for the babies involved. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding author Colleen Hoover and her books, which often feature themes of trauma and abusive relationships. Some argue that these books romanticize such themes, while others find them empowering. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of various forms of media and the diverse perspectives that exist within the audience.

    • Colleen Hoover's controversial worksColleen Hoover's works, known for exploring real-life experiences and redemption, have been controversial due to graphic and non-consensual scenes. A scene in one book led to backlash and was edited out. Her films' marketing and promotion have been criticized for not accurately representing the darker themes.

      The works of Colleen Hoover, a popular author known for her thematic exploration of real-life experiences, trauma, and redemption, have been the subject of controversy due to graphic and non-consensual scenes. One specific instance involved a scene in a book where a character did not consent to sex, but the scene was romanticized and later edited out due to backlash. The author's works often challenge the status quo and explore complex themes, but the handling of sensitive topics has led to controversy and debate. Additionally, the marketing and promotion of her films have been criticized for not accurately representing the darker themes of her work, leading to a disconnect between audience expectations and the actual content.

    • Professionalism and Respect on SetDespite intense and controversial material, Blake Lively and Justin Long showed professionalism and respect towards each other and the entire cast, contributing to the film's success

      "The Disaster Artist" production was unique due to the professionalism and respect shown between co-stars Blake Lively and Justin Long despite the intense and controversial material they were working on. Unusual for Hollywood, Justin was known for being friendly and approachable to every extra on set, and even Blake, who was unaware of any rumored tension, spoke fondly of him in interviews. Despite the small budget and the intense subject matter, the film made a profit, leading to speculation that the success could have been due to the positive publicity generated by their apparent good relationship. However, an article surfaced alleging that Justin made Blake uncomfortable, but with limited substantiation, most reports continued to praise Justin's behavior on set. The film's success, whether due to the PR or the quality of the production, showcases an unusual example of professionalism and respect in Hollywood.

    • Hollywood power dynamics, unchecked behaviorUnchecked challenging behavior by some Hollywood stars towards their colleagues, like Jared Leto, can create a toxic work environment and go unchecked by production companies, potentially harming the industry as a whole.

      Jared Leto's challenging behavior on movie sets, particularly towards Margot Robbie during the filming of "Suicide Squad," was a topic of concern for some. This behavior reportedly went unchecked by Marvel, despite it being common knowledge among the industry. Additionally, the speaker expressed her belief in the potential of her own poetry book, comparing it favorably to Colleen Hoover's works, and expressing her disappointment in its lack of marketing and recognition. The conversation also touched on the power dynamics in Hollywood and the speaker's aspiration to turn her poetry into a movie.

    • Age differences in relationshipsAge differences in relationships, especially those involving underage partners, can lead to controversy and confusion, and can have significant real-life consequences.

      The age difference between two characters in a book or movie can lead to confusion and controversy, especially when it involves underage relationships. The speaker in this conversation was discussing a book and its movie adaptation, where an 18-year-old character had a relationship with a 15-year-old character. The speaker also noted that the lack of subtlety in naming a character "Lily Blue Mounds" was on-the-nose and unrealistic. Another topic that came up was the cancellation of a movie project, which cost investors and crew members significant time and money. The speaker expressed disappointment over Joaquin Phoenix's sudden withdrawal from the project, leaving many people without jobs and without recouping their investments. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of age, relationships, naming, and the impact of cancellations on the entertainment industry.

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