
    The January 6th Committee Slips And Speaks The Truth (Ep 1792)

    enJune 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Left's Focus on Cancel Culture and Identity Politics is Self-DestructiveDespite ongoing challenges, there are reasons for optimism, including opposition to risky consumer data bills and the upcoming 2022 elections, which may mark a turning point.

      The political and cultural landscape is undergoing significant changes, and there are reasons for optimism despite ongoing challenges. Dan Bonjino, the host of the show, believes that the left's focus on cancel culture and identity politics is self-destructive and will eventually lead to its own demise. However, this process may take some time. Meanwhile, there are economic and cultural indicators that suggest better days are ahead. For instance, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, which could put consumer data at risk, is being opposed by many. Additionally, the 2022 elections are expected to be a turning point. Despite the uncertainties and challenges, Bonjino remains optimistic and encourages patience.

    • Left's focus on fragmenting people leads to infighting and cancel cultureInternal strife and lawsuits among progressive advocacy groups hinder their progress, as the left's tactic of creating divisions and labeling targets backfires, leading to infighting and cancel culture.

      The left's focus on fragmenting people into smaller and smaller groups for political gain is leading to self-destructive cancel culture and infighting among these groups. This is evident in the current standstill of progressive advocacy groups, as outlined in the "Elephant in the Zoom" article by Ryan Grimm. These groups, including those focused on abortion, social justice, and the environment, are paralyzed by internal strife and lawsuits, rather than making progress on their agendas. The left's tactic of creating divisions and labeling certain groups as targets to win elections is backfiring, as these groups begin to turn on each other. The consequences of this trend will likely worsen for the left, as conservatives continue to disengage from their messaging.

    • The left's self-inflicted crisesThe left's cancel culture is turning on itself and the economic crisis, disguised as inflation, is being ignored, potentially leading to self-destruction.

      The cultural and economic crises are self-inflicting for the left, and the destruction they cause may be expedited if we do not intervene. The left's cancel culture has run out of victims and is now turning on itself, as evidenced by Lizzo's recent experience. Meanwhile, the economic crisis, which is a resource crisis disguised as an inflation crisis, is being ignored by the administration. The US currently has worse inflation than many other countries, yet the White House denies this fact. The global impact of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have contributed to the inflation crisis, making it a global issue. However, the left's denial and inaction on these crises may lead to their self-destruction. It's crucial to stay informed and prepare for the potential consequences.

    • Rising production costs driving inflationInflation not solely due to corporate greed, but rather rising production costs impacting consumers through higher prices from producers

      The ongoing inflation is not solely due to corporate greed, but rather a result of rising production costs that companies have not yet fully passed on to consumers. The Producer Price Index (PPI) shows that producers are paying more than they're charging consumers, which indicates that price hikes for consumers are likely to continue and potentially increase further. The Biden administration's "greedflation" narrative is misleading, as corporations did not suddenly become greedy upon Biden's entry into office. Instead, the administration's policies, such as tax hikes and increased red tape, are contributing to the worsening economic situation. It's essential to stay informed and prepared for the potential consequences of these policies. Despite the challenges, there is a renaissance coming, and it's crucial to be aware and adapt accordingly.

    • Diesel Prices Impacting Farmers and EconomyRising diesel prices are causing challenges for farmers, potentially leading to food shortages and price increases. Support local businesses and consider tax cuts to create a more efficient economy.

      The rising diesel prices are causing significant challenges for farmers, potentially leading to food shortages and price increases in certain categories. This situation, if not addressed, could create a financial and food crisis. Meanwhile, there's an economic revolution on the horizon, and individuals can contribute by supporting local businesses that share their values through the Public SQ app. Additionally, tax cuts and low tax rates can lead to a more efficient economy as people spend their money on cost-effective and high-quality products for themselves and their families. The Reagan years serve as an example of this economic principle. Inflation isn't just about raising interest rates; it's about creating a demand for money over assets. By focusing on these issues, we can work towards a more efficient and effective economy.

    • Shift of wealth from cash to assets during inflationDuring inflation, wealthy individuals move funds from cash to assets, reducing money supply and increasing interest rates. To combat this, lower taxes and control inflation are necessary to encourage investment back into the financial system.

      During inflationary periods, people, especially the wealthy, tend to shift their money from cash to assets, leading to a decrease in the money supply and an increase in interest rates. This can help combat inflation, but it requires lowering taxes and controlling inflation to encourage wealthy individuals to put their money back into the financial system. The article discusses how this played out during a past inflation crisis, and how it could be applied to current economic conditions. However, the hearing on the January 6th debacle was deemed a mess and failed to change anyone's stance on the political divide.

    • January 6th hearing perceived as a bust, Americans trust Republicans more to defend democracyDemocrats' efforts to prevent certain candidates from running and push for COVID-19 booster shots for children could harm their credibility and further polarize the public

      The January 6th hearing has been perceived as a bust, despite the Democrats' efforts to portray it as a threat to democracy. Instead, recent polls show that Americans trust Republicans more to defend democracy. The Democrats' rhetoric, as seen in the testimony of Chairman Thompson, comes across as an attempt to prevent certain candidates, such as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, from running in future elections. This approach could damage their credibility and further polarize the public. The public health infrastructure's credibility is also suffering due to the push for children to get COVID-19 booster shots despite their low risk of complications. Overall, these tactics may backfire and harm the Democrats' goals.

    • Discussion on children's COVID-19 booster shots lacks definitive dataFauci admitted no data shows reduction in hospitalization or death for children's booster shots, emphasizing the need for evidence-based decisions and transparency in data presentation.

      During a discussion about children's COVID-19 booster shots, Dr. Fauci admitted there is a lack of data showing reduction in hospitalization or death for children who take a booster. Rand Paul, a senator and doctor, questioned Fauci about this, emphasizing the importance of data in making scientific decisions. Fauci responded by acknowledging the absence of such data but also mentioning assumptions made based on morbidity and mortality rates. Paul criticized Fauci for making assumptions without sufficient evidence and causing potential health damage to the public. Additionally, Paul pointed out omissions in the data presented by the CDC regarding children's natural immunity and the focus on Israel studies for seniors instead of addressing the question about children's boosters. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of basing decisions on available data and being transparent about omissions.

    • Censorship and Manipulation of Public DiscourseOngoing efforts to suppress info & manipulate discourse thru censorship, emphasized in COVID-19 debate & 'Ministry of Truth'. Pressure to make hasty decisions should be resisted, truth should be data-driven. Contact reps about new online policy task force to voice concerns on potential censorship. Importance of transparency & free speech.

      There are ongoing efforts from certain quarters to suppress information and manipulate public discourse through censorship. This was discussed in relation to the ongoing debate about COVID-19 policies and the role of figures like Dr. Fauci, as well as the resurfacing of the "Ministry of Truth" under the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris. It was emphasized that individuals should not be pressured into making hasty decisions and that the truth should be guided by data rather than political figures. Additionally, there is a call to action for listeners to contact their representatives in Congress and senators about the new online policy task force, expressing concerns about potential censorship. The importance of transparency and the protection of free speech were recurring themes throughout the discussion.

    • White House Press Secretary's Misinformation on Crime RatesMisinformation can come from all sides, emphasize fact-checking and context, and maintain a commitment to free speech.

      There is a continued debate over misinformation and who is responsible for spreading it. During a discussion, it was pointed out that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was promoting misinformation regarding crime rates in American cities being a problem only in red states. The speaker criticized the lack of fact-checking and accused the left of being the party of censorship and book burning. They also highlighted an instance of California Governor Gavin Newsom promoting misinformation on crime rates in red states while being on Trump's social media platform, True Social. The speaker encouraged maintaining a strong belief in free speech and countering misinformation with more speech. Despite the criticism, they acknowledged that misinformation can come from all sides and urged fact-checking and context to be prioritized.

    • The Power of Speech and TruthEmbrace open dialogue and factual information, even when faced with opposing viewpoints or lies, as the truth ultimately prevails through the power of speech and transparency.

      Free speech and factual information should not be censored but rather met with more speech and dialogue. Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and conservative commentator, emphasized this during a recent podcast. He criticized Gab, a social media platform, for promoting lies and misinformation, but welcomed those who spread such content with open arms, believing in the power of truth to prevail. Bongino also shared an anecdote from his time in the Secret Service, discussing the impracticality of wearing wingtips for tactical situations and the unconventional methods they used to modify their shoes for better traction. Regarding the Biden administration, Bongino expressed his disdain for various members, specifically mentioning Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra for their ineffectiveness and lack of visibility. He jokingly mentioned Merrick Garland as the most pathetic figure due to his perceived inability to make a significant impact. Throughout the podcast, Bongino emphasized the importance of open dialogue and factual information, even when faced with opposing viewpoints or lies. He believes that the truth will ultimately prevail through the power of speech and transparency.

    • Preference for fair tax system and economic resilience through assetsThe speaker advocates for a consumption-based tax system and suggests that assets can provide financial stability during economic downturns. If the Republican Party gains control of Congress, they may investigate economic and border issues.

      The speaker expresses a preference for a fair tax system, specifically a consumption-based tax, in which everyone pays the same rate. He believes that assets, such as gold, comic books, or real estate, can help individuals weather economic downturns. If the Republican Party wins control of Congress in November, they can use their power to hold hearings and expose the causes of economic and border issues. Despite concerns about election manipulation, the speaker remains optimistic about the potential for a "red wave" in November. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action, whether through financial planning or political activism, to navigate economic challenges.

    • Potential voter fraud on the left side, around 0.5% to 1%Candidates need to secure over half a point of votes to ensure a fair victory, despite potential voter fraud. Vote and don't be discouraged.

      The elections expert shared that a significant amount of potential voter fraud occurs on the left side, estimated to be around 0.5% to 1%. This means that in order to win an election, a candidate needs to secure more than half a point of the votes to ensure a fair victory. Despite the challenges, it's crucial to vote and not be discouraged by the possibility of fraud. The expert emphasized that while it's disheartening, not taking action is not an option. On a lighter note, Dan Pongino shared his preference for mustard over ketchup and introduced listeners to his favorite salt, James Crazy Salt. Remember to tune in to Dan's radio show for upcoming guests and appearances on Fox News.

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    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

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