
    The Left Can’t Make Up Its Mind # 1004 (Ep 1004)

    enJune 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective Communication and Everyday SolutionsDan Vongino discusses the significance of staying informed and shares a practical solution for earwax buildup, while teasing a funny story and commenting on current events.

      Dan Vongino, the host of his self-titled show, emphasizes the importance of effective communication and staying informed. During his discussion, he shared his experience of dealing with earwax buildup and introduced WaxRx as a solution. He also mentioned an upcoming funny story that he promises will leave listeners in stitches. Additionally, Vongino touched upon the ongoing controversy surrounding Trump's interview with George Stephanopoulos and contrasted it with Hillary Clinton's past actions. Overall, Vongino encourages his audience to stay engaged with current events and offers practical tips for everyday life.

    • Is it acceptable for a campaign to pay a foreigner through a US company?The debate revolved around the Clinton campaign's use of a US firm to obtain information from a British national, raising questions about foreign interference in elections and the ethical implications of such actions.

      During a discussion on Fox News, it was debated whether it's acceptable for a political campaign to pay for information from foreign sources, using an American company as a middleman. The context was in relation to Hillary Clinton's involvement in the creation of the Steele dossier. Jason Nichols, a Democratic Strategist and Lecturer of African-American Studies at the University of Maryland, argued that it's not an issue because the Clinton campaign didn't hire a foreigner directly, but rather went through a US company (Fusion GPS) that employed a British national (Steele) as an intermediary. Trump's statement about being open to listening to foreign intelligence was also brought up, with some suggesting it could be seen as inviting interference. The debate highlighted the nuances and complexities surrounding the issue of foreign interference in elections, and the importance of understanding the specific circumstances involved.

    • Acceptability of U.S. companies obtaining info from foreign sourcesUS companies can gather info from foreign sources, including those linked to Russian officials, without raising eyebrows. Controversy arises when investigations are called for based on potentially inaccurate info.

      According to the discussion, as long as a U.S. company is involved in obtaining information from foreign sources, including those connected to Russian officials, it is considered acceptable by some. This was the case with the Steele dossier during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, where a U.S. company was hired to gather information from foreign nationals. The controversy arises when there is a call for investigation based on potentially shady or inaccurate information, as in the example given of a hypothetical call to Donald Trump about Hillary Clinton allegedly robbing a bank. The key point is that the involvement of a U.S. company seems to be the determining factor in the acceptability of such information.

    • Interviewee's False Claim About Secret DossierInterviewee retracted support for 'Chernobyl' due to producer's criticism of conservatives. He encourages reading an article on the real story of Chernobyl disaster and the dangers of socialism.

      During a recent interview, the interviewee made unsubstantiated claims about the existence of a secret dossier outside of the one used to secure a FISA warrant, which the former deputy director of the FBI has already stated would not have existed without. This false assertion was made during an otherwise enjoyable interview about the HBO series "Chernobyl." However, the producer of the show has since been criticized for attacking conservatives, leading the speaker to withdraw his support and recommendation for the show. Instead, he encourages listeners to read an article titled "The Truth About Chernobyl" by Kim Wilshire, which offers a firsthand account of the disaster and highlights the devastating consequences of socialism. The speaker emphasizes that socialism, as a destructive form of governing, has cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people and disregards the value of human life.

    • The Soviet Union's disregard for human life during the Chernobyl crisisThe Soviet Union sacrificed its own citizens during the Chernobyl crisis, prioritizing its own interests over their well-being, serving as a reminder of the potential consequences of a government that puts its own interests first.

      The Chernobyl disaster, as depicted in the HBO series, is used as an opportunity to criticize the Trump administration, but the real indictment lies with the Soviet Union's disregard for human life during the crisis. The Soviets, in their desperation to save face, sacrificed their own citizens, even as they were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. This is a stark reminder of the potential consequences of a government that prioritizes its own interests over the well-being of its people. The nuclear industry, on the other hand, is shown to be much safer, and it's important to note that the events of Chernobyl are not likely to be repeated in a democratic society with a functioning nuclear industry and a compassionate leader. The producers of the Chernobyl series missed this crucial point, and their misguided criticism of the Trump administration only serves to trivialize the horrors of the Chernobyl disaster and the sacrifices made by the Soviet people.

    • Personal account of Chernobyl disaster's impact and criticism of Soviet governmentIn a constitutional republic like the US, mass deception and disregard for public health during a disaster would be challenged by the free media, unlike the Soviet Union's handling of Chernobyl.

      The mass deception and disregard for public health seen during the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union would never be tolerated in a constitutional republic like the United States due to the free media. The speaker recounted a personal encounter with a girl named Oxana and her family, who were affected by the disaster, and expressed disgust at the Soviet government's handling of the situation. The speaker also criticized economist Paul Krugman for his inaccurate predictions and expressed support for the quality of American-made firearms from Bravo Company Manufacturing.

    • Bravo Company Manufacturing's Commitment to Quality vs Paul Krugman's Inaccurate Economic PredictionsBravo Company Manufacturing prioritizes quality for their customers while Paul Krugman's economic predictions have often been inaccurate, including the claim that tax cuts do not pay for themselves, which has been disproven by historical evidence.

      Bravo Company Manufacturing is a company dedicated to producing high-quality rifles and pistols for military, law enforcement, and second amendment supporters. They prioritize their responsibility to their end users and build their equipment to the highest standards. Meanwhile, economist Paul Krugman, despite having a Nobel Prize, has a history of making inaccurate economic predictions, including the claim that tax cuts do not pay for themselves. This notion has been consistently disproven by historical evidence, from the tax cuts implemented by Calvin Coolidge to Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. Despite Krugman's repeated predictions of economic downturns following tax cuts, there is no evidence to support his claims. For a more comprehensive list of Paul Krugman's inaccurate predictions, be sure to check out Matt Palumbo's article on Bongino.com.

    • Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman's Predictions About Trump's EconomyDespite being a Nobel Prize-winning economist, Paul Krugman's predictions about the stock market and economic growth under Trump have been consistently wrong, including his belief that the market would never recover, 3% growth was impossible, and a recession would occur every year.

      Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has made several high-profile predictions about the stock market and economic growth under the Trump administration that have since been proven wrong. For instance, he predicted the stock market would never recover after Trump's election, but it has actually risen by 28.6% since then. He also claimed it would be impossible to achieve 3% growth, but the U.S. economy reached that mark in the first year of Trump's presidency. Furthermore, Krugman has been predicting a recession under Trump every year, but none has materialized yet. While it's possible that a recession could still occur in the future, it's important to note that anyone can make repeated predictions and eventually be correct by chance. Thus, while Krugman is a respected economist, his track record on these specific predictions is not impressive.

    • Paul Krugman's Inaccurate Economic PredictionsNobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has a history of making incorrect economic predictions, including about economic downturns and the Euro, yet remains a prominent voice in economic commentary. Trump's tax cuts have been criticized for lacking immediate economic benefits.

      Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, has a history of making inaccurate economic predictions, particularly when it comes to predicting economic downturns and the performance of the Euro. Despite his predictions being wrong more often than not, he continues to be a prominent voice in economic commentary, often criticizing Republican policies. Another key point discussed was Trump's prediction of potential economic consequences from his tax cuts, which some critics argue have not yet materialized. The speaker also mentioned a funny story about Paula, but it was not elaborated upon in detail. Lastly, a promotion for DoorDash, a food delivery service, was included in the podcast.

    • Texts between investigators hint at White House involvement in probesObama's involvement in investigations against Trump and Clinton unclear, media downplayed significance of texts, lack of media curiosity raises concerns

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, investigators working on cases against both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were texting each other about the ongoing investigations. These texts suggested that the White House was involved in the investigations. However, some media outlets and individuals have downplayed the significance of these texts, insisting that Obama had no knowledge of the investigations against Trump. Trump himself has claimed that Obama must have known about efforts to undermine his presidency. The texts raise questions about the extent of Obama's involvement and the media's role in covering the story. It's important to note that these texts are just one piece of evidence in a larger investigation, and more information will likely come to light in the future. The lack of curiosity and willingness to ask tough questions from some media outlets is a concern and undermines their credibility as journalists.

    • Erosion of Double Jeopardy ProtectionThe Supreme Court's decision in Gamble v. United States weakens the constitutional protection against double jeopardy, allowing individuals to be charged and tried for the same crime by both federal and state authorities, potentially leading to politically motivated charges and undermining individual rights and the rule of law.

      The Supreme Court's recent decision in the case of Gamble v. United States has potentially eroded the protection against double jeopardy in the Constitution. This means that individuals could be charged and tried for the same crime by both federal and state authorities, despite the constitutional provision that bars such multiple prosecutions. This development is significant as it sets a dangerous precedent and further weakens the constitutional protections that safeguard individual rights. Additionally, the speaker expressed concern that liberal prosecutors may exploit this ruling to pursue politically motivated charges against individuals, especially in the context of high-profile cases like those involving former President Donald Trump. The erosion of constitutional protections against double jeopardy is a concerning development that underscores the importance of vigilance in safeguarding individual rights and the rule of law.

    • Businesses Facing Financial Consequences for Political StancesTaking sides in political controversies can lead to financial losses for businesses, as seen with Dick's Sporting Goods, Target, and potential future implications for companies supporting extreme political stances.

      Corporate involvement in political controversies can lead to significant financial losses for businesses. The discussion highlighted examples of companies like Dick's Sporting Goods and Target, which faced backlash and substantial financial consequences after entering debates on gun control and transgender bathroom policies, respectively. The piece also mentioned New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's extreme stance on abortion and her plans to use federal funds for the procedure, potentially alienating a portion of the population. The consensus is that businesses should avoid wading into political controversies to maintain a broad consumer base.

    • Pakistani Minister's Cat Filter Mishap During Live BroadcastTechnology glitches like cat filters during live broadcasts can impact public figures' reputations, so it's crucial to test equipment before streaming.

      Technology glitches, even something as seemingly trivial as a cat filter, can significantly impact live broadcasts and public figures' online reputations. During a community meeting event on Facebook, Pakistani Information Minister Shikat Yousaf from the PTI KPK party inadvertently went live with a cat filter on his face, unaware of it for the entire broadcast. The incident was shared widely on social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and CNN, causing amusement but also potentially affecting his professional image. As broadcasters or content creators, it's essential to ensure such filters or other technical issues are addressed before going live to maintain credibility and professionalism.

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