
    The Liver King (A Live Show)

    enApril 04, 2023
    What opportunities for growth are mentioned in the text?
    How did the Liver King gain his massive following?
    What are the health risks associated with Liver King's diet?
    How did the public perceive the Liver King's controversial content?
    What ethical concerns arise from Liver King's content creation?

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and improvementFrom education to fashion to CBD products, there are resources and opportunities available to help you thrive and grow in life. Keep a positive attitude and embrace the unexpected.

      No matter what stage of life you're at or what industry you're in, there's always an opportunity for growth and improvement. Whether it's going back to school with Purdue Global to advance your career, refreshing your wardrobe with inclusive and stylish options from JCPenney, or prioritizing transparency and quality with CBD products from Lazarus Naturals, there are resources and opportunities available to help you thrive. And sometimes, even at an event like the SF Sketchfest, things may not be as they seem, but with a positive attitude and a little creativity, you can still find enjoyment and inspiration. So, embrace the unexpected and keep pushing forward.

    • Brian Johnson's questionable pastDespite his controversial background, Brian Johnson's emphasis on health and fitness resonates with many people.

      The background and early life of Brian Johnson, also known as the Liver King, should be taken with a grain of salt due to his tendency to exaggerate and lie. He has claimed that he was bullied and an entrepreneur from a young age, but the reliability of these claims is uncertain. However, it is clear that he started lifting weights during his adolescence and saw it as a way to transform himself and gain confidence. Whether his experiences were as dramatic as he portrays them or not, it's clear that weightlifting had a significant impact on his life and self-perception. Despite his questionable past, many people are drawn to his message of health and fitness.

    • Brian Johnson's Questionable PastBrian Johnson, despite his questionable past filled with potential lies and unproven claims, found a meaningful impact in life after meeting a holistic dentist who influenced him to become more serious.

      Brian Johnson, as depicted in the photo, appeared to be a fit, normal-looking man from the North Texas suburbs, but his past was filled with questionable claims and potential lies. He grew up in an upper middle class environment and attended Texas Tech, where he earned a degree in biochemistry. He later claimed to have dropped out of medical school during orientation, but this was proven to be untrue. Johnson also stated that he began working for the pharmaceutical industry as a sales rep at age 21 and earned a lucrative salary, possibly selling erectile dysfunction pills and opiates. In 2004, he met Barbara, a holistic dentist, who influenced him to become more serious about his life. Together, they opened a dental practice, with Johnson serving as her business manager. A holistic dentist treats patients' teeth and gums with a whole body approach, considering their overall physical and psychological state. Despite his seemingly aimless past, Johnson's encounter with Barbara seemed to have a significant impact on his life.

    • Holistic Dentistry: Be Cautious of Unproven PracticesHolistic dentistry practices, such as avoiding fluoride toothpaste, unnecessary filling replacements, and unproven detox methods, can lead to unqualified medical advice and unnecessary expenses. Be cautious and seek advice from qualified healthcare providers.

      Holistic dentistry, which is not a recognized professional medical term, can be misleading and potentially harmful. Holistic dentists may advise against using fluoride toothpaste and recommend unnecessary replacement of amalgam fillings, as well as promote unproven detoxification methods and bespoke diets. Some even refuse to perform root canals and recommend costly implants instead. These practices can lead to unqualified medical advice and unnecessary expenses. Brian, a character from the discussion, seems to have been influenced by his wife's interest in alternative medicine and started selling nutritional supplements, including pills made from grass-fed beef organs, as part of his Ancestral Supplements business. However, claims of ancestral or ancient practices as a selling point should be viewed skeptically, as they are often used to market unproven health benefits. It's important to be cautious and seek professional advice from qualified healthcare providers.

    • Ancient practices supported by modern scienceModern studies confirm the health benefits of consuming specific animal organs and glands, aligning with ancient beliefs.

      Radioisotopic labeling studies in animals have shown that consuming specific organs and glands can lead to their selective accumulation in the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This finding supports the ancient practice of consuming animal organs for health benefits. However, it is important to note that not all sources are credible. Dr. Ron Schmidt, a naturopath and raw milk activist, made such claims, but his background and motives should be carefully considered. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the United States, but consuming too much vitamin A from supplements can lead to serious health issues. Despite these considerations, businesses like Ancestral Supplements, which sell organ supplements, have found significant success. It's crucial to approach such information with a critical and informed perspective.

    • Endless fun and excitement with Monopoly Go and Brian's businessMonopoly Go keeps players coming back with new features, tournaments, and rewards. Brian's business thrives on creating fear and desire through marketing tactics, such as promoting extreme lifestyle choices and essential health products.

      Monopoly Go offers an endless amount of fun and excitement with its constant new features, tournaments, and rewards. Millions of players keep coming back for more, making it the most enjoyable mobile game. On the other hand, Brian's business success lies in creating fear and desire through marketing tactics, such as promoting extreme lifestyle choices and the belief that his products are essential for good health. The collaboration with 1 DS Collective led to the creation of the Liver King persona, which spread the message of eating organ meats for health through visually appealing content, even if the actual benefits are not as simple as that. Ultimately, both Monopoly Go and Brian's business demonstrate effective strategies for keeping audiences engaged and captivated.

    • The Liver King's Questionable Health Practices and Potential DeceptionThe Liver King, known for his extreme physique and 'primals' following, faces scrutiny over his unconventional health practices and inconsistencies in his backstory, including taking HGH and insulin, sons' health issues timeline, and the existence of PANDAS.

      The discussion revolves around the questionable health practices and potential deception of a man known as the Liver King. He uses unconventional methods, including taking human growth hormone and insulin, to achieve an extreme physique, which he calls "primals." His fan base is named similarly. However, the conversation also reveals some inconsistencies in his backstory. He claims his sons had health issues that started around 2004, but the ages of his sons don't align with this timeline. Additionally, there's debate over the existence of a condition called PANDAS, which he claims his sons suffered from. The Liver King's methods and potential deception raise concerns about the influence he has on people's health decisions.

    • Parents Claiming Unfounded Illnesses and Dangerous TreatmentsSome parents claim unproven illnesses for their children and use extreme treatments, but it's crucial to rely on scientific evidence and professional advice

      There are parents who claim their children have various illnesses, such as anorexia, autism, and ADHD, for which there is no scientific basis. Some of these parents resort to extreme and potentially harmful treatments, like immunosuppressants and donkey milk. One father, Brian Johnson, claims his son's health issues and subsequent diet change led him to promote a controversial nutrition lifestyle. However, the validity of Brian's claims is questionable, and his transformation into a fitness icon involves the use of steroids and hormones, which are not illegal but require extensive testing and a significant financial investment. Overall, it's important to approach such claims with skepticism and to rely on scientific evidence and professional medical advice.

    • Liver King's Controversial Health RoutineThe pursuit of health and wellness can lead individuals to unconventional methods, some of which may not be scientifically proven or ethical.

      The man known as Liver King gained notoriety on social media for promoting an unconventional lifestyle, which included consuming large quantities of raw organs and using performance-enhancing drugs. He justified his consumption of raw organs by arguing that they were essential for testicular health. His social media presence started with workout videos and ancestral living tips but gained traction when he began sharing his unusual meals. Despite the controversy surrounding his methods, he believed that his lifestyle was the key to good health and wellness. The cost of his steroid regimen was revealed to be $15,000 a month, and his use of HGH was reported to be $11,000 a month. This case serves as a reminder that there are various ways people pursue health and wellness, and not all methods are scientifically proven or ethical. It's essential to be informed and make informed decisions based on credible sources.

    • The Liver King's Controversial Diet and Viral FollowingThe Liver King gained a massive following by promoting an unconventional diet of raw organs and extreme workouts, going against mainstream health guidelines and posing potential health risks.

      The Liver King's unconventional diet and controversial content gained him a massive following due to his obsession with consuming raw organs, particularly livers and testicles. His videos featuring extreme workouts and raw meat consumption went viral on various social media platforms, leading him to amass over 7 million followers in less than a year. Some argue that his following grew due to his shock value, while others believe in the health benefits he claims from consuming these organs. However, it's important to note that his advice goes against mainstream health guidelines and may pose health risks. Despite the controversy, the Liver King's success story highlights the power of unique content and the influence of social media on modern culture.

    • The Liver King's Deception ExposedThe Liver King, a health influencer, was found to have misrepresented his diet, lifestyle, and persona, including denials of using performance-enhancing drugs and getting ab implants. Be cautious of influencers and their claims, especially those involving extreme or controversial practices.

      The Liver King, a popular health influencer, was found to have misrepresented his diet and lifestyle, with leaked emails revealing that he did not consume the extreme amounts of raw organs as he claimed. His persona, which included a fascist-inspired appearance and controversial health advice, was also found to be a fabrication. The Liver King's denial of using performance-enhancing drugs and getting ab implants were similarly revealed to be part of his distraction tactics. The first major public call-out came from Joe Rogan, who is often criticized for his health advice but in this case, was correct in questioning the Liver King's authenticity. This incident serves as a reminder to be cautious of influencers and their claims, especially when they involve extreme or controversial practices.

    • The Liver King's Controversial Business ModelThe Liver King's business thrives on attention, whether positive or negative, and his methods, including potential steroid use and hunting stunts, have generated a large following and controversy.

      The Liver King, despite his questionable methods and potential steroid use, has a successful business built on generating attention and controversy. He's known for his stunts, including traveling to exotic locations and posting hunting videos, even if they're not authentic hunts. The Liver King's business model relies on getting as many people as possible looking at his brand, and he seems unbothered by negative attention. The speaker trusts Joe Rogan's expertise in identifying steroid use and commends him for calling out the Liver King. The speaker also criticizes the Liver King for his hunting methods, which involve guides and hunting on his own land, and raises concerns about cultural appropriation in his videos. Overall, the Liver King's tactics may be controversial, but they've proven effective in building a large following and generating buzz for his business.

    • Liver King's Controversial Marketing TacticsLiver King's marketing tactics, involving staged hunts and perpetuating stereotypes, raised ethical concerns and led to significant growth for his supplement business.

      The content creator, Liver King, gained popularity by sharing videos of himself participating in hunts with indigenous communities in Africa and South America, eating organ meat, and portraying these tribes as primitive and in need. However, it was revealed that these tribes have access to modern conveniences like water bottles and smartphones, and the experiences were likely arranged as tourist attractions. Despite this, Liver King's supplement business saw significant growth through his PR stunts. This raises ethical concerns about exploitation and the perpetuation of stereotypes. It's important to critically evaluate the authenticity of content and consider the potential impact on the communities involved.

    • Bodybuilding Influencer Exposed for Using SteroidsAuthenticity and transparency are crucial in influencer culture, and promoting unrealistic body standards can negatively impact followers' mental health and self-image.

      The bodybuilding influencer, Liver King, was exposed for using steroids in December 2022, leading to public ridicule and a confession from the influencer. The influencer, who had previously denied using performance-enhancing drugs, claimed that he was trying to spread awareness about suicide and mental health issues, but his actions may have contributed to body dysmorphia and potential suicidal ideation among his followers. This incident highlights the importance of authenticity and transparency in influencer culture and the potential consequences of promoting unrealistic body standards. The incident also sheds light on the complex relationship between mental health, body image, and performance-enhancing drugs.

    • Pressure on young men to conform to unrealistic body standardsThe entertainment industry's promotion of extreme diets and body transformation fuels body dysmorphic disorder and high suicide rates among men, highlighting the need for societal recognition and intervention.

      The pressure on young men to conform to unrealistic body standards, fueled in part by the use of performance-enhancing drugs and extreme dieting in Hollywood, contributes to both the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and the high suicide rates among men in the United States. The case of the Liver King, who built a business around promoting extreme diets and body transformation, illustrates the dangerous consequences of promoting unhealthy and unsustainable practices. The normalization of such behaviors in entertainment and media can have a profound impact on vulnerable individuals, leading to mental and physical health issues. It's crucial for society to recognize and address the root causes of these problems, rather than just focusing on symptoms or individual cases.

    • Discovering joy through connections and simple pleasuresExploring various sources of connection, like music, games, and shared experiences, can bring happiness and excitement to our lives. Unexpected joys, such as Monopoly Go and cherished memories, can also enrich our experiences.

      The power of connection can come from various sources, such as music, games, and even shared experiences with loved ones. During a lively discussion, the hosts touched on the beauty of sex, the fun of hunting, and the appeal of music. They also highlighted the excitement of Monopoly Go, a mobile game that keeps players engaged with new challenges and rewards. Additionally, they shared personal stories about the impact of gifts and the importance of cherishing memories. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of enjoying life's simple pleasures and finding joy in unexpected places.

    • A playful exchange between friends on various topicsCave and Bud engaged in a light-hearted and irreverent conversation about knife fights, accents, Blue Apron, ethics, and health.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including a knife fight, accents, Blue Apron, and health advice. Cave and Bud engaged in a playful knife fight using unconventional weapons, with Cave adopting a Boston accent in response to a question. They also touched upon the ethics of hunting and the potential existence of other Epstein Islands. The conversation also included a brief mention of Atlanta's ongoing protests and a crude discussion about Liver King's health. Despite the diverse range of topics, the underlying theme seemed to be a light-hearted and irreverent exchange between friends.

    • Sharing connections and light moments with Lance Armstrong from PlanoAppreciate the importance of transparency in CBD production, prioritize self-care, and acknowledge the support of the audience. Lance Armstrong and the speaker share a hometown connection, and they discussed the unique aspects of their job. CVS Health was also recognized for their healthcare initiatives.

      The speaker, during a live show, made light of his past experiences and shared his connection with Lance Armstrong, a famous figure from their shared hometown of Plano. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of their audience and thanked them for their continued support. Additionally, they discussed the unusual aspects of their job, which involves examining the lives of problematic figures. The speaker also mentioned the importance of transparency in CBD production and encouraged listeners to prioritize self-care through simple pleasures like Keebler Sandies cookies. CVS Health was also highlighted for their various initiatives to provide quality healthcare services.

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    Make sure to follow her on Instagram!! In her bio, there is a link to all of her other social media accounts!


    At the end of this episode, I mentioned the DTFMB Facebook Community! Dedicated to Feeling My Best is our new Members Only Facebook Group packed with workouts, nutrition advice, downloadable PDF’s, videos and a whole bunch of women on the same path to looking and feeling their best. If you are the type of person who could benefit from DAILY support and motivation, you’ve got to join us!! Click the link below to register, can’t wait to see you in there!



    Connect with me on IG if you haven't already!


    Can’t wait to meet you in the DTFMB Facebook Group!!

    Catch you on the next episode!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

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    Make sure to check out Amber on Breaking up with Yo-Yo Dieting Podcast as well as on Instagram at @breakingupwithyoyodieting

    If you loved this show, let us know!! Tag us in your IG stories so that we can give you a shoutout!

    At the end of the episode I chatted a bit about my obsession with BLISSFUL DAYZ CBD Gummy Bears! If you’d like a holistic approach to calming anxiety, stress or helping you sleep better at night, give these dummies a try! Blissful was gracious enough to give us a coupon code, so save a few bucks using “HEALTHY15” at checkout!


    If you’d like to give them a try, head to BLISSFULDAYZ.COM

    HEALTHY15 is the code that will save you a few bucks every single time that you place an order!

    Don’t forget to tag me on IG when you get them, you’re going to see why I’m so obsessed with these cute little magical gummy bears 😂 @a_healthy_attitude


    Until next time!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

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    It’s so inspiring to see so many people stepping up, following their dreams and helping people get into healthier routines and habits. Have you ever considered being a health or fitness coach?? The online World is FULL of people who are looking for your guidance. If you are serious about wanting to make a difference in peoples lives, I would LOVE to help you start a little side hustle. There is no shortage of people who need guidance and someone to believe in them, health coaching is such a rewarding business.

    If you’re looking for some guidance starting your own business, lets chat!! Schedule a Power Hour Call so we can jump on the phone, chat about your ideas and put together a plan of action so that you can launch your own online business and help impact peoples lives!

To schedule a Power Hour Call, visit www.BeautifullyBuilt.Life

    Look forward to helping you make your dreams a reality!

    Catch ya on the next episode, but in the mean time lets connect on IG!


    Until next time!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

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    If you loved this episode as much as I did, don’t forget to screenshot, share, and tag me on your Instagram story!


    Until next time!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

    084: Hanging out with Ms. @tocourtneymarie

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    If you loved this convo, let us know!! Screenshot the episode and tag us on Instagram story!!

    Follow Courtney at @tocourtneymarie

    Follow Melissa at @a_healthy_attitude

    Courtney also has a Facebook Group that you are more than welcome to join, find it on Facebook at:

    Healthy Habits, Healthy Lifestyle Facebook Group

    If you are ALWAYS on your phone and computer like I am, you have to to try out BLUE-BLOCKING Glasses. Courtney and I both have the cutest pair from Klassy Network.


    Check out their Website! Beautifully Built is partnered with them because I love them and totally recommend them!


    Until next time!!


    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️


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