
    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable alternatives for essential services and shoppingMint Mobile offers $15/month wireless plans and Kroger saves with rewards and Boost membership

      There are affordable alternatives to expensive phone plans and shopping experiences. Mint Mobile offers wireless plans for $15 a month with unlimited talk, text, and data. Kroger provides savings and rewards on top of their already low prices, and with a Boost membership, customers can enjoy double fuel points and free delivery. These examples demonstrate how individuals can save money without compromising on essential services or shopping experiences. Additionally, the podcast Distractable explores the concept of masks we wear in society, highlighting the adaptability and versatility of human nature.

    • Adjusted Weekend Keto Diet: Balancing Protein and IndulgenceThe speaker follows a high protein, low carb diet on weekends, allowing for fruit consumption and focusing on protein intake, experiencing significant strength gains but eagerly anticipating a return to a more balanced diet and wider food variety, also practices intermittent fasting for freedom and strength gains.

      The speaker follows a high protein, low carb diet, which he refers to as "adjusted weekend keto," where he allows himself to consume fruits and focuses on eating as much protein as possible. He has seen significant gains in strength from this diet but is eagerly anticipating the end of it and plans to indulge in foods he's been craving, such as donuts and pasta. He acknowledges the results he's achieved but expresses his desire to return to a more balanced approach to eating and enjoying a wider variety of foods. The speaker also mentions his use of intermittent fasting, where he eats whatever he wants during certain windows of time and fasts in between. He finds the diet challenging but admits to enjoying the strength gains. He compares his current experience to a restrictive, low-calorie diet and appreciates the freedom to eat until he's full.

    • The impact of diet restrictions on meal enjoymentMaintaining a healthy diet doesn't have to mean feeling restricted or unsatisfied. Find ways to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable.

      The joy of eating can be affected by limiting certain food groups, such as carbs, and focusing on protein intake. This can lead to feeling restricted and unsatisfied with meals, even if one isn't strictly avoiding certain foods. It's important to find ways to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable, rather than feeling like a chore or a burden. Additionally, there's a discussion about the importance of canceling unwanted subscriptions and finding ways to save money through apps like Rocket Money. The conversation also touches on the idea of wearing different masks in different situations, but the importance of being authentic and true to oneself.

    • Navigating Social Situations with MasksMasks are tools we use to adapt to different social situations, reflecting various aspects of our personality, and embracing the flexibility to switch between them can lead to a more authentic life.

      Everyone, regardless of neurotype, wears different masks in different social situations. These masks can serve various purposes, from comfort to social pressure. For individuals with autism, masks are a crucial tool for navigating the neurotypical world. However, for others, masks can be a more nuanced concept, with different versions of ourselves emerging in different social circles. It's essential to recognize that these masks do not necessarily equate to dishonesty or hiding one's true self. Instead, they represent different aspects of our personality that we choose to display depending on the situation and the people around us. Ultimately, the purest version of ourselves may be a combination of these different masks, and embracing the flexibility to switch between them can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Using masks to connect in social situationsNeurodivergent individuals and others may wear masks to make social interactions easier and more engaging, taking various forms from the fool to an antagonistic character, with both exhaustion and energizing experiences possible.

      People, including neurodivergent individuals, may adopt performative masks in social situations to make others feel more comfortable or to stimulate conversation. For some, like entertainers, performing is a regular part of their lives, making mask-wearing a more frequent occurrence. These masks can take various forms, from being the fool to an antagonistic character. While it can be exhausting to wear masks, for others, it can be an energizing experience, especially when discussing topics they are passionate about. Ultimately, masks serve as a tool to connect with others and create engaging social experiences.

    • The Complexity of IdentityWe present different versions of ourselves based on social contexts, have self-perceptions that may not align with reality, and struggle with self-deception and delusion. Our sense of self is complex and context-dependent.

      Our identities and personalities are complex and adaptable, and we may present different versions of ourselves in various contexts and to different people. This is not necessarily a conscious choice or a mask, but rather a response to the expectations and standards of our social environments. We also have self-perceptions that may not align with objective reality, and we may struggle with self-deception and delusion. Ultimately, our sense of self is nebulous and context-dependent, and it's important to remember that everyone experiences these complexities to some degree. While it can be disconcerting to consider that we may not have a single, unchanging "real self," it's also a reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in our relationships with others. We are all works in progress, constantly adapting and evolving in response to the world around us.

    • The masks we wear in intimate relationships vs. public settingsWe all wear masks in social situations, but the most authentic version is often with our significant other. However, even in these relationships, we may still hide certain thoughts or behaviors due to external pressures.

      We all wear masks in different social situations, but the mask we wear with our significant other is often the most authentic version of ourselves. However, even in these intimate relationships, we may still hold back certain thoughts or behaviors due to the presence of others, such as family or friends. In public settings like work or interviews, we may wear more pronounced masks to fit social expectations. The discussion also touched upon the idea that extroverts and introverts may have different experiences with wearing masks in social situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of identity and the various masks we don put in different contexts.

    • Performing a persona for large audiencesCreating a persona or mask during interactions with large audiences can be mentally and emotionally draining, but is necessary for successful engagement and authenticity.

      Creating a persona or mask during interactions with large audiences, such as at conventions or online streams, can be an exhausting experience. With limited time allotted for each interaction, creators feel pressure to put on a show and convey authenticity, even when feeling tired or drained. This social circumstance, which may come naturally to some, can be challenging for those new to it, requiring the creation of rules and expectations to navigate the situation successfully. Ultimately, the mask is a way to present oneself in a manner that aligns with societal norms and personal goals, but the constant application and upkeep can lead to mental and emotional fatigue.

    • The Mask of Authenticity: Wearing a Character for FansCreators wear a mask or character for fans, which can become a significant part of their identity, but constant performance can lead to exhaustion. Finding time for personal reflection is crucial.

      For content creators like Bob, maintaining a public persona can be a challenging and exhausting experience. While they may strive to be authentic and entertaining in their content, they often wear a mask or character that is different from their true selves to meet the expectations of their fans. This character can become so ingrained in their identity that it becomes a significant part of who they are, especially during the early stages of their career when they are seeking self-improvement. However, the constant need to perform and entertain can lead to feelings of insincerity and exhaustion, making it essential for them to find time for personal reflection and rejuvenation. Ultimately, the mask or character is not insincere, but rather an extension of themselves that allows them to connect with their fans and provide the desired entertainment.

    • The importance of authenticity despite wearing masks in different aspects of lifeUnderstand the fluidity of identity and embrace authenticity to connect with others and be true to oneself.

      People, including the speaker, can wear masks in different aspects of their lives to present themselves differently based on context or to aspire to be a better version of themselves. However, the speaker learned that it's essential to be authentic and embrace one's true self, even if it's a work in progress. The speaker also mentioned the human instinct of mirroring behaviors to connect with others, which can be a form of masking but is also a natural part of social interaction. Overall, understanding and accepting the fluidity of identity and the importance of authenticity are key lessons from the speaker's experience.

    • Mirroring builds rapport through unconscious mimickingMirroring can create connection but overdoing it may come off as insincere or annoying. Be authentic while respectful and open to feedback.

      Mirroring, or unconsciously mimicking the body language, tone, and behaviors of others, is a common and often automatic social tactic used to put people at ease and build rapport. Some people, including those with ADHD, may do this more frequently. While it can feel insincere to the person doing it, others appreciate the sense of connection and shared experience it creates. However, there are limits, and adopting overly clueless or overly deferential behaviors can come off as insincere or even annoying. It's important to be aware of these tendencies and strive for authenticity while still being respectful and considerate of others. Additionally, everyone has quirks and behaviors that others may find strange or off-putting, and it's essential to be open to constructive feedback and self-awareness.

    • Appreciating good work in challenging rolesAuthentic acknowledgment of good work can create positive interactions and improve overall experiences in challenging customer service roles

      Acknowledging and appreciating good work, especially in challenging customer service roles, can make a significant difference. The speaker shares his experience of feeling the urge to compliment employees who do a great job, despite the societal norm of such settings being difficult and often receiving criticism. He mentions the concept of "masking," where people put on a facade of laughter or approval in obligatory situations. The speaker reflects on how he has become more conscious of this phenomenon and aims to be authentic in his interactions. Ultimately, the importance of acknowledging good work and creating positive interactions is a valuable lesson.

    • Understanding Masking for Neurodivergent IndividualsMasking, or presenting a certain persona to the world, can be a complex experience for neurodivergent individuals, with some finding success and others feeling overwhelmed. It's important to remember that masks don't define us entirely and underlying values can connect them.

      Masking, or the act of presenting a certain persona to the world, can be a complex and nuanced experience for many individuals, particularly those on the neurodivergent spectrum. While some people may find success in masking and feel it holds up well over time, others may struggle and feel the pressure to maintain a mask at all times can be overwhelming. Masking is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and it can evolve and change over time, much like makeup or a skill that is honed with practice. Ultimately, the masks we wear should not define us entirely, and it's important to remember that everyone is struggling in their own way. The underlying values and desires to be inclusive and uplifting can connect the various masks we present to the world, even if they feel wildly different to us.

    • Exploring the complexities of human identity and masksPeople present different versions of themselves in various contexts, and it's important to appreciate the nuances of human behavior and remember that everyone wears masks to some extent.

      People can present different versions of themselves in various contexts, making it challenging to determine who the "real" person is. During a podcast discussion, the participants explored the concept of masks and the complexities of identity. They joked about winning and losing, but the conversation delved deeper into the idea of people's true selves and the potential harm of revealing them. Ultimately, they encouraged listeners to appreciate the nuances of human behavior and to remember that everyone wears masks, to some extent. The podcast ended with a reminder to follow the participants and check out their merchandise, leaving listeners with a thought-provoking conversation that challenged assumptions about identity.

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    (1) Values tool: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_85.htm 

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    Hola Comadres!

    Happy Sweet 16 Comadreando… Welcome to the 16th episode of Season 1!

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    Join your comadre Marcy and special guest Dr. LaQuista Erinna the owner of T.H.R.I.V.E. Behavioral Health & Consulting, LLC and Well + Fit Living, as they discuss LaQuista’s journey as she became an Autism Parent . Marcy and LaQuista share experiences in diagnosis, early intervention, and navigating the educational landscape. LaQuista also talks about the importance of self-care, and self-love in maintaining a balance in your life.

    Marcy is recording with Riverside FM and if you'd like to watch instead of listen, head on over to YouTube and check out the video version of the podcast.

    If you have any suggestions, opinions, questions, or comments about this or any episode, please send us a Comadre-Gram at comadreando@escthenetwork.com or DM me via IG. Let’s have a conversation.  Please follow Dr. LaQuista @laquistaerinna, and @wellandfitliving.

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    You can contribute via $comadreandopod on CashApp and @comadreandopod on Venmo. Merchandise coming soon in 2022, be on the lookout. 


    Dr. LaQuista’s website: https://wellfitliving.com/

    Dr. LaQuista’s IG pages: 




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