
    The Media Refused to Cover This, So We Will (Ep 1404)

    enDecember 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Nevada's voter registration issues and hypocritical public officialsDuring the 2020 election, Nevada saw a surge in incomplete voter registration files, raising concerns about potential fraud. Public officials who issue pandemic rules aren't following them, emphasizing the need for accountability.

      During the 2020 presidential election in Nevada, there were a significant number of incomplete voter registration files, which spiked from 68 in 2016 to 13,372. This raises concerns about potential voter fraud. Additionally, public officials who issue edicts about following rules during the coronavirus pandemic are hypocritically not following those same rules themselves. This inconsistency highlights the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions. The Dan Bongino Show discussed these issues, along with personal stories and sponsor messages from Express VPN and Brickhouse Nutrition.

    • Hypocrisy in actions of those in powerActions should align with words for trust and credibility. Hypocrisy can lead to mistrust and undermine authority.

      Hypocrisy exists at all levels of society, including those in positions of authority. The example given is of an LA County supervisor, Sheila Kool, who voted to ban indoor dining due to the risk of coronavirus but was later seen dining indoors herself. This raises questions about her sincerity and belief in her own rules. Another example given is of a liberal arguing for higher taxes but not voluntarily donating more money to the government. These instances illustrate the importance of consistency between words and actions, and the potential consequences of hypocrisy. It's a reminder that people's actions speak louder than their words, and that trust and credibility are built through consistency.

    • Politicians Criticized for Hypocrisy in RulesSome politicians face backlash for not following their own rules in areas like healthcare, education, and dining, raising questions about their authenticity and commitment to the causes they advocate for.

      Some liberal politicians and figures are criticized for not adhering to the rules and regulations they impose on others, particularly in areas like healthcare, education, and dining. They are accused of being hypocrites and phonies for advocating against school choice for others while sending their children to elite private schools, supporting higher taxes for others while avoiding them themselves, and imposing strict regulations on businesses while not following them. The speaker also mentions specific instances of politicians not wearing masks in public despite their public statements and regulations. The overall message is that these figures are not living up to their own rules and are being called out for their hypocrisy.

    • Misuse of power and excessive regulations during pandemicPower corrupts, unnecessary regulations harm businesses and customers, wasting resources and impacting the community

      The misuse of power and excessive regulations, even during the coronavirus pandemic, can lead to unnecessary hardships for businesses and their customers. The story of a bar being fined for not serving enough food with drinks, despite struggling with food waste due to reduced portions, highlights this issue. This situation echoes the sentiment of Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The actions of the state liquor authority can be seen as a waste of resources, reminiscent of the young police officer's experience in enforcing unnecessary beer stings in a low-crime precinct. The consequences of such actions ripple through the community, impacting the bar's revenue, its customers, and ultimately, the taxpayers. The story serves as a reminder that power should be used responsibly and with consideration for the greater good.

    • Limiting Government Power and Supporting CharitiesIndividuals should limit government power to prevent harassment and potential misuse. Support charities like Folds of Honor for military families. Switch to Christian conservative wireless provider, Patriot Mobile, for affordability and charitable causes. Ensure fair and honest elections with voter ID and integrity.

      Individuals should limit the power given to the government, as it can lead to unnecessary harassment and potential misuse of power. The speaker also emphasized the importance of supporting charities, like Folds of Honor, which provide scholarships for families of fallen military heroes. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the ease and affordability of switching to a Christian conservative wireless provider, Patriot Mobile, which supports charitable causes. The discussion also touched upon the importance of ensuring fair and honest elections, and the need for voter ID and integrity.

    • Two-part voter fraud plan: Absentee ballot fraud and disrupted verification processesIllegal schemes include registering false names for ballots, having a middleman deliver them, and disrupting signature verification to increase chances of fraudulent votes going unnoticed

      According to the discussion, a two-part voter fraud plan was suggested. The first part involves absentee or mail-in ballot fraud, where one could register false names and addresses, request ballots, and have a middleman deliver them to avoid detection. The second part is to disrupt verification processes, particularly signature verification, to increase the chances of fraudulent ballots going unnoticed. This plan aims to minimize the chances of detection and maximize the number of fraudulent votes. It's important to note that such actions are illegal and undermine the integrity of the electoral process.

    • Two voters testified to receiving unwanted mail-in ballots in Arizona, raising concerns over potential voter fraud in Maricopa County.Over 1.9 million mail-in votes in Maricopa County lacked signature verification, increasing the risk of voter fraud.

      During a hearing in Arizona yesterday, two voters testified that they did not request absentee ballots but received them in their names. This raises concerns about potential voter fraud in the mail-in ballots, especially since there were 1.9 million mail-in votes in Maricopa County, a significant increase from the 542,000 votes Obama received in the same county in 2008. Rudy Giuliani questioned officials about the signature verification process for these ballots, and it was revealed that none of the mail-in votes in Maricopa County were validated by signature. This means that over 1.9 million votes could not be definitively determined as legal or illegal. The lack of signature verification and the separation of ballots from envelopes makes it impossible to validate the authenticity of these votes now. This situation highlights the potential for widespread voter fraud in the mail-in ballots, which was a risk when such a large number of ballots were mailed out without proper verification procedures in place.

    • Election chaos and potential fraud due to lack of voter ID and signature verificationThe absence of voter ID and signature verification in some elections can lead to chaos, incomplete voter files, and potential for fraud. Investigating and addressing these issues is crucial for securing the electoral process.

      The lack of voter ID and signature verification in certain elections has led to a significant increase in incomplete voter files and potential for fraud. The speaker argues that had these measures been in place, chaos and allegations of election manipulation could have been avoided. They point to examples in Arizona and Nevada, where historically strange spikes in incomplete voter files occurred during the 2020 presidential election. The mainstream media, according to the speaker, is turning a blind eye to these issues and dismissing concerns about election integrity as disinformation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investigating these matters and implementing measures to secure the electoral process.

    • Media's COVID-19 coverage: Fear-mongering or facts?Media's excessive focus on political narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unnecessary anxiety and confusion, with many important facts overlooked, such as the low percentage of positive cases despite high testing numbers.

      The media's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a source of controversy and confusion, with a disproportionate focus on political narratives rather than accurate medical information. Holman Jenkins' piece in the Wall Street Journal highlights this issue, pointing out that despite a large number of COVID tests conducted, only a small percentage have resulted in positive cases. This could be due to the fact that many people with mild symptoms or those who are asymptomatic are not getting tested. Jenkins argues that the media's hysterical coverage of the pandemic has created unnecessary anxiety and has been used as a political weapon against certain individuals, including the president. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of using services like Stamps.com to avoid long lines at the post office during the holiday season, saving both time and money. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of seeking out reliable sources of information and making informed decisions based on facts rather than fear-mongering or political agendas.

    • Media focus on confirmed cases may underestimate true extent of COVID-19The media's focus on confirmed COVID-19 cases may not accurately represent the virus's true spread, as a significant number of people with the virus are asymptomatic and therefore not getting tested, potentially leading to less drastic societal measures.

      The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases may not accurately represent the true extent of the virus's spread. According to the speaker, a large number of people who have the virus are asymptomatic and therefore not getting tested. He also suggests that the media's focus on confirmed cases has led to an exaggerated perception of the virus's lethality. If a large portion of the population, perhaps five to ten times more than the confirmed cases, has COVID-19, then the virus would not be as lethal as previously believed. The speaker expresses concern over the media's handling of the pandemic and the resulting societal consequences, such as school closures and economic hardships. He argues that a more accurate understanding of the virus's infectiousness and lethality could have led to less drastic measures.

    • Facebook's fact-checking system under fire for perceived biasFacebook's fact-checking system is criticized for bias, potentially increasing support for controversial content, while Helix Sleep offers a personalized solution for optimal rest through their sleep quiz and commitment to customer satisfaction.

      Facebook's fact-checking system is facing backlash due to its perceived bias against conservative voices. The process, which is often criticized for being more of an opinion-based challenge rather than a fact-check, can result in a page being hidden from users if too many "strikes" are accumulated. A recent Wall Street Journal article revealed that this approach may even increase support for the controversial content, rather than deter it. The discussion also touched on the importance of getting a good night's sleep, with Helix Sleep being highlighted as a personalized solution for achieving optimal rest. Their two-minute sleep quiz matches users to a customized mattress based on body type and sleep preferences, ensuring a comfortable and effective night's sleep. Helix's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, as evidenced by their numerous awards and discounts for specific groups, further emphasizes their dedication to providing the best sleep experience possible.

    • Fact checkers can be politically motivatedFact checkers must ensure factual accuracy and be transparent to maintain credibility, while being cautious of political motivations and scams on social media

      Fact checkers are not always impartial and can be politically motivated. This was highlighted in a recent incident where conservative commentator Candace Owens successfully challenged a false fact check by PolitiFact on her statement that Joe Biden was not the president-elect. The fact check was retracted after legal action was taken. This incident underscores the importance of factual accuracy and the need for transparency and accountability from fact-checking organizations. Additionally, it's important to be cautious of scams and fake accounts on social media platforms, as there are no prizes given away on Dan Bongino's Facebook page.

    • Being intelligent and wealthy doesn't protect against deceitIntelligent and wealthy individuals can still fall for scams and false narratives. Stay critical and cautious.

      Intelligence and wealth do not make one immune to falling for deceit and manipulation. The speaker shares a story from his experience as a federal investigator, where many educated and wealthy individuals were taken in by a Nigerian money laundering scam. He uses this anecdote to caution against being too trusting, especially when it comes to political ideologies and information sources. The speaker argues that liberals can be particularly susceptible to being taken in by false narratives and principles that contradict their actions, using examples such as private schools, taxes, and healthcare. He encourages critical thinking and caution against being a "sucker" for unproven claims or ideas.

    • Neera Tandon's Past Association with Steele Dossier Sparks ControversyNeera Tandon's potential appointment to Joe Biden's administration faces criticism due to her past involvement in promoting the Steele dossier during the 2016 election, with some arguing it makes her unsuitable for a role of authority.

      The ongoing political discourse has brought up the issue of past associations and questionable actions of potential appointees. The discussion specifically mentioned Neera Tandon, who is being considered for a position in Joe Biden's administration, despite her involvement in promoting the Steele dossier during the 2016 election. This association, according to the speaker, makes her unsuitable for a role of authority due to her past actions or perceived stupidity. The speaker also warned of potential consequences for any Republican senator who votes for her. On a lighter note, the show also encouraged support for Folds of Honor, a charity that provides educational scholarships to military families. The speaker expressed gratitude to Patriot Mobile for matching their donation to the charity during the giving season.

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