
    The Media Revolution Is Happening (Ep 2008)

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden family's international crime organization allegations ignored by mediaMedia downplays Biden family's alleged international crime organization, while DOJ handling of cases raises concerns

      According to Dan Vongino's show, there are serious allegations against the Biden family for running an international crime organization, specifically an influence peddling operation. These allegations have been laid out by the Republican portion of the oversight committee. However, the media's response to these allegations has been to downplay or change the narrative multiple times. Meanwhile, the standard for investigating political figures seems to be vastly different depending on who is in power. Additionally, Dan Vongino expressed concern over the Department of Justice's handling of cases, specifically the timing of George Santos' arrest during a press conference about Joe Biden. The show also promoted ExpressVPN as a trusted VPN service that prioritizes user privacy and speed.

    • Media's role in covering up Biden family crimes perceived as communistPerception that media's communist ties lead to cover-ups of Biden family's criminal activities, raising concerns over legitimacy of their business dealings

      There is a perceived connection between communist ideologies and the cover-up of crime, particularly when it comes to the media and the Biden family. According to the speaker, media personnel are labeled as "commies" due to their alleged involvement in covering up criminal activities that benefit their ideological agenda. The Biden family's financial dealings with foreign entities through various shell companies and LLCs during Joe Biden's tenure as vice president are a major concern. The speaker argues that these transactions are not legitimate business activities but rather attempts to conceal money and serve an unknown purpose. The media's lack of interest in investigating these matters further is attributed to their communist allegiances. The only solution, according to the speaker, is a massive house cleaning of the government, starting with the firing of numerous individuals in key positions.

    • Call for action against Biden administration and DOJ/FBIThe speaker urges for a thorough cleansing of the DOJ and FBI, removal of those suspected of disloyalty to the Constitution, and state AGs to press charges against Biden family if necessary.

      There is a call for action against the Biden administration and their alleged involvement in crimes, with a particular focus on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI. The speaker believes that these institutions need to be thoroughly cleaned out and anyone suspected of not having an allegiance to the Constitution should be removed. Additionally, there is a suggestion for state attorneys general to press charges against members of the Biden family if they have committed crimes in their respective states. The tone is one of urgency and a belief that political retribution is necessary to stop the perceived corruption. The speaker also criticizes the current administration and officials like Merrick Garland, Al Mayorkas, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their actions and characterizes them as corrupt.

    • Political bias in blue states' legal systemsBe cautious in blue states with old allegations and uncertain legal systems, as biased judgments and lack of evidence pose risks for individuals, especially public figures.

      The political climate in certain blue states has reached a point where the legal system appears to be biased and unreliable, making it a risky place for individuals, especially public figures, to be held liable for old allegations with little evidence or due process. The recent case against Donald Trump for sexual battery and defamation is a prime example of this disturbing trend. The accuser's conflicting statements and lack of clear evidence, coupled with the seemingly politically motivated judgment, highlight the need for caution and consideration when dealing with such matters in these states. It's essential to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions, such as minimizing travel to these areas if possible. The situation underscores the importance of upholding fair and impartial legal processes to maintain trust and confidence in the system.

    • Political Landscape and Personal ProtectionsStay informed on political developments, protect civil liberties, consider inflation and gold for savings, and be aware of media bias.

      The discussion revolved around the controversial allegations against former President Trump and the current political climate. The speakers expressed their opinions on various topics, including the credibility of accusations, the importance of civil liberties, and the potential impact of inflation and gold on savings. The tone was playful yet serious, with moments of humor and concern. The speakers also touched upon the media's role in shaping public opinion and the importance of staying informed. Overall, they emphasized the importance of being aware of the political landscape and taking action to protect oneself and one's assets.

    • Media's handling of political figures and trust issuesRepeated media attempts to disqualify Trump have fueled voter counter reactions, while deeper issues like a non-accountable bureaucracy and potential solution of Schedule F remain unaddressed.

      The media's handling of political figures like Donald Trump has led to a lack of trust and belief in their reporting, particularly when it comes to legal matters. The repeated attempts to disqualify Trump from holding office again have only fueled a counter reaction from voters. The real issue, as some argue, is the deep-rooted problem of a non-accountable bureaucracy, exemplified by the CIA, which has significant influence in shaping elections. A potential solution suggested is the implementation of Schedule F, which would make more federal employees fireable, allowing for a mass removal of those who have disregarded the Constitution. The media's response to these issues has been met with frustration and accusations of bias, further widening the divide.

    • Flooding the Zone: A Successful Strategy for Overcoming OppositionFormer President Trump's first 100 days strategy, new conservative school board's approach, and Tucker Carlson's move to Twitter demonstrate the effectiveness of flooding the zone to overcome opposition in various contexts. Proper nutrition, such as Brickhouse Nutrition's products, is essential for good health.

      Advancing on multiple fronts at the same time, also known as flooding the zone, is an effective tactic for overcoming opposition. This was a successful strategy used by former President Trump during his first 100 days in office, and it can be applied at both the local and federal levels. The new conservative school board in Colorado is utilizing this approach, and it's a strategy that can be effective in various contexts, including political and business situations. Another key takeaway is the importance of proper nutrition for maintaining good health. Real food, such as the products offered by Brickhouse Nutrition, provides essential nutrients that are crucial for optimal health. Proper nutrition is a fundamental aspect of health and wellness, and it's a message that has been emphasized by medical professionals for decades. Lastly, the ongoing shift towards alternative free speech platforms, such as Rumble and Twitter, is an exciting development. Tucker Carlson's decision to broadcast his show on Twitter is a significant move that could have far-reaching implications for the future of media and free speech. These platforms offer a valuable alternative to traditional media outlets, and they provide a space for diverse perspectives and open dialogue.

    • New media revolution on parallel economy platformsTucker Carlson may join Rumble, offering free speech and new revenue paths, adding to the excitement for content creators and consumers, with parallel economy platforms like Rumble, Twitter, and YouTube becoming significant players in the media industry

      The media landscape is evolving, with video content finding a home on parallel economy platforms like Rumble, where free speech is prioritized and revenue paths are being developed. Tucker Carlson, a well-known media figure, is reportedly considering joining this new media revolution, potentially moving away from traditional networks due to non-compete clauses. This shift towards alternative media platforms offers an exciting opportunity for content creators and consumers alike, providing a counterbalance to the established media outlets. This new media revolution is not a replacement of old media, but rather an addition, with platforms like Rumble, Twitter, and YouTube emerging as significant players in the industry.

    • Tucker Carlson's Legal Battle with Fox NewsFox News and Tucker Carlson are engaged in a legal battle over breach of contract and fraud allegations. Carlson claims Fox executives made false promises, while Fox alleges Carlson breached his contract.

      Tucker Carlson's legal battle with Fox News is heating up, with both parties accusing each other of breach of contract and fraud. Carlson claims Fox executives, including Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch, made false promises and misrepresentations, leading him to believe he was not being defrosted from his contract. Fox, on the other hand, alleges Carlson breached his own contract by disclosing private communications to the media and attempting to violate a non-compete clause. The question now is whether Fox will continue to fight the legal battle or if they will reach a settlement. Meanwhile, Carlson has already returned to the airwaves, appearing on MSNBC, and the situation has led to renewed criticism of CNN's Brian Stelter, who has been accused of spreading disinformation in the past. The discovery phase of the case could reveal interesting information, but it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold. Additionally, GenuSell is currently having a Mother's Day sale, offering customers the opportunity to look years younger with their facial rejuvenation treatments.

    • The Future of Twitter and Free SpeechTwitter is undergoing changes with Elon Musk's involvement, Tucker Carlson's potential move, and debates over free speech and disinformation.

      The media landscape is undergoing significant changes, particularly on Twitter, where free speech and the role of prominent figures like Tucker Carlson are being redefined. Carlson, a prominent figure in media, recently left Fox News and is reportedly in negotiations with Elon Musk's Twitter. However, his departure from Fox came amidst a toxic culture on the platform, with advertisers fleeing and accusations of disinformation and lies. Meanwhile, media figures like Brian Stelter have criticized Carlson and attempted to police his speech, despite their own networks airing controversial content. This free-for-all environment raises questions about the future of Twitter as a right-wing website and the role of media figures in shaping public discourse. Additionally, consumers can save on Jen, You Sell's popular skincare packages, featuring their ultra retinol and dark spot corrector, at genucell.com/Dan.

    • Criticism of Biden Administration's Handling of Southern Border CrisisThousands of migrants are camping in Mexico, awaiting illegal entry as border patrol releases them onto city streets due to lack of NGO capacity. The speaker criticizes the Biden administration for the chaos and lies about the national debt.

      There is ongoing chaos at the US southern border, with thousands of migrants camping in Mexico, waiting to cross illegally once Title 42 expires. The situation has become so dire that border patrol is reportedly releasing migrants onto city streets due to a lack of capacity among NGOs. The speaker expresses strong criticism towards the Biden administration, labeling it as destructive and chaotic, and accuses the president of lying about the national debt. The speaker also references past experiences and events, including a music festival called Woodstock and his own career in government. Despite the speaker's strong opinions, the situation at the border remains a significant concern.

    • Biden's False Claims on Reducing National DebtDespite Biden's claims, the national debt has increased under his presidency, and his proposed use of the 14th Amendment is unlikely to succeed and could harm the economy.

      President Biden has made false claims about reducing the national debt during his presidency. According to the speaker, Biden has increased the debt significantly rather than reducing it as he has claimed. The speaker provided evidence from a statistics site showing the national debt increasing during Biden's presidency. The speaker also criticized Biden's suggestion of invoking the 14th Amendment to address the debt, stating that it is unlikely to stand in court and could cause damage to the US economy. The speaker urged listeners to fact-check claims made by politicians and encouraged them to subscribe to the show.

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