
    The Meltdown Begins Over Last Night’s Elections (Ep 1771)

    enMay 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's Narratives vs. Reality in Elections and BusinessBe cautious of media narratives, especially during elections, as they can distort the truth about candidates and overlook important aspects of businesses like Henry Firearms and Lifelock.

      While there were significant elections taking place in Idaho, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, the media's narrative often deviates from the truth. For instance, in the Pennsylvania Senate race, the media is labeling Republican nominee Doug Mastriano as an "election denier," despite his military background and decent character. Elsewhere, a story about Henry firearms showcased the power of narratives, as the company offers a variety of calibers, finishes, and American-made products with a lifetime warranty. Additionally, protecting one's identity is crucial in today's digital age, and Lifelock offers identity theft protection services to help secure personal information. Overall, it's essential to be aware of media narratives and their potential biases while seeking accurate information.

    • Media's selective reporting creates an imbalanced perceptionThe media focuses on certain stories and overlooks others, creating an imbalanced perception of events and contributing to a lack of trust from the public.

      The media's narrative often focuses on certain stories and overlooks others, creating an imbalanced perception of events. For instance, the media has been highlighting the allegations of election denial against Republican candidates like Doug Mastriano, while downplaying or ignoring similar incidents involving Democratic nominees. For example, John Fetterman, the Democrat nominee for the Pennsylvania Senate, pulled a gun on an unarmed black jogger in 2013, but this story received little attention compared to the coverage of Mastriano's election denial claims. The media also tends to criticize former President Trump for every electoral loss of his endorsed candidates, even when those candidates, like Oz in Pennsylvania, are leading or have won their primaries. This selective reporting can contribute to a negative perception of the media and a lack of trust from the public.

    • Trump's Endorsement Power Waning in GOP PrimariesMedia's focus on 'replacement theory' conspiracy theory highlights their goal to manipulate public opinion, not tell the truth.

      The power of former President Trump's endorsement in Republican primaries appears to be diminishing, as seen in the recent primary race between David McCormick and Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. The media's role in shaping narratives and manipulating public opinion was also discussed, specifically in relation to the "replacement theory" conspiracy theory. The media's focus on this theory, which holds that white people are being replaced by people of color, is a leftist obsession and is not based in fact. The primary results and the ongoing media coverage serve as reminders that the media's goal is not to tell the truth but to manipulate public opinion.

    • Demographic shifts and political powerThe left's narrative of racist motivations behind demographic shifts is a simplistic and inaccurate view. It's crucial to critically evaluate information and consider multiple perspectives.

      The demographic changes in the United States, with the white population declining and multiracial Americans becoming the majority, is leading to significant shifts in political power. However, there is a narrative being pushed by some on the left that this is a result of racist motivations by the right. This narrative, which has been debunked by evidence, was used to score political points following tragic events like the Buffalo shooting. Economist Paul Krugman, despite his Nobel Prize, has contributed to this narrative by falsely linking tax cuts to the shooter's motivations. It's important to remember that there are always multiple perspectives and it's crucial to critically evaluate the information being presented.

    • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's questionable actions and demandsSchumer's attempts to dictate censorship and disregard for democratic process raise concerns about First Amendment violations and lack of dignity

      Politicians like Chuck Schumer, who holds a significant position as the Senate Majority Leader, have been criticized for their questionable actions and demands, such as trying to dictate censorship and insisting on joining motorcades despite having an unreliable vehicle. This behavior, coupled with his recent letter to Fox News demanding the removal of Tucker Carlson, raises concerns about First Amendment violations and a lack of dignity. The ongoing controversy surrounding the 2000 Mules documentary and the media's response to it further highlights the eagerness to cheat and suppress opposing viewpoints. Overall, these actions demonstrate a pattern of cowardice and a disregard for the democratic process.

    • Understanding Narrative Control in Media Coverage of Political IssuesMedia outlets, like The Washington Post, can act as activists for certain political parties and manipulate narratives to discredit opposing views. Focusing on individual instances while ignoring the larger context can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding.

      Narrative control is crucial in understanding media coverage, particularly when it comes to political issues. The Washington Post and other left-wing outlets, as highlighted in the discussion about Dinesh D'Souza's movie "2000 Mules," often act as full-time activists for certain political parties. In an attempt to discredit the film, Philip Bump, a journalist from The Washington Post, focused on one specific instance in the movie, where an individual was alleged to have visited multiple drop boxes, but couldn't be definitively proven to have done so. However, this instance is just one part of a larger investigation involving thousands of individuals, and the geotracking evidence has not been contested. By focusing on this one instance, Bump lost sight of the bigger picture, and his efforts to discredit the movie ultimately backfired. This incident underscores the importance of understanding narrative control in media and the potential consequences of focusing on individual instances while ignoring the larger context.

    • The collusion narrative surrounding the 2016 electionCritically evaluate sources, not all allegations are true, and the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill is a current data security concern.

      The collusion narrative surrounding the 2016 election has been complicated and filled with conflicting information. The reliability of various sources, including Tony Bob Olinsky, a whistleblower, and media reports, has been questioned. Some allegations, such as the existence of a PB tape and collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, have been debunked, while others, like the involvement of Hillary Clinton's lawyer in creating an October surprise, are still being investigated. It's important to critically evaluate the sources of information and not blindly accept narratives pushed by the media or so-called experts. Additionally, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, which could potentially put consumer data at risk, is a current issue worth paying attention to.

    • Media prioritizes narratives over factsMedia can shape narratives to benefit political parties, leading to misinformation and a distorted understanding of events. Seek diverse sources for accurate information.

      The media often prioritizes advancing narratives over reporting accurate information. They may use "experts" who align with their perspective and ignore important details that don't fit the narrative. The media's approach to stories is not objective journalism but rather a process of selecting and shaping narratives to benefit certain political parties. This can lead to misinformation and a distorted understanding of events. It's crucial to be aware of this bias and seek out diverse sources of information to form a well-rounded understanding of current events.

    • The Tyranny of Experts: Relying on Perceived Experts Can Lead to MisinformationExcessive reliance on perceived experts can result in misinformation and misunderstanding. Critical thinking and fact-checking are essential to avoid the 'tyranny of experts'.

      The term "tyranny of experts" refers to the tendency of individuals or media outlets to rely excessively on perceived experts, often journalists or pundits, to validate their perspectives, even when those experts may not have a deep understanding of the subject matter. This can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding, as was discussed in relation to the Buffalo shooting and Roe v. Wade, as well as the comments of Sunny Hostin. The importance of critical thinking and fact-checking was emphasized, with Clarence Thomas being held up as an example of an actual expert who calls out media distortions. The potential risks to privacy in the face of expanding surveillance were also highlighted.

    • Google Podcasts app to be discontinued, Twitter execs admit focus on censorship despite financial strugglesBusinesses may reconsider prioritizing ideology over consumer satisfaction and profitability following Google's podcast app shutdown and Twitter execs' admission of financial struggles and censorship focus

      The Google Podcasts app is being discontinued this spring, and listeners are encouraged to find alternative platforms for their favorite shows. Meanwhile, a new Project Veritas video reveals that Twitter executives openly admit the company's financial struggles and their focus on censorship for the sake of ideology, despite their inability to define what constitutes "correct" information. This comes as companies like Disney are also facing backlash for their "woke" policies and the potential financial consequences. The takeaway is that businesses may be rethinking the value of prioritizing ideology over consumer satisfaction and profitability.

    • Surveillance and Big Data in Society: Implications for Civil Liberties and PrivacyThe integration of surveillance and big data in society raises concerns for civil liberties and privacy, particularly in the context of law enforcement and the workplace.

      The growing use of surveillance and big data in society, as seen in the context of corporate donations to the BLM and the potential for mass shootings, raises significant concerns for civil liberties and privacy. The idea of using big data aggregators as deputies for law enforcement to preemptively surveil individuals is a dangerous one that infringes upon personal freedom. The use of surveillance in the workplace, as exemplified by employers running credit checks and monitoring emails, also poses risks and challenges to individual privacy. It's crucial to be aware of these developments and to advocate for measures that protect civil liberties and privacy in the digital age.

    • Ongoing debates about privacy, security, and responsibility in technology and employmentAdvanced algorithms and AI in scanning employees' activities raise concerns about potential misuse of data and legal implications. Politics requires critical discourse and accountability, but divisive labels and tactics should be avoided.

      There are ongoing debates regarding privacy, security, and responsibility in the context of technology and employment. The use of advanced algorithms and AI in scanning employees' activities raises concerns about potential misuse of data and legal implications. At the same time, there are suggestions to use such tools to expose perceived problematic beliefs or actions of political opponents. Donnie Deutsch, a commentator on MSNBC, proposed a bold strategy for Democrats to brand Republicans as supporters of racist replacement theory, aiming to shift the narrative and divert attention from their own actions. This strategy, while provocative, highlights the importance of critical discourse and accountability in politics. However, it also underscores the need for thoughtful and balanced approaches to addressing complex issues, rather than resorting to divisive labels and tactics.

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    “I know for a fact that Prince Harry and Harry’s team were working very closely with this organisation, they were certainly helping”

    “The whole establishment and the mainstream media came together to quite literally take away both Lawrence’s and my mainstream media platform”

    “Dan you’re the first person in the world to be cancelled for not being offended enough by something”

    “It’s a coward who will only defend himself and not anyone else”

    “What happened to Russell Brand disgusted me”

    “It felt like the whole world was against us apart from our families and our very close friends”






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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



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