
    The Most Disturbing Video I’ve Seen in Awhile # 942 (Ep 942)

    enMarch 22, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Bongino discusses disconnect between bureaucrats and citizensBongino highlights the disconnect between government bureaucrats and citizens, sharing an example of Seattle's bureaucratic neglect and expressing frustration with media bias, promoting his sponsor Untucked and their untucked shirts with a discount code.

      According to Dan Bongino, the host of his self-titled radio show, there's a disconnect between government bureaucrats and the citizens they serve. He believes that bureaucrats are more concerned with their own power than addressing the needs and concerns of the people. Bongino used an example of Seattle bureaucrats ignoring a citizen's issue as evidence. He also promoted a video showcasing this phenomenon. Additionally, Bongino spoke about his frustration with media bias and how it has led to a loss of trust in journalism. He mentioned his recent appearance on Tucker Carlson's show where they discussed CNN's decreased coverage of the Covington case. Throughout the show, Bongino also mentioned his sponsor, Untucked, and their untucked shirts designed for men who prefer not to tuck in their shirts. The shirts are available in various fit combinations and come with free shipping and returns in the US. Listeners can use the promo code "Bongino" for a 20% discount on their first order.

    • Media's handling of Trump's Charlottesville remarksThe media's spread of false narratives, like Trump calling neo-Nazis 'fine people', undermines public discourse and damages credibility.

      The media's credibility continues to be questioned due to the spread of lies and misinformation, such as the persistent myth that President Trump referred to neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "fine people" after the Charlottesville incident. This is a lie, as proven by Trump's actual words from the transcript. The media's failure to correct this false narrative is damaging and dangerous, and it's important for individuals to do their own research and fact-check information to avoid being misled. Trump's right to free speech is protected, and while it's legitimate to criticize him, spreading lies undermines the integrity of public discourse.

    • Political attacks against Trump may intensify, with some making up or exaggerating incidentsDuring the 2020 election, political attacks against Donald Trump may escalate, including false or exaggerated claims, such as his alleged approval of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. It's crucial to distinguish fact from fiction and consider the complexities of various issues.

      There are ongoing political attacks against Donald Trump in the 2020 election, and these attacks may intensify if Trump looks poised to win the Electoral College vote. Some individuals and media outlets are making up or exaggerating quotes and incidents, such as Trump's alleged approval of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. Additionally, there is a misguided response to gun violence in New Zealand, where the Attorney General is pushing for a ban on most firearms. This approach is not effective in reducing violence or crime, and it overlooks the fact that many gun owners in New Zealand use their firearms for legitimate purposes. It's important to separate fact from fiction and to approach issues with a clear understanding of their complexities.

    • Australian gun confiscation did not lead to less crimeDespite destroying one million firearms in Australia in 1996, there are now more guns in Australia than before, and the crime rate, including gun crimes, was decreasing before and after the confiscation. The US, with more guns per capita, also saw crime rates decrease.

      The claim that gun confiscation leads to less crime based on the Australian experience is not supported by facts and data. Despite the destruction of approximately one million firearms after the gun confiscation in Australia in 1996, there are now more guns in Australia than before. Furthermore, the crime rate, including gun-related crimes, was decreasing in Australia before the gun confiscation and has continued to decrease since then. The United States, which has more guns per capita than Australia, has also seen a decrease in crime and gun crime rates. Therefore, the assertion that fewer guns lead to less crime is not accurate. The New Zealand government's decision to confiscate guns following the Christchurch mosque shootings may not lead to the desired outcome of decreased crime.

    • Gun ownership and crime ratesSome studies suggest that more guns can lead to less crime, but it's important to approach discussions with facts and data, not emotional responses or conspiracy theories.

      The correlation between gun ownership and crime rates is not as simple as less guns equal less crime. In fact, some studies suggest that more guns can lead to less crime. This was discussed in relation to Australia's gun buyback program, which resulted in more guns being in circulation after the buyback. Additionally, there is growing concern among some political figures and the media about the upcoming Mueller report, with some speculating that it may contain little evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. This has led to increased tension and potential for impeachment proceedings. Despite this, it's important to approach such discussions with facts and data, rather than emotional responses or conspiracy theories.

    • Politicians and media figures spread false narratives about President's collusion and obstructionDespite lack of evidence, some politicians and media figures continue to spread false narratives about President's collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice. These allegations are expected to be debunked when Mueller report is released.

      Certain politicians and media figures have made baseless accusations against the President of the United States, including lies about collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice, despite a lack of evidence. These individuals, such as Eric Swalwell, have repeatedly spread these falsehoods and are expected to pivot to obstruction charges when the Mueller report is released, which is expected to show that these allegations are unfounded. It's important to remember these false narratives and be prepared to debunk them when engaging in discussions with those who believe them. For instance, Jim Comey, the former FBI director, recorded in his memos that the President expressed hope that an investigation into any potential satellite associate's wrongdoing would clear his name. This is not evidence of obstruction, but rather an expression of innocence.

    • Former FBI Director's statements don't support Trump obstruction claimDespite claims, Comey's statements don't back up allegations Trump obstructed investigation; instead, he asked for it during this time.

      Former FBI Director Jim Comey's public statements do not support the assertion made by Eric Swalwell and other critics that President Trump obstructed the FBI investigation. In fact, it was during this time that Trump specifically asked Comey to investigate potential wrongdoing, and after Comey's firing, the acting director testified that there were no efforts to obstruct the investigation. It is important to consider the cognitive dissonance in the allegation that Trump was obstructing an investigation while also requesting it. Additionally, the seriousness of the collusion charges against the President warrants a strong ethical consideration before making such accusations publicly.

    • The Significance of Verification in InvestigationsThorough verification is essential in investigations as misinformation can have serious consequences. Harry's offers an affordable solution to overpriced razors with its high-quality blades and simple design.

      The importance of the verification process in investigations was emphasized in a recent piece by Byron York in the Washington Examiner. Three years after the Trump dossier surfaced, the verification process is still ongoing, highlighting its significance. The discussion also touched on Harry's, a company offering high-quality razors at affordable prices, challenging the overpriced and overdesigned razors from other brands. Byron New York's piece serves as a reminder that thorough verification is crucial in investigations, as misinformation can have far-reaching consequences. The discussion also showcased Harry's as a solution to the issue of overpriced razors, providing a simple, clean design with quality blades at a fair price.

    • FBI used unverified dossier in FISA court applicationsThe FBI and other agencies used an unverified dossier to obtain warrants, potentially providing false information to the court and casting doubts on investigation legitimacy

      During the investigation into Trump's campaign, the FBI and other agencies used the unverified dossier in applications to the FISA court to obtain warrants. People involved raised their hands and signed off on these applications, stating that the information was true. However, many of the key allegations in the dossier, such as Trump watching prostitutes perform golden showers in a Moscow hotel room and a Russian oil company offering money to a Trump advisor in exchange for ending US sanctions, were never verified. This means that those who signed off on these applications may have provided false information to the court. The importance of this is that it raises questions about the legitimacy of the investigations and the potential misuse of power by government agencies.

    • Allegations of Russian collusion debunkedMichael Cohen denies meeting Russian officials, Manafort's cooperation with Russians unproven, Comey's handling of FISA warrant applications, based on Steele dossier, under scrutiny, inconsistencies cast doubt on Russian collusion investigation evidence

      Numerous allegations of Russian collusion during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, specifically involving individuals like Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and the Steele dossier, have been debunked. Michael Cohen swore under oath that he never met Russian officials in Prague to arrange secret payments to hackers. Manafort's alleged cooperation with Russian leadership, as described in the Steele dossier, was not corroborated in Mueller's charging documents. Comey's handling of the FISA warrant applications, which were based on the Steele dossier, is under scrutiny, as he claimed efforts to verify the facts were ongoing when he was fired, but the warrants had already been issued. These inconsistencies raise serious concerns about the reliability of the evidence used to investigate Russian collusion during the Trump campaign.

    • Disrespectful treatment of citizens in government hearingsGovernment officials disregarded citizens' time and voices in Seattle City Council and FISA court hearings, damaging the democratic process and eroding trust.

      Government officials and bureaucrats often forget that they work for the people and treat citizens disrespectfully. This was evident in a Seattle City Council hearing where a citizen was ignored and rushed during his two-minute comment period. The disregard for the citizens' time and voices highlights the growing disconnect between the governed and the government. The FISA court hearing also showed a similar disregard for procedures and transparency. These actions undermine the democratic process and erode trust between the people and their representatives.

    • A man named Joe was disrespected during a city council meetingIn a democratic society, it's crucial to respect citizens' voices and demands accountability from elected officials.

      During a city council meeting, a man named Joe was met with disrespect and disregard when he attempted to make a public comment. Despite being on a two-minute timer, the council members were more engrossed in their devices, playing games and ignoring him. Joe's plea for their attention was met with hostility, and he left the meeting feeling disheartened. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the voices of citizens in a democratic society. It's a microcosm of what we've become as a society, where bureaucrats prioritize their own distractions over the needs of their constituents. The incident is a call to action for everyone to demand accountability and respect from their elected officials. It's a reminder that we are a constitutional republic, and our representatives serve at our consent. We must hold them accountable for their actions and demand that they give the same respect and attention to their constituents that they expect in return.

    • Government officials out of touch with constituents lead to dissatisfactionViral video highlights high living costs due to government intervention, emphasizing the need for people to demand change from their elected officials.

      Government officials who are out of touch with the people they represent and prioritize their own privileged lifestyles over the well-being of their constituents can lead to widespread dissatisfaction and a desire to leave. This was highlighted in a viral video of a man speaking out against a city council and the high cost of living, particularly in liberal cities like New York, which implement the heavy regulations and high taxes that discourage affordability and drive people away. The speaker emphasized that these policies are often implemented by the same people who complain about the very issues they have caused. The root cause of high living costs in these areas is the intervention of the government in people's daily lives through rent control policies, taxes, and regulations, which ultimately cost consumers more. The solution, according to the speaker, is for people to realize the consequences of their votes and demand change from the government officials they have elected.

    • Dan Bongino show sees 20-30% growth, thanks listeners for supportListeners' support contributed to Dan Bongino show's 20-30% growth, boosting its ranking on iTunes. Engage with Dan on Twitter or listen on iHeartRadio or SoundCloud.

      The Dan Bongino show has experienced significant growth within a short period, with an increase of around 20-30%. The host expressed gratitude to listeners for their support and encouraged them to subscribe to the show on iTunes to help boost its ranking. For those without iPhones, alternative options include following the show on iHeartRadio or SoundCloud. Listeners can also engage with Dan on Twitter at @DBongino. Overall, the success of the Dan Bongino show is a testament to its resonance with audiences and the power of dedicated listener support.

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