
    The Most Important AI News This Week: ChatGPT Browse, Apple Quartz, GPT Robot Dogs

    en-usApril 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • OpenAI's ChatGPT Introduces Privacy-Focused Features and a New Browse ModeOpenAI's ChatGPT introduced incognito mode for privacy, a private business model, and a new browse mode that allows the AI to access the Internet, expanding its knowledge base and capabilities.

      This week in the AI industry saw several significant updates and announcements, primarily centered around OpenAI's ChatGPT. The first major development was the introduction of a privacy-focused "incognito mode," which allows users to disable their chat history and prevents OpenAI from using their data to train or improve models. This move may be in response to growing concerns around data privacy, particularly in Europe. Additionally, OpenAI announced plans for a forthcoming business mode that is private by default, ensuring that businesses' chat history and sensitive information are not inadvertently shared or used. Lastly, the emergence of a "browse mode" in ChatGPT, which allows the AI to access the Internet, is a potentially game-changing feature. While currently limited to some users, this capability could significantly expand ChatGPT's knowledge base and capabilities, making it more competitive with other AI models. Beyond ChatGPT, there were other notable happenings in the AI world. OpenAI also announced a $100 million investment from the UK government to develop the country's sovereign AI capabilities. Several companies, including Microsoft and Google, made significant strides in AI research and development. Overall, this week's news underscores the rapid pace of innovation and investment in the AI sector, as well as the increasing importance of data privacy and security. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

    • AI in various applications, particularly chat models, is expanding with Microsoft and Hugging Face leading the wayMicrosoft and Hugging Face are pushing the boundaries of AI in chat models, with Microsoft expanding availability and Hugging Face introducing HuggingChat as an alternative to ChatGPT. The debate around open-source LLMs continues, with a focus on transparency, inclusivity, accountability, and power distribution.

      The use of AI in various applications, particularly in the form of chat models like ChatGPT, is rapidly expanding, with several open-source alternatives emerging. Microsoft and Hugging Face are making significant strides in this area, with Microsoft releasing a wider availability of its designer platform, and Hugging Face announcing HuggingChat as a ChatGPT alternative. The debate around open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) continues, with Hugging Face advocating for transparency, inclusivity, accountability, and distribution of power. Meanwhile, companies like Google, which have been seen as lagging in the AI race, are responding with new offerings, such as Bard's coding support in Project Magi. These developments underscore the growing importance of AI in design, search, and other areas, and the competitive landscape in this field.

    • The AI race is heating up with companies and governments making strategic movesGoogle, Apple, and governments are investing in AI development to stay competitive in the market

      Several companies and countries are making moves in response to the growing influence of AI, with Google's reported new product being one attempt to regain ground in the competitive landscape. Apple, the world's most valuable company, has also been rumored to be entering the AI space with a health app called Quartz, but it's likely just the beginning of their strategy. Akash believes that Apple has much more in store, and suggests checking out Sully Omar's thread for a preview of what that might look like. It's not just corporations getting involved, but also governments, with the UK pledging £100,000,000 to establish a foundation model task force to make recommendations on how they should approach AI development and competition with other countries. While there's a significant budget, it's not necessarily the case that they'll create a direct competitor to ChatGPT, but rather have the capacity to do so. Overall, the AI race is heating up, with various players making strategic moves to stay competitive.

    • AI Infrastructure Advancements in BusinessCountries are investing in AI, VCs are funding AI companies, and businesses are integrating AI infrastructure for efficient use.

      There's a global shift towards AI development, with various countries adopting different approaches. Meanwhile, the venture capital world is heavily investing in AI companies, with two recent notable rounds totaling over $200 billion. Harvey, funded by Sequoia, aims to translate AI tools into business-ready forms, while Pinecone, backed by Andreessen Horowitz, provides an external database for developers to store and access relevant contextual data for large language models (LLMs), allowing for more efficient enterprise use. Replit, the latest AI unicorn, offers an AI-powered coding tool, and Palantir showcased an AI platform integrating military decision making and controlling drones. Overall, these developments highlight the growing importance of AI infrastructure for businesses and industries.

    • Rapid advancement of AI and robotics in society raises ethical and safety concernsThe integration of AI and robotics in military, law enforcement, and other sectors demands ethical discussions and safety measures to prevent potential dystopian scenarios

      The integration of advanced technologies like AI and robotics into various aspects of society, including the military and law enforcement, is progressing at an unprecedented rate. This rapid advancement raises important ethical and safety concerns that often get overlooked in the excitement of new innovations. For instance, Palantir's demo of using AI for warfare, and New York City hiring a Boston Dynamics robot as a police officer integrated with ChatGPT, have sparked discussions about potential dystopian scenarios. A viral Reddit thread showcasing a year's worth of progress in AI-generated images highlights the stunning rate of change. It's crucial to consider the potential implications of these advancements and engage in thoughtful conversations about their ethical implications and safety measures.

    • Staying informed and adapting to technological advancementsAccelerating technological advancements require us to stay informed and adapt quickly, with text-to-video technology being a recent example of innovation that's changing the game

      The pace of technological advancement is accelerating rapidly, and we may need to adapt quickly to keep up. Midjourney is currently working on version 6 of their software, but have already started development on version 7. Text-to-video technology, like Runways Gen 2, is making strides and allowing users to create short films and movie trailers from text. This is a remarkable development, but some critics focus on minor issues like hand movements in the generated videos. Despite these criticisms, the pace of innovation is not slowing down, and it's essential for us to stay informed and adapt to these changes. The daily videos, including this recap, aim to help you navigate this rapidly evolving landscape. So, stay tuned for more updates and insights.

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    Key Takeaways: 

    • Why you should build your own LLM

    • How language learning models have impacted ChatGPT

    • Why this is the best time for software engineers to enter the space

    Guest Bio: 

    Greg Diamos is a Co-Founder of Lamini, the enterprise LLM platform for building and owning LLMs. He is also a Co-Founder of MLPerf™, the industry standard benchmark for deep learning performance. Greg was a founding engineer at Baidu’s Silicon Valley AI Lab (SVAIL), where he co-invented the first deep learning speech and language model (which was deployed in production to billions of users). At Baidu, he discovered Scaling Laws, motivating LLMs. His team members from SVAIL built the most useful LLMs today, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Llama 2 at Meta, Claude 2 at Anthropic, PALM at Google, and NVIDIA’s Megatron. Before Baidu, Greg was a CUDA Architect at NVIDIA. Greg holds a PhD from Georgia Tech focusing on high performance computing.


    About this Show:

    The Brave Technologist is here to shed light on the opportunities and challenges of emerging tech. To make it digestible, less scary, and more approachable for all!

    Join us as we embark on a mission to demystify artificial intelligence, challenge the status quo, and empower everyday people to embrace the digital revolution. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a curious mind, or an industry professional, this podcast invites you to join the conversation and explore the future of AI together.

    The Brave Technologist Podcast is hosted by Luke Mulks, VP Business Operations at Brave Software—makers of the privacy-respecting Brave browser and Search engine, and now powering AI everywhere with the Brave Search API.

    Music by: Ari Dvorin

    Produced by: Sam Laliberte


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