
    The Most Important Election Night Lessons (Ep 1891)

    enNovember 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges in America's Election Process and Protecting PrivacyDespite challenges in counting votes and protecting privacy, staying informed and patient is crucial during uncertain election times.

      America's election process is facing significant challenges, and the inability to accurately count votes in a timely manner is a major concern. This issue, which is affecting states like Arizona and California, has the potential to turn the election process into a lengthy ordeal. Additionally, privacy is a fundamental right that should be protected, and using a VPN service like ExpressVPN can help safeguard personal information from being sold to third parties, including government agencies. Another important takeaway is to remain calm and not panic during uncertain times, as there is still hope for favorable outcomes in ongoing elections. Overall, it's crucial to stay informed and patient as the election process unfolds.

    • Election outcomes causing mistrust in institutionsPeople prioritize party loyalty over their country's wellbeing, leading to a lack of trust in government, FBI, and elections, despite ongoing challenges such as high inflation, crime, and an open border.

      The election process and its outcomes are causing a significant breakdown of faith in institutions, with some people refusing to accept results and questioning processes, leading to tribalism overruling reality. This is resulting in a lack of trust in government, the FBI, and elections themselves. Despite the country's current state of high inflation, crime, and an open border, some people prioritize party loyalty over the wellbeing of their country. This trend was seen in the past during New York City's descent into chaos, and despite the challenges, the Republicans still lost. It's unclear how bad it has to get for people to change their allegiances. However, the speaker remains hopeful that things will turn around, even if not as quickly as desired.

    • Conservatives should consider leaving blue statesLeaving blue states could have strategic benefits for the GOP, including reducing their representation in Congress and making presidential elections more difficult for Democrats to win. The shift towards the GOP among Hispanic voters was evident in the 2022 midterm elections.

      The 2022 midterm elections have shown that it's time for conservatives to consider leaving blue states if they can. The reasons include reducing the representation of blue states in Congress and making presidential elections more difficult for Democrats to win. The Florida election results, with Ron DeSantis' victory in Miami-Dade County, a predominantly Hispanic area, highlighted this trend. Although the border issue may not be enough on its own to flip Hispanic voters, the elections showed a significant shift towards the GOP among this demographic. The takeaway is not to give up on fighting in blue states, but for those who can, leaving could have strategic benefits for the Republican Party.

    • Culture wars played a significant role in Ron DeSantis's victory in FloridaDeSantis's focus on border issues and fighting against woke media, companies, and education policies resonated with Hispanic voters, contributing to his landslide victory and marking the first time since Reconstruction that Florida won't have any Democrats in statewide office.

      The culture wars are a major issue for Hispanic voters and played a significant role in Ron DeSantis's landslide victory in the Florida gubernatorial race. DeSantis's campaign focused not just on border issues but also on fighting against woke media, companies, and education policies. The left's stance on these issues is unpopular with the Hispanic community, and this was evident in the election results. DeSantis's victory marked the first time since Reconstruction that Florida won't have any Democrats in statewide office. The Democrats are in shock over their losses in Florida, which is now considered off the map for them in national and state races. The border issue is important but not enough on its own to secure Republican victories, and the economy and culture wars also need to be addressed.

    • Winning key swing states in the electoral college is crucial for presidential victoriesWinning states with significant electoral votes like Ohio and Florida can give a political party a substantial lead, allowing them to allocate resources effectively to other areas and ultimately impact the outcome of the election. Supporting conservative values and causes through companies and organizations can also help shift culture and electoral outcomes.

      Controlling key swing states in the electoral college is crucial for winning the presidency. Representation in Congress matters, as it can impact the presidential race and the number of electoral votes. For instance, by winning states like Ohio and Florida, which have significant electoral votes, the Republicans can already have upwards of 70 to 80 electoral votes off the map. This allows them to allocate resources to areas they're having trouble with, such as Pennsylvania. Furthermore, politics is downstream of culture, and the loss of young voters last night was a powerful reminder of this. Companies like Patriot Mobile, which support conservative values, are making a difference by funding conservative causes and candidates. Ultimately, flipping the culture is essential for winning political races.

    • Renewed efforts needed for advocacy of individual liberty and freedomThe loss of cultural icons advocating for traditional values has led to acceptance of issues like abortion and the importance of having advocates for freedom and life in the public eye, along with the significance of upcoming elections for Republicans to potentially gain a Senate majority.

      Advocating for individual liberty and freedom needs renewed efforts from influential figures in entertainment and sports. The loss of cultural icons who speak up for traditional values has led to a devaluation of life and the acceptance of issues like abortion, even in supposedly conservative states. Polling is an unreliable predictor of election outcomes. The Biden administration's lack of action has benefited Democrats in the midterms. In the next Senate cycle, Republicans have an opportunity to gain a majority due to a larger number of Democrat seats being up for grabs. These points highlight the importance of having advocates for freedom and life in the public eye and the significance of upcoming elections.

    • Change Takes Time: NYC's Giuliani ElectionsDespite initial setbacks, persistent efforts and conservative policies can lead to significant change, even during challenging times.

      Significant change often takes time and requires enduring through difficult times. Using the example of New York City's mayoral elections during the 1990s, despite record-breaking crime rates, Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, initially lost his first mayoral bid to a Democrat. However, things improved in wealthier areas, but crime remained out of control in poorer neighborhoods. It wasn't until Giuliani's second run, after implementing real conservative policies, that he won the mayoral race. This example illustrates that even when things seem dire, change can still occur, and there's no reason to give up. The 2022 midterm elections saw some change, but not as much as hoped, and it's essential to remember that this could be the middle of a larger cycle.

    • Historical precedents and data protectionRecognize the importance of following proper procedures and securing data protection in both skincare and politics.

      While some individuals continue to deny the validity of election results based on unfounded claims, it's important to remember historical precedents and the importance of securing data protection. In the realm of skincare, GenUCELL offers a solution with its gender-neutral products, providing immediate results for various skin concerns. Meanwhile, in politics, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill poses a potential threat to data security, and it's crucial to oppose such legislation. Furthermore, historical examples, such as New York City's transformation under Giuliani, illustrate that crises can lead to significant improvements. Last night's election results saw Brian Kemp's victory in Georgia, marking Stacey Abrams' exit from the governor's mansion. Despite the denial claims, it's essential to recognize the importance of following proper voting procedures and securing data protection.

    • Georgia Election: Herschel Walker vs. Raphael Warnock Race Uncertain, Celebrity Endorsements Mixed ResultsGeorgia election marked by voter suppression, Herschel Walker vs. Raphael Warnock race likely to go to runoff, Celebrity endorsements have mixed results, Democrats spent significant funds, Republicans projected to have slim House majority

      The election in Georgia has been marked by significant voter suppression, making it uncertain who will emerge as the winner in some races. The Herschel Walker vs. Raphael Warnock Senate race, in particular, is likely to go to a runoff. The discussion also touched on the role of celebrity endorsements, with Stacey Abrams and Beto O'Rourke being notable examples. It was suggested that these endorsements don't hold much sway over voters and that the Democrats have spent a considerable amount of money on their campaigns, which have ultimately resulted in mixed results. Another positive takeaway from the night was the fact that the Republicans are projected to have a slim majority in the House, which could potentially benefit them and hinder the interests of the swampy elements.

    • Slim Republican majority gives conservatives significant powerWith every Republican vote crucial for Speaker McCarthy, the Freedom Caucus holds significant power to block actions disapproved by them, reflecting the power of progressive Democrats over Pelosi due to their slim majority.

      Having a slim Republican majority in the House, despite not being ideal, comes with significant power for the conservative wing of the party. This is because Speaker Kevin McCarthy will need every single Republican vote to pass legislation and maintain his position as Speaker. The Freedom Caucus, with its large number of members, can effectively block any actions McCarthy disapproves of. This dynamic mirrors the power the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, including AOC and the squad, have over Nancy Pelosi due to their slim majority. While a slim majority isn't the best scenario, it does provide an opportunity for true conservatism to take control of the Republican Party.

    • Media's eagerness for a Trump-DeSantis feud overshadows Trump's strong endorsement record and the failure of the 'democracy dying' argument for Democrats.Media's focus on a potential Trump-DeSantis feud should not overshadow Trump's enduring influence and Democrats' failed attempt to make 'democracy dying' a winning issue.

      The media is eagerly anticipating a feud between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, but it's important to remember that Trump's endorsement record is still strong and he has a history of winning key states. The argument that democracy is dying was not a winning issue for Democrats in the recent elections, as seen in the loss of January 6th panel member Elaine Luria in Virginia. While democracy may be an issue for some, it did not rank high among the top concerns for voters in the recent elections. The media's focus on a potential DeSantis-Trump feud should not overshadow the importance of Trump's endorsement record and the failure of the democracy dying argument for Democrats.

    • Focusing solely on candidate quality may overlook other influential factorsCandidate quality is important, but factors like messaging, money, and tribalism can also significantly impact election outcomes.

      The focus on candidate quality as the determining factor in recent elections may be oversimplified. While it is important, other factors such as money, messaging, and tribalism can also significantly influence voters' decisions. The use of the January 6 hearings and the analysis of the Fetterman-Oz race were given as examples. The speaker emphasized that Oz was a fine candidate but faced challenges due to being perceived as an outsider, and Fetterman's messaging and personal story resonated with voters despite his perceived poor candidate quality. Therefore, it's crucial to consider multiple factors when evaluating election outcomes.

    • Discussions on tribalism, money in politics, and messaging in racesListeners' subscriptions on Apple, Spotify, and Rumble.com/Bongino fuel podcast success, allowing for continued insights on political landscape

      The recent political discussions on the podcast touched upon the themes of tribalism, the influence of money in politics, and some poorly executed messaging in certain races. The stakes are high as some races are heading to a runoff, and the podcast is experiencing significant growth, moving into the top 10 on national podcast ranks. This success is due in large part to the listeners' support through subscriptions on platforms like Apple, Spotify, and Rumble.com/Bongino. The author deeply appreciates this support and encourages continued subscriptions, which are free and make a significant impact on the podcast's success. Tune in to the radio show for more insights and stay engaged as the political landscape continues to evolve.

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