
    The Most Important Show I’ve Done in a While (Ep 1304)

    enJuly 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • President Trump's Decision to Address Chicago's ViolenceDespite potential backlash, President Trump's willingness to tackle tough issues like Chicago's violence was emphasized, along with the importance of data-driven decisions for school safety and avoiding politicization.

      President Trump is facing pressure from advisors to stay out of cities like Chicago, which are experiencing high levels of violence. However, Trump's decision to engage and address the issue was highlighted when a three-year-old girl was shot in the face in Chicago. The president's willingness to tackle tough issues, despite potential backlash, was emphasized in the discussion. Additionally, the show emphasized the importance of making data-driven decisions regarding school safety and the negative consequences of politicizing the issue. The show was brought to you by ExpressVPN and GenuSell, with special promotions for their products.

    • Addressing Urban Violence: Trump Sends Federal Agents to ChicagoTrump deploys federal law enforcement to Chicago to aid local authorities, focusing on safety and order in the 2020 election, expressing concern for civilians, particularly children, and urging listeners to watch Trump's speech on the issue.

      President Trump is taking action to address the rampant violence in cities like Chicago by sending federal law enforcement officers to help local authorities. The speaker, who recognizes the political divide but emphasizes that this is not a political issue for him, urges listeners to focus on the choice between chaos and order in the 2020 election. The speaker expresses concern for the safety of civilians, particularly children, and believes that Trump's leadership is crucial during this time. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about growing up in a city and hearing gunshots, emphasizing the importance of safety and security for all. The speaker encourages listeners to watch a video of Trump's speech announcing the deployment of federal agents to Chicago, emphasizing the audio's power in conveying the urgency of the situation.

    • Urgent action against crime and violencePresident Trump and DOJ are addressing street crime through arrests and crackdowns, emphasizing the importance of community safety and using federal resources to prevent tragedies.

      In broad daylight on an American street, criminals shot and injured multiple people, disregarding the presence of cameras and witnesses. This incident highlights the urgency for action against crime and violence in the streets, which President Trump and his Department of Justice under Bill Barr are addressing through arrests and crackdowns. It's essential not to ignore the severity of the situation, but instead, to support efforts to keep communities safe. The president's commitment to using federal tools to combat chaos and destruction is a step in the right direction. Let us not forget the impact of these incidents on innocent people and their families, and work together to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

    • Federal vs. Local Criminal Justice Systems: A Deterrent for CriminalsThe fear of being arrested and detained in the federal system can deter criminals, while some local systems may release suspects and allow them to continue criminal activities.

      The criminal justice system varies greatly between federal and local levels, and the experience of being arrested by federal authorities can be a significant deterrent for criminals. The speaker, who has worked in both federal and local law enforcement, shared his firsthand experience of the stark difference in bail procedures and outcomes between the two systems. He explained that in the federal system, high bail amounts ensure that suspects remain in custody, while in some local systems, suspects may be released and continue criminal activities. The speaker emphasized that criminals talk and share information about law enforcement agencies and jurisdictions, and the fear of being arrested and detained in the federal system can be a powerful motivator for criminal behavior. The speaker concluded by sharing an example of the impact of this dynamic, as he had prepared to discuss crime trends on a television show and discovered multiple stories of young children being shot in Chicago, emphasizing the importance of addressing crime at the federal level.

    • President Addresses Gun Violence after Tragic ShootingPresident enforces federal laws to prevent gun violence, society must take action to protect innocent lives, false news should be corrected

      The shooting of a three-year-old girl in Chicago is a tragedy that robs the world of potential joy and experiences. The president's decision to address gun violence is a moral and necessary step, despite political pressures. The president has the power to enforce federal laws without permission from local authorities. It's important for society to take every step possible to prevent such incidents and protect innocent lives, especially those who cannot vote or fully understand the concept of politics. The false information spread on cable news regarding the president's authority should be corrected. The potential loss of a three-year-old's life is a reminder of the importance of taking action to prevent violence and uphold moral values.

    • The President's Authority to Protect Federal PropertyThe President can protect federal property without local approval under US Code 18 SC 3056 and 40 SC 1315, enabling Secret Service and DHS to deputize federal agents.

      The President has the authority to protect federal property, such as courthouses, without needing permission from local authorities, according to the US Code (18 USC 3056 and 40 USC 1315). These laws empower the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary to deputize federal agents to investigate and protect federal property. Anyone spreading misinformation to the contrary is fabricating the facts. Additionally, Helix, a company known for their mattresses, has expanded into making customizable sofas through their new brand All Form. These sofas offer premium materials at affordable prices, with easy customization options and fast, free shipping.

    • No recorded case of teacher getting COVID-19 from studentDespite initial concerns, scientific data shows that teachers are at low risk of contracting COVID-19 from students in classrooms. Allform provides a risk-free shopping experience with a long return policy and a permanent warranty.

      Allform offers a risk-free purchase experience for their all-form sofas, with a 100-day return policy and a forever warranty. Meanwhile, the risk of teachers contracting COVID-19 from students in classrooms is minimal, according to scientific data. The Times of London reported that there has been no recorded case of a teacher catching the virus from a pupil anywhere in the world. Mark Woolhouse, a leading epidemiologist and member of the government's SAGE Committee, suggested it may have been a mistake to close schools in March due to the limited role children play in spreading the virus. Teachers are encouraged to return to work, and parents are urged to trust the science and prioritize liberty and freedom for their children's education.

    • The Importance of In-Person Schooling for Children's Socialization and DevelopmentScientific evidence shows that socialization and in-person learning are crucial for children's development, especially at a young age. School closures have minimal impact on the spread of COVID-19 among school-aged children, and the risks of keeping kids home outweigh the risks of them contracting the virus in school.

      While some people prefer to keep their children home from school due to COVID-19 concerns, there is a strong argument for returning to in-person schooling based on scientific evidence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of socialization for children, especially at an early age, and points to research from countries like Sweden and Finland that suggest school closures have little impact on the spread of the virus among school-aged children. Additionally, the speaker argues that the risks of keeping children home, such as educational and social development setbacks, outweigh the risks of them contracting the virus in school. The speaker also criticizes those who push for remote learning as interfering with their personal decisions and urges them to consider the actual science and data on the matter.

    • Children have low COVID-19 transmission rates in schoolsStudies show children transmit COVID-19 less often than adults, no reported outbreaks in childcare centers, and border closures, full lockdowns, and widespread testing have minimal impact on COVID-19 mortality.

      Children are less likely than adults to transmit COVID-19 to others, and studies have shown low transmission rates in schools. There have been no reported coronavirus clusters or outbreaks in childcare centers, despite many staying open for frontline workers during the pandemic. The Lancet, a well-respected medical journal, found that border closures, full lockdowns, and widespread testing were not associated with a decrease in COVID-19 mortality per million people. The speaker encourages the use of science and data in discussions about school reopenings and criticizes the suppression of such information on certain platforms.

    • Criticizing Lockdowns and Media Fear-MongeringLockdowns may not reduce COVID-19 mortality, schools are not super spreaders, prepare for potential food supply interruptions, and question information from media and politicians.

      The speaker argues against the effectiveness of lockdowns in reducing mortality rates from COVID-19. He criticizes the media for spreading fear and false information, such as the idea that schools are super spreaders, and encourages self-reliance and food preparation in the face of uncertainty. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards politicians who promote Chinese propaganda. He emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential interruptions in food supply and encourages listeners to visit preparewithdan.com to order emergency food kits. The speaker's tone is critical and passionate, and he encourages listeners to question the information they receive from the media and politicians.

    • Political Landscape: Battle Between Good and EvilCongressman Adam Smith's defense of China during a debate about the coronavirus origin sparked controversy, highlighting the complexity of the current political landscape and the need for individuals to stay informed and engaged.

      The current political landscape can be described as a battle between those who are working against evil and those who are perceived as evil. This was highlighted in a recent incident involving a US congressman, Adam Smith, who came to the defense of China during a debate about the coronavirus origin and the Chinese government's role in not warning the American people about it. Smith's actions were criticized and met with disbelief from his colleagues, and the Chinese Communist Party reportedly used the clip in their own commercials. This incident underscores the importance of holding accountable those who interfere with the US process, but it also raises questions about whose job it is to protect the American people. It's a reminder that the political landscape is far from a simple fight between traditional party lines, and it's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged. Another important issue that was discussed was the potential impact of the ongoing situation on homeowners in the suburbs, which is a topic that has received little attention in the media.

    • Joe Biden's AFFH plan could change suburban areasBiden's AFFH plan may force suburbs to build high-density affordable housing, potentially causing significant changes to communities and eliminating local zoning laws.

      If you're considering voting for Joe Biden, it's essential to understand the potential impact of his policies on suburban areas, specifically his Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) plan. This plan could force suburban towns to build high-density affordable housing units in their neighborhoods, regardless of local preferences and control. Biden's supporters who live in suburbs and believe their personal circumstances won't be affected by his policies might be in for a surprise. The AFFH plan could lead to the construction of low-income housing units next to their single-family homes, potentially causing significant changes to their communities. Biden's stance on this issue has been consistent, and if implemented, it could result in the elimination of local zoning laws. Opposing this policy could be labeled as racist by some liberal circles. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences of this policy before casting your vote.

    • Democrats aim to redistrict votes from cities to suburbsDemocrats aim to redistribute excess urban votes to suburbs to win elections in Republican-held areas

      The Democrats' push for housing integration goes beyond anti-discrimination laws and aims to dilute concentrated voter margins in suburbs to win elections in other areas. This strategy, according to the speaker, is driven by the fact that Democrats have been winning elections in urban areas by large margins, leaving them with excess votes in those areas and a need to redistribute them. Additionally, the speaker argues that cities are losing population, and by moving Democrat voters to suburbs, they hope to convert suburban conservatives to vote for more liberal policies. This, they believe, will help them win elections in previously Republican-held areas. It's important to note that this perspective is controversial and not universally accepted.

    • President's actions to address crime not a negative abdicationThe president's intervention in crime-ridden cities is a moral duty, not a sign of weakness or abandonment of responsibility.

      The president's decision to take action in cities where leaders are unable or unwilling to address crime and violence is not a positive abdication of responsibility, but a moral and upstanding response. Dan Bongino strongly condemned the idea that the president is shirking his duties, instead emphasizing that it is the right thing to do to protect innocent lives. He urged his audience to support the president and to subscribe to his YouTube channel and Apple podcast to help his team navigate technical issues. The tone of the discussion was emotional and impassioned, with Bongino expressing a deep sense of responsibility to help those in need. He did not mince words in criticizing mayors who are unable or unwilling to keep their cities safe, promising that if necessary, they would step in to "fix it." Overall, the message was clear: the president's actions are a moral imperative, not a sign of weakness or abdication.

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