
    The Muscle Growth Doctor: "The Anti-Ageing Cure No One Is Talking About!", "Exercising At Night Is A Terrible Idea!", "Your Grip Strength Predicts Chronic Diseases!" - Andy Galpin

    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Improving human performance: Grip, leg strength, and optimal oxygen utilizationConsistently focusing on grip, leg strength, and optimal oxygen utilization can enhance overall health, contribute to longevity, and lead to desired physical and cognitive improvements.

      According to Dr. Andy Galpin, enhancing human performance is about looking, feeling, and performing better in various aspects of life. He emphasizes the importance of grip and leg strength, as well as optimal oxygen utilization. These factors contribute to overall health and longevity. Dr. Galpin encourages consistent efforts towards improving these areas, as there is no evidence that hinders muscle growth, weight loss, or strength gains. His goal is to help individuals achieve their desired physical and cognitive improvements, whether it's related to energy levels, leadership skills, or pain management. He believes that everyone has the potential to make progress in their physical health, leading to better overall quality of life.

    • Belief in personal growth and controlFocus on strengths, health, and resilience for personal growth and improvement, drawing inspiration from elite athletes' mindset and work ethic.

      Personal growth and improvement are within our control, and we have the power to make positive changes in our lives through focusing on our strength and health. The speaker's upbringing instilled in him the belief that hard work and determination are essential for success, and this mindset has carried over into his academic and professional pursuits in the field of human performance. Throughout his career, he has worked with both professional athletes and executives, using the knowledge gained from elite athletes to create a system for non-athletes to enhance their own performance. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of resilience and pushing forward despite life's challenges, as control over our health and strength can provide a sense of agency and a path towards a better future.

    • Identifying hidden stressors for optimal performanceUndergo comprehensive testing to find and remove hidden stressors like vitamin deficiencies, pathogens, and endocrine imbalances for improved performance and health

      There are both visible and hidden stressors that can impact our performance and overall health. While we may be aware of visible stressors like alcohol consumption or lack of sleep, hidden stressors such as vitamin or mineral insufficiencies, pathogens, or endocrine imbalances can have an equal or greater impact on our physiology. These hidden stressors often go unnoticed, making it essential to undergo comprehensive testing to identify and address them. By finding and removing these performance anchors, we can optimize our biology and achieve better physical and mental performance.

    • Testing for hidden signs of aging and health risksGrip strength and vitamin D deficiency are indicators of aging and potential health risks. Grip strength can predict neurological decline, while deficiency in vitamin D can lead to low bone density, muscle weakness, and cognitive decline. Addressing these issues can improve overall health.

      There are various indicators of aging and potential health risks that may not be immediately noticeable but can be detected through simple tests, such as grip strength and blood markers. For instance, grip strength can predict the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia, and asymmetry in grip strength can be an early sign of neurological decline. Additionally, deficiencies in vitamins like vitamin D, which is common and often goes unnoticed, can contribute to various health issues such as low bone mineral density, muscle weakness, and cognitive decline. These hidden stressors, collectively known as allostatic load or allostasis, can provide valuable insights into overall health and potential risks. It's essential to be aware of these markers and take steps to address any issues, such as supplementing vitamin D or increasing sun exposure, to improve overall health and well-being.

    • Understanding the limitations of blood test resultsWhile 'normal' blood test results are important, they don't necessarily reflect optimal health. Ethnicity and population health can impact reference ranges, and striving for peak performance requires going beyond 'normal'.

      While it's important to be aware of low vitamin D levels due to its numerous health benefits, interpreting blood test results can be misleading. Reference ranges for vitamin D and other markers can vary based on ethnicity and the health of the population used to establish the range. A value within the reference range doesn't necessarily mean it's optimal for peak performance or overall health. For instance, a fasting blood glucose of 108, considered normal, is actually suboptimal and increases the risk of health issues. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the limitations of blood test results and strive for optimal health rather than just focusing on what's considered "normal."

    • Understanding the context and interconnections between various markers is crucialDon't isolate markers, consider their connections and context before making interventions. Reference ranges can be misleading, consult a healthcare professional for accurate interpretation.

      Not all markers in blood tests should be treated in isolation or with the goal of pushing them to the top or bottom of the reference range. The body functions as a complex system where changes in one area can impact others. For instance, low testosterone could be a symptom of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed rather than just supplementing with hormones. Similarly, albumin levels, which indicate hydration and inflammation, can be affected by both dehydration and inflammation, leading to confusing results. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the context and potential interconnections between various markers before making any interventions. Additionally, the reference ranges themselves can be misleading, as they don't account for individual differences and subclinical issues. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for accurate interpretation and guidance.

    • Exploring Factors for Optimal SleepAdvanced sleep analysis techniques can help identify factors like environmental conditions, behaviors, physiological markers, and psychology that impact sleep quality, enabling individuals to address root causes for improved sleep and well-being.

      Achieving optimal sleep involves examining various factors, including the quality and duration of sleep, environmental conditions, behaviors, physiological markers, and psychology. To accurately assess these factors, advanced sleep analysis techniques such as cardiopulmonary coupling and environmental scanning can be employed. These methods can help identify issues like bruxism, sleep position, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, and psychological associations that may impact sleep quality. By addressing these root causes, rather than relying on supplements, individuals can improve their sleep patterns and overall well-being.

    • Simple behaviors that disrupt sleep and their solutionsAddressing habits like consuming caffeine or melatonin late, and establishing a consistent sleep schedule can resolve many sleep issues. For persistent problems, sleep restriction training may be necessary, involving limiting time in bed and waking up consistently.

      Many sleep issues can be resolved by addressing simple behaviors that disrupt sleep. These may include avoiding caffeine and melatonin late in the day, and establishing a consistent sleep schedule. However, if these methods don't work, more extreme measures like sleep restriction training may be necessary. This involves limiting the amount of time spent in bed and waking up at consistent times, even if you don't fall asleep right away. This helps your body learn a new sleep pattern and can lead to better quality sleep. While this method is effective, it can be challenging and may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any sleep training regimen. In summary, addressing behaviors that disrupt sleep and considering more extreme measures if necessary can help improve sleep quality.

    • Establish a healthy sleep routine for better life aspectsOptimizing sleep leads to cognitive, mood, and physical improvements, enhancing athletic performance and overall health

      Optimizing your sleep patterns can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of your life. Establishing a healthy sleep routine and avoiding stimuli that disrupt your sleep, such as TV or social media, can help ensure that you're getting the best possible rest. While the recommended hours of sleep may vary depending on individual needs and goals, research suggests that maximizing your sleep can lead to improvements in cognitive function, mood, and physical performance. For instance, studies on athletes have shown that even small increases in sleep duration can lead to notable enhancements in areas like reaction time, focus, and overall athletic performance. These improvements can have a significant impact on both short-term and long-term health, making it a worthwhile investment to prioritize good sleep hygiene.

    • The Importance of Consistent Sleep for Optimal PerformanceConsistently prioritizing sleep, both in quantity and quality, can lead to significant performance improvements. Extending sleep by small increments can make a difference, but inconsistent patterns are not effective. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule and consider the timing of your sleep for optimal performance.

      Getting sufficient and consistent sleep is crucial for optimal performance. While the exact number of hours may vary for each person, studies suggest that extending sleep by even small increments, such as 30 minutes, can lead to significant improvements in various measures. However, it's essential to recognize that sleep debt cannot be repaid in full, and inconsistent sleep patterns are not an effective solution. Instead, aim for a consistent sleep schedule, prioritizing both the quantity and quality of your sleep. Additionally, the timing of your sleep can impact performance, as performing tasks at your body's natural circadian rhythm can provide a competitive advantage. Overall, prioritizing sleep can lead to improved performance and should not be overlooked.

    • Optimizing daily routines for cognitive performance and healthScheduling important tasks on local time, considering environmental factors, and adjusting exercise regimens can significantly impact cognitive performance and overall health.

      Optimizing our daily routines, including work schedules and exercise regimens, can significantly impact our cognitive performance and overall health. The body's circadian rhythm plays a crucial role in this, with local time being a more significant factor than time zones. For instance, scheduling important meetings or decisions on our local time can give us a cognitive advantage over opponents or colleagues. Similarly, training at night can negatively impact sleep quality, leading to energy and focus issues. Additionally, environmental factors, such as CO2 levels and pathogens, can impact sleep quality and overall health, yet often go unnoticed. By paying attention to these factors and adjusting our routines accordingly, we can improve our cognitive performance and overall well-being.

    • Regulation of body pH and its impact on metabolism and respirationThe brain's energy consumption, metabolism, and respiration are interconnected, and our body closely regulates carbon dioxide levels to maintain a healthy pH balance, triggering physiological and psychological responses.

      The regulation of our body's pH, which is crucial for enzyme function and overall health, is deeply connected to our metabolism and respiration. Our brain, being a massive energy consumer, uses a significant portion of our ATP. Metabolism, whether it comes from various sources or is used for different functions, increases carbon dioxide production. Our body closely monitors carbon dioxide levels to maintain a tight pH balance. Our respiration rate is determined by the amount of oxygen or carbon dioxide we want in our system, and changes in CO2 levels can trigger physiological and psychological responses. For instance, during exercise, an increase in CO2 signals the brain to enter sympathetic drive, making us more focused and alert. Conversely, during rest, we shift into parasympathetic mode. Maintaining a healthy balance between these two states is essential for optimal functioning.

    • Impact of CO2 levels on sleep qualityElevated CO2 levels can negatively impact sleep by triggering sympathetic response, increasing heart rate, decreasing heart rate variability, and altering body temperature.

      The quality of the air we breathe in our sleeping environment can significantly impact our sleep quality. Our bodies respond differently to varying CO2 levels. When CO2 levels rise, our bodies may enter a state of sympathetic drive, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. This can lead to increased heart rate, decreased heart rate variability, and changes in body temperature. Even with small animals or multiple people in the room, CO2 levels can accumulate and negatively affect sleep. It's essential to ensure proper ventilation and maintain ideal CO2 levels for optimal sleep.

    • Environmental Factors Affect Sleep QualityReducing CO2 levels, maintaining proper ventilation, keeping noise below 35 decibels, and creating a consistent sleep environment through scent can improve sleep quality and cognitive function.

      Sleep quality can be significantly impacted by environmental factors, particularly CO2 levels and lack of ventilation. This can lead to reduced quality of sleep, impaired cognitive function, and daytime sleepiness. Simple steps like keeping noise levels below 35 decibels, ensuring proper ventilation, and creating a consistent sleep environment through scent can help mitigate these issues. Additionally, for travelers, bringing familiar scents and attempting to replicate a consistent sleep environment can help minimize the first-night phenomenon in unfamiliar places.

    • Maintaining Sleep Consistency for Improved HealthConsistent sleep routine and environment, even while traveling, can enhance recovery and overall health. Familiar items, good nutrition, and exercise are key. Sleep and heart rate variability are linked, with HRV an effective metric for assessing long-term health risks. Diet changes can impact both sleep and HRV, requiring careful consideration.

      Maintaining consistency in sleep routine and environment, even while traveling, can significantly improve recovery and overall health. This includes trying to keep the same sleep schedule, bringing familiar items like a noise machine or a specific scent, and focusing on good nutrition and exercise. Sleep and heart rate variability (HRV) are closely linked, with HRV being an effective metric for assessing overall autonomic nervous system balance and long-term health risks. Changes in diet, such as going keto, can impact both sleep quality and HRV, and it's important to consider various factors when trying to understand health trends. While symptoms should always be the primary focus, looking at blood work can provide valuable clues and help guide personalized health interventions.

    • Optimal hormonal balance, sleep quality, and performance depend on carbohydrate intakeAssess individual circumstances to determine if adjusting carbohydrate intake can improve sleep, insulin, and testosterone levels.

      Carbohydrate intake plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal hormonal balance, sleep quality, and overall performance. In certain situations, such as insulin deficiency, increasing carbohydrate intake can lead to improved insulin and testosterone levels, better sleep, and enhanced well-being. Conversely, being in a state of ketosis does not necessarily mean poor sleep or low testosterone. It's essential to assess individual circumstances, such as sleep quality, respiratory rate, and nutrition, to determine if adjusting carbohydrate intake could lead to significant improvements. When addressing health concerns, focusing on fundamental aspects, like respiratory rate, sleep quality, and stress management, can provide valuable insights and potential solutions.

    • Intentional breaks for mind and bodySchedule downtime for mind and body to reduce arousal, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being

      In today's world, we are constantly bombarded with sensory input, leading to high levels of arousal. To counteract this, it's essential to intentionally create time in our daily lives when we remove input and give our brains a chance to rest. This can be as simple as taking a few 10-minute walks without any music or podcasts, or practicing mindfulness techniques during lunch. These intentional breaks can help us re-center, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. So, make sure to schedule some downtime in your day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to allow your mind and body to decompress and prepare for the next task.

    • Factors Affecting Human Experience: Sleep, HRV, Stress, CO2 Tolerance, Respiratory Rate, and Red Light TherapySleeping enough is important, but physiological recovery through factors like HRV, stress, CO2 tolerance, respiratory rate, and red light therapy also play crucial roles in optimizing the human experience. Each factor has unique effects and should be considered independently.

      While sleep, heart rate variability (HRV), stress, CO2 tolerance, respiratory rate, and red light therapy are interconnected, they are not the same thing. For instance, a study found that a one breath per minute increase in college freshmen was associated with a 25% increase in likelihood of experiencing moderate to high stress, but this was not found in HRV or any sleep objective or subjective markers. This highlights the importance of considering all these factors independently when optimizing the human experience. Sleeping enough is crucial, but physiological recovery is also essential. Red light therapy, for example, can penetrate skin and stimulate beneficial cascades in the body, improving skin health and potentially even vision. However, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its benefits may vary depending on individual circumstances. Overall, understanding the unique roles of these factors can help identify opportunities for improvement and optimization.

    • Gaining muscle and staying leanThrough careful planning, focusing on protein intake, and setting realistic expectations, individuals can achieve muscle gain while minimizing fat gain.

      Achieving muscle gain while staying lean requires careful planning and a consistent approach. The physiological possibility of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is limited, but setting reasonable expectations and training in a caloric surplus with a focus on protein intake can lead to successful results. It's important to note that individual fitness levels and training age play a role in the ease of achieving this goal. Additionally, the importance of considering the impact of training intensity and work schedule on overall sympathetic drive was discussed as a potential factor in optimizing health and fitness goals, including managing HIV.

    • Timing of carbs matters more for muscle recoveryFor muscle gains, focus on carb timing for recovery, but overall nutrition and personal circumstances are crucial for successful aging

      For muscle mass gains, the timing of protein intake is not overly important, but the timing of carbohydrates, particularly for recovery, can matter more. However, when it comes to practical application, personal circumstances and preferences play a significant role in determining the optimal eating schedule. In terms of exercise for successful aging, it's crucial to move well, avoid getting hurt, and maintain consistency in training to reduce the risk of falls and related health issues. Overall, prioritizing a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise that fits into one's personal life and circumstances is essential for long-term health and well-being.

    • Maintaining physical fitness crucial for longevityStrength, particularly leg strength, and cardiovascular fitness are key predictors of mortality. Regular training can help mitigate natural declines in VO2 max and muscle strength as we age, contributing to increased longevity.

      Maintaining both foot speed and hand-eye coordination, as well as lower body strength and cardiovascular fitness, are crucial for preventing falls and increasing longevity. According to various studies, physical strength, particularly leg strength, is one of the strongest predictors of mortality, even surpassing the impact of traditional clinical risk factors like smoking and diabetes. For instance, VO2 max, a measure of cardiovascular fitness, and leg strength have been shown to predict survival rates more effectively than markers like blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. As we age, both VO2 max and muscle strength naturally decline, but regular training can help mitigate these losses. For instance, a study involving elderly cross-country skiers showed that, with continuous training, their VO2 max levels remained significantly higher than those of their untrained peers. Therefore, prioritizing physical fitness and maintaining agility, strength, and cardiovascular health throughout one's life can contribute significantly to longevity.

    • The Importance of Physical Fitness for Independence and Overall Well-BeingPhysical fitness is crucial for efficient oxygen use, independence, and overall well-being. Neglecting it can lead to cardiovascular issues, decreased heart fitness, poor sleep quality, mental health decline, social isolation, and muscle atrophy. Prioritize fitness now for a strong foundation and better coping skills.

      Maintaining a high level of physical fitness throughout one's life is crucial for independence and overall well-being. The ability to utilize oxygen efficiently is essential for performing even basic tasks, and a decline in this ability can lead to a multifaceted problem. This includes cardiovascular issues, decreased heart fitness, poor sleep quality, mental health decline, and social isolation. Moreover, physical inactivity leads to muscle atrophy and a downward spiral of further decreased activity. The best time to prioritize physical fitness is now, as trainability remains high even in older age. By building a strong foundation of physical fitness, individuals can better cope with the inevitable challenges that life throws their way and maintain their independence.

    • Believe in the power of exercise to improve physical fitness at any ageRegardless of age, consistent exercise can lead to significant improvements in cardiovascular health and muscle growth through the S-A-I-D principle

      It's never too late to improve physical fitness, including increasing muscle size and VO2 Max, regardless of age. The body responds well to exercise, showing significant improvements even in older adults. The key is to believe it's possible and consistently challenge the heart with lower intensity, longer duration workouts or higher intensity, shorter duration intervals. The specific protocol isn't as important as just getting the heart rate up and adapting to the imposed demand. This principle, called S-A-I-D (specific adaptation to imposed demand), applies to both cardiovascular and muscle growth.

    • Maintaining a balance between consistency and variation for effective workouts and injury preventionAim for a workout plan with progressive overload and variation to prevent overuse injuries and promote progress. Increase load, reps, sets, exercises, frequency, or a combination. Aim for no more than a 10% increase week to week. Prioritize sleep for optimal performance and decision-making abilities.

      Finding the right balance between consistency and variation is crucial for effective workouts and injury prevention. Consistency is important for driving progress and grooving movements, but too much of it can lead to overuse injuries. On the other hand, completely random workouts reduce the risk of overuse injuries but hinder progress due to lack of stimulus. The solution is to have a plan with progressive overload and variation. This can be achieved by increasing load, reps, sets, number of exercises, frequency, or a combination of these. The key is to aim for no more than a 10% increase week to week to avoid injury. Having a planned workout routine for several weeks allows for intentional overload and progress. Additionally, prioritizing sleep is essential for optimal performance and decision-making abilities. Sleep plays a significant role in overall health and well-being, and tools like Woop can help improve sleep habits. Remember, the goal is to find the right balance and make adjustments as needed.

    • Creatine's Benefits Extend Beyond Muscle GrowthCreatine is a fuel source that enhances energy production, leading to improved muscle strength, bone health, brain function, and mood, with a low risk profile and numerous studies supporting its effectiveness.

      Creatine is not just a supplement for bodybuilders looking to get "stacked." While it was once primarily studied for its effects on muscle strength and size, creatine is now known to have numerous benefits for various populations and health conditions. It is a fuel source that provides energy faster than carbohydrates or fat, making it an essential nutrient for various systems in the body. The evidence base for creatine is robust, with hundreds and hundreds of studies demonstrating its effectiveness in improving muscle strength, bone health, brain function, and even mood. It has a low risk profile and is not associated with imbalances or negative side effects, making it a worthwhile supplement for individuals seeking to enhance their overall health and performance.

    • Beyond Burning Fat: Preserving Muscle and Making Sustainable Lifestyle ChangesFocus on preserving muscle and making sustainable lifestyle changes for effective and long-term fat loss. Find a consistent workout and nutrition program that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.

      When it comes to fat loss, it's important to consider a broader approach beyond just burning fat through anaerobic exercise like running. Instead, focus on preserving muscle and making sustainable lifestyle changes. The most effective way to achieve long-term fat loss is through adherence to a consistent workout and nutrition program. It's essential to find a system that works for you and aligns with your preferences and lifestyle. Genetic testing may not be worthwhile without taking into account individual genetic backgrounds and ethnic differences. Ultimately, the key to successful fat loss is finding a sustainable approach that you can stick to and that makes you feel abundant with your nutrition, rather than restrictive. Remember, diets don't work for most people, but a balanced and flexible nutritional approach can help you reach your goals.

    • Personalized approach for muscle preservation and fat lossFind a sustainable approach based on individual needs, protein intake, strength training, addressing personal pain points, exercise preferences, and schedules.

      Achieving muscle preservation and fat loss requires a personalized approach based on individual needs and challenges. Protein intake and adequate strength training are foundational elements, but addressing personal pain points, such as cravings or hunger pangs, is crucial for long-term consistency. Exercise preferences and schedules should also be considered, with strength training before endurance work for optimal performance. The future of precision exercise and nutrition is promising, with advancements in technology allowing for more accurate tracking and personalized recommendations. Ultimately, the key is to find a sustainable approach that fits an individual's unique circumstances and preferences.

    • Technology's Role in Personalized Health and WellnessTechnology is revolutionizing personalized health and wellness with digital twins, nutrition, training, supplementation, medicine, movement, daytime patterns, sunlight, water, and more. However, ethical considerations and long-term benefits are crucial.

      The future of personalized health and wellness lies in the combination of advanced technologies like digital twins, nutrition, training, supplementation, medicine, movement, daytime patterns, sunlight, water, and more. These technologies aim to provide customized solutions for individuals based on their unique needs, reducing the need for guesswork and trial-and-error. However, it's important to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of such technologies. Throughout human history, our primary goals have been to reduce stress and create safe communities, homes, and agriculture. But with advancements in technology, we may need to reconsider our priorities. The use of AI and other technologies in health and wellness is a double-edged sword, as it offers great potential but also comes with risks. We must be cautious and intentional in how we implement and use these technologies, ensuring that they align with our values and benefit us in the long term. Ultimately, consciousness and awareness are key to making informed decisions about our health and wellness, and the role of technology should be to support and enhance this awareness, not replace it.

    • The Value of Human Expertise in Health and WellnessDespite advancements in data availability, clear definitions and guidelines for optimal health are lacking. Human experts, like coaches and healthcare professionals, provide valuable expertise and experience in guiding individuals through their health journeys.

      While we have access to vast amounts of health data, we lack clear definitions and guidelines for what constitutes optimal health and how to achieve it. Assessing and improving health markers is a complex challenge, as we don't have comprehensive databases of healthy individuals or definitive answers on the best interventions. The role of human experts, such as personal coaches and healthcare professionals, is expected to become increasingly valuable in guiding individuals through their health journeys, as they bring expertise and experience that AI cannot replicate. Additionally, people are beginning to prioritize in-person interactions and human companionship in their health and wellness pursuits. In my personal life, I cannot function without the support and guidance of my wife, Natasha, who has been instrumental in my successes and has been by my side through both good and challenging times.

    • A meaningful conversation with Dr. Handy GalpinDr. Galpin's passion and mission-driven insights left a lasting impact on the speaker, who was moved by the depth of their intellectual and emotional connection. Zoe's advanced gut health research offers valuable insights for health-conscious individuals.

      The output of this conversation highlights the profound impact and value of deep, meaningful connections. The speaker expresses how the person they were speaking with, Dr. Handy Galpin, not only imparted valuable knowledge but also left them feeling intellectually and emotionally enriched. The speaker was particularly moved by Dr. Galpin's passion, mission-driven approach, and nuanced insights. Additionally, the conversation touched upon Zoe, a company the speaker is invested in, and its impressive advancements in gut health research. With the ability to analyze 100 bacteria types in the gut, Zoe is leading the way in scientifically advanced testing, offering valuable insights for individuals prioritizing their health. The conversation not only showcased the importance of intellectual growth but also the empowering nature of meaningful connections and the impact they can have on personal development. The speaker's genuine appreciation for the conversation underscores the significance of engaging in thought-provoking discussions and the potential for such interactions to leave a lasting impact.

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    Wim Hof: They’re Lying To You About Disease & Inflammation!

    Wim Hof: They’re Lying To You About Disease & Inflammation!
    Beating sickness and bearing the elements, these are just 2 of the evolutionary powers The Iceman says we can all unlock Wim Hof is a Dutch extreme sports athlete and multiple Guinness World Record holder who is best known for his ability to withstand extremely cold temperatures. He is also the author of the best-selling book, ‘The Wim Hof Method’.  In this conversation, Wim and Steven discuss topics such as, how he supercharged his immune system, the trauma of his wife’s death, the top 3 techniques for breathing, and how the cold helps you uncover your true self.  (00:00) Intro (01:50) What is Wim's Mission (04:13) Society's problems in the modern day (05:45) The impact of the Wim Hof Method (08:34) We need more discomfort, we've engineered out discomfort (10:06) When did this start for Wim (13:35) Your first experience with cold water (14:25) What spiritual questions did the cold water answer? (15:20) Being outside of society (17:01) What is a life force (19:15) Why don't we believe in ourselves? (21:46) Falling in love (26:46) Dealing with the grief of losing loved ones (29:57) Telling your children their mother has passed (31:32) The power of breathing exercises (38:50) Breathing exercises unlock trauma (49:22) Controlling stress through breathing (54:09) Fighting off a virus with your mind (57:00) Modern healing does not serve us (01:01:19) Teaching Steven the method (01:10:14) Where did Wim learn the method (01:11:10) The power of the mind (01:15:48) How do you train someone to stop becoming a victim of their mind? (01:18:09) The ice bath (01:23:34) Back to the studio (01:27:15) Seeking discomfort (01:29:23) Wim's routine (01:35:45) How do you find your purpose? (01:39:26) Last question Please speak to your doctor or physician ahead of attempting any type of extreme cold water treatment and only partake in a safe, controlled environment under expert guidance Follow Wim:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4baD08X  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4cuKuom  You can purchase Wim’s book, ‘The Wim Hof Method’, here: https://amzn.to/3VyjFc9    For more information on the Wim Hoff Method, please visit www.wimhofmethod.com Thank you to Urban Ice Tribe for supplying the ice baths. You can purchase one here: https://urbanicetribe.com/  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett PerfectTed - perfectted.com- Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 167: 6 Foods You MUST Eat To HEAL Your GUT!: Dr Will Bulsiewicz

    Moment 167: 6 Foods You MUST Eat To HEAL Your GUT!: Dr Will Bulsiewicz
    In this moment, the world-renowned gut-health expert Dr Will Bulsiewicz discusses the relationship between your gut health and overall well-being, including your mental and physical health. According to Dr Will, our gut is like a muscle that we can strengthen by eating a range of diverse superfoods such as leafy vegetables, legumes, and fruit. These high-fibre foods can supercharge your immune system by boosting the production of short-chain fatty acids, lower your cholesterol levels, and stabilise your bowel movements. The benefits of creating a diverse gut microbiome aren't exclusive to you, but in fact, your microbes are later inherited by your children, influencing their future health. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/Nbay01OpAKb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/PFFpAzSpAKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Will: https://theplantfedgut.com/ https://www.instagram.com/theguthealthmd/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    "casual sex is almost always dangerous for women!" This Is What Casual Sex Is Really Doing To Women - Louise Perry

    "casual sex is almost always dangerous for women!"  This Is What Casual Sex Is Really Doing To Women  - Louise Perry
    Has feminism failed women? Louise Perry uncovers the truth about sexual liberation  Louise Perry is a British journalist and host of the ‘Maiden Mother Matriarch’ podcast. She is also press officer for the charity, ‘We Can’t Consent To This’ and author of the book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’.  In this conversation, Louise and Steven discuss topics such as, the dangers of casual sex for women, why you should trust your ‘icks’, how dating apps are making men lonely, and the truth about sex on a first date.  You can purchase Louise’s book, ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century’, here: https://amzn.to/3z60wqy  (0:00) Intro (01:42) What are you trying to achieve?? (03:45) What does society disagree with you on? (04:21) The trade-offs of the contraceptive pill (05:30) How has sexual culture changed? (06:59) Working in a rape crisis centre (09:49) How to channel men's aggression in the right direction (11:59) The physical differences between men and women (13:28) How men and women differ in their view on sexuality (14:58) Why men are more likely to have casual sex (17:59) How does a culture of casual sex impact women (23:31) Repercussions of casual sex in society (28:54) The lack of communication and education is hurting both genders (31:18) Why women have icks towards men (33:30) Women should listen to their icks (38:10) Women's 6th sense (41:02) There are some jobs women shouldn't do due to biology (46:44) Heroic masculinity (46:59) [Blank Entry] (48:22) Social media affecting our view on relationships & dating (50:54) Wait until engagement to have sex (56:11) The dating crisis (01:00:41) Why you should have sex before marriage (01:03:29) Why is marriage good (01:07:33) How likely you're to get divorced (01:11:02) Step-parents vs biological parents (01:14:47) Why are you saying these unpopular opinions (01:19:50) The decline in birth rates (01:25:16) What porn is doing to your brain (01:30:16) Is reproduction at the heart of male motivation? (01:31:03) Unwanted choking during sex (01:33:24) Should we ban porn? (01:40:36) What are we attracted to? (01:44:50) Better looking people bias (01:48:05) The last guest's question Follow Louise:  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4b5X4cK  YouTube - https://bit.ly/3RtSEVW  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!

    Simon Sinek: "Strong Thigh Muscles = More friends", This Is Why You Can't Make Friends!
    An optimist’s guide for fighting the loneliness epidemic taking over the world Simon Sinek is a renowned leadership expert and the founder of ‘The Optimism Company’, which provides programmes for leadership development. He is also the best-selling author of the books, ‘Start With Why’, ‘Leaders Eat Last’, ‘The Infinite Game’, and ‘Find Your Why’.  In this conversation, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, how loneliness impacts addiction, why people are struggling to make friends, the truth about TikTok and depression, and the link between thigh muscles and popularity.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) Simon's take on the times we are living in (05:04) We don't have strong role models anymore (10:06) Why isn't there demand for friendship therapy (12:53) What really is a friend (15:37) The most important metric for longevity (17:50) Have we lost the skill of making friends? (21:46) Why national service is so important (30:24) The importance of belief (36:05) Remote connection vs in person (38:57) Is the office outdated? (43:47) The importance of acts of service (45:41) Is the rise of individualism hurting us? (49:05) What direction should young people be directing their life towards (51:34) Andrew Tate's approach validating young people (53:40) Are friendships the same as relationships? (57:53) Having our priorities wrong (01:12:31) What is Simon struggling with (01:17:17) Where does inspiration come from? (01:20:49) Techniques for public speaking (01:26:46) The difference between validation and insecurity (01:31:40) Companies misunderstand what service means (01:37:33) How to have those difficult conversations (01:45:03) We undervalue stories (01:49:10) Connecting with people (01:52:01) Last question You can purchase Simon’s book, ‘The Infinite Game’, here: https://amzn.to/4bYWNte  Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3z0riRb  Twitter - https://bit.ly/45jgWrz  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz

    Moment 166: What Men & Women NEED To Know About The Menstrual Cycle: Dr Mindy Pelz
    In this moment, nutritionist and functional health expert, Dr. Mindy Pelz gives the information that every man needs to hear about menstrual cycles in order to better understand the females in their life: The menstrual and reproductive cycle lasts from 28 - 32 days (this varies from female to female) Day 1 - 10, is when a female is building oestrogen, Mindy says that for the first 2 days is the best time to give the female’s of your life some space. Afterwards they will be more present and outgoing. Day 12/13, is when oestrogen is at it’s peak in the female body and is the best time to resolve any conflict Day 10 - 15, is when ovulation happens and is when a female’s libido is highest, after Day 15, there is a crash of hormones which can lead to feeling low Day 17/18 is when progesterone starts to come in and is the time to be particularly nice and caring to the female’s in your life until the cycle begins again Mindy says that understanding the patterns of the female menstrual cycle, can create large amounts of empathy, and men can change their behaviour to help the females in their life as best they can. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/ne5qtFHtoKb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/9uu4LoFtoKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Mindy: https://drmindypelz.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi

    The Menopause Doctor: This Diet Delays Menopause! They're Lying To You About Menopause! Menopause Is Shrinking Your Brain! - Dr Lisa Mosconi
    Meet the woman behind the scientific research revolution that could change the lives of 50% of the world’s population Dr Lisa Mosconi is the associate professor of neurology and radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of Women’s Brain Initiative and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. She is also the author of the books, ‘The XX Brain’, ‘Brain Food’, and ‘The Menopause Brain’. In this conversation Lisa and Steven discuss topics such as, how the menopause impacts the brain, the link between menopause and Alzheimer’s, why sex hormones are essential for brain health, and the truth about hormone therapy. 00:00 Intro 02:05 Why People Should Listen To This Conversation 04:10 What People Need To Know About Menopause And The Impact On The Brain 06:21 Who Is Lisa Misconi? 08:08 Why Hasn't There Been Research And Investment Into Menopause? 14:28 What Is Menopause And Signs 15:54 Menopause Stages Start Before You Think! 19:07 What's The Youngest Person With Menopause 22:35 Perimenopause Transition 29:54 Menopause Brain Scans 33:09 Some Women Have More Shocking Brain Scans Than Others 34:28 Behavioural Changes From Menopause 38:05 How Many Women Experience Brain Fog? 39:53 Menopause Rewires The Brain 41:11 Symptoms As A Result Of Brain Change 43:57 Isn't The Cure Simple? 51:50 What Age Should We Think About Treating/Preventing Symptoms 52:50 Going Deeper Into The Stages Of Menopause 58:34 Link Between Suicides And Menopause In Women 01:02:55 Brain Fog Over Time With Menopause 01:07:28 The Benefits Of Exercise 01:11:04 Link Between Exercise And Alzheimer's 01:14:11 Caffeine, Sleep And Menopause 01:18:08 Is Alcohol Bad For Menopause? 01:20:52 What Toxins Should We Be Aware Of? 01:22:40 Specific Foods That Help Stave Off The Menopause 01:25:42 Are Supplements Needed In Our Diet? 01:30:06 What Is The Evolutionary Reason For Menopause? 01:37:14 Does Menopause Make You Sad? 01:40:11 Surgical Menopause 01:45:17 Isn't It Just Ageing? 01:53:07 When Will I Go Through Menopause? 01:56:48 Last Guest Question You can get in contact with Lisa’s team to discuss enrolling in her studies, here: https://neurology.weill.cornell.edu/research/womens-brain-initiative You can access the results from Lisa’s research on brain changes during the menopause, here: http://drlisamosconi.tiiny.co/ You can access a time lapse video of changes to the menopause brain, here: http://brain-shrinking-video.tiiny.co/ You purchase Lisa's most recent book, ‘The Menopause Brain: The New Science Empowering Women to Navigate Midlife with Knowledge and Confidence’, here: https://amzn.to/3VncZgS  Follow Lisa: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3XeTpWM  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4ek0Ulh  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: PerfectTed - perfectted.com- Code: DIARY10 at checkout for 10% off  Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!
    From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV. Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.  In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.  (00:00) Intro (00:52) Early Context (02:38) Your Parents (03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From (06:41) The Importance of Respect (10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment (15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label (19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry (23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss (28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record (31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer (39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit (46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything (50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV (59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism (01:06:30) Finding Westlife (01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away (01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born (01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me (01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life (01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell (01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work (01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places (01:39:39) Going to Therapy (01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career (01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy (01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying (01:55:02) One Direction (01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band (02:03:33) Harry Styles (02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry (02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together? (02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4c5bKK0  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3yKu9xg  Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon Audition, sign up here - https://g2ul0.app.link/WnrZDXcwjKb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb   My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen
    In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos David:  https://www.raichlen.arizona.edu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The Airey Bros.

    IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/


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    Have you tried Keto Soups from Kettle and Fire they are delicious and they are essential for any ultra marathon crew. Don't get stuck using powdered broths and top ramen at your next ultra, use Kettle and Fire, you won't regret it. Order now and save up 30% on your order


    People always ask us about supplements my answers vary from time to time with what using at any given moment but one constant since 2013 has been Cordyceps Mushrooms from Onnit. Shroom TECH Sport helps you turn up your training volume. Whether you’re a recreational exerciser or a dedicated athlete, this means MORE: reps, circuits, miles, laps, more of the hard work you love to hate. Best of all, Shroom TECH Sport delivers improved performance all without the use of stimulants like caffeine. It's designed to be used before exercise or for a daily energy boost.


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