
    The National Anthem, A Spiritual Experience.

    enJune 30, 2022

    About this Episode

    GOING DUTCH PODCAST EPISODE 36: The National Anthem, A Spiritual Experience. 

    This question coupled with music is the first line that grabs your attention in The National Anthem.
    Can you picture it? Francis Scott Key, watching from a ship. He's asking you to envision the picture he's about to paint of his experience on September 13/14, 1814, in The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. 
    The National Anthem is truly my favorite song. Originally a poem, written after a difficult experience the writer, Francis Scott Key, endured.
    Before I sing the national anthem, I always take a moment to pray that as I sing every word, those in the audience will feel the experience of Francis Scott Key. I hope to remind the audience what a great place America truly is.
    My Fourth of July tradition of singing The National Anthem, attending rodeo, talking about freedom, and discussing our ancestors are close to my heart. 
    As you listen to this episode, I've added my rendition of this song to the end. It is my hope that wherever you are on Independence Day, you'll stop and take a moment to listen to this song. Have gratitude in your heart and focus on the blessings of Freedom and the message of hope that even after a great battle, GREAT things still stand! The Flag was still there.
    Let it wave o'er the land of the 
    And the home of the 


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    Thoughts on Moses.

    I started singing in church at 3 years old.

    Acknowledge those who make a difference.

    Be aware that you never know when someone is speaking bad or good of you.

    If someone has offended you, let it go.

    It’s not “what is wrong with you, it’s “who” is wrong with you?”

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    Be a part of The Shine Bright Mastermind and Retreat

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    One of Dawn’s greatest strengths is her ability to absorb, understand, and reshare information in a way that’s easy to understand. Her ability to practice non-judgment makes her easy to talk to. When you feel comfortable sharing, it helps build connections between women that feel safe.

    Dawn has been to all of my retreats. When she first went, she was not in the best place with her relationship with Christ. She wasn’t connecting with Him the way she wanted to. Through the tools she learned, she was able to find and build this connection in a more authentic way.

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    If you feel stuck, breathwork is something that could be impactful for you. Once you’ve tried it, ask yourself: What is the message? Your message may come in words, colors, pictures, or even a smell. That is your message for the day.

    This is one great way to start your way with intention. You start in creation so that you can start moving towards the goals you want. If you find an obstacle coming up, I can help you with that inside my coaching practice. We can discover the root of what’s going on so you can get unstuck and start living the way you want.


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    Episode 50: What Makes You Great Part 2

    Episode 50: What Makes You Great Part 2

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    Each and every one of us has our own unique gifts and abilities, and embracing this allows us to coexist in a beautiful way. You’re in your light and truth, and so are others. God made us this way. He wants us to be great, and that is worth celebrating.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

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    Episode 49: Suicide Ideation: Mental Health Awareness

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    I’m back in therapy, and in that space, I’ve been exploring shame. I never thought shame was such a culprit in my life until I started doing this work with my friend Joyce. What it’s revealed to me is that shame has been both a hindrance and a blessing in my life—and I’m ready to be done with it.

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    In high school, I went through major depression and was first confronted with suicidal thoughts. I would often use food as a coping mechanism. I was baking all the time and I felt really lonely. I had relationships, but they were all surface relationships. I never made any attempts, but I often had and expressed the dark thoughts I was having.

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    You deserve healing too, whatever that looks like for you. Just taking a step in that direction is a big deal. Grounding every day keeps the darkness away. It recalibrates you into power and possibility. The door out of your worst moments is through your gifts and purpose.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

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    You need to have the will to take that first step and be able to accept whatever consequences come of it. Throughout our lives, we have been telling ourselves what we can’t do. We’ve been training ourselves to fail. We have to reprogram our thoughts and our input so we can override the natural tendency to hold ourselves back.


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    Episode 47 Where To Next?

    Episode 47 Where To Next?

    In this episode, I pose the internal question of "Where to next?". In a moment of not knowing what was coming next, I recorded this vulnerable podcast. 

    Being in business takes time and money. Publishing this podcast, publishing books, websites, etc all cost money! Is it worth it? Do I keep going? Listen in as I work through it in real-time.

    We don't always have to know what is ten steps ahead. We can plan and have dreams. And sometimes it seems futile. God is there waiting for us to keep striving. He will meet us where we are at. 

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