
    The National Safe Child Show - September 6, 2016

    en-usSeptember 06, 2016

    About this Episode

    Texas Mother Speaks out on Kidnapping of her 11 Children on National Safe Child Show Claire Rembis, the homeschool mother of the 11 children who were abducted in Colorado recently and brought back to Texas, was interviewed Friday, September 2nd by Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show. The show begins with Claire on the phone with Ms. Stefano while still wrapping up a monitored visitation with some of her children who were recently taken into custody by Texas CPS in Lubbock, Texas. Claire is upset while trying to wrap up her visit to do the interview, because she was reportedly only allotted one hour of time with her daughters, and when she took a short break to use the bathroom about 45 minutes into the visitation, they took her daughters away before she could even say goodbye. The story of the Rembis family, and how Texas CPS has repeatedly harassed their family and taken away their children even though the parents have never been charged or convicted of anything wrong, is starting to gain national attention. Their only crime simply seems to be that some people think they have too many children, and that they have publicly criticized Texas CPS. Listen to this interview as a tearful mother explains how her children suffered abuse, including sexual abuse, while in foster care the first time Texas CPS took her children. Today, she does not even know where her children are.

    Recent Episodes from The National Safe Child Show

    The National Safe Child Show - September 6, 2016

    The National Safe Child Show - September 6, 2016
    Texas Mother Speaks out on Kidnapping of her 11 Children on National Safe Child Show Claire Rembis, the homeschool mother of the 11 children who were abducted in Colorado recently and brought back to Texas, was interviewed Friday, September 2nd by Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show. The show begins with Claire on the phone with Ms. Stefano while still wrapping up a monitored visitation with some of her children who were recently taken into custody by Texas CPS in Lubbock, Texas. Claire is upset while trying to wrap up her visit to do the interview, because she was reportedly only allotted one hour of time with her daughters, and when she took a short break to use the bathroom about 45 minutes into the visitation, they took her daughters away before she could even say goodbye. The story of the Rembis family, and how Texas CPS has repeatedly harassed their family and taken away their children even though the parents have never been charged or convicted of anything wrong, is starting to gain national attention. Their only crime simply seems to be that some people think they have too many children, and that they have publicly criticized Texas CPS. Listen to this interview as a tearful mother explains how her children suffered abuse, including sexual abuse, while in foster care the first time Texas CPS took her children. Today, she does not even know where her children are.

    The National Safe Child Show - September 6, 2016

    The National Safe Child Show - September 6, 2016
    This interview highlights Dr. Debra Wingfield's upcoming book designed to educate and train all professionals who work in family courts about the nuances of domestic violence/coercive control. Too many victim/survivors are misunderstood when they make allegations of non-physical domestic violence. This leads to children being placed in unsupervised parenting time with their abusive parent. The long-term consequences to these children have been explained by the ACE Study. It's time to shift the responsibility for coercive control to the abuser parent and protect children from further harm.