
    About this Episode

    If you've ever described yourself as "multi-passionate", or been told to niche down but felt conflicted about which direction to move in...

    If you've ever struggled to have ONE goal, chase ONE dream or start just ONE business...

    If you've ever made a career decision or transition and doubted yourself the whole time, maybe until today...

    This episode is for you.

    And maybe you've always known your path. Maybe you've felt clear and focused since the moment you read about this profession, problem or idea. If that's you, I'm happy for ya... and maybe a little envious.

    As a recovering perfectionist and multi-passionate entrepreneur, I have wrestled nearly my whole life with the idea of choosing just one thing to work on at a time.

    Is it possible for people like us to change? Is it necessary?

    In this episode, I discuss what I believe is the answer to the multi-passionate question. I may even go back on a belief I held and shared on the show a few seasons ago.

    Stay around to the end where I tell you exactly how you can create true success by understanding this simple recipe. 



    Please leave a review: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/itunes
    Connect with Phoebe on Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek

    Recent Episodes from Unbecoming with Phoebe Mroczek

    Seed of Something Great

    Seed of Something Great

    Hey, I literally ran home to record this one for you. I think you'll love it if you have an idea, wish or desire sitting in your back pocket. It doesn't even have to be fully formed.. it might just be the seed of something great. I hope you love it and if you do, please do me a favor and share it with a friend.

    x P



    21 Mid-Year Check-In Questions

    21 Mid-Year Check-In Questions

    Just had a birthday, so naturally - thought it appropriate to reevaluate my entire life. Kidding, sort of :) But here are the questions I'm using to do so. I hope they add as much clarity and value to your life as they have mine.

    xx P

    Moments Before a Big Leap

    Moments Before a Big Leap

    I recorded this episode for you if and when you're ready for a change, a leap or just a little something new. If you're someone for who that pendulum swings hard, this episode is for you.

    I hope you enjoy it and please share if you do.

    xx P

    7 Steps to Turn Things Around

    7 Steps to Turn Things Around

    I recorded this new audio for you if you're looking to turn things around in your life.. be it in a personal, professional, relational or some other area. Regardless if you're feeling like you need a full 180 change or just a simple shift towards a new goal, this episode is for you.

    I hope you enjoy and consider sharing with a friend or two to help support the show.

    Perfection is a Cop-Out

    Perfection is a Cop-Out

    This is my first episode released in almost a year and I can officially say that I'm BACK.

    Today's show is not the perfectly polished episode I'd been intending it to be, and that's what's so perfect about it.

    Too often, we let our perfectionism stand in the way of just getting it done.. so in an attempt to get back on the horse and lead the charge against perfectionism, here we are.

    I give you, my first episode back. Real and raw, and maybe even a bit unbecoming :)


    What to do when you start to lose yourself

    What to do when you start to lose yourself

    I've heard from so many friends over the last few years that they feel they're starting to "lose" themselves so I set out to uncover what that means and how to avoid or stop it.

    We all get pulled off course from time to time so if you feel you're losing yourself in work, in love or somewhere else, this episode is for you. 

    I hope you enjoy and share this episode with the people you love most - you never know who might be suffering in silence.

    Why Most People Fail to Change

    Why Most People Fail to Change

    Over the last year, I've observed many people start and stop themselves.. whether that be in mainly business, health or relationships. It's not that they CAN'T, or that they don't know HOW...

    On this week's episode, I share what the real issue is and how to break it so REAL transformation is possible.


    I hope you enjoy this conversation and find value in it. If you do, please share it with someone you care about.   

    44 Light + Imposter Syndrome

    44 Light + Imposter Syndrome

    Today, I’m talking about imposter syndrome, and a new program called 44 Light.

    If you’ve ever felt like a fraud or doubted your abilities, this is an episode for you.

    When we're pushed to our limits or out of comfort zone, we bump up against all the programming and patterning that resides in our unconscious. 

    Similarly, if you're feeling unhappy or insecure in your body, this is also a MUST LISTEN for you. 


    When you're ready, send me an email at phoebe@phoebemroczek.com 

    We start March 14. You in?