
    Podcast Summary

    • The Complex Investigation into the Murder of Mo WilsonThe murder of Mo Wilson was a complex case for Detective Spittler with limited information, a missing suspect, and a potential alibi for the main suspect, Caitlin Cash.

      The murder of Mo Wilson, a promising gravel racer, on May 11, 2022, in Austin, Texas, shocked the racing community. The investigation, led by Detective Richard Spittler, was complex as they had limited information and a missing suspect. The only lead was Caitlin Cash, Mariah's friend who discovered her body. Despite her apparent shock and distress, Caitlin was a suspect due to her unexplained whereabouts that night. The investigation revealed that Mariah had gone out with another man, Mariah, the night before, which added complexity to the case. The bike was found nearby, but nothing else was taken, making the motive unclear. The case was a turning point for Detective Spittler and marked the start of a long and intriguing investigation.

    • New leads in Mariah's murder investigationDetectives discovered crucial info from Caitlyn about Mariah's whereabouts and plans, found an SUV near the crime scene, and uncovered Mariah's background as a champion gravel racer, adding complexity to the investigation.

      The investigation into Mariah's murder revealed crucial information from Caitlyn, including the exact times Mariah entered and left Caitlyn's apartment, and her plans to meet Colin Strickland that night. The discovery of an SUV with a bike rack and luggage rack near the crime scene, which passed by only a minute after Mariah entered her apartment, added to the growing list of leads for the detectives. Mariah's background as a champion gravel racer and her humble personality also came to light, adding complexity to the investigation as they tried to determine who among her acquaintances may have held a grudge against her.

    • Bicycle Racer's Garage Reveals Suspicious FindingsDuring a murder investigation, detectives discovered a bike rack in a person of interest's garage that matched the one seen in a surveillance video, leading to further questioning and potential involvement of the person's girlfriend.

      Colin Strickland, a bicycle racer from Austin, Texas, was a person of interest in the murder investigation of gravel racing champion Mariah Wilson. The detectives discovered a black SUV with a bike rack in Colin's garage, which matched the one seen in the surveillance video. Colin initially denied knowing Mariah, but later admitted they had gone swimming at Deep Eddie, a local pool, the night before her death. However, his story didn't add up, and he was eventually brought in for questioning. During the interview, Colin claimed he had only had a brief fling with Mariah six months prior and was back with his regular girlfriend, Caitlyn Armstrong. He also admitted to hiding his contact with Mariah from Caitlyn by renaming it "Christine Wall." Despite his girlfriend's past snooping, Colin maintained he hadn't driven Caitlyn's Jeep, which was also seen in the surveillance video. The detectives considered both Colin and Caitlyn as persons of interest in the case.

    • Thorough investigation reveals hidden truthsDuring a murder investigation, every detail and statement must be fact-checked and corroborated to uncover hidden truths.

      During a murder investigation, every detail and statement made by potential suspects or persons of interest must be thoroughly fact-checked and corroborated. In this case, Colin's initial helpfulness turned into protective mode during questioning about his girlfriend, Caitlyn. Though he seemed unfamiliar with the workings of a murder investigation, Colin's statements about owning guns for both him and Caitlyn raised suspicion. The police found evidence to corroborate some of Colin's statements, but couldn't shake the feeling that he was holding back information. As a result, they began investigating Caitlyn, leading to the discovery of a warrant for her arrest. This case highlights the importance of a thorough and factual investigation in uncovering the truth.

    • Determination and Timing in a Murder InvestigationStaying engaged and providing information during an investigation, even after being released, can lead to the discovery of crucial evidence.

      During an investigation into a murder, determination and timing played crucial roles. Caitlyn and Colin, both determined individuals, were initially mistakenly identified and arrested. Caitlyn, despite being released due to a mistaken warrant, chose to stay and answer questions about her relationship with the victim. Detectives obtained a search warrant for their residence and found potential incriminating evidence, including handguns and items suggestive of travel to other countries. The presence of Caitlyn's Jeep near the victim's house, captured on camera, raised further questions. The investigation continued with the aim of gathering both sides of the story to clarify the situation.

    • Two suspects with conflicting statements and suspicious behaviorDuring the investigation, Kaitlin and Colin, two key figures, gave conflicting statements and displayed suspicious behavior. Later, evidence emerged suggesting Caitlin had contacted Mariah, potentially to keep her away from Colin, expanding the police's understanding of the situation.

      During the investigation into Mariah Wilson's murder, both Kaitlin and Colin, two key figures, gave conflicting statements and nonverbal cues to the detectives. Kaitlin's Jeep was found near the crime scene, but she didn't offer an explanation. She kept nodding, indicating she knew something. Colin, a person of interest, also gave vague answers about his knowledge of Caitlin's contact with Mariah, which seemed suspicious due to her alleged jealousy. Despite their claims of innocence and positive descriptions of their partners, the detectives grew suspicious. Later, tips came in suggesting Caitlin had contacted Mariah, trying to keep her away from Colin. These revelations significantly expanded the police's understanding of the situation by May 17th.

    • Hard evidence leads to identification of prime suspectEvidence like videos, ballistics, and tips played a crucial role in identifying and apprehending the prime suspect in a murder case.

      While Caitlin Armstrong's angry words and suspicious behavior at a party provided investigators with a strong motive, it wasn't enough to make an arrest. Instead, it was hard evidence such as videos of her car at the crime scene, ballistics matching a gun found at her former home, and a tip about her leaving town that ultimately led to Kaitlyn Armstrong being identified as the prime suspect in the murder of Moriah "Mo" Wilson. Despite a city-wide search and involvement from the US Marshals, Kaitlyn went into hiding, making her a difficult suspect to apprehend.

    • Caitlin's Disappearance Leads to Costa Rica due to Yoga ConnectionThe investigation into Caitlin's disappearance led to Costa Rica due to her yoga practice, making it a complex case due to the large number of yoga studios and the approaching hurricane.

      The investigation into the disappearance of Caitlin Armstrong, a prime suspect in a murder case, took an unexpected turn when it was discovered that she had used her sister's passport to travel to Costa Rica. The task force was able to track her down using security camera footage and her online activity, but finding her proved to be difficult due to the large number of yoga studios in Costa Rica and the approaching hurricane. The only solid lead was Caitlin's tie to Costa Rica through her practice of yoga, making it a challenging case due to the lack of other connections to the country. The investigation involved international cooperation and traditional police work, but finding Caitlin remained elusive.

    • A tourist's memory of 'Beth' led marshals to Caitlyn Armstrong's whereaboutsA single detail from a tourist's encounter with a fugitive can lead investigators to crucial information, ultimately helping to apprehend the suspect.

      When investigating a fugitive, every detail and lead is crucial. In this case, the marshals faced challenges in finding a non-smiling photo of their suspect, Caitlyn Armstrong, and locating her whereabouts in Costa Rica. A promising lead came from an American tourist who had met her in a yoga class and remembered her as "Beth." This information led the marshals to Hakko, where they confirmed her presence through security footage. The tourist also recalled that Caitlyn had been recommended to visit Santa Teresa for yoga. With this lead, the marshals traveled to Santa Teresa, where they faced the challenge of finding her among the many aliases she was using and the isolation of the beach town. The investigation became more complicated when Caitlyn was also wanted in Costa Rica. Despite these challenges, the marshals persisted in their search, using every detail and lead they could find to locate and apprehend Caitlyn Armstrong.

    • Persisting in the pursuit of justice despite challengesIn the pursuit of justice, staying determined and resourceful is crucial, even when faced with obstacles like unfamiliar places, distractions, and lack of leads.

      Blending in is essential when searching for a fugitive in an unfamiliar place. In the case of Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, the investigators faced numerous challenges, from the town's laid-back atmosphere and abundance of Caitlin look-alikes to the distractions of COVID-19 and an impending hurricane. They tried various tactics, such as attending yoga classes, surf contests, and even posting a job ad for a yoga instructor, but their efforts yielded no results. However, just as they were about to give up, they received a response to their ad from a number believed to be Caitlin's. Despite the obstacles, persistence and adaptability ultimately paid off for the investigators. The lesson here is that in the pursuit of justice, one must remain determined and resourceful, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    • Discovering Hidden IdentitiesInvestigators discovered a suspect was living under a false identity after using language skills to confirm her true identity, highlighting the importance of not judging based on appearances.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and people may go to great lengths to hide their true identities. In this case, the investigation team, led by Perez, discovered that a woman they had been searching for under the alias "Airy Martin" was actually Caitlin Armstrong, who had undergone plastic surgery and was living under the name "Alison Page" in Santa Teresa. Perez used his Spanish language skills to approach her and confirm her identity, leading to her arrest. The experience left Perez and others involved in the case reflecting on the importance of not judging people based on their appearances or assumed aliases, and the lengths some individuals will go to in order to hide their true selves.

    • Two Women's Journeys: From Fugitive to RememberedLife's journey is unpredictable, and staying humble and focused on what truly matters is essential.

      No matter how successful or enlightened we may become, we are all still on a journey in life. This was evident in the stories of Kaitlyn Armstrong and Mariah Wilson. Kaitlyn, once a fugitive, was now back in Texas, facing the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, Mariah, a promising cyclist, was remembered for her humility and love for biking. The investigation into Mariah's murder revealed new details, including the discovery of Caitlyn's Jeep and the GPS data it provided, which helped pinpoint the location and time of the crime. Despite the progress in the case, the mystery of Mariah's murder deepened as investigators continued to piece together the events leading up to her death. Ultimately, the stories of these two women serve as reminders of the unpredictability and complexity of life, and the importance of staying humble and focused on what truly matters.

    • Defense Maintains Innocence for Kaitlin ArmstrongThe defense argues that Kaitlin Armstrong had no motive to kill and her actions were not indicative of guilt, despite significant circumstantial evidence and a complicated relationship with the alleged victim's boyfriend.

      The defense in the Kaitlyn Armstrong case, represented by attorney Rick Kofer, maintains her innocence despite a significant amount of circumstantial evidence. Kofer argues that Kaitlin had no motive to kill, as she was not a jealous person, and her actions following the alleged crime, such as fleeing to Costa Rica, were not indicative of guilt. He also expects the government's own evidence to acquit Kaitlin. The case against her is largely circumstantial, with the star witness, Colin Strickland, testifying to their complicated relationship and Kaitlin's alleged stalking of Mariah Wilson using a fitness app. However, the defense argues that Kaitlin's actions can be explained by her fear for her safety and her belief that Colin was the real killer.

    • The Role of Technology in Solving a Murder CaseTechnology can leave a digital footprint, including location data and online searches, which can be used to build a case against a suspect.

      Technology played a significant role in the investigation of the murder of Mariah Wilson. Prosecutors believed that Caitlin Armstrong, the suspect, had been tracking Mariah's public profile on Strava and knew she was in Austin. Caitlin's own phone data was also crucial, as it stopped pinging at the time of the murder, suggesting she may have turned it off to avoid detection. Additionally, the prosecution presented evidence that Caitlin had searched for information about herself online, practiced shooting, and made threatening comments to Mariah. Despite these circumstantial pieces of evidence, the defense argued that there was not enough substantial evidence to convict. However, the jury only took 118 minutes to reach a guilty verdict. The case illustrates how technology can leave a digital footprint that can be used to build a case against a suspect.

    • The Consequences of Dishonesty and ManipulationJealousy and selfish actions can lead to devastating outcomes, resulting in long-term consequences for those involved and their loved ones.

      The consequences of dishonesty and manipulation can lead to devastating outcomes. In the case of Caitlin Armstrong, her jealousy and selfish actions resulted in the murder of her friend, Mariah Wilson. The jury found her guilty and sentenced her to 90 years in prison. The victims' family members shared their pain and loss, expressing the profound impact of Caitlin's actions on their lives. This tragic story underscores the importance of integrity, honesty, and respect in relationships. The loss of Mariah was felt not only by her immediate family but also by her friends and community. Colin Strickland, a friend of Mariah's, was deeply affected by her death and has since given up his career in gravel racing. Mariah herself, in a podcast interview before her death, expressed her desire to be able to pause time to cherish special moments. The poignancy of her words has taken on new meaning in light of her untimely death.

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    If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 or visit online.rainn.org

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    Listen to Keith’s original podcast on this story, “Murder in the Hollywood Hills” here: https://link.chtbl.com/mithh_social

    Resources: National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-4673 or online.rainn.org

    Listen to Andrea Canning and Keith Morrison as they go behind the scenes of the making of this episode in ‘Talking Dateline’:https://link.chtbl.com/tdl_thegirlwiththehibiscustattoo

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    -Norm Schriever :-)

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