
    The No.1 Health Expert: The One Food (WE ALL EAT) That's Killing Us Slowly: Max Lugavere

    enFebruary 20, 2023
    What inspired Max Lugavere to become a health journalist?
    How did his mother's illness impact his career choices?
    What nutritional factors contribute to feeling satiated?
    What are the effects of childhood experiences on adult relationships?
    Why is therapy emphasized in healing from childhood trauma?

    • Max Lugavere's Mission to Help Others Avoid Neurodegenerative ConditionsMax Lugavere's personal experience with his mother's illness drove him to become a health journalist and author, seeking to share knowledge and prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

      Max Lugavere's personal experience with his mother's illness and subsequent loss has driven him to become a health and science journalist, filmmaker, podcaster, and author. His main mission in life is to help people feel better, live longer, and live healthier, while also preventing the types of conditions his mother struggled with. Max's journey began when his mother started experiencing brain fog and they couldn't find answers from doctors in New York City. Eventually, they traveled to the Cleveland Clinic where she received a diagnosis of a neurodegenerative condition, leading to Max researching and learning about Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. This traumatic experience served as a turning point in his life, propelling him to acquire knowledge and share it with others to make a positive impact on their health and well-being.

    • The Shocking Truth About Added Sugar in Processed Foods!Understanding the impact of added sugar in ultra-processed foods is crucial for making informed choices and prioritizing whole, natural foods to support our overall well-being.

      Understanding the impact of sugar on our health is important, particularly when it comes to added sugar in processed foods. While sugar naturally occurs in many plant foods, the main issue lies with the added sugar in ultra-processed foods. Food manufacturers add sugar to make these foods more palatable, which can lead to difficulties in self-control and overconsumption. It's important to recognize that struggling to moderate our intake of these foods is not a moral failure, but rather a result of their design. By being aware of the presence of added sugar in processed foods, we can make more informed choices and prioritize whole, natural foods to support our overall well-being.

    • Discover the shocking reason why we can't resist high-calorie foods!Our survival instinct to consume sweet and savory foods has backfired in modern times, leading to an abundance of food, obesity, and metabolic dysfunction. Be mindful of added sugar to avoid health issues.

      Our brains and bodies are programmed to overconsume certain foods, particularly those that are calorie-dense and hyperpalatable due to added sugar. Throughout history, humans developed a survival instinct to consume sweet and savory foods because they didn't know when the next feast would be. However, in modern times, food scarcity is largely solved, leading to an abundance of food and a higher prevalence of obesity and metabolic dysfunction. Added sugar is hidden in many processed foods, and the average adult today consumes a staggering amount of added sugar daily. Sugar-free products may still contain compounds that break down into glucose or fake fibers that can cause digestive issues. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of added sugar and consider minimizing or avoiding it altogether.

    • Discover the surprising truth about avoiding sugar and processed foods!Mindful consumption of sugar and ultra processed foods is key to a healthy diet. Opt for unprocessed or minimally processed foods for a healthier lifestyle.

      Being mindful of your sugar intake and avoiding ultra processed foods is important for maintaining a healthy diet. Non-caloric sweeteners, such as sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, should be consumed in moderation to avoid digestive issues. Ultra processed foods, which are found in aisles of supermarkets and have long ingredient lists, should generally be avoided as they are often packed with added sugars, excess sodium, and refined grains. While not all ultra processed foods are inherently bad, it is crucial to make informed choices and understand the ingredients in the products we consume. Opting for unprocessed or minimally processed foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, is recommended for a healthier lifestyle.

    • Discover the surprising benefits of the ketogenic diet for brain health!The ketogenic diet can improve brain health and help manage neurological conditions, but it may not be necessary for weight loss. Alternative therapies like MCT oil can be beneficial for individuals with dementia.

      The ketogenic diet has certain benefits and applications, particularly in terms of brain health and certain neurological conditions like epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. While it may not be necessary for weight loss, the ketogenic diet can significantly impact the biochemistry of the brain by providing an alternate fuel source and improving ATP production. However, adherence to the ketogenic diet can be challenging, especially for individuals with dementia. In such cases, alternative ketogenic therapies like MCT oil or exogenous ketone supplements can be beneficial. It is important to recognize that the ketogenic diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but for those who are interested or have specific neurological conditions, it is a topic worth exploring.

    • Discover the Surprising Link Between the Keto Diet and DiabetesWhile the ketogenic diet may not benefit everyone, it can be a helpful option for those with type 2 diabetes, highlighting the importance of long-term trials and avoiding generalizations based on observational studies.

      While the ketogenic diet is not necessary for the average person's overall health or the prevention of dementia, it can be a beneficial therapeutic option for individuals with type 2 diabetes and glucose intolerance. Carbohydrates are not the sole cause of type 2 diabetes; it is the overconsumption of calories and the accumulation of fat in organ tissues that contribute to the issue. Animal products, such as fish, eggs, beef, chicken, and dairy, contain important chemicals like choline that are associated with reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. However, the links between nutrition and health are largely based on observational studies, emphasizing the need for long-term randomized controlled trials. It is important to consider diet quality and avoid drawing inaccurate conclusions based on population-level associations.

    • These 3 types of foods are the secret to good health!The types of foods we eat, such as ultra processed and fast food, contribute to obesity, while foods like quinoa and red meat can be nutritious when consumed in healthier forms. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods is important for overall health.

      The types of foods we consume have a significant impact on our health. Ultra processed foods, fast food, and convenience foods, which are often consumed by many people, are major contributors to obesity. On the other hand, foods like quinoa are associated with robust health, not necessarily because of their inherent qualities, but because they are typically consumed by health-conscious individuals who prioritize their well-being. The same goes for red meat - while it can be a nutritious food, its negative reputation comes from being consumed in unhealthy forms like hot dogs and hamburgers. It is essential to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition, but incorporating nutrient-dense foods, including animal products, can be beneficial for overall health.

    • Shocking truth: These additives in your food are destroying your gut!Avoid foods with emulsifiers, opt for whole fruits for better health.

      Certain food additives, such as industrial-grade emulsifiers like polysorbate 80 and carboxy methylcellulose, can have inflammatory effects on the gut. These substances can degrade the mucosa, which is an important lining that separates the contents of our GI tract from the rest of our body. Inflammation in the gut can have wider effects on our overall health, including brain function and disease susceptibility. It is recommended to avoid foods that contain these emulsifiers, as they are often found in ultra-processed foods. Additionally, whole fruits are a better option than fruit juices because they contain fiber and water, which help slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream and provide a feeling of fullness.

    • Why Pringles aren't as satisfying as you think they arePrioritizing protein, fiber, and hydration can reduce overeating, while natural foods nourish our bodies more effectively than highly processed snacks.

      Pringles lack the characteristics that make food satiating, including protein, fiber, and hydration. Ultra-processed foods like Pringles are minimally filling and can lead to overeating. Prioritizing protein in our diet can help reduce hunger and support muscle growth. Fiber slows down the digestion process and makes us feel more satisfied. Water is often mistaken for hunger, and staying hydrated can help curb unnecessary snacking. Unlike Pringles, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins provide these satiating factors and can nourish our bodies more effectively. It's important to be mindful of our food choices and opt for nutrient-rich options rather than relying on highly processed snacks.

    • The Shocking Truth About Our Shrinking Health Spans RevealedIt is essential to focus on both increasing lifespan and health span by practicing healthy habits and following a whole food dietary pattern, like the Mediterranean diet, for better physical and mental well-being.

      There is a significant difference between health span and life span. While modern medical advances have allowed us to live longer, our health spans are actually shrinking. This means that we are spending more of our lives burdened with chronic disease and disability. It is crucially important to not only focus on lengthening our lifespans but also to aspire to lengthen our health spans. This can be achieved by practicing healthy habits such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and staying socially connected. Additionally, the role of food in mental health is also significant. Animal products, particularly red meat, contain nutrients that support good mental health. However, the impact of diet on mental health may also be bidirectional and further research is needed. Overall, adopting a whole food dietary pattern, like the Mediterranean diet, can have positive effects on both physical and mental well-being.

    • This Surprising Lifestyle Change Can Boost Your Mental HealthAdopting a whole foods diet and engaging in physical exercise, such as using saunas, can significantly improve mental and cognitive health, leading to a potential threefold increase in remission from depression and improved overall health.

      Adopting a whole foods diet and engaging in physical exercise, such as using saunas, can have significant benefits on mental and cognitive health. The Smiles trial demonstrated that a dietary intervention inclusive of red meat, fish, dark leafy greens, berries, olive oil, and eggs led to a threefold increase in remission from depression compared to the standard of care. Additionally, exercise, including sauna use, has been shown to increase the release of norepinephrine, a chemical that positively affects cognitive performance. These lifestyle interventions can prime the body to become more resilient and adapt, leading to improved overall health. While more research is needed, there is plausible evidence supporting the correlation between these interventions and positive health outcomes.

    • Are You Living in a Comfort Crisis? The Surprising TruthOur modern lifestyle's focus on comfort and lack of natural stressors may be harming our health. Embracing beneficial stressors and building resilience can help combat chronic stress and improve well-being.

      Our modern lifestyle, which prioritizes comfort and minimizes stress, may actually be detrimental to our overall health. The speakers discuss the importance of incorporating beneficial stressors, such as sauna use and exposure to certain compounds in food, to promote a healthy physiological response. They note that our ancestors likely faced natural stresses on a regular basis, whereas we have created a life that shields us from such stresses. The absence of these stresses, known as the comfort crisis, can lead to chronic stress, which has negative effects on our immune function, digestion, and brain function. By embracing beneficial stressors and building resilience, we can better cope with chronic stress and improve our overall well-being.

    • Discover how chronic stress impacts your gut health and more!Chronic stress affects digestion, fat storage, and cardiovascular health. Address the root cause of stress and prioritize quality sleep for optimal overall well-being.

      Chronic stress can have significant effects on our digestive system and overall health. Stress can lead to digestive symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating, particularly before public speaking. Our perception of stress is intricately connected to our biology. One consequence of chronic stress is the storage of fat in the midsection, which is linked to increased inflammation and negative cardiovascular effects. Cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands, plays a role in fat storage and can have negative effects on our brain and other tissues. While certain foods can temporarily lower cortisol levels, it is important to address the root cause of stress rather than relying on sugary foods for relief. Improving sleep quality involves not eating too close to bedtime and allowing a gap of 2 to 3 hours between the last meal and sleep to support the body's natural rhythm of rebuilding and restoring.

    • Discover the Surprising Impact of Late-Night Eating on SleepTiming your meals and choosing the right foods can positively affect your sleep and overall well-being.

      It is generally recommended to avoid eating close to bedtime in order to support the body's natural wind-down process and promote better sleep. Eating a heavy meal, especially one high in protein, can negatively affect sleep as the body expends energy breaking down and assimilating the consumed amino acids. On the other hand, some people find that eating carbohydrates before bed can help improve sleep, possibly due to their impact on cortisol levels and glucose regulation. Additionally, the timing of meals in relation to waking up is also important. It is suggested to wait for an hour to an hour and a half after waking up before eating, allowing melatonin levels to fully subside and cortisol levels to naturally increase, which can aid in fat burning and glucose regulation. It is important to note that personal preference and overall healthy eating and exercise habits play a significant role in overall well-being, even if optimal timing cannot always be achieved.

    • The secret to a perfect day? This morning hack.Setting your circadian rhythm with bright light exposure in the morning can have a profound impact on your energy levels, alertness, coordination, and overall biological functions throughout the day. As for coffee, it's a double-edged sword with potential benefits and drawbacks, so it's crucial to monitor its effects on your body and make adjustments accordingly.

      Setting your circadian rhythm with bright light exposure in the morning is crucially important. Bright morning light activates proteins in the eye that influence our energy levels, alertness, coordination, and body temperature. It starts a 24-hour timer that regulates our biological functions throughout the day. On the other hand, consuming coffee has potential costs and benefits that vary from person to person. Coffee can stimulate cortisol release and negatively impact sleep, especially for those who are chronically stressed. However, coffee also has beneficial effects, such as acting as a natural PCSK9 inhibitor, which may protect against cardiovascular disease and neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and MS. It is important to regularly assess how coffee affects your body and adjust consumption accordingly.

    • Discover the surprising benefits of mindful coffee consumption!Taking occasional breaks from caffeinated coffee can help break dependency and resensitize the brain, while also embracing novel experiences for a sense of joy and happiness.

      Consuming coffee in a mindful way can have benefits, as long as it is not relied upon excessively. Taking occasional breaks from caffeinated coffee and switching to decaf can help break the dependency and resensitize the brain. Coffee is rich in polyphenols and activates the body's NRF2 detoxifying pathway. Many people have positive views on coffee, and there are no significant arguments against including it in one's diet a few hours after waking up. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of novel experiences for the brain. Doing the same things every day can lead to a blunted dopamine response and a feeling of time acceleration. It is important to break routine and seek out new and exciting experiences to maintain a sense of joy and happiness.

    • Are you stuck in autopilot mode? Here's how to break free!Introducing novelty and variety into our lives can help combat autopilot living and bring back the joy and excitement we may be missing out on.

      Living a life on autopilot can lead to a lack of joy and excitement, as well as a decrease in cognitive activity and neuroplasticity. As we get older, we tend to get stuck in our ways and our routines become cemented, causing us to lose the sense of novelty and adventure that we once had. This "groundhog day syndrome" can have cognitive and health costs. While routines can provide benefits such as diet and community connections, it's important to challenge ourselves and shake things up every once in a while. Whether it's traveling, trying new activities, or changing up our daily routines, introducing novelty and variety can help combat autopilot living and bring back the joy and excitement we may be missing out on.

    • The shocking truth about habituation and its impact on happiness!Breaking routines and seeking new experiences is crucial for a meaningful and fulfilling life. Balance between familiarity and novelty is the key to long-term happiness and excitement.

      Habituation can lead to a decline in meaning and happiness in our lives. It's the repetitive and mundane activities that make us overlook their value and lose appreciation for them. We need to challenge our preferences and break our routines to keep things meaningful. Whether it's trying new foods, taking a different route to work, or exploring new experiences with our loved ones, stepping outside of our comfort zone is essential. However, it's important to find a balance between familiarity and novelty, as too much comfort can lead to adverse effects. Living a full and meaningful life is not just about longevity but also about finding joy and excitement along the way.

    • Discover the surprising reason why we take everything for granted!Taking things for granted is a natural tendency, but it's important to be aware of it and consciously appreciate and nurture what we have in order to avoid negative consequences.

      Our brains have a natural tendency to take things for granted, whether it's our routines, relationships, or other aspects of our lives. This is a result of evolutionary mechanisms aimed at conserving energy. However, when we become too complacent and fail to challenge this tendency, it can have negative consequences. Max Lugavere shares his struggle with taking things for granted, particularly in relationships, and the impact of his upbringing on his attachment style. He acknowledges the importance of therapy and self-reflection in unraveling these patterns. The conversation emphasizes the need to be aware of our tendency to take things for granted and make conscious efforts to appreciate and nurture what we have.

    • This man's surrogate partner role with his mother changed everythingChildhood experiences can deeply impact our ability to form emotional attachments in adulthood, and healing through therapy is crucial to overcome the effects of trauma and nurture healthy relationships.

      Childhood experiences and relationships with parents can greatly impact one's ability to form emotional attachments in adulthood. Max Lugavere shares his experience of being a surrogate partner to his mother, who confided in him about her troubled relationship with his father. This created a strong attachment to his mother but made it difficult for him to emotionally connect with other women. Max highlights the importance of understanding and addressing childhood trauma, even if it may not be categorized as significant "big t trauma." He emphasizes the need for therapy and self-reflection to unravel the layers of emotional impact from childhood experiences. The key is to not let these experiences become limiting beliefs, but rather to continue doing the work of healing and growth.

    • Discover how love fueled Max Lugavere's inspiring journey!Love has been the driving force behind Max Lugavere's success and continues to inspire and impact others.

      Love has been a powerful guiding force for Max Lugavere in his journey. Despite feeling hesitant about sounding "hippy," Max reveals that everything he does is motivated by love. Initially sparked by his love for his mom, his passion for nutrition science and helping people thrive has fueled his work. Love has served as a reliable compass, navigating him through the complexities of life. Steven Bartlett acknowledges the impact Max has made and how his sincerity and humble approach have resonated with others. With a deep sense of curiosity and mission, Max has achieved success and continues to embark on a promising journey. The heartfelt connection between Max and Steven reflects the profound influence Max has had on others.

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    The Cancelled Professor: Husbands Are More Dangerous Than You Think! Men Are Hardwired To Cheat! Science Proves Monogamy Isn't Real! - Gad Saad

    The Cancelled Professor: Husbands Are More Dangerous Than You Think! Men Are Hardwired To Cheat! Science Proves Monogamy Isn't Real! - Gad Saad
    Are we born to cheat and is monogamy natural? Dr Gad Saad uncovers the evolutionary truths behind our most primal behaviour.  Dr Gad Saad is an evolutionary psychologist and Professor of Marketing at Concordia University. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Parasitic Mind’ and ‘The Saad Truth About Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life’. In this conversation, Steven and Dr Gad discuss topics such as, the science behind monogamy, why you crave fatty foods, how men are wired to cheat, and the relationship between OCD and porn.  (00:00) Intro (02:27) What Drives Your Life Purpose? (05:22) What Does An Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist Do? (08:45) The Top Predictor of Child Abuse in the Home (13:39) The Most Dangerous Person a Woman Can Meet (17:16) Is Cheating Ever Justified? (18:42) Is Monogamy Really Natural? (25:43) Why Do We Care for Our Families? (29:09) Why Do Children Resemble Their Fathers? (34:53) What Are Your Most Controversial Beliefs? (38:31) How Much of Human Behaviour Is Driven by Sex? (44:55) What Is a Mate Desirability Score? (53:44) Can We Predict a Couple’s Success? (57:18) What Makes Men and Women Desirable? (59:57) The Confusion Around Masculinity (01:09:10) What It Really Feels Like to Be a Woman (01:13:59) How to Build Self-Awareness (01:20:05) What Exactly Is a Beta Male? (01:21:27) How to Achieve High Status as a Man or Woman (01:23:16) Struggling to Find a Partner? Here's What to Do (01:25:58) Is Porn Good For Us? (01:33:42) How Porn Addiction Affects Productivity (01:37:03) How Society Conflicts with Evolution: Parenting Advice (01:38:34) The Secrets to Living a Happy Life (01:40:44) Do Opposites Attract? (01:48:50) Does Your DNA Determine Happiness? (01:58:43) The Woke Culture (02:04:01) Can Freedom of Speech Be Harmful? (02:24:33) Speaking the Truth in Research Shouldn’t Hurt Others (02:35:26) Is Society Unfair to Certain Groups? (02:39:45) Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome (02:44:58) Would You Vote for Trump? (02:54:06) The Last Guest Question Follow Gad:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/yeRHV44qFMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/USdfq27qFMb  You can purchase Dr Gad’s book, ‘The Saad Truth About Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/dTeHeWVqFMb  Learn more about the survey mentioned, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f3YZdPaAg7t3TknwKfuY0OUmb0wt-b2g3_0Ct7HBzVE/edit?usp=sharing Learn more about the book mentioned, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/UwLMyD3OFMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/diary

    Moment 178: They're Lying To About Low Fat Foods, THIS Is What They're Doing!: Tim Spector

    Moment 178: They're Lying To About Low Fat Foods, THIS Is What They're Doing!: Tim Spector
    In this moment, world renowned gut heath expert, Tim Spector discusses how to navigate the modern food landscape and overcome the brainwashing of the food industry. It turns out that answering the seemingly simple question of, ‘what is quality food?’ is a lot more difficult that it first appears. Too often foods packaged as ‘healthy’, ‘low calorie’ or ‘low fat’ are in fact the opposite. Instead, Tim believes we need to go back to eating foods in their simplest, unpackaged original form as nature intended. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link//38if1OxLDMb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//fXv5HxALDMb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Tim: https://tim-spector.co.uk/ ZOE: exclusive 10% discount on their first order of Daily30+ with the code PODCAST10 when you order from zoe.com/daily30

    Yuval Noah Harari: This Election Will Tear The Country Apart! AI Will Control You By 2034! The Dark Truth Behind Meta & X!

    Yuval Noah Harari: This Election Will Tear The Country Apart! AI Will Control You By 2034! The Dark Truth Behind Meta & X!
    Can humanity handle AI or will it be our downfall? Yuval Noah Harari looks back at history to guide us through this uncertain journey ahead. Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of multi-million bestseller books such as, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ and ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’.  In this conversation, Yuval and Steven discuss topics such as, how AI is disconnecting people, the best way to control fake news, how institutions drive trust, and how Trump could change democracy.  (00:00) Intro (02:31) Will Humans Continue To Rule The World? (06:48) Why AI Is The Biggest Game-Changer In History (10:34) Is AI Just Information Or Something More? (16:53) Can AI Manipulate Our Bank Accounts And Political Views? (21:42) How AI Will Affect Human Intimacy (23:44) Will AI Replace Teachers? (25:09) Why Online Information Is Junk (28:42) How Politicians Use Fear To Manipulate Us (31:52) Should There Be A Free Speech Movement (39:38) How Algorithms Are Shaping Global Politics And Increasing Fear (45:30) The Impact Of The US Election On Global Politics (48:48) What Trump Could Do To US Democracy (50:29) Can We Trust What We See On Social Media And The News? (55:37) Will AI Eventually Run Governments? (00:58:32) What Jobs Will AI Leave For Humans? (01:02:01) Which Jobs Will Be Automated By AI? (01:05:33) Is AI Conscious? (01:07:19) AI, Robots, And The Future Of Consciousness (01:10:01) Are We Living In A Simulation? (01:13:09) How Algorithms Control Our Lives (01:16:21) Understanding The AI Alignment Problem (01:21:13) The Relationship Between AI And Corporate Interests (01:25:04) The Growing Threat Of Totalitarian Governments (01:33:08) How The Algorithm Knows It's Fake News (01:38:01) Is Yuval Tempted To Log Off? (01:41:52) Will Humans Become Two Species? (01:44:00) What's The Solution To The Negatives Of AI? (01:49:17) The Last Guest Question Follow Yuval:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/7iXk5TnLAMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/eaKRt5rLAMb  You can pre-order Yuval’s book ‘NEXUS: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Wae95KONAMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: linkedin/doac

    David Epstein: 10,000 Hours Is A Lie! The Morning Habit That’s Secretly Ruining Your Day!

    David Epstein: 10,000 Hours Is A Lie! The Morning Habit That’s Secretly Ruining Your Day!
    Does 10,000 hours make you a master, or have we been sold a lie? David Epstein provides the real solutions to boosting productivity and mastering skills   David Epstein is a journalist, speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of books such as, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’ and ‘The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success’.  In this conversation, David and Steven discuss topics such as, how to become more successful at work, the link between phone addiction and life challenges, how to master something new, and the importance of failure.  (00:00) Intro (02:31) Why Do You Do What You Do? (03:04) What Areas Of Self-Improvement Do You Focus On? (05:33) How Can People Get Better (06:16) The Connection Between Fulfillment And Growth (08:06) How To Be Successful And Fulfilled (12:18) How David Found His Purpose (14:34) What Is The 10,000-Hour Rule? (22:20) Why People Focus On Exceptions Rather Than The Norm (24:46) How To Boost Productivity (27:34) The Explore/Exploit Tradeoff (33:11) How To Increase Productivity At An Individual Level (36:27) Experiments You Should Be Running For Success (38:00) What Is Steven Great At But Not Utilizing? (40:23) David's Hidden Talents: What He's Not Using (42:23) How To Become A Better Learner (46:20) The Hypercorrection Effect (47:35) Building Connections Through Knowledge (54:06) What Is A Wicked Learning Environment? (56:11) The Secret Behind Nintendo’s Success (58:51) How Important Is Focus For Achieving Success? (01:01:23) Is Music Hurting Your Concentration? (01:05:58) The Impact Of Notifications On Your Brain (01:09:52) Why General Learning Beats Specialization (01:14:27) The Risks Of Specializing Too Early (01:20:00) How To Discover And Pursue Your Passion (01:22:28) Why Grit Is The Key To Success (01:25:31) How To Achieve Flow In Your Passion (01:27:29) Are Neurodivergent People Geniuses? (01:34:44) Apple & General Magic: How Focus And Constraints Lead To Success (01:38:32) Should We Be Concerned About AI? (01:47:24) The Most Important Idea We Haven't Discussed Yet (01:49:23) Can Trainability Be Measured? (01:50:46) What Are Serial Innovators? (01:54:11) The Most Important Idea In David's Work (02:00:49) The Dangers Of Specialism (02:04:33) What Is Your Biggest Fear & How Do You Plan To Face It Follow David:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/wckK1TuFsMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/aPFtIkxFsMb  You can purchase David’s book, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/HrmuHjgLtMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off ZOE: https://www.zoe.com/daily30 with an exclusive 10% discount on their first order of Daily30+ with the code PODCAST10 Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor
    According to Adam, procrastination is a natural part of the creative process, and rather than a method of avoiding hard work, it is a defence mechanism. Procrastination can be a method of protecting yourself against what you find to be psychologically challenging, or a way to avoid negative emotional feelings such as confusion, boredom, anxiety and fear. In order to beat procrastination, Adam says that you need to identify what negative emotions are stirred up by tasks that you consistently put off. Once you have identified these you can then change them by reframing them into a more interesting challenge. Listen to the full episode here: Spotify-  https://g2ul0.app.link//vmPPQfk3rMb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//1rhbS0d3rMb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Adam: https://adamgrant.net/

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!
    Your brain shapes your reality, and your reality shapes your life. World famous neuroscientist Andrew Huberman gives you the brain hacks to take control of your reality and life  Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the health and science podcast, ‘Huberman Lab’.  In this conversation, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to break bad habits, the impact of pornography on the brain, how to increase dopamine levels quickly, and the best way to cure burnout.  (00:00) Intro (02:41) What Is Your Mission In Life? (05:55) How Andrew Huberman Became The Expert We Know Today (29:06) Unlocking High Performance By Loving What You Do (34:17) The Powerful Letter I Sent To My Parents (38:35) What It Takes To Make A Big Life Change (42:07) Neuroplasticity: How To Change Your Brain At Any Age (51:20) How To Break A Bad Habit For Good (01:00:44) Does Manifesting Actually Work? (01:08:06) Can Competition Be Destructive To Your Growth? (01:14:19) Understanding The Dopamine Loops In The Brain (01:20:13) How Our Body’s Dynamic Systems Help Us Overcome Challenges (01:26:09) Why More Is Not Always Better (01:32:20) How To Raise Your Baseline Dopamine Levels (01:33:33) Introverts vs Extroverts: Managing Your Energy Levels (01:40:26) Replenish Your Energy (01:46:34) The Importance Of Morning Sunlight For Your Health (01:49:42) The Hidden Dangers Of Shift Work (01:53:59) Understanding Food Addiction: Causes And Solutions (02:07:02) Sleeping Patterns: Biology vs Bad Habits (02:17:24) How Extreme Temperature Changes Affect Your Body (02:20:59) Ads (02:21:58) The Link Between Pornography And Dopamine (02:36:37) What’s The Best Alternative To Pornography? (02:42:58) The Surprising Link Between Fulfilment & Pornography Addiction (02:49:04) Why Social Interactions Are Crucial For Mental Health (03:00:51) How To Handle False Accusations (03:10:13) How I Felt Through The Whole Process (03:14:30) Why It’s Hard To Let Go And How To Overcome It (03:30:24) I Was Forced Into Therapy (03:45:18) Did You Thank Your Friends For Their Support? (03:50:50) Lessons A 12 And 9-Year-Old Taught Me (03:52:34) The Medicinal Effect Of Friendship (03:55:59) What Is The True Meaning Of Life & Why Do You Exist? Follow Andrew:  Podcast - https://g2ul0.app.link/0DRgdexCqMb  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/FdIdvMqCqMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/4qZJRTtCqMb  You can pre-order Andrew’s book, ‘Protocols’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9mouq1NCqMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Related Episodes

    Episode #74 - Tips for Changing Bad Habits and Reduce Sugar Intake

    Episode #74 - Tips for Changing Bad Habits and Reduce Sugar Intake

    In this episode, Austin J (hallucinodream) continues the nutrition series with a focus on how to kick bad habits, including those habits relating to added sugar! He goes over tips on how to do so as well as what he has done to help his journey of reducing added sugar!

    This episode is hosted by Austin J (@hallucinodream)! If you have any questions on anything you heard in this episode, feel free to ask by sending us a message on any of our social media platforms and we will be happy to answer them in follow up episodes! Also, be sure to put some tips to use, and share your stories with us on social media!

    Inside Tracker: https://www.insidetracker.com/
    25% off full store with code: AUSTINPRO25

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    Podcast Posting Schedule:
    -1st and 3rd Thursday of every month: Regular Episode
    -2nd and 4th Thursday of every month: Follow up and Q&A to previous week's podcast.
    -5th Thursday of every month: Fun Episode with more Q&A from current or past episodes!

    Check us out on our website and social media:

    -Website: https://www.1PUNCH.net
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    Check out those who took part in this podcast:

    Host: Austin J / hallucinodream
    -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hallucinodream
    -TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hallucinodream
    -Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/hallucinodream
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    -YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/hallucinodream

    Thank you for the support, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button!

    #1PUNCH #Health #Wellness #Gaming #Podcast #Nutrition #Sugar

    Real Talk | 80/20 Primer

    Real Talk | 80/20 Primer

    This Real Talk is devoted to the 80/20 diet rule. It's the idea that while 80% of your diet should be from healthy whole foods, 20% can be the foods you indulge in. Anna and Luca talk about how 80/20 is a way to keep the pressure off of yourself while still living a healthy lifestyle. 

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@yourbestlifepodcast)! Also, join our official Facebook Group, “Your Best Life Podcast,” to keep the conversation going.

    Episode #75 - Follow up and Q&A to Episode 74

    Episode #75 - Follow up and Q&A to Episode 74

    In this episode, Austin J (hallucinodream) follows up on last week's episode which was on tips to help kick bad habits, including those related to added sugar both in food and drink! He also goes over any questions that may have come in over the week leading up to this episode! Enjoy the episode!

    This episode is hosted by Austin J (@hallucinodream)! If you have any questions on anything you heard in this episode, feel free to ask by sending us a message on any of our social media platforms and we will be happy to answer them in follow up episodes! Also, be sure to put some tips to use, and share your stories with us on social media!

    Inside Tracker: https://www.insidetracker.com/
    25% off full store with code: AUSTINPRO25

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    Podcast Posting Schedule:
    -1st and 3rd Thursday of every month: Regular Episode
    -2nd and 4th Thursday of every month: Follow up and Q&A to previous week's podcast.
    -5th Thursday of every month: Fun Episode with more Q&A from current or past episodes!

    Check us out on our website and social media:

    -Website: https://www.1PUNCH.net
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    -YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/1PUNCH

    Check out those who took part in this podcast:

    Host: Austin J / hallucinodream
    -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hallucinodream
    -TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hallucinodream
    -Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/hallucinodream
    -Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hallucinodream
    -YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/hallucinodream

    Thank you for the support, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button!

    #1PUNCH #Health #Wellness #Gaming #Podcast #Nutrition #Sugar

    How To Do The 10-Day Detox

    How To Do The 10-Day Detox

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa University and AG1.

    Do you experience cravings for sugar and refined carbs? Do you regularly feel tired or sluggish or experience brain fog? Do you have joint pain, muscle aches, bloating, gas, sinus problems, skin problems, anxiety, depression or insomnia, or simply put, do you “feel like crap?” Most people, at some point in their lives, have experienced what I call FLC Syndrome—this is when you Feel Like Crap. Yet most people have no idea what causes it or how to fix it. The good news is that most of us are only a few days away from feeling well, ending sugar and carb cravings, and having control over our bodies. 

    In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I talk about how to activate your body’s extraordinary healing and reparative systems with my 10-Day Detox Diet. The 10-Day Detox addresses foundational gaps missing in our modern diet, supplements that support our natural detoxification systems, minerals and amino acids that promote relaxation and deep rest, and a dietary protocol that works by taking out the wrong foods and focusing on the right foods to transform your body in just a few days. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa University and AG1.

    If you’re a healthcare provider who wants to learn more about Functional Medicine testing, go to rupauniversity.com to sign up for a free live class or a boot camp!

    Head to drinkAG1.com/HYMAN to receive 10 FREE travel packs of AG1 with your first purchase.

    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • Do you have FLC Syndrome? (2:41 / 1:07) 
    • The first pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Food (6:02 / 4:26) 
    • The second pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Daily Habits (9:44 / 8:12)  
    • The third pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Supplemental Support (12:31 / 10:59)
    • What to eat and what to avoid during your 10-Day Detox (15:29 / 12:49) 
    • Transitioning off the 10-Day Detox (22:28 / 20:54) 

    Mentioned in this episode

    10-Day Detox PDF (includes the medical symptom questionnaire)

    The 10-Day Detox book

    The 10-Day Detox Cookbook

    What to Eat/What to Avoid during your 10-Day Detox

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    An Interview With Mark Tullius: Former MMA Fighter Turned TBI Activist

    An Interview With Mark Tullius: Former MMA Fighter Turned TBI Activist

    Hi everyone! This is Kelly - your Nutrition Coach and Brain Health Professional on a mission to teach you how to get a better brain!

    In today’s podcast, I sat down with Mark Tullius - a former ivy league football player and MMA fighter who is now an activist for TBI and CTE to hear about his experiences with multiple concussions, what prompted him to stop fighting, and how he turned things around for himself.

    We also talked about concussions in sports, why they were not taken seriously in the past, what you can do if you suspect a loved one may be dealing with a brain injury, and the ravages of CTE - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy… a progressive and fatal brain disease that results from repeated brain injuries.

    If you have kids in contact sports or have sustained a concussion yourself, you don’t want to miss this!

    To contact Mark or learn more about his recent book "TBI or CTE: What the Hell is Wrong With Me," check out his social media page https://youcanfollow.me/MarkTullius

    Other articles that may be of interest include:

    The Dangers Of Football: How Concussions Affect The Brain

    Concussion Protocol: Ten Things To Do If You Have A Concussion

    Brain Injury Awareness - The Consequences Of A TBI (Part 1)

    Brain Injury Awareness - The Consequences Of A TBI (Part2)

    Life After TBI: Maggie’s Story

    Reach out for nutritional support if you or a loved one has had a concussion or are dealing with post-concussive symptoms.

    Until next time, stay Happi and Healthy!

    A reminder that this content is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of a medical practitioner for your unique case.

    https://linktr.ee/kellyaiello |

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