
    Podcast Summary

    • Customer focus of Burrows Furniture and Blue NileBurrows Furniture offers easy assembly, requested colors, durable modular seating, and fast free shipping. Blue Nile provides stunning jewelry options, fast shipping, and guaranteed free returns. Both prioritize customer needs and experiences.

      Both Burrows Furniture and Blue Nile prioritize their customers' needs and experiences. Burrows Furniture offers easy assembly, requested colors, durable modular seating, and fast free shipping. Blue Nile provides stunning jewelry options, fast shipping, and guaranteed free returns for Mother's Day. In the news discussion, the focus was on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, with the issue of propaganda and misinformation being highlighted. A woman's panic over paragliders in Doncaster, UK, was used as an example of how Israeli propaganda can manipulate people's beliefs. The Israeli government's response to international criticism for alleged war crimes was also discussed, with the comparison being drawn to the rhetoric used after the 9/11 attacks. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of truth and accurate information in times of conflict.

    • Israeli airstrikes kill 70 civilians in Gaza convoyDespite claims of Hamas involvement, Israeli airstrikes on a civilian convoy resulted in the death of 70 people, fueling mistrust and tension. Civilians, including women and children, have been consistently targeted, with little accountability from the Israeli government.

      There have been numerous reports of civilians, including women and children, being killed in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza. In one instance, a convoy of families and civilians attempting to leave Gaza was struck in Israeli airstrikes, resulting in the death of 70 people. The IDF claimed this was a Hamas attack meant to blacken Israel's reputation, but many believe Israel is targeting civilians intentionally. This is not a new issue, as there have been numerous reports of journalists, including Palestinians, being killed by Israeli forces without consequence. The Israeli government has a history of not cooperating with investigations into these incidents, further fueling mistrust and tension. The situation is complex, but the consistent targeting of civilians, particularly those trying to leave conflict zones, is a major concern and a significant point of contention.

    • Israeli authorities' handling of Shireen Abu Akleh's deathDespite evidence suggesting Israeli involvement in Abu Akleh's death, Israeli authorities have not conducted a thorough investigation. The lack of accountability perpetuates impunity for Israeli forces, raising serious concerns for human rights.

      The treatment of Shireen Abu Akleh's death by Israeli authorities raises serious concerns about disregard for human rights and accountability. The discussion highlighted the use of questionable excuses to explain deaths, including those of Abu Akleh, and the violent response towards mourners. The lack of investigation into her killing, despite evidence suggesting Israeli involvement, underscores the ongoing issue of impunity for Israeli forces. The conversation also touched upon the parallels between the treatment of Palestinians and domestic abuse victims, as well as the historical context of deaths in custody in South Africa. Overall, the conversation emphasized the urgency for a more just and equitable response to the ongoing violence and injustice in Palestine.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict: Beyond the false narratives of peaceIsraeli actions rooted in apartheid and illegal occupation fuel the Israel-Palestine conflict. True peace requires addressing underlying issues and ensuring justice and equality for all.

      The current conflict between Israel and Palestine is not about finding a peaceful solution, but rather an attempt by Israel to expand its territory and ethnically cleanse Palestinians. This was highlighted during the discussion, drawing parallels to the lead-up to the Iraq War and the public's ability to see through false narratives. Many people around the world, including Jewish groups, are speaking out against the violence and calling for a ceasefire and an end to the systems of apartheid and colonialism that have perpetuated this situation. The only way to achieve peace and safety for everyone is through ensuring justice and equality for all. It's crucial to stand in solidarity with Palestinians and work towards building a world beyond Zionism. The Israeli government's actions, rooted in apartheid and illegal occupation, have led to this crisis, and it's essential to address the underlying issues to prevent further harm.

    • Israel-Palestinian conflicts: Victim or Oppressor?Israel's actions towards Palestinians can be seen as oppressive, but its unique practice of warning civilians before bombing sets it apart. Empathy, understanding, and peaceful resolution are crucial in resolving deep-rooted conflicts.

      The discussion revolves around the complex and contentious issue of Israel-Palestinian conflicts. A key point made is that Israel is often portrayed as the victim, while critics argue that its actions towards Palestinians can be oppressive and inhumane. Notably, Israel is highlighted as the only military force in the world that warns civilians before bombing them, but critics argue that this does not justify its actions towards Palestinians. The conversation also touches upon the use of derogatory language and propaganda that can fuel violence and hatred. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for empathy, understanding, and peaceful resolution in the face of deep-rooted conflict.

    • Staying true to one's beliefsIntegrity matters more than personal gain, even if it goes against societal norms or expectations. Refusing to compromise values can have consequences, but staying true to one's beliefs is crucial.

      Integrity and adherence to moral principles are more important than personal gain, even if it means standing against societal norms or expectations. This was evident in the discussion about the letter from Jewish lawyers reminding politicians and commanders to avoid language that dehumanizes civilians and disregards the laws of war. Sir Joe Brodsky, a guest on the podcast, shared his personal experiences of refusing to pledge allegiance to the English king and turning down honors from the queen, emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's beliefs. The conversation also touched on the potential consequences of compromising one's values for power or recognition, as seen in the examples of political figures like Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the significance of maintaining one's integrity in all aspects of life.

    • Signatories urge international community to uphold laws against genocide and crimes against humanity, drawing on Jewish history as a reminderSignatories, including human rights lawyer Philip Sands, emphasize the importance of standing against human rights abuses and propaganda fueling hate speech, as the Jewish community's history shows that these are the only places where such atrocities can be prevented

      The signatories of the letter, including Philip Sands, a human rights lawyer and author of the book "East West Street" which explores the origins of genocide and crimes against humanity, are urging the international community to uphold laws against these crimes, drawing on Jewish history as a reminder of the consequences of their violation. Sands' book highlights the significance of Lviv, Ukraine, as the birthplace of both Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term "genocide," and Hersch Lauterpacht, who introduced the concept of "crimes against humanity." The signatories' call to action comes as tensions escalate in regions like Ukraine and Gaza, where allegations of human rights abuses and propaganda fueling hate speech are prevalent. They emphasize the importance of standing against such violations, as the Jewish community's history teaches that these are the only places where such atrocities can be prevented. Additionally, Norman Finkelstein, a renowned Jewish thinker, has criticized Israel's military tactics, arguing that the reluctance to engage in ground assaults and the use of propaganda to dehumanize adversaries are hallmarks of a bullying autocratic government.

    • Joe Biden's missed opportunity to humanize PalestiniansBiden, as a humanitarian leader, could have used his empathy and personal connection to bring peace and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians, but political considerations and age prevented him from intervening.

      Joe Biden, with his empathetic nature and ability to connect with people, could have made a significant impact in humanizing the Palestinian people during the ongoing conflict with Israel. His personal clout and compassion could have potentially brought about peace and understanding between the two sides. However, due to political considerations and age, he chose not to intervene personally. Previous presidents like Jimmy Carter have successfully brought warring parties together through diplomacy and human connection. Biden, as a humanitarian leader, could have made a difference by bringing attention to the complexities and multicultural nature of the region, rather than reducing it to simplistic and inhumane characterizations. The power of empathy and personal connection in diplomacy should not be underestimated.

    • Empathy and understanding crucial for Middle East conflict resolutionEmpathy and understanding are essential for resolving conflicts in the Middle East. Former President Clinton's approach of acknowledging shared humanity offers a promising path forward, emphasizing respect, dignity, and kindness towards all.

      Empathy and understanding are crucial in resolving conflicts, particularly in the Middle East. The absence of such efforts has allowed tensions to escalate, and individuals like Netanyahu can hinder progress towards peace. Former President Clinton's approach, characterized by acknowledging the shared humanity and pain of both sides, offers a more promising path forward. It's essential to remember that regardless of backgrounds, everyone deserves respect, dignity, and empathy. The simplicity of being a human being lies in treating others with kindness and understanding. By focusing on these values, we can work towards finding solutions to complex issues and create a more harmonious world.

    • The role of personal relationships and leadership in peace and conflict resolutionCompassionate leadership and personal relationships can bring peace, while a lack of action and empathy from world leaders perpetuates conflict and suffering, as seen in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      The power of personal relationships and leadership cannot be overstated when it comes to achieving peace and resolving conflicts. This was highlighted in the discussion about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, where the lack of leadership and intervention from the international community, specifically the United States, has resulted in continued violence and human suffering. The discussion also emphasized the importance of compassion and empathy, as shown by the mission of Bombas, a company that donates an item for every purchase made to those facing homelessness. In contrast, the lack of action and compassion shown in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict leaves one questioning the profit and moral implications for world leaders, particularly for those with the power to make a difference.

    • Meeting World Leaders and Urging Biden to ActSpeaker urges Biden to use his office to advocate for humanity and end the suffering in Israel-Palestine conflict, criticizing the lack of condemnation from world leaders towards violence against Palestinians.

      During a conversation, the speaker shared his experience of meeting world leaders like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and Bernie Sanders who encouraged and supported David Trimble during the peace negotiations in Northern Ireland. Trimble, who was prepared to sacrifice himself for the common good, played a crucial role in ending 800 years of strife. Now, the speaker urges Joe Biden to use his office to advocate for humanity and end the suffering in Israel-Palestine conflict, which has resulted in nearly 4,000 deaths and devastated infrastructure. The speaker criticizes the lack of condemnation from world leaders, including Keir Starmer and Ursula von der Leyen, towards the violence against Palestinians. The speaker believes that Biden should take a stronger stance against the ongoing violence and bullying towards Palestinians, drawing a comparison to the horrific bullying incident in Meath.

    • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs more than just opposition to HamasLeadership, vision, and dialogue are crucial for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Tragic past events remind us of the importance of strong leadership towards peace.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires more than just opposition to Hamas from Israel's leaders. The situation cannot continue as it is, and there is a need for vision and leadership towards peace. Netanyahu's belief in the unfeasibility of peaceful relationships and open markets in the Middle East is a dangerous perspective that has led to violence and conflict. The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, a leader who sought peace despite his military background, is a tragic reminder of the importance of leadership in resolving this long-standing conflict. The international community, particularly the United States, has a role to play in encouraging and supporting peace efforts. Ultimately, a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will require strong, visionary leadership and a commitment to dialogue and understanding between the two sides.

    • Palestinian woman's plea for help and humanityThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict leads to dehumanization and justifies mistreatment, emphasizing the need for unity and compassion in global crises.

      The ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has led to a policy of segregation and dehumanization of Palestinians, which in turn justifies their mistreatment in the eyes of the Israeli people. This was emphasized in a heartbreaking video message from a Palestinian woman in Gaza, pleading for help and humanity as she and a million other people were forced to leave their homes with no food, water, or safety. The speaker also highlighted the importance of unity and compassion in addressing global crises. In a different context, the speakers also promoted UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard insurance plans and 1800flowers.com for celebrating life's special occasions.

    Recent Episodes from Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning

    And then there were four, part 2. The football factory - how science is replacing humans with robots.

    And then there were four, part 2. The football factory - how science is replacing humans with robots.

    Sport is too important to fall into the hands of cultural vandals. The death of Mícheal Ó Muircheartaigh was a reminder of the role sport plays in Irish life.

    Nothing elevates a community like sporting joy and community is central to all that is good in Irish life. On Free State, Joe and Dion look at how sport has been turned into a commodity. From Buenos Aires to Bellaghy, sport has had the joy removed. Who, apart from Mickey Harte, is to blame?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    And then there were four, Part 1: The last days of the Dublin empire.

    And then there were four, Part 1: The last days of the Dublin empire.

    What is wrong with Gaelic football? Joe insisted that Dion watch the All Ireland quarter finals last weekend and will he ever forgive him? On Free State, Joe reflects on the decline and fall of Dublin and explains what they need to do next. Joe and Dion also remember Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh and Joe recalls his days training with him in Dublin. They also ask a critical question in these troubled times: when were white shoes first worn in Mayo?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Derry, from Death Row to Croke Park. Part 2

    Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Derry, from Death Row to Croke Park. Part 2

    What is your greatest fear? How much do we all dread humiliation? Derry were humiliated three times in the championship but are still alive. They’ve been to the bottom. Now, the only way is up and they have nothing left to fear. On Free State today Joe and Dion look ahead to Derry’s game against Kerry and what may be another upset. Are Derry now All-Ireland contenders? Could Kerry be upset by another northern team. And Dion explains why, as a member of the Kerry diaspora, he doesn’t need to get sucked into Joe’s mind games .

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    From death row to Croke Park. Derry, Mayo and milking the cows in Killala Part 1.

    From death row to Croke Park. Derry, Mayo and milking the cows in Killala Part 1.

    How much credit does Mickey Harte deserve for Derry’s win over Mayo? On Free State, Joe tells Dion how Derry pulled off what many felt was the shock of the season. Was it really a shock? Joe didn’t think so and neither did the local rat catcher in Mayo. Dion wonders if Mayo are like the Scottish football team but Joe explains why they’re more like England. And who are the snipers Mickey Harte is talking about?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Irish Elections: How the elites persuade sheep to vote for wolves.

    The Irish Elections: How the elites persuade sheep to vote for wolves.

    At the American Ambassador’s residence in Dublin last week, there was an extraordinary event. Many of the main architects of the peace process gathered to talk about how it was done and what the world can learn from it as the horrors of Gaza continue. Joe was among the invited audience and it reminded him of a time when politicians were serious. On Free State today, Dion and Joe look at the recent election results. What do they mean for Sinn Féin and the country? As Nigel Farage hijacks the U.K. election, has the far right in Ireland done something similar? Is the country heading down the same road as Britain and the US?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Jungle Book. The essential survival guide for Gaelic footballers. Featuring Brian Mullins and an All Star cast

    Jungle Book. The essential survival guide for Gaelic footballers. Featuring Brian Mullins and an All Star cast

    Will Joe be wearing a half and half scarf when Mayo play Derry? On Free State, Joe explains to Dion why he will be desperate for a Derry win when the two counties play. He remembers his many memorable encounters with the great Brian Mullins, one of which ended with Joe promising to seek professional help. He didn’t follow up on this promise.

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Mickey Harte, football manager. Oh Lord it’s so Harte to be humble, Part 2

    Mickey Harte, football manager. Oh Lord it’s so Harte to be humble, Part 2

    As Derry fall apart under Mickey Harte, what are those closest to the squad saying? Who else - if anyone- is responsible for the fall in recent months? On Free State, it’s Mickey Harte week with a forensic analysis of where it went wrong at Derry and if anything can be done to save their summer.

    Dion also triggers Joe by mentioning a name that may upset him even more than Mickey Harte. A beautiful partnership hangs by a thread…

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ‘Oh Lord, it’s so Harte to be humble.’ Part 1

    ‘Oh Lord, it’s so Harte to be humble.’ Part 1

    Who will Mickey Harte blame next? Was it inevitable that it would fall apart at Derry? On Free State today, Joe and Dion talk about the fall and fall of Mickey Harte. Joe explains why Harte is an intruder in the county and how it went to pieces. They look at why the Derry County Board have betrayed the values of the GAA by bringing Harte in. But a county like Offaly with their rock ‘n’ roll U-20 hurlers have captured its essence.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 2. With Gideon Levy

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 2. With Gideon Levy

    Gideon Levy says he is an Israeli patriot. But he is a patriot in a land where truth is seen as treason. In Part 2 of his Free State interview, Gideon Levy provides a frightening insight into Israel today. As Israeli government censorship looks to silence the truth about Gaza, he tells Joe and Dion what happens to those who write honestly about the plight of the Palestinians.  He talks about how in Tel Aviv recently, a woman on the street called him a traitor. And he explains why the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from office is not going to deliver the change many liberals believe.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 1. With Gideon Levy

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 1. With Gideon Levy

    When Gideon Levy was a teenager growing up in Israel he was devoted to the ‘nationalistic religious orgy’ in the country. Today, as a journalist working for Haaretz, he has been described as the ‘most hated man in Israel’. His fearless determination to record the suffering of the Palestinians has seen him banned from reporting in Gaza by the Israeli government since 2006.

    On a two part special, Gideon Levy joins Dion and Joe on Free State. He talks about how, even as the atrocities mount in Rafah, Israeli society doesn’t want to know. He explains why many in the country care more about the fate of animals than those suffering in Gaza. He also tells Joe and Dion about his own journey from one who believed all he was told in Israel about the Palestinians to a man who courageously tells the truth in a country that doesn’t want to hear it.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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