
    The One Thing...

    enMay 16, 2023

    About this Episode

    Episode 19 is all about well being and what piece of the puzzle you might be missing so far. If you’re looking to change or transform your life, that is a big endeavor. It’s probably going to take a few skills or essentials that you don’t have yet.


    Maybe you’re missing love. The first thing we think is yea, I am lonely. I wish I had that special someone in my life. But that is not what I am talking about.

    • Are you missing love for you?

    • Do you like yourself?

    • Do you love yourself?

    • Do you hate yourself.

    Each feeling offers a very very different platform with regards to transformation. I dare say it’s impossible to transform in a lasting and meaningful way if you do not love yourself.

    And I say this because I’ve been there. In the deep. Doing the things. And failing. Over and over. For years. And I didn’t even realize what I was missing!

    So we are going to talk soon all about self love and self like and self hate, and how to really care for yourself. Guess what - it’s free. It doesn’t involve a single pampering thing or even a checklist. I know….you’re tuning in for that episode, right. I was a hater of self love for a while, but when done well, wow. A real and true love for yourself is life altering.


    How about belief. Are you missing belief in you? Do you need someone else’s belief before you can find your own? Maybe you used to believe in yourself, but you don’t so much anymore. You won’t even try because you don’t believe you can do it, or you don’t believe you will do whatever the big thing is…for you. Because you’ve been letting yourself down for a while now. Belief seems tricky, but it is not. We will chat about uncovering hidden beliefs that are holding us back and the potential of belief as well.


    Are you committed? Is commitment your thing that’s missing?

    You want to but you cannot commit the time.

    You cannot commit the effort…to you…to your transformation.

    You’ve tried but you’re never ALL in.

    Maybe you know what is holding you back, maybe not…but I think learning the art of commitment to others and to self is an important piece of the puzzle if change is something you want. Nothing changes if everything stays the same. Commit to what is next 100%. Fullly. I know i lived in the 2% of being 98% committed for years. Even after the concept was introduced to me I resisted full commitment to my dream. We will talk about how to commit and resolve to fulfill the commitment.


    Do you have time to think straight? Sometimes life can expand at such an exponential rate that we literally cannot make a to do list. It even feels like we need someone to talk us through the morning routine because so much is coming at us from every angle. Text, calls, messages, email…the onslaught of activity in our lives is compounded by our pursuit of a finish line that doesn’t exist. Because we do the thing, climb the mountain, organize the project, and we never celebrate. We simply move on to what is next. What are we teaching ourselves? Where is the stillness we need every day to quiet our minds and our bodies. Offer recovery to our bodies that have been flying in flight throughout the day, month or year. Do you need Meditation? Does overcoming yourself - your body and your mind - before the day even begins sound like something that could be your one big missing thing? Can you even imagine letting go of EVERYTHING before you begin the day?


    Creativity is a topic we are going to dive into as well, but it has nothing to do with what you might think. I’m not talking artistic necessarily…we’re talking how to create a life, a pathway to more, an income…

    Last but not least we will round all of this out with consistency/habits. I feel sure it might trickle in everywhere because consistency combined with good habits = success in almost any endeavor.

    Thank you for tuning in so far. Let’s see where we land buckling down on the one thing we’re wanting to fine tune the most...I am working on valuing my time like it is money!

    Strength vs Weakness

    And hey - the thing you need or want. The tool or the characteristic…let’s not focus on a weakness. I’m not saying to embrace weakness, but what if we concentrate on a strength and magnifying it to create more change and goodness in your life and the lives around you? We might grow leaps and bounds concentrating on a strength vs concentrating on a weakness (something we feel shameful or doubtful about).

    For example - for me to concentrate on buffering way too much…you know what I mean. When you get caught in the mode of forever processing an idea or move…and you do nothing. Or you do laundry or clean the kitchen instead of the thing that will move you forward…buffering. If I concentrate on buffering 24/7, that’s not so good. Everything is negative. But if I concentrate on how well I execute tasks when they are planned, aligned and executable…I get new ideas and solutions on how to make things more planned, aligned and executable…

    Really as I think through this, each one of these episodes might encompass letting go of the old to a degree. The old belief, the old you, the lack of commitment, the idea that you’re not a meditator…There is a lot of letting go of the old in each of these episodes…to become the new! How appropriate!

    Until next time, stay curious! 

    Recent Episodes from Do You Have The Guts?

    Wellness Tips for Any Season - Including Holidays

    Wellness Tips for Any Season - Including Holidays
    I am delighted that you are here.
    We are talking about the courage, the guts, the strength to do the holiday season a little bit differently today. We're talking about, you know, having an indulgence here and there, but not throwing in the towel for the season.
    These 5 tips apply to ANY holiday season, or any season of life that gets hectic and wild.
    Throwing in the towel around October was me for so many years, and I'm here to encourage you not to be like me, not to be like the old me, and to find a little bit of balance in between there.
    Let's indulge, but let's not just give up for the whole season, right?
    Because you don't want to start over in January.
    You want to continue on living a life that's centered around well -being, and centered around things that you're doing that are causing you to feel better on the inside that are showing up more and more often on the outside.
    They're showing up in how you feel. They are showing up in how you look. They're showing up in how you present yourself. So don't give all that up during the holidays. Let's talk about how to maintain.
    • Planning & Prepping your nutrition
    • Balancing your food to work for you
    • Gut health support
    • Taking care of you - even when indulging
    • How to maintain hydration

    Short & sweet, and hopefully helpful over the next few weeks as we approach the New Year!

    5 Things You Didn't Know About Hydration

    5 Things You Didn't Know About Hydration

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    Thank you for tuning in.

    Today we are online with one of my most favorite friends ever, Dr. Chris Stanley. Chris and I have both lived through severe autoimmune diseases and found healing and wellbeing through nutrition.  Hydration is a key component for us both, we’d even consider it a ‘macro’ to count and understand if you’re serious about feeling good and having a body that works for you.

    In his physical theraphy practice, Chris often recommends hydration protocols for post operative patients and individuals looking to increase mobility alike! Our level of hydration plays a role in so many fundamental processes in our bodies! Chris and I both listened to The Hydration Master Class by Shawn Stevenson and we incorporate a lot of what we learned in that fascinating deep dive! You can listen too - click here to check out the episode.

    This was my first interview recording! It is different, and I’ll get the hang of it! I’ve waited way too long to share this because if it leads you to better hydration in any way, shape or form, the imperfect interview is just what’s needed at a time such as this!

    Below are a few highlights of our discussion.

    So first of all, let's talk about why we need water

    - above and beyond reasons we know are obvious.

    • Water is important for the maintenance of your DNA

    • Water facilitates reactions in mitochondrai - we feel like we have energy based on their work

    • Blood is over 90% water - which transfers oxygen, nutrients, antibodies and waste removal - not just poop, but alsy lymph fluid.  How well our lymphatic system is working is based on water.  It's our cellular waste management system.  If that lymph fluid is too thin, more junk can get stuck in the lymph fluid.  If this doesn't flush well due to dehydration or lack of exercise, we start building up metabolic waste and toxins.  And guess what that leads to?  ALL KINDS OF ISSUES.

    • Water plays a role in digestion secretions and a lack of water will create chronic constipation

    • Our cerebral spinal fluid of the central nervous system - water is important here.  The communication of the brain with the body - messed up without hydration

    • Synovial fluid of joints and discs are affected by water intake - so arthritic conditions are worsened with dehydration  

    • Your body uses water as a pathway to transmit neurotransmitters throughout your entire body. Water is a communication path inside of us.  It also helps the brain to communicate with all kinds of hormones as well.

    • Hydration also controls your temperature gauge


      It is important to understand the power of water in our bodies.

      Water creates function and its lack drives dysfunction. We have a deep and fun conversation around blood pressure and hydration in this episode! Understanding quality of the water we consume and the potential impact on our health is knowledge that is powerful. Know where to invest your money and why! What is really in that bottled water? What’s the difference in Aritisan, Purified, Distilled, Alkaline and tap water? What’s in our water that we should know about. 

      Be mindful of the water you drink, considering both the source and purification methods. Hydration is always the first choice. Understanding your choices around water is, quite frankly, priceless.



    Follow Dr. Chris Stanley on Instagram

    Become The New - Heather Hill - Instagram

    Hydration Masterclass with Shawn Stevenson - Model Health Show

    Empowering Your Past

    Empowering Your Past

    "When you can see your past as a treasure chest of learning opportunities rather than a dumpster full of regrets, your whole life changes." Dr. Benjamin Hardy


    Reframing your past can unlock your potential and create a more positive and empowered future.

    What is Reframe?

    Reframing is defined as a psychological technique that changes how individuals perceive and interpret events, situations, or experiences. It involves looking at situations from different perspectives, leading to a shift in emotional responses and behaviors. A personal story is shared about a journey to reframe the past, particularly dealing with the sudden death of a loved one at a young age and initially avoiding facing that past. The turning point was recognizing a similar emotion in someone else, leading to a change in perspective and the ability to reframe the past.


    Reframing improves the present: Reframing the past can lead to an improvement in the present. Viewing experiences from a less distressing or more empowering interpretation can bring peace and result in different outcomes.

    Emotional Regulation: Reframing is essential for emotional intelligence, particularly emotional regulation. It allows individuals to control their emotions, thoughts, actions, and results. Getting curious about reframing process is essential. Utilizing powerful questions like "What is true in this situation?" and "How can this serve any purpose in my life?" can help us see an event in the past through a different lens.

    Problem Solving: Reframing is a valuable tool for problem-solving. It allows individuals to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than roadblocks. It is emphasized that challenges and setbacks are part of the journey, and reframing helps find a way around them.

    Do You Have the Guts to Reframe Your Past?

    If you can add reframing to your arsenal of healthy habits, you will see an incredible difference in how you feel, AND in your results. I promise the endeavor you are pursuing does not matter. A mastery of your past and the ability to reframe will offer you different feelings and emotions, and we are all acting from feeling and emotions every single day. Results are different when we FEEL differently. And that all begins with our thinking.



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    Click here to learn more about gut health & the products that have changed my life.

    Sneaky Perfectionism

    Sneaky Perfectionism

    Today we are discussing a new perspective on perfectionism, emphasizing the idea of not measuring success against an ideal but measuring it from one's starting point. I discovered this concept in the book The Gap & The Gain by Dr Benjamin Hardy & Life Coach, Dan Sullivan.  This book is a must listen for business AND life in general.

    We are going to highlight how comparing oneself to an ideal can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction. Instead of comparing ourselves against an ideal, let's begin measuring progress by reflecting on how far we've come and by celebrating small wins.

    We will learn 4 practical ways to implement this concept, and how to shift from comparing oneself to an ideal to measuring success based on our starting point.


    Click here to check out the Consistency Club.

    Click here to learn more about gut health.


    Navigating A New Season of Wellness

    Navigating A New Season of Wellness



    Addressing the frustration of not being able to get things done is first and foremost on the agenda for season 2. And honestly, the how to on this is very surprising. I’m also hoping listeners can relate to being stuck in indecision city. I had too many choices. Too many goals. Too many priorities. And I began the art of letting go, once again. Dieing to the old way of things or the old version of myself is never easy. Worthwhile, but never easy and quite shocking when realizing what is happening and why.

    Do You Have The Guts Focus Season 2

    Season 2 is focusing on the health pillars of mindset and nutrition just like last season, and we’re bringing in some new avenues of thinking by diving in to the psychology of mindset. Sometimes knowing a practice has been studied or is founded in science can be inspiring to keep going. I am so excited to share more about the mindset of moving forward and how to connect and stay on track to the future you’d really, really like to cultivate.

    We’re also going to be spending time with others who have transformed, and inspiring people who help others through specific valleys in life like divorce, grief, hormone shifts, menopause and more.

    Deep in discovery mode of what is and what is not working has been full of surprises and common sense discovery. I’ll be sharing tools and books that have offered big aha moments and insights, and how you can take the nuggets I share and implement them further into your daily ambitions!

    Other topics include:

    • Time & Identity
    • Developing a Nutrition Mindset for Well Being
    • Nutrition Mindset & Weight Loss
    • Navigating Grief, Divorce and Hormones with the right professional
    • Mind Movies, Visualization and Training the Brain
    • Mapping Your Way Forward in Wellness

    I promise this will be a fun season of sharing experiences, insights, and reflections that address frustrations and challenges along the path of becoming what’s next for you (and me)!

    And with a focus on mindset and nutrition, along with discussions about personal growth and transformation my aims is to pique your interest and encourage & empower your wellness journey.

    Look forward to creating new paths forward together ! Until next time my friends, stay curious!



    We think we are committed.  We think doing pretty good at all the things that support our goals in life most of the time is good enough.  We are not quite satisfied with our results, but the effort going into them seems somewhat profound and prolific even if you’re overcoming habits.

    I’d like to offer the idea that this story we are living isn’t true.  That cycle of 98% effort, unintentionally falling away from the habits that are pushing us forward towards well being…that cycle of stopping and starting again…THAT is what is truly exhausting us.

    Click here for full show notes


    Belief. How to believe in yourself.

    Belief. How to believe in yourself.

    Today is all about belief. Finding belief in you. Maybe this is a struggle for me over the last week or so because I am in the exact same process of digging deep to find belief in myself.

    Now if you are living on purpose, you’re always growing. That means you might have to stop and dig up belief when you need it. Becoming someone new, or transformation, required belief. Who I am today is a completely different version of me that who I was a year ago today. I am doing new and different and uncomfortable things. I am figuring things out STILL! Even when you believe in yourself, when you grow and expand and create new things in the world, doubt tries hard to work it’s way in.

    Belief negates doubt.

    We need belief in ourselves to rise to the occasion, to keep going, or to hit the next level or desire.

    Ah…but the doubt that creeps in when we try something new…ugh…Doubt works its way into the scene in the form of resistance. Resistance is basically ALL THE THINGS that come up in your path to prevent you from trying or continuing the new thing.  Resistance can be thoughtful or it can show up in all the life happening around us like flat tires, sick kiddos, or frustrating work schedules.

    Belief is resilience.

    Belief in yourself keeps you putting one foot in front of another because your word is true. Sometimes we stretch belief and we begin to envision something new and better and we believe in the opportunity or the goal because we believe, in general, that we do what we say. Why wouldn’t we believe that we can accomplish that task, goal or dream?

    That’s what belief in yourself can do for you. It can make your dreams come true – if you have the guts to be a person who keeps their word to themselves.  

    Because it is not always easy! If it is missing right now, if it is the one thing holding you back – you feel no confidence or belief…it can be found in keeping the promises you make to yourself.

    Today you will see the foundations of belief in yourself…

    from a new perspective and I hope to share a path forward to rebuilding belief in yourself that you’ve lost, or maybe never had.


    Click for Full Show Notes

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    REAL Self Care & How to do it.

    REAL Self Care & How to do it.

    My history with self care was relatively non-existent until the last few years.  I suppose it really began in 2019 with consistently taking care of my body…by late 2020 I was 100% committed (vs 98% committed which we will discuss in a later episode!!!) 

    Getting to the point of wellness where I was able to consistently take care of my body was a huge journey in my pursuit of self care.  The realiziation that consistency wasn’t all will power and that discipline actually created freedom

    I also needed a dream team which I cultivated first with a chiro and acupuncturist.  Those two steps were all about physical self care and having feedback when my body was hurt or incapable of something.  BUT - it took me taking care of myself and finding a way to make these things happen regularly to support my transformation.  5 years ago I’d not have given myself such an expensive support system. 

    What does it matter if we like or love ourselves anyway?  I’ve been in that self loathing place too.  The one that lasts for years and has begun again so many times you cannot tell the end from the beginning…How hard is it to take time for someone you don’t like?  How difficult is it to show up for someone you don’t love?  Especially when showing up is challenging mentally and or physically…

    I thought about quitting all the time and I thought about doing better, but never really asked myself why I was sabotaging myself personally day in and day out.  Why did I continue to go through this two week cycle of ‘being good’ and then ‘falling off the wagon’ or getting hurt, sick, discouraged to the point of quitting or micro quitting. 

    Looking back over my lifetime, I’ve now got the wisdom to see that all of the ways I believed I was taking care of myself were bogus.  They were band-aids.  

    I had no idea how to feel or process the feelings that were jumbled up and shoved down inside of me.  No idea.  So I kept them at bay where I didn’t need to think about them, and I had no idea to release those negative thoughts.…I had no idea that was even a thing until age 29. 

    Why isn’t it a regular practice to teach our kiddos how to feel feelings that are uncomfortable.

    Those thoughts stayed and festered and morphed into anger, resentment, shame and weight gain.  

    My self care centered around new clothes or something I bought to feel better.  Pedicures.  Manicures.  Massages.  Getting my hair done…Exercise - I did serious yoga in my 30’s. I focused 100% of my self care attention on how I looked on the outside.  These practices felt indulgent or decadent, and they were.  But they didn’t help me like myself at all.  These things only felt good in the moment- they didn’t last. 

    Because feeling good because you look good is fleeting.  You look good and all the same monsters are still in your mind.

    Self care is about releasing those monsters.  Releasing everything that is holding you back.  That is real self care.  And how scary does that sound?  What was holding me back is what I held on to the tightest because those things helped me feel better in the moment, but the good feeling was fleeting. 

    I was also focused 100% on other people and my career.  That is what I was taught to do my entire life.  In school, at home and throughout life in general, my focus was always pointed away from me. I was a work-a-holic because i found ALL of my identity in my work.  That was the only part of my life I was confident about and happy about.

    It didn’t occur to me, at all, that I didn’t like myself until I was about 30 years old and I hired a health coach.  I wanted to LOSE all the weight I’d been packing on since college.  Her approach baffled and delighted me and I began to cultivate an awareness of myself that I’d never understood before.  She was the first person to help me understand that my mindset was a huge part of self care.

    She taught me about negative thought loops and that they could be released.  This was pure gold to me. 

    Then one day she asked me to write down 10 traits that I liked about myself…Week after week I failed…


    Click for Full Show Notes

    Click here to check out the Consistency Club.

    Click here to learn more about gut health & the products that have changed my life. I'd say they are one of the most important parts of my self care rituals and systems every day.  

    The One Thing...

    The One Thing...

    Episode 19 is all about well being and what piece of the puzzle you might be missing so far. If you’re looking to change or transform your life, that is a big endeavor. It’s probably going to take a few skills or essentials that you don’t have yet.


    Maybe you’re missing love. The first thing we think is yea, I am lonely. I wish I had that special someone in my life. But that is not what I am talking about.

    • Are you missing love for you?

    • Do you like yourself?

    • Do you love yourself?

    • Do you hate yourself.

    Each feeling offers a very very different platform with regards to transformation. I dare say it’s impossible to transform in a lasting and meaningful way if you do not love yourself.

    And I say this because I’ve been there. In the deep. Doing the things. And failing. Over and over. For years. And I didn’t even realize what I was missing!

    So we are going to talk soon all about self love and self like and self hate, and how to really care for yourself. Guess what - it’s free. It doesn’t involve a single pampering thing or even a checklist. I know….you’re tuning in for that episode, right. I was a hater of self love for a while, but when done well, wow. A real and true love for yourself is life altering.


    How about belief. Are you missing belief in you? Do you need someone else’s belief before you can find your own? Maybe you used to believe in yourself, but you don’t so much anymore. You won’t even try because you don’t believe you can do it, or you don’t believe you will do whatever the big thing is…for you. Because you’ve been letting yourself down for a while now. Belief seems tricky, but it is not. We will chat about uncovering hidden beliefs that are holding us back and the potential of belief as well.


    Are you committed? Is commitment your thing that’s missing?

    You want to but you cannot commit the time.

    You cannot commit the effort…to you…to your transformation.

    You’ve tried but you’re never ALL in.

    Maybe you know what is holding you back, maybe not…but I think learning the art of commitment to others and to self is an important piece of the puzzle if change is something you want. Nothing changes if everything stays the same. Commit to what is next 100%. Fullly. I know i lived in the 2% of being 98% committed for years. Even after the concept was introduced to me I resisted full commitment to my dream. We will talk about how to commit and resolve to fulfill the commitment.


    Do you have time to think straight? Sometimes life can expand at such an exponential rate that we literally cannot make a to do list. It even feels like we need someone to talk us through the morning routine because so much is coming at us from every angle. Text, calls, messages, email…the onslaught of activity in our lives is compounded by our pursuit of a finish line that doesn’t exist. Because we do the thing, climb the mountain, organize the project, and we never celebrate. We simply move on to what is next. What are we teaching ourselves? Where is the stillness we need every day to quiet our minds and our bodies. Offer recovery to our bodies that have been flying in flight throughout the day, month or year. Do you need Meditation? Does overcoming yourself - your body and your mind - before the day even begins sound like something that could be your one big missing thing? Can you even imagine letting go of EVERYTHING before you begin the day?


    Creativity is a topic we are going to dive into as well, but it has nothing to do with what you might think. I’m not talking artistic necessarily…we’re talking how to create a life, a pathway to more, an income…

    Last but not least we will round all of this out with consistency/habits. I feel sure it might trickle in everywhere because consistency combined with good habits = success in almost any endeavor.

    Thank you for tuning in so far. Let’s see where we land buckling down on the one thing we’re wanting to fine tune the most...I am working on valuing my time like it is money!

    Strength vs Weakness

    And hey - the thing you need or want. The tool or the characteristic…let’s not focus on a weakness. I’m not saying to embrace weakness, but what if we concentrate on a strength and magnifying it to create more change and goodness in your life and the lives around you? We might grow leaps and bounds concentrating on a strength vs concentrating on a weakness (something we feel shameful or doubtful about).

    For example - for me to concentrate on buffering way too much…you know what I mean. When you get caught in the mode of forever processing an idea or move…and you do nothing. Or you do laundry or clean the kitchen instead of the thing that will move you forward…buffering. If I concentrate on buffering 24/7, that’s not so good. Everything is negative. But if I concentrate on how well I execute tasks when they are planned, aligned and executable…I get new ideas and solutions on how to make things more planned, aligned and executable…

    Really as I think through this, each one of these episodes might encompass letting go of the old to a degree. The old belief, the old you, the lack of commitment, the idea that you’re not a meditator…There is a lot of letting go of the old in each of these episodes…to become the new! How appropriate!

    Until next time, stay curious! 

    Do You Have The Guts?
    enMay 16, 2023

    Reflection. A little known superpower.

    Reflection. A little known superpower.

    Reflection is a powerful tool that can work for you in many ways if you take time to indulge in its superpower. What we’re learning today is how to utilize reflection on a regular basis to improve results and mindset in our daily lives. 

    This episode is rich with stories and examples of how reflecting, finding the wins and noticing our thoughts leads to the results we have been seeking or the understanding that we’ve been seeking. 



    What it looks like, how it works, and how it serves you. I thought I’d take you guys down memory lane with me as I reflect upon my double auto-immune diagnoses, and a few recent episodes to demonstrate how reflection can offer wisdom and hope. Taking time to look back on the week with an open heart and moving the to-do’s forward is one thing that will always serve us, and that is also reflecting on the week. Taking a look at what happened, why and how it can be better.

    Maybe you are like me and you think this sounds so good but you have no time for this…or you don’t really see what good it does…well let me tell you this…

    Looking back without judgement and asking ourselves what didn’t happen, why, and solving for it in the future is a life hack that will help us identify holes in a sinking boat, or how to fortify and see even more satisfying results.

    This might look like reflecting on your week of nutrition and asking why you didn’t get the water in, or why you didn’t choose the whole foods.  Maybe you’d planned and earmarked time to exercise but it came and went. Why was that? 

    This is reflecting – looking back without judgement to find ways to improve next time. 


    Last episode I talked a lot about goals which wasn’t intentional, but I wanted to share how values and goals can drive the way we spend and manage our time – so that we don’t feel like life is only busy work.  I am not sure I really defined this in that in the episode, but that’s how goals snuck in.  And it made me think about something I learned last year that has made BIG goals in general something I hone in on and strive for once again...  Because goals and I took a break for a while. 

     1. Learn how reflection can help you realize a goal that you’ve had for years, but no progress with the goal.

    2. Understand how reflection can offer hope for the future.

    3. See how reflection allowed me to change my nutrition and lifestyle by simply reviewing my choices without judgement.

    4. Understand why it is important to adopt a new way of thinking when approaching change, and how reflection can help.

    5. Hear my thyroid story, how it took 37 years to uncover what was wreaking havoc in my body, and how reflection opened new doors to a hopeful future, and still does.

    Do you have the guts?

    Do you have the guts to take 30-45 minutes for yourself each week to reflect on what you wanted to do, what you did, and why. Taking time for ourselves often feels indulgent or unnecessary, but really, it’s an essential key to self care and general progress in our lives.


    Articles mentioned:


    Chris Kresser - thyroid - gut- connection
