
    About this Episode

    Pdf handout: http://s3.amazonaws.com/dharmatreasure/Awakening%20in%20Daily%20Life%20-%20Handout.pdf The Suttas tell us that the path to Awakening is open to all – men or women, old or young, lay or monastic. The Buddha once named 21 eminent lay disciples who had become Arahats (AN 6.119 & 120). We don’t know at what point in his 45 year teaching career this Sutta was spoken and so it is quite possible, and even likely, that by the end of the Buddha’s life there were many more lay Arahats than are spoken of here. There can be no question that Awakening is possible for Buddhist laypersons. Buy Culadasa's books on Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/culadasa Follow Culadasa on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Culadasa.John.Yates Follow Culadasa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Culadasa Much more at: http://DharmaTreasure.org/

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