
    "The £ Has Lost 33% of its Purchasing Power Since 2020" with Dominic Frisby

    en-gbNovember 29, 2023

    About this Episode

    My guest today may be the person for whom the word polymath was invented. He’s an author, a comedian, a TV presenter, a voiceover artist and an expert on precious metals and crypto currencies where his articles can be read in almost every issue of Money Week magazine. He also publishes the Flying Frisby on substack, an investment bulletin read by over 5,000 people in 107 countries. He even made the hit parade with his pro Brexit song 17 million F-Offs. His name is Dominic Frisby 

    Recent Episodes from Diary of a High Net Worth Investor

    "Buy the Quality Investments Trusts, Not The Cheap Ones!' with Max King

    "Buy the Quality Investments Trusts, Not The Cheap Ones!' with Max King

    My guest today spent over 30 years as a fund manager with organisations like Investec and Hambro and has always managed to combine that role with writing about investing for a wider audience. He has written for the Daily and Sunday Telegraph and the Times, but is perhaps best known for his frequent articles in Money Week, Britain’s best selling financial magazine. He keeps his hand in as a non executive director at the Ecofin Global Infrastructure and Utilities Trust and the Gore St Energy Storage Fund. I can also confidently claim that he is the first guest to appear on this podcast who is a member of the Court of the Worshipful Company of Barbers. His name is Max King. 

    "How to Invest In Gold Miners Without Losing Your Shirt" with Simon Popple

    "How to Invest In Gold Miners Without Losing Your Shirt" with Simon Popple

    My guest today is a former Vice President of ABN Amro who has carved out a niche as one of the UK’s leading experts on investing in gold. Money Week magazine asked him to produce their Metals & Miners newsletter while he then worked with the legendary US investor Jim Rickards to set up the Gold Speculator service. He’s a regular speaker at industry events and is often interviewed in the press and on TV whenever gold becomes flavour of the month as it very much seems to be at the moment. He also helps commodity companies such as gold miners to raise capital so he gets the inside track on some exciting companies before they become well known to the public. He wrote the book on How To Invest In Gold and he offers a package called the Gold Programme to get people started with the yellow metal. His name is Simon Popple.

    Learn more at https://www.goldprogram.co.uk/ 

    "The £ Has Lost 33% of its Purchasing Power Since 2020" with Dominic Frisby

    "The £ Has Lost 33% of its Purchasing Power Since 2020" with Dominic Frisby

    My guest today may be the person for whom the word polymath was invented. He’s an author, a comedian, a TV presenter, a voiceover artist and an expert on precious metals and crypto currencies where his articles can be read in almost every issue of Money Week magazine. He also publishes the Flying Frisby on substack, an investment bulletin read by over 5,000 people in 107 countries. He even made the hit parade with his pro Brexit song 17 million F-Offs. His name is Dominic Frisby 

    "Ayn Rand's Books Are The Antidote to Wokeism" with Tal Tsfany

    "Ayn Rand's Books Are The Antidote to Wokeism" with Tal Tsfany

    My guest today mirrored my own career path in providing billing systems for telecoms companies before joining the board of a silicon valley CRM software company for six years. His exit from that company has enabled him to pursue his passion, which is promoting the philosophy and ideas of one of my favourite authors, Ayn Rand. In 2012 he co-founded the Ayn Rand Centre in Israel and in 2018 became President and CEO of the main Ayn Rand Institute in America. He found a video of mine on Youtube where I reviewed Ayn’s masterpiece Atlas Shrugged and that led to a beautiful gift of a framed facsimile of Ayn’s hand written transcript of the first and last pages of Atlas Shrugged arriving at the Beaufort office in Richmond. When I got in touch to thank him I realised that he has a fascinating story to share which is why he joins us today. His name is Tal Tsfany.

    If you want to donate to the work of the Ayn Rand Institute in providing copies of Atlas Shrugged to teenagers you can do so at https://ari.aynrand.org/donate/ 

    'Passive Investors Will Get Torn To Shreds' with Charlie Morris

    'Passive Investors Will Get Torn To Shreds' with Charlie Morris

    My guest today is a former officer in the Grenadier Guards who then went into the city and started a 25 year career in fund management. From 1998 to 2015 he was Head of Absolute Return at HSBC Global Asset Management with $3bn under management. He was then Chief Investment Officer at Newscape until 2018 before heading up the Multi Asset team at Atlantic House Fund Management where his fund ranked 1st out of 47 in its sector. In 2020 he left to found Bytetree, a research and asset management company where he has become best know for his Whisky and Soda portfolios and for a unique index that combines Bitcoin and Gold to great effect. His name is Charlie Morris. 

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    How I Went From Bottling Coca Cola To Living In Monaco with Paul Smith

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    "You Can Fire Your Memories And Give Yourself New Opportunities" with Mirela Sula

    My guest today is an inspiring example of how to overcome adversity in your private life and limited opportunities in your business life. She has used her own story as the basis for helping women around the world to gain a mix of confidence and financial freedom by overcoming self limiting beliefs. She’s the author of fifteen books and the founder of Global Woman Club with clubs in more than 20 countries around the world and a goal of reaching  10 million female entrepreneurs by 2025. Her name is Mirela Sula 

    "The experts said Classic FM would go bust" with Sir Peter Michael

    "The experts said Classic FM would go bust" with Sir Peter Michael

    There are serial entrepreneurs and there are serious serial entrepreneurs. My guest today is in the latter category, at one point having set up at least one new business every year for thirty years. Trained as an engineer, that disciplined approach has stayed with him in all his business ventures which include Cosworth Engineering, Quantel, Classic FM and what is now one of California’s leading wineries. In 1989 he was knighted for his contribution to British  industry and we’re proud to have him as a member of Beaufort Society. His name is Sir Peter Michael. 

    "How to Avoid Inheritance Tax While Staying Within The Rules" with Martin Beadle

    "How to Avoid Inheritance Tax While Staying Within The Rules" with Martin Beadle

    My guest today has spent more than thirty years helping property investors to structure their portfolio in the most tax efficient way for themselves and, equally important, for their children. It won’t have escaped your attention that taxes are rising all over the world as governments realise they’ve made spending commitments they can no longer afford. High net worth families have been one of the prime targets in the UK for more than ten years now, with a succession of tax breaks being removed and new taxes applied. With 18,000 pages of tax law and almost 1,000 tax reliefs available, it’s clear that we all need some expert help. My guest has taken a brand-new approach to tax planning, learning what you want to achieve and then using his team of experts to create a bespoke model from a large toolkit of options that are all fully HMRC approved.  Depending on your circumstances, the change can be transformational for your wealth. His firm is called Rethink Tax and my guest is its founder Martin Beadle. 

    "I Will Sell Bitcoin in December 2025" with Siam Kidd

    "I Will Sell Bitcoin in December 2025" with Siam Kidd

    My guest today describes himself as an ordinary bloke from Norwich who does a lot of stuff, makes a lot of mistakes but has done OK overall. He’s an ex RAF pilot who quit flying after 8 years to become a full time trader on the financial markets. It took six years to really learn his craft so by necessity he became a business owner so he could use the profits to support his trading. This has morphed into a highly successful training company called the Realistic Trader, which now also includes crypto trading. He’s an international speaker and the author of the highly acclaimed Crypto Book - How To Invest Safely in Bitcoin and Other Crypto Currencies. Keen to capture his skills as a legacy for his two sons, in 2018 he wrote 400,000 words which were then made into short video lessons as part of the Wealth Acton Plan, a sort of Netflix for business and money. His name is Siam Kidd.