
    the Psych Ward episode 216 – ALL EPIC edition

    enAugust 27, 2024
    What track did the host admire in the episode?
    Who is the leader of the Orison Space Collective?
    What is the name of Cosmagon's debut record?
    How many people attended the Mondering Festival performance by Fish?
    What type of music does the radio show focus on?

    Podcast Summary

    • Music DiscoveriesHost admired 'Blue Shell' by Rich Ruth and 'Mist' by Orison Space Collective, praised collaboration in 'Mist', and shared interview with Dr. Space on Progrock.com

      During this episode of the psych ward show, the host expressed his admiration for the track "Blue Shell" by Rich Ruth, which he considers a strong contender for his top three records of the year. He also highlighted the Orison Space Collective's song "Mist" from their 2009 album "Good Planets are hard to find," praising the collaboration between KG West on the CITA and guitars, Forsberg on drums and Indian percussion, and Dr. Space on synths. The host also mentioned that Dr. Space, the leader of the collective, recently moved from Denmark to Portugal and that an interview with him was conducted by Mark Montfuri on his show at Progrock.com. The episode featured a wide range of musicians on every release, and the host encouraged listeners to tune in for the interview with Dr. Space. Overall, the host showcased his passion for discovering and sharing unique musical talents with his audience.

    • New progressive band discoveryRadio Progrock.com discovered and shared new progressive band Cosmagon, described as 'gorgeous' and 'freakin' gorgeous,' emphasizing the importance of sharing and promoting lesser-known artists.

      The radio show Progrock.com is dedicated to playing and promoting unique and diverse music, particularly in the progressive genre. The hosts, who have broad musical tastes, seek out and share new discoveries with their audience. In this episode, they featured a new band called Cosmagon, consisting of classically trained pianist Sophie Linda and Nicholas Barker from Swedish prog band Annek Doughton. The interview with these musicians was not archived, but their debut record, "Massan," was described as "gorgeous" and "freakin' gorgeous." The hosts expressed gratitude for discovering new music through their listeners, emphasizing the importance of sharing and promoting lesser-known artists. The radio station prides itself on playing music that might not be heard elsewhere, making it a valuable resource for music enthusiasts.

    • Improvised musical performancesAn unforgettable and adventurous live experience can be created through improvised music behind a screen with projected images, captivating audiences of 55,000 people despite the lack of visual cues.

      The band Fish puts on an unforgettable and adventurous live experience. During their recent Mondering Festival, they surprised the audience with an improvised, 50-minute long set behind a screen with projected images. The music began ambient and dreamlike, gradually building to a groove. Despite the lack of visual cues, the band's ability to create music on the spot captivated the crowd of 55,000 people. Fish's performances are described as prog and psychedelic adjacent, showcasing their unique ability to experiment and push musical boundaries. Their unexpected late-night sets have become a festival tradition, leaving audiences eager for the next musical adventure.

    • Monda Green Ambient JamFish's 50-minute improvised performance offers an unpredictable and immersive musical experience, worth the investment despite testing patience.

      The Monda Green Ambient Jam from Fish, a 50-minute improvised performance, offers an unpredictable and immersive musical experience. The band, Fish, took the stage without a setlist, creating an innovative and spontaneous piece of art. While it may test one's patience, the unique and unscripted nature of the performance is worth the investment. The upcoming Chuck Simons and The Game of Prague, part two, and Fish's own live show, The Aquarium, are recommended for further exploration on the station. Despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead, the speaker promises to return with more musical surprises in the coming week. Overall, the Monda Green Ambient Jam embodies the spirit of experimentation and the joy of discovering new sounds.

    • Nature vs Urban LifeThe poem 'Astral Pastoral' expresses the beauty and passing of time in nature, but laments the destructive impact of humans and their urban development.

      Exploration of nature and its contrast with urban life as expressed in the poem "Astral Pastoral." The poem describes the beauty of winter scenes, birds, and the passing of time. However, it also highlights the intrusion of humans and their destructive impact on nature. The poem ends with a sense of disappointment as the natural world is replaced by urban development and destruction. The speaker expresses a longing for the natural world and a sense of being watched by hawks, symbolizing a higher power or consciousness. Overall, the poem conveys a deep appreciation for nature and a sense of loss and sadness at its destruction.

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