
    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Value of Old Friendships and Sharing StoriesSnagajob offers businesses flexible hiring options for 6 million active workers, from various industries. Old friendships can be rekindled and complex stories shared accurately through podcasts.

      Snagajob is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to hire high-quality hourly workers. With access to over 6 million active workers, Snagajob offers flexibility in hiring arrangements (on-demand, temp-to-hire, part-time, or full-time) and a wide range of positions (from warehouse workers to fitness trainers). The platform is user-friendly, and a dedicated customer support team is available to help. The conversation also touched on the topic of friendship and the passing of time. The speakers discussed an old friendship that had ended awkwardly, but they were now coming together to share a story. They mentioned that despite feeling the effects of aging, they still had a strong desire to create content and share it with the world. Additionally, they discussed the long-awaited podcast episode featuring Jake Sherbrooke, a founding member of Seaboys TV, who had left the group and was now sharing his side of the story. They acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the importance of telling the full story accurately. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of Snagajob as a hiring solution and the importance of sharing stories, even when they may be difficult or complex.

    • From weekend activities to a successful YouTube channel and companyStarted as friends doing weekend activities, discovered an audience, formed an LLC, faced challenges but continued due to authentic content and unique dynamic.

      Seaboy's TV, which started in 2016, evolved from a group of seven best friends in a small town doing weekend activities together, to a YouTube channel, and eventually, a company. They had been doing the same things since they were kids, and when one of them started filming, they discovered they had an audience. The initial success came from a video featuring a shifter cart, which gained around 1,000 views and $1,100 in revenue. To collect the earnings, they formed an LLC and decided to include all seven friends as equal partners. However, this structure later led to challenges. Despite these issues, the foundation of Seaboy's TV was built on the unique dynamic and friendship of the group. Their content resonated with viewers because it was authentic and genuine, and it all started as a fun way to document their weekend shenanigans.

    • Navigating Unexpected Opportunities in a PartnershipPartnerships thrive on shared control and responsibility, even during unexpected opportunities. Collective decision-making fosters growth and success.

      Having an equal partnership in a business ensures shared gains and losses, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and growth. This was the approach our interviewee and his team adopted, leading them to some initial success. However, an unexpected opportunity arose when they were pitched a TV show, which seemed like the ultimate break. They took a break from YouTube to focus on the pilot episode, but it didn't go as planned. Eventually, the pitcher, Bob, proposed managing all of them, which left them in a difficult decision, as they were in different mindsets at the time. Ultimately, their partnership and shared control proved crucial in navigating this crossroads and continuing their journey together.

    • Lesson in naivety and desperationBe cautious when working with potential partners or mentors, ensure due diligence, transparency, and trustworthiness to avoid being manipulated or wasting resources.

      Naivety and desperation can make it easy for individuals to be manipulated, even by those who appear to have expertise or promising opportunities. In this case, a group of young individuals were trying to build a YouTube channel and were approached by someone who promised to help them create a TV show. However, after investing significant time and resources into the pilot episode, they realized that the person was not capable of delivering on their promises. Despite this, the group continued to engage with the individual due to their desperation to succeed and the belief that they were making progress. This experience served as a valuable lesson in the importance of due diligence, transparency, and trustworthiness when working with potential partners or mentors.

    • Trusting your gut feelings can lead to important decisionsDespite initial misgivings, trusting your instincts can lead to valuable lessons and growth, even if the outcome isn't as anticipated.

      Trusting your gut feelings and intuition can lead to important decisions, even if the outcome isn't what was initially expected. In this discussion, the speaker recounts a time when they had to make a decision about bringing on a new team member. They felt uneasy about the candidate, despite Jake's strong support, and ultimately went with their gut and sided with those who shared their concerns. The decision not to bring on the new team member turned out to be the right one, as the speaker later left the project to pursue personal growth. Looking back, the speaker acknowledges that they couldn't have been more wrong about their initial gut feeling regarding the new team member, but they wouldn't change the experience for the world. The lessons learned and the growth that came from the situation were invaluable.

    • Deciding to leave a project and friendship causes feelings of loss and uncertaintyMaking significant life decisions can lead to feelings of loss, uncertainty, and even betrayal, especially when it involves ending a long-term friendship. Seeking help through therapy can provide clarity and allow for growth and appreciation of lessons learned.

      Making a significant life decision can lead to feelings of loss and uncertainty, even if the decision seems like the right one at the time. The speakers in this conversation had been working on a project together for several years and had built a strong friendship. When one member decided to leave and pursue a new opportunity, the others were initially hurt and felt betrayed. They believed that the person leaving was being misled and that he didn't have the necessary credentials to succeed. The speaker who was leaving felt lost and uncertain about his own direction and was struggling with feelings of self-doubt. It wasn't until much later that he began to seek help through therapy to work through these feelings and find clarity. The experience was compared to a romantic breakup, and the pain was felt deeply due to the strong bond that had been formed between the friends. However, with time and reflection, the speakers were able to move forward and appreciate the lessons learned from the experience.

    • Personal growth through structured routines and healthy habitsImplementing consistent lifestyle changes, such as attending church, going to the gym, quitting unhealthy habits, taking ice baths, and therapy, can significantly improve mental and physical health and provide a sense of direction and purpose.

      Personal growth and self-improvement through structured routines and healthy habits can significantly improve mental health and overall well-being. The speaker in this conversation shares their experience of implementing various lifestyle changes, including attending church, going to the gym, quitting certain habits, taking ice baths, and therapy, which led to noticeable improvements in their physical and mental health. Additionally, having a clear plan and structure in their professional life also contributed to their growth and reduced unpredictability. The speaker expresses that these changes have given them a sense of direction and purpose, allowing them to learn new skills and evolve personally. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of taking care of both physical and mental health through consistent habits and routines.

    • Personal decisions have consequencesMaking tough decisions, even if emotional, can lead to growth but may result in burned bridges

      Personal decisions, even if they come from a place of emotion or a desire to be a leader, can have far-reaching consequences. In this case, Jake's decision to leave a group and go his own way led to a legal battle and a falling out with his former colleagues. However, it's important to note that Jake's actions were driven by his desire to see his former group succeed and his unwillingness to be a liability if he wasn't actively involved. Despite the emotional turmoil that came with his decision, Jake ultimately felt that he had made the right choice, even if it meant burning some bridges in the process. It's a reminder that making tough decisions, even if they're difficult and emotional, can be necessary for personal and professional growth.

    • Protecting Business Interests QuicklyActing promptly to safeguard business interests can save time, money, and legal battles. Be proactive when dealing with difficult partners or managers.

      Acting quickly to protect one's interests can prevent potential financial loss and legal battles in business situations. In the discussed scenario, signing the document to sell the business for a nominal fee saved the company from a manager who was known to drag out separations and bleed the company dry. However, this quick action came after a period of tension and financial strain caused by the manager's delay tactics. The situation highlights the importance of being proactive and protecting one's business interests when dealing with difficult partners or managers. Additionally, the podcast sponsors, Apartments.com and Angi, offer solutions to make the process of finding a pet-friendly apartment or completing home projects simpler and less stressful.

    • Business partnerships face challenges, but can lead to growthChallenges in business partnerships can be detrimental, but with the right response, they can lead to improvement and success

      Personal and professional disagreements can lead to animosity and setbacks, but they can also serve as catalysts for growth and improvement. During a business partnership, miscommunications and external influences can create tension and even cause a rift. In this case, the partners experienced a prolonged period of financial struggle and public doubt after one member left. However, instead of giving up, they used this adversity as motivation to refocus and strategize. They reevaluated their processes, became more intentional with their content creation, and ultimately turned their situation around. The experience taught them valuable lessons and helped them evolve into a successful business. It's important to remember that challenges are an inevitable part of any venture, but the way we respond to them can make all the difference.

    • Misunderstandings and animosity among friendsClear communication and avoiding external influences are crucial when working on projects with friends to prevent misunderstandings and animosity.

      External influences and miscommunications can create misunderstandings and animosity among friends, even in the context of a creative project. The speaker recounted a situation where they and their friend had a falling out due to external pressures and miscommunications, leading to a significant rift. The incident involved a misunderstanding over business matters, which was exacerbated by the involvement of other people who added their opinions and speculations, creating a toxic environment. The situation reached a low point when the speaker had a breakdown and felt betrayed by their friend and other friends. However, despite the challenges, the friends eventually resolved their differences and moved on from the situation. The incident serves as a reminder that it's essential to communicate clearly and avoid being influenced too much by external factors when working on projects with friends. Additionally, the speaker shared an interesting anecdote about obtaining a Morgan Freeman voiceover for a video, which had nothing to do with the main story but added an entertaining element to the conversation.

    • The Importance of Trust and Communication in Collaborative ProjectsClear communication and trust are essential for successful collaborative projects. Even when trust is broken, forgiveness and an open mind can lead to renewed camaraderie.

      Trust and communication are crucial in any collaborative project. The discussion highlights the experience of a group of friends who worked on a project together, only to have it turn sour due to a lack of transparency and trust. Despite initial hesitance, watching a video created by the supposed betrayer led to a surprising shift in momentum and a renewed sense of camaraderie. However, the incident served as a reminder of the importance of clear communication and trust in creative partnerships. The friends learned that even when things seem dire, it's essential to keep an open mind and give the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately, the experience taught them valuable lessons about collaboration and the power of forgiveness.

    • Waiting for progress can lead to frustrationCommunicate openly and make decisions when necessary to avoid waiting indefinitely for progress in collaborative projects.

      Trust and patience are essential when working on a project with someone, but it's important to recognize when things aren't progressing and take action. The speaker shares a story of working with a friend on merchandising projects over the summer, but despite putting in long hours, they had little to show for their efforts. The friend's lack of progress and unwillingness to move forward led to frustration and animosity. Ultimately, the speaker learned that it's crucial to communicate openly and make decisions when necessary, rather than waiting indefinitely for things to happen. Trust is important, but so is taking action when needed.

    • The importance of a team and efficient production process in content creationA dedicated team and efficient production process are crucial for successful content creation. Financial sustainability is also essential to avoid burnout and maintain quality.

      The failure of a new media platform, Quibi, and the ensuing experience of creating content for YouTube led to a realization of the importance of a dedicated team and efficient production process. The speaker had funded the production of their YouTube content themselves until they were financially drained. The arrival of an experienced editor, Pat Reagan, revolutionized their content and allowed them to stay relevant. However, the speaker's relationship with their manager was strained, and they eventually had to ask him to leave. The experience taught the speaker the value of a supportive team and the importance of financial sustainability in content creation.

    • Unpredictable Business PartnershipsEvaluate potential partners thoroughly, clearly define roles and expectations, and be prepared for unexpected twists and turns in business partnerships to minimize negative outcomes.

      Business partnerships can be unpredictable and sometimes result in disappointing outcomes. The speaker shares his experience of investing time, money, and energy into a business venture that ultimately failed, leaving him with nothing to show for it. Despite the challenges, he learned valuable lessons and gained perspective that prepared him for future endeavors. However, the experience left a negative impact on his reputation and relationships, requiring him to cut ties and even face legal action. It's essential to thoroughly evaluate potential partners, clearly define roles and expectations, and be prepared for unexpected twists and turns in the business world.

    • Legal disputes in creative industries can escalate quicklyClear communication, setting boundaries, and timely resolution can prevent costly legal battles in creative industries

      Legal disputes, even if they seem small at first, can escalate and cause significant stress, financial burden, and distraction, especially in creative industries where maintaining a positive mood is crucial. The speaker's experience with a former collaborator involved a nickname dispute that led to a lawsuit, causing financial strain and hindering their progress. The ongoing legal battle not only impacted their personal finances but also affected their ability to secure loans and partnerships due to the negative perception of being involved in a lawsuit. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and resolving disagreements in a timely and fair manner to avoid lengthy and costly legal battles.

    • Unexpected connections can lead to valuable opportunitiesUnexpected connections can lead to unexpected business opportunities. Be open to new relationships and don't dismiss potential partners based on past experiences.

      Unexpected connections can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared a story about how they struggled to remove an embarrassing video from the internet, which hindered their professional growth. However, when they started making videos with a new partner, they eventually gained traction and began to thrive. Then, an unexpected connection came in the form of a business mentor, Anthony, who showed interest in their online store. Despite initial hesitation, the speaker eventually agreed to teach him the ropes. In return, Anthony made a deal with the speaker's fan, a young girl, to buy their old truck for her first car. The speaker was surprised when Anthony turned out to be the same person who had previously tried to email them about their business. Despite their initial reluctance, they ended up forming a successful business partnership, proving that unexpected connections can lead to valuable opportunities.

    • Starting a business with a trusted mentorPartnering with a mentor can save money, provide valuable guidance, and lead to personal and professional growth.

      Starting a business with a trusted mentor can lead to significant personal and professional growth. The speaker's experience of partnering with a friend to start a sunglasses business not only saved them money but also provided valuable business guidance and friendship. The mentor's role evolved from handling the financial aspects to becoming a business advisor and friend. The partnership led to the speaker's discovery of new opportunities, improved relationships, and overall success. Additionally, the speaker's focus on self-improvement, such as therapy and a healthier lifestyle, contributed to the business's growth and creativity. The partnership's success is a testament to the importance of having a trusted mentor and friend in both personal and professional pursuits.

    • Creating a brand that resonates with a wider audienceStaying passionate, creative, and offering a quality product at a fair price can help build a successful brand that outlives its creator and resonates with a wider audience.

      Creating a successful brand can be a fulfilling experience that goes beyond personal identity and reaches people who may not even know about the brand's origins. The speaker in this conversation, who built a brand around sunglasses called "Bangs," shared how he found joy in creating an item that can outlive him and resonate with a wider audience. He also mentioned the importance of staying creative and finding unique marketing strategies to reach potential customers. The speaker's goal is to grow the brand into something bigger than himself and a YouTube channel, and he finds inspiration and motivation in having a clear vision and purpose for the brand. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of offering a quality product at a fair price, which can help the product sell itself. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of staying passionate about a project and finding creative ways to reach new audiences.

    • Starting a business or creative project requires dedication and a strong teamTo build a successful business or creative project, focus on your core audience, evolve, and work together as a team with full commitment.

      Running a successful business or creative project, such as a YouTube channel or a sunglass company, requires dedication, organization, and a strong team. The founder of the sunglass company shared his experience of losing track of sunglasses and starting the business out of a desire to provide affordable, stylish options. He also discussed the importance of evolving the business and focusing on the core audience. From his experience running a YouTube channel with a group, he learned the importance of keeping everything in order and working together as a team. He emphasized the full-time commitment required to ensure everything runs smoothly, from filming and editing to managing inventory and the website. What might seem like a fun and carefree lifestyle from the outside is actually a grind, with long hours and constant attention to detail. Despite the challenges, the reward is the ability to do what you love and potentially build a successful business. It's essential to remember that the behind-the-scenes work is just as important as the creative output.

    • The joys and challenges of content creationCreating content requires dedication and attention to detail, but the rewards of a successful outcome and strengthened relationships make it all worthwhile. The community of content creators adds to the excitement and camaraderie.

      Creating content, whether it's a prank video or a simple day out, requires dedication and attention to detail. The speakers in this conversation shared experiences of the stress and effort put into their projects, from ensuring the camera is working properly to executing a prank without causing harm. However, the rewards of seeing a successful outcome and the strengthening of relationships make it all worthwhile. The community of content creators in their town, who are all striving for their own success, adds to the excitement and camaraderie. Despite the challenges, the speakers expressed their joy in being able to rekindle old friendships and build new ones through their shared passion for creating content.

    • Father-Son Bonding Through Shared Hobbies and Memorable MomentsJacob cherishes his relationship with his father, which has grown stronger through their shared hobbies and experiences, including getting matching tattoos and engaging in friendly rivalries over car performance.

      Despite working closely with his father for an extended period, Jacob finds joy in doing non-work related activities with him now. They have developed a unique bond, and their shared experiences have led to memorable moments, such as getting matching tattoos. Jacob's father's generosity and support have also left a lasting impression on him. Jacob's car enthusiast hobby led him to purchase a Mustang, but he was outperformed by his cousin's BMW, fueling the family's friendly rivalry. Jacob plans to transform his Mustang into a daily drift car, further solidifying his passion for cars and his bond with his father.

    • Two friends share their Mustang experiences and drifting mishapsPassion for Mustangs can lead to risks and criticism, but individuals remain dedicated to their love for the cars

      Passion for cars, specifically Mustangs, can lead individuals to take risks and face challenges, even if the outcomes aren't always perfect. In this discussion, Jake and Mike share their experiences with Mustangs, drifting, and the online backlash they've received. Jake's goal is to create a louder Mustang, leading him to acquire a RTR Mustang kit, but his first drifting experience didn't go as planned, resulting in a viral clip of him losing control. Mike, on the other hand, regrets not keeping his old car for practice instead of upgrading to a Mustang with an electronic steering rack, which makes drifting more difficult. They both face criticism in Mustang groups online, but they continue to engage and defend themselves, showing their dedication to the Mustang community and their love for the cars. Despite the setbacks, they remain enthusiastic and continue to pursue their passion.

    • Online stalking and potential risks of sharing personal informationBe cautious about sharing personal information online and be aware of the potential risks, including online bullying and malicious use of information.

      The internet can be a dangerous place where personal information can be easily obtained and used for malicious purposes, such as bullying or setting up pranks. In this case, an individual named Jake was stalked online, with the stalker knowing personal details about him and his family. The situation became even more complicated when MTV expressed interest in creating a show around Jake's online hater. The potential consequences of such actions could have been devastating, especially if the information fell into the wrong hands. It is essential to be cautious about sharing personal information online and to be aware of the potential risks associated with it. Additionally, it is important to remember that online bullying is never acceptable and can have serious consequences.

    • Creativity in Adversity and with ResourcesCreativity can thrive in adversity, but having more resources and experience can lead to even greater creativity

      Creativity thrives with resources and experience. The speaker in this conversation shared a story about being blacklisted at North Dakota State University due to parking ticket hacks. Despite having fewer resources back then, they found creative ways to avoid tickets and even turned their college house into a merchandise shop. However, they expressed that they now have more resources and structure in their creative pursuits, leading to even more creativity and fun. The speaker also shared a story about losing their video project due to a technical glitch and the stress that came with it, but they ultimately found a way to recover it. These experiences demonstrate that creativity can be found in adversity, but having more resources and experience can lead to even greater creativity.

    • The Evolution of Creativity: Past and PresentEmbrace the journey of creativity, learn from past experiences, and focus on growth and improvement for a rewarding and fulfilling process

      The creative process, whether it's in the past or present, comes with its own unique challenges and rewards. The speaker reminisces about the early days of their creative journey, where ideas flowed freely and the stakes were lighter. However, they also acknowledge the frustrations and misunderstandings that came with inexperience and lack of resources. Fast forward to the present, and the speaker acknowledges the growth and improvement that comes with experience and investment. While there may be more pressure to perform and meet expectations, there is also a greater sense of accomplishment and capability. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and enjoying the process, rather than constantly looking to the future or dwelling on the past. They encourage a balance between living in the moment and having a clear vision for the future. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a mindset of constant growth and improvement, focusing on the successes and learning from the challenges, rather than comparing oneself to others or getting bogged down in the past.

    • Comparing Yourself to Others is a HindranceInstead of focusing on others, focus on your own goals and growth to be the best version of yourself.

      Focusing too much on comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with their success can be a major hindrance. It's essential to understand that everyone is on their unique journey and that it's impossible to be a better version of someone else. Instead, it's crucial to focus on your own goals and growth, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem compared to others. The speakers in this conversation learned this lesson the hard way when they compared themselves to others in their industry and found themselves struggling with feelings of inadequacy and impulsivity. However, they eventually realized that they needed to focus on their own lane and growth, which led them to success in their own right. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to remember that you can't compare apples to oranges and that you should focus on being the best version of yourself, rather than trying to be someone else.

    • A Vegas trip leads to brotherly reconciliationUnexpected events can test friendships, but forgiveness and moving forward can restore peace and strengthen bonds.

      Despite the unplanned financial loss at a Vegas casino, the brothers were able to reconnect and make amends, restoring the peace in their friendship. The unexpected trip to Vegas was a result of a last-minute opportunity, leading to impulsive decisions and financial losses. However, the experience brought back fond memories and a renewed sense of camaraderie. The brothers acknowledged their past mistakes and apologized to each other, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and moving forward. The long-lasting friendship, which began over a decade ago, had faced challenges but ultimately prevailed. The brothers acknowledged the passage of time and the changes it brought, but remained grateful for the memories they had created together.

    • The influence of experiences and people on personal growthAppreciate the impact of past experiences and people on personal growth, and continue to be influenced positively as we age.

      The experiences and people in our lives, both good and bad, play a crucial role in shaping who we become and the opportunities we have. The speaker expresses gratitude for the role of a particular friend's father in their past, providing a place for them to hang out and fostering their creativity. The speaker also acknowledges that growing up doesn't necessarily mean growing old or losing the ability to enjoy life and be "cool." Instead, we can choose how we feel and act, and the people and experiences we've had can continue to influence us in positive ways. The speaker expresses appreciation for the combination of factors that have led them to where they are today and the importance of the team and individuals who have contributed to their journey.

    • Investing in personal workspace or business expansion can lead to growthInvesting in a larger workspace or business expansion can lead to increased efficiency, a sense of ownership, and long-term benefits.

      Investing in a personal workspace or business expansion can lead to significant growth and improvement. Tom's experience of outgrowing his old garage and transforming it into a studio and warehouse is a prime example. This move not only made their operations more efficient but also gave them a sense of ownership and control. It's a reminder that investing in oneself, even if it involves a big move or financial commitment, can lead to long-term benefits and the ability to create something incredible. Additionally, the importance of communication and community was highlighted as Tom shared stories of their inside jokes and pranks, emphasizing the value of maintaining strong relationships.

    • An unforgettable isolation experienceIsolation during a pandemic can bring cherished memories and create a deeper appreciation for friendships.

      The speaker and his friends had an unforgettable experience when they had to isolate during the early days of a pandemic. Jake, who was chasing a woman, was the one who tested positive for the virus and had to isolate for two weeks. The group was hanging out together when they received the news, and they all had to leave the area to prevent further spread. The speaker felt isolated and miserable during Jake's absence but cherished the memories of their past adventures. They reminisced about a time when they went out to eat and Jake consumed an excessive amount of alcohol and energy drinks, leading to chaotic behavior. The friends had to figure out what to do with Jake's rambunctious behavior when they let him out of isolation. The speaker expressed concern about forgetting important memories and cherished the moments they spent together.

    • Memories of Reckless YouthReflecting on past reckless behavior, the speaker acknowledges growth and the importance of maturity, while cherishing nostalgic memories

      The speaker is reflecting on his past experiences, specifically his youth, filled with reckless behavior and a lack of control. He recalls fond memories of partying and driving fast, but acknowledges that he's more controlled now. The speaker mentions specific instances, such as buying a Corvette at 16 and damaging it, or getting a Mustang and partying too hard on the day they received a big sign for their business. These memories bring back strong feelings, and the speaker expresses a sense of nostalgia and regret, while also recognizing the importance of growth and maturity.

    • Jake's unpredictable situations and pranksFriendship and memorable experiences can come from unexpected and unpredictable situations, even if they result in financial loss or questionable behavior.

      The speaker's friend, Jake, had a habit of getting into unexpected and unpredictable situations, leading to some memorable experiences. One such incident involved Jake rolling his Jeep Grand Cherokee in front of the speaker, resulting in a total loss. Despite the cost, the speaker looked back on the experience fondly, as it was a defining moment in their early YouTube videos and a symbol of their camaraderie. The group's dynamic was characterized by surprise, pranks, and compulsive buying. Jake's penchant for getting into unexpected situations even extended to pranks, such as filling a bottle with his urine and challenging Cody to a chugging contest. These experiences, while sometimes questionable, were a part of their shared history and contributed to the unique appeal of their early videos.

    • Jake's Detailed Negotiation Approach Irks SellersJake's thorough negotiation style led to a missed opportunity for a discount, but the group's shared sense of adventure remained unchanged.

      Jake's ability to negotiate deals effectively was a result of his confidence and meticulous attention to detail. The group's faith in Jake's skills led them to involve him in a 4-wheeler purchase, and they documented the process for entertainment. However, Jake's approach, which included examining the vehicle thoroughly and asking detailed questions, left the sellers feeling uncomfortable. Despite his best efforts, Jake was unable to secure a significant discount. The group's antics, which included attempting to haggle for deals and causing mischief, reminded them of their college days and the energy and excitement that came with new experiences. While not all of their adventures were captured on camera, the group's shared sense of adventure and camaraderie remained a constant.

    • Reflecting on Past Impulsive BehaviorsAcknowledging past mistakes and learning from them is crucial for personal growth. Balancing fun and responsibility leads to maturity and independence.

      The speakers in this conversation have reflected on their past impulsive behaviors and acknowledged the consequences, both positive and negative. They have grown older and wiser, and while they still appreciate the entertainment value of their past antics, they now understand the financial and emotional costs. They have learned to balance fun and responsibility, and they value the stability and independence that comes with maturity. They also appreciate the importance of teamwork and the benefits of having a solid support system. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of learning from past experiences and growing as individuals.

    • Discover a vast pool of hourly workers with SnagajobSnagajob provides access to over 6 million active hourly workers, helping businesses efficiently fill positions with high-quality employees.

      Snagajob is a leading platform for businesses looking to hire hourly workers. With access to over 6,000,000 active hourly workers, Snagajob offers an extensive talent pool for various positions, including warehouse workers, retail associates, grocery store clerks, fitness trainers, bakers, stylists, bellhops, and even podcast producers. Snagajob's easy-to-use platform allows businesses to seamlessly post and fill available positions quickly, with the added benefit of a dedicated customer support team to provide assistance throughout the hiring process. By partnering with Snagajob, businesses can ensure they have access to high-quality employees for on-demand, temp-to-hire, part-time, or full-time positions, making it an invaluable resource for keeping operations running smoothly. To learn more, visit snagajob.com or text "snag" to 242424 to speak with an expert.

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    How Two Mechanics Helped CboysTV Reach 1 Billion Views

    How Two Mechanics Helped CboysTV Reach 1 Billion Views
    In today's episode 2 very special guests join us. "The Wrenches" AKA Brian "Big Wrench" and Gavin. Our two full time mechanics who have brought so many of our craziest ideas to life, mostly on ridiculous timelines. They are such an integral part to our team, and so much fun to have around the shop. They talk about their backgrounds, what they did before CboysTv, what it's like working here now, and much more. Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off of your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code WIDEOPEN at https:/www.shopmando.com! #mandopod #ad Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Life Wide Open with CboysTV
    en-usJune 11, 2024

    Micah & Evan Get Late Night Tattoos, CJs GTR is Broken, & Kens Afraid of Water?

    Micah & Evan Get Late Night Tattoos, CJs GTR is Broken, & Kens Afraid of Water?
    In today's podcast the guys reveal their tattoos that they got last night. Our wrenches are becoming swiss army knives, John Deere the tractor company might be headed into powersports and we're pretty sure Ken is afraid of water. A few rappers write songs about us, and Evans quad guy tendencies show up. Good times had by all, ENJOY Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Get 20% off your first order with code WIDEOPEN at https://www.mackweldon.com  Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Life Wide Open with CboysTV
    en-usJune 04, 2024

    Kens Shocking New Look, Seeing Your Doctor at the Bar, & Evans Lingo Revealed

    Kens Shocking New Look, Seeing Your Doctor at the Bar, & Evans Lingo Revealed
    In today's podcast, Ken has a new look, the rain is making it very hard to build our track, rev limiters, Seeing your doctor at the bar, being on live tv, Ben Turns down a TEDx talk, Ryan Saves cormorant from a forest fire, Kyle Busch got punched (Ben's happy), and how many beers we could drink in a day and much more. Enjoy! Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Get 15% off OneSkin with the code WIDEOPEN at https://www.oneskin.co/ #oneskinpod #ad Download the Zocdoc app for free at https://www.zocdoc.com/wideopen Get 20% off your first order at https://www.liquidiv.com and use code WIDEOPEN Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    New Vehicles in the CboysTV Fleet, Ken Losing 100k On His Tesla, and Ryan Chooses To be Lame

    New Vehicles in the CboysTV Fleet, Ken Losing 100k On His Tesla, and Ryan Chooses To be Lame
    In today's podcast the boys react to the scholarship gaining some attention on the local news, building a “curvy driveway” around the shop. Ryan Sends ken on a much needed vacation. Draining our local banks of all their cash. Ryan and Ken's insane track record with his cars, losing over 100k due to depreciation (and the only reason CJ gets rid of his cars). 0-60 times, fomo, and much more.  Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Get 20% off your first order at https://www.mackweldon.com with code WIDEOPEN Download the Zocdoc app for free at https://www.zoccdoc.com/wideopen Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    We Started A Scholarship

    We Started A Scholarship
    In today's episode Jake Sherbrooke joins us to talk about his recent race win, and shows us a tik tok that catches Micah and Ryan off guard. Grandpa Ron started his own tik tok trend, and Ryan lets everyone know why he didn't shave his head too. Then we dive into our scholarship we started at a local trade school NDSCS, the wheel falling off the hoonicorn, favorite and wild subscriber encounters and so much more. See yall next week. Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off of your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code WIDEOPEN at http://www.shopmando.com! #mandopod #ad Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    CJ & Ben Go Bald! Evan Takes "Cheeto" Test

    CJ & Ben Go Bald! Evan Takes "Cheeto" Test
    In Today's episode we break down how life has changed for Ben and CJ since they shaved their heads, & Their Lookalikes Then we dive into a game of "Is It Cheeto" with Evan which leads us to some surprising discoveries like Evans rewards clubs. We discuss the New York Swim Team, and much more. Enjoy! Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ben & Evan Were Out of Control at NASCAR

    Ben & Evan Were Out of Control at NASCAR
    In todays episode, Micah hardly makes it to the podcast, we stress our girlfriends out with our driving, we recap the insanity of our Talladega NASCAR adventure, Meeting Barstool Legends, and fighting in the magical land of Buc-ee's? Micah loses money selling on ebay, we turn our friend into a celebrity, and take a dive into missed connections on Craigslist. Its a wild ride Get 20% off your first order at https://www.mackweldon.com with code WIDEOPEN Get 20% off your first order at https://www.liquidiv.com with code WIDEOPEN Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch

    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch
    In todays episode Ben addresses his drug allegations, our hostile work environment exposed, Evan gets yelled at by an Angry Russian Truck Driver, and we accidentally leave Evan and Micah behind in florida and their stories dont line up of what actually happened, flying to detroit with 75k cash, AI lip dubbing, voiceovers and a bear is prowling Ryans neighborhood. All that and much more in this episode hope yall enjoy. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Download the Zocdoc app for free at https://www.zoccdoc.com/wideopen Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Mythical: Rhett and Link

    Mythical: Rhett and Link

    Best friends Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal started out as “comedians for Christ,” and grew their partnership into one of the most successful YouTube platforms in existence. During college they created silly videos and songs for Christian events, and later built a following on YouTube before most people knew what it was. After struggling to find stardom in Hollywood, they continued to build a presence on YouTube: sampling punishingly hot peppers, writing ear-wormy songs about random things, showing off glasses that turned the world upside down. Nowadays, their entertainment company, Mythical, reports over 75 million subscribers and 25 billion lifetime views.

    This episode was produced and researched by Katherine Sypher with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    EP13: Inspiration vs Motivation - The Recipe for Success

    EP13: Inspiration vs Motivation - The Recipe for Success

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    You will also learn about:

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    • The key ways to strike a balance between inspiration & motivation
    • Why you should prioritise self-care on the journey towards your goals
    • Two common misconceptions about inspiration & motivation
    • The importance of small aligned action steps
    • Why you shouldn’t wait for the “perfect timing”


    Resources Mentioned
    Episode 11 - The Dark Side of Goal Setting

    Connect With Guests
    Taane Mete: www.taanemete.com / @taane_mete
    Haylee Benton: www.hayleebenton.com / @haylee.benton
    Tanisha Rose: www.globaltherapyroom.com / @globaltherapyroom
    Maggie Gray: foodtruckcollective.co.nz / foodtruckfoundations.com / @foodtruckmamma_
    Chris Cuffaro: https://cuffarohits.com / @thecuffarophoto
    Davy Chen: www.bigbrightmedia.com / @bigbrightmedia
    Tea Maria: @teamariastyle / @soulmedianz
    Loren Tomlinson: thesocialcollective.co.nz / @thesocialcollective_nz

    Work With Lara
    Check it out: Podcast Packages / 1:1 Coaching
    Instagram: @larafranks_

    DTYS with Ena Cooper

    DTYS with Ena Cooper

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    Ena shared with me her journey of discovering her passion for advertising, the challenges she faced in starting her own company, and the lessons she learned along the way. She also talked about her love for her dog and how she enjoys spending time with her girlfriends. During the interview, I created an illustration featuring a billboard with Ena's adorable dog and the words "wolrd's cutest dog next 7 miles."

    Ena's inspiring story of following her dreams, taking risks, and finding success on her own terms left a lasting impression on me. This episode is a testament to the power of determination and hard work. Tune in to this episode to hear Ena's answers to 10 random questions and be inspired to pursue your own passions.

    Do you love the illsutration? You can grab yourself some merch on https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/144764382

    If you would like to see more of my work please visit https://www.youtube.com/@mattymitchell 

    visit my site www.mattymitchell.com

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    AI + You | 4 ways to scale your personal growth

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Wences Casares (Bling Nation & Lemon Bank) - The Value of True Partnerships

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