
    The Real Reason This Liberal Megadonor is Spending Big (Ep 1371)

    enOctober 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Record George Soros spending, Biden-Trump town hall, free speech under attack, personal cancer diagnosis, food shortages, and Democrats' disastrous weekGeorge Soros broke spending records in the 2020 election, Biden-Trump town hall was disastrous for Savannah Guthrie, free speech is under attack by big tech, host Dan Vongino was diagnosed with cancer, prepare for potential food shortages and power outages, and Democrats had a disastrous week with Russia allegations and Amy Coney Barrett hearings

      The 2020 election cycle has seen a record amount of spending by George Soros, who is trying to influence the election and hide something. There was also a town hall for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, which was disastrous for Savannah Guthrie's reputation. Additionally, there have been assaults on free speech and freedom by big tech companies, including Twitter. The host, Dan Vongino, revealed his personal diagnosis of cancer but remains optimistic and appreciative of his support network. The show also discussed the importance of preparing for potential food shortages and power outages, and encouraged listeners to ensure their food supply with emergency food from MyPatriotsSupply.com. The Democrats had a disastrous week, with the ongoing Russia allegations and the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett.

    • Media defends Democrats amidst controversyThe media's intervention in defending Democrats amidst controversy raises concerns about the role of independent arbiters and potential foreign manipulation.

      The Democrats have faced a disastrous week with the ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's business dealings and President Biden's inability to answer questions about court packing. In response, the media, specifically outlets like the Washington Post and Fusion GPS, have rushed to their defense by promoting narratives of Russian disinformation. This pattern of media intervention raises concerns about the role of independent arbiters in providing accurate information and the potential for foreign governments to manipulate internal divisions. The ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden's business dealings with foreign governments, particularly Russia, China, and Ukraine, warrants further scrutiny and transparency. Instead of focusing on these issues, the media has instead opted to engage in speculation about Russian interference, potentially deflecting attention from the potential involvement of the Biden family in selling out the country's interests.

    • Media focuses on potential disinformation instead of Biden family's alleged collusionMedia outlets prioritize Russian disinformation angle over serious Biden family collusion allegations

      There are allegations of potential collusion between the Biden family and foreign powers, involving questionable financial deals, at a time when Joe Biden was in a position of power. However, instead of focusing on these serious allegations, some in the media are more concerned about the possibility of Russian disinformation surrounding the release of this information. This is particularly ironic given that some of these same media outlets have been accused of spreading Russian disinformation themselves, most notably in the case of the collusion hoax against Donald Trump. The real story here is the potential for foreign influence on a major party presidential candidate, but the media's focus remains on the potential for disinformation rather than the substance of the allegations.

    • Emails linking Biden to potential national security threatIf authentic, emails reveal Biden poses a significant national security risk due to potential for blackmail and need for immediate action, such as impeachment or withdrawal from race.

      The authenticity of emails related to Joe Biden and his son Hunter are under scrutiny, and if proven true, Biden poses a significant national security threat to the United States. The speaker emphasizes the potential for blackmail and the need for immediate action, such as impeachment or withdrawal from the presidential race. Additionally, the speaker criticizes NBC's Savannah Guthrie for her conduct during a recent town hall event with President Trump, believing she should have remained neutral and focused on eliciting answers rather than engaging in a confrontational style. The speaker also promotes Patriot Mobile as a phone service provider that aligns with conservative values and does not support destructive causes.

    • Biden's Confusing Answer on Police Use of ForceBiden's suggestion for officers to shoot to leg instead of kill led to confusion and criticism, highlighting concerns about his ability to handle complex issues.

      During the recent town hall event, former Vice President Joe Biden gave a confusing answer regarding police use of force, suggesting that instead of shooting to kill, officers should shoot to leg as a de-escalation tactic. However, the context of his statement was unclear and led to criticism, highlighting concerns about his ability to handle complex issues. The discussion also touched upon the media's role in the political discourse and the timing of certain topics being brought up during the campaign. The overall sentiment was that Biden's performance during the event was lackluster and raised questions about his competence.

    • Biden's misunderstanding of use of force tacticsBiden's suggestion of shooting to leg for de-escalation is incorrect and raises concerns about his understanding of law enforcement.

      During a discussion about use of force scenarios, Joe Biden suggested shooting people in the leg as a de-escalation tactic. However, this is not an accurate understanding of the situation. De-escalation and use of deadly force are two distinct concepts. When an officer perceives a threat of serious physical injury or death, their priority is to stop the threat, not de-escalate. Police officers are trained to shoot to stop, not to kill, and shooting someone in the leg is not a tactically efficient way to do so. The terminology matters, and Biden's confusion raises concerns about his ability to supervise the Department of Justice if elected as president.

    • Interviews reveal different approaches to questioningPolice officers aren't trained to shoot legs, Biden evasive on court packing, Trump defends COVID-19 response, other countries have higher COVID-19 death rates than US

      During a recent interview, it was discussed that police officers are not trained to shoot people in the legs because it doesn't effectively stop their actions. Moving on, during another interview, Joe Biden was questioned about packing the Supreme Court, but he refused to give a clear answer. Meanwhile, during an interview with Savannah Guthrie, Trump was pressed about his COVID-19 response, but he was well-prepared and able to defend himself. Additionally, Trump pointed out that other countries have higher COVID-19 death rates than the United States, contradicting a common narrative. Overall, the interviews highlighted the different approaches and responses of the two presidential candidates during questioning.

    • Dan Bongino criticizes Savannah Guthrie for not acknowledging NY nursing homes controversy and not asking Biden about AntifaDan Bongino criticized Savannah Guthrie for not addressing New York's nursing home controversy, Europe's rising infection rates, and Biden's stance on Antifa during the interview.

      During a recent interview, Dan Bongino criticized Savannah Guthrie for not acknowledging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's decision to send infected COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes, leading to a high death toll. Bongino also accused Guthrie of not bringing up Europe's rising infection and death rates or the US's progress in vaccine and therapeutic development. He also criticized her for not asking Biden about denouncing Antifa and questioned why she focuses on Trump's denunciation of white supremacy. Bongino emphasized that the media often asks leading questions to get desired responses rather than seeking facts. He praised a black woman named Mary Jolie, who showed approval towards Trump during the debate, as the hero of the night.

    • Speaker discusses US economy, vaccines, military, borders, and Twitter interferenceThe speaker praised the US economy and upcoming vaccines, while expressing concern over Twitter's interference in democratic processes and censorship of news stories, and endorsed Helix Sleep for personalized mattresses.

      During the discussion, the speaker highlighted the strength of the US economy, the upcoming vaccines, and the rebuilding of military and borders. However, they expressed concern over the interference of social media platforms like Twitter in the democratic process and censorship of certain news stories. The speaker also endorsed Helix Sleep, emphasizing the importance of personalized mattresses and the benefits of their product. Furthermore, they criticized Twitter for blocking a news story about Hunter Biden's potential payoffs and called it an embarrassment and disgrace.

    • Social media's inconsistent enforcement of standards for unreliable informationTwitter's unequal handling of fake or unreliable stories during elections raises concerns about political bias and manipulation of public discourse

      Social media platforms, specifically Twitter, have been inconsistent in enforcing their supposed standards for unreliable or misinformation. During the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, Twitter allowed the spread of numerous fake or unreliable stories that harmed Republican figures, while blocking or censoring stories that were critical of Democrats. This inconsistency raises concerns about political bias and the potential for manipulation of public discourse. It's important for social media companies to apply their policies fairly and transparently to maintain trust and credibility.

    • Twitter's inconsistent handling of controversial storiesTwitter's actions towards controversial stories have been inconsistent, with false information sometimes allowed to remain while others are blocked or labeled, potentially due to political motivations.

      Twitter's handling of controversial stories, particularly those that may be critical of liberal figures or the Democratic Party, has been inconsistent and unreliable. The speaker criticized Twitter for blocking or labeling certain stories, while allowing others with false information to remain on the platform. The speaker used examples of discredited stories, such as the Michael Cohen in Prague story and the Steele dossier, to illustrate this point. The speaker also suggested that Twitter's actions were politically motivated and amounted to a form of communal worship among liberals. The speaker ended the discussion by promoting Tommy John underwear as a sponsor and expressing their personal preference for the brand.

    • George Soros's Political Involvement and ControversiesGeorge Soros's political spending and past controversies raise questions about his motivations, highlighting the importance of transparency in understanding agendas behind large donations and the potential impacts on democracy.

      George Soros, a liberal activist and philanthropist, has been heavily involved in political spending, particularly in the 2020 election cycle. Some argue that transparency is important when it comes to understanding the agendas behind large political donations. Soros's involvement in politics and past controversies, such as the Ukraine scandal and allegations of influence peddling, have raised questions about his motivations. It's important for voters to be informed about the backgrounds of those seeking political power and the potential influences shaping their decisions. The speaker's new book, "Follow the Money," delves deeper into these issues and provides more context about Soros's role in politics and the implications for democracy.

    • Obama Admin used State Dept to target Soros rivals in UkraineDuring Obama's tenure, Soros influenced State Dept to drop probes into his rivals, leading to a billion-dollar investment. Dems later fabricated a whistleblower to divert attention from Soros's Ukraine influence.

      During the Obama administration, George Soros, a major liberal mega donor, used his influence to target business rivals in Ukraine through the State Department. An investigation into one of Soros's rivals, Dimitri Furtash, coincidentally led to Soros's business announcing a billion-dollar investment in Ukraine. Soros also had an unusual interest in Furtash, as documented in an article by Glenn Simpson, who has ties to Soros. The State Department pressured Ukrainian officials to drop investigations into a Soros-funded nonprofit, and when Ukrainian prosecutors sought to investigate Soros's influence operation in Ukraine, they were pressured to drop the case. Trump and his team were aware of these activities and were attempting to investigate Soros's influence peddling. In response, Democrats invented a fake whistleblower and impeachment proceedings to distract from the Ukrainian mess and protect Soros and his business rivals.

    • Allegations of protection racket, targeting operation, and financial scheme involving Biden family, Burisma, and George SorosDespite distractions and accusations of anti-Semitism, Trump's approval rating and voter enthusiasm remain strong, suggesting an advantage in the upcoming election

      There were allegations of a protection racket, targeting operation, and financial scheme involving the Biden family, Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, and George Soros during Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President. The U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine was instructed not to discuss the owner of Burisma after Hunter Biden joined the company. Soros reportedly tripled his election spending in 2020, fueling speculation about his involvement in these matters. The left and Soros's operation have been accused of trying to distract from these allegations by labeling critics as anti-Semitic. Despite these distractions, Trump's approval rating and voter enthusiasm remain strong, suggesting a potential advantage in the upcoming election.

    • Dan's personal challenges and support from communityDan remains optimistic, asks for prayers for his wife, and plans to focus less on health in his show, emphasizing resilience, gratitude, and determination.

      Despite facing personal challenges, Dan Pongino remains optimistic and appreciates the support from his community. He emphasizes that conditions like this often impact the whole family and asks for prayers for his wife as well. He reassures listeners that he and his wife will be okay and that they will move forward, focusing on the positive aspects of life and the great treatment options available. He also intends to make his health journey less of a focus in his show moving forward. Overall, Dan's message conveys resilience, gratitude, and a determination to keep moving forward in the face of adversity.

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