
    The Right Side of History: 5 Game-Changing Developments that Turned the Tide Toward Life--PODCAST Season 7, Episode 34

    en-usAugust 23, 2022

    About this Episode

    The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a gamechanger, allowing states to protect unborn children—and to send a message to the rest of the world that real progress means recognizing that human rights begin at conception.

    But Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization didn’t take place in a vacuum. It’s just the latest in a series of major developments over the last 50 years that have established the pro-life movement as squarely on the right side of history. On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we’ll discuss this—and four more watershed victories on the road toward ending abortion once and for all.

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    The following program contains content that may not be suitable for children. Parental discretion is advised.

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