
    The Rock of Offense

    enAugust 22, 2024
    How is Christ depicted in the Bible according to the text?
    What happens to those who reject Christ?
    What imagery does Nebuchadnezzar's dream present?
    Why is it important to approach the Scriptures with reverence?
    What is recommended at the end of the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Christ as foundation rock and stumbling stoneChrist serves as a foundation and source of sustenance for believers, but a stumbling block for those who reject Him. The Bible warns against neglecting God and stumbling upon the 'dark mountains' in the shadow of death, including the dangerous Word itself.

      In the Bible, Christ is depicted as both the foundation rock and the sustaining water-giver in our spiritual lives. However, for those who reject Him, He becomes a stumbling stone. This figure is taken from the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, where a stone smites the image and becomes a great mountain filling the whole earth. To believers, Christ is precious, but to the disobedient, He is the stone they stumble upon and the rock of offense. This warning extends to the Holy Scriptures, which can be deadly dangerous to stumble over. It's crucial to give glory to God before darkness falls and we stumble upon the "dark mountains" in the shadow of death. Remember, the stone of stumbling is also the Word, so approach it with reverence and obedience. Subscribe, rate, and review the Days of Praise podcast for more daily devotionals, and consider supporting ICR's ministry at icr.org/donate.

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