
    Podcast Summary

    • Doc's Absence from Live Podcast Episode Sparks Playful BanterDespite Doc's absence due to illness, the hosts of 'Bad Friends' on Moment House delivered an entertaining live episode, encouraging listeners to check it out before it expires and poking fun at Doc's absence.

      The live episode of the podcast "Bad Friends" on Moment House is available for a limited time for purchase and rewatch. The episode, which features the hosts Drew and Doc, received positive feedback from thousands of viewers. However, Doc was unable to attend due to a mysterious illness, leading to some playful banter between Drew and the audience about Doc's absence and potential reasons for it. Despite this, the hosts expressed their excitement about the opportunity to do more live episodes and encouraged listeners to check out the episode before it expires. Additionally, they made light-hearted jabs at Doc for his absence and joked about his alleged reasons for not showing up. Overall, the episode showcases the hosts' chemistry and their ability to entertain their audience, even when one of them is unable to attend.

    • Heated Discussion over COVID-19 and Top GunTwo individuals had an intense conversation, expressing strong opinions on COVID-19 and Top Gun, leaving one person in need of an apology.

      During a heated discussion, two individuals aggressively confronted a third person, leaving him with a strong impression and a need for an apology. The conversation also touched upon various topics, including COVID-19, the number of times one can get the virus, and the movie "Top Gun." Despite the intensity of the interaction, it was not a criminal matter, as they were not police officers. The individuals acknowledged the need for a heartfelt apology and expressed concern for the well-being of the person they had confronted. Additionally, they discussed the impressive performance of Miles Teller in "Top Gun," considering it a standout action movie.

    • Tom Cruise's Impressive Performance in Top Gun: MaverickTom Cruise's deeply engaging performance in Top Gun: Maverick left the speaker feeling connected to the character and impressed by his ability to transform into his roles, setting him apart as the last true action star.

      Tom Cruise's performance in "Top Gun: Maverick" was exceptional and deeply engaging for the speaker, who was so immersed in the movie that he leaned forward in his seat instead of leaning back like he usually does. The speaker was particularly impressed by Cruise's ability to make the audience feel connected to the character, going so far as to say that if Cruise's character, Maverick, had been in the room, he would have wanted to meet him. The speaker also appreciated the personal touch Tom Cruise brought to the film, such as his welcome message to the audience. Additionally, the speaker believes that Tom Cruise is the last true action star, as unlike The Rock, he still transforms into his characters and isn't just recognizable as himself. The speaker suggests that The Rock should take a page out of Tom Cruise's book and take on a non-action role to showcase his acting abilities.

    • Imagining a Transformative Role for Dwayne 'The Rock' JohnsonRussian-Mexican character Keto Vlad Perez, a fan of Gabriel Iglesias, undergoes a transformation involving weight loss and a new profession. They contract monkeypox from Fluffy and work together to overcome challenges in a heartfelt journey, filming in Los Angeles' West Covina mall.

      During a discussion about creating a movie project, it was suggested that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's character undergo a significant transformation, potentially involving weight loss and an unexpected profession. The character, named Keto Vlad Perez, is imagined as a Russian-Mexican man and a huge fan of Gabriel Iglesias. In the story, Keto contracts monkeypox from Fluffy, who is also infected, and the two of them work together to overcome their challenges. The filming location was suggested to be in Los Angeles, specifically at the West Covina mall. The project aims to portray their journey in a heartfelt way, rather than in a comedic manner.

    • A fantastical film idea involving monkeypox, gender transition, and a love sceneFilmmakers brainstormed a unique idea about a man contracting monkeypox, transforming into a woman, and having a love scene with another man, showcasing their creativity and willingness to explore unusual themes in filmmaking.

      During a conversation about potential ideas for a film, the discussion led to a bizarre and fantastical scenario involving an instant attraction between two men, one of whom is an idol to the other. The idol, Gabriel, contracts monkeypox and, in a surreal turn of events, gets pregnant and transitions into becoming a woman. To have the baby, he must lose weight, leading to a combination of physical transformation due to the monkeypox and the pregnancy. The scene involves a love scene between the two men, which is filmed in a detailed and intricate way, inspired by the style of David Fincher. The conversation also touches upon the idea of incorporating ambiguous elements and using CGI to enhance the scene. Overall, the conversation showcases the creative brainstorming process and the willingness to explore unusual and fantastical ideas in filmmaking.

    • Monkeypox and sperm merge during infection, Burnout relief through online therapy and meal kit deliveryMonkeypox infection causes sperm to look hairy, Burnout symptoms include lack of motivation and irritability, Online therapy from BetterHelp offers affordability and convenience, HelloFresh delivers meal kits with farm-fresh ingredients and easy recipes, Use codes badfriends and badfriends16 for discounts on both services

      Monkeypox and sperm merge in a unique way during infection, while people may experience symptoms of burnout and seek help through affordable online therapy or convenient meal kit delivery services like HelloFresh. During monkeypox infection, the virus and sperm merge, creating a look similar to sperm with hair on it. This merging process is likened to traffic merging on a highway. Burnout can be a hidden issue, with symptoms including lack of motivation, irritability, fatigue, and more. Many people, including the speaker, have experienced burnout and found relief through online therapy. BetterHelp offers customized online therapy sessions that are more affordable and convenient than in-person therapy. Additionally, HelloFresh offers convenience by delivering farm-fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes to customers' doors. This eliminates the need for grocery shopping and cooking, making meal preparation simple and enjoyable. Using the codes badfriends and badfriends16, listeners can receive 10% off their first month at BetterHelp and up to 16 free meals and 3 free gifts from HelloFresh. Both services aim to make life easier and more manageable, whether it's through mental health support or meal delivery.

    • Brainstorming movie ideas about real-life figures with physical differencesDiscussed creating a sequel to 'The Elephant Man' with a new character named Vlad, raising a bullying victim named Rangi. The Rock might help Rangi fight bullies. Named character 'Munco', later dropped due to potential bullying implications. Emphasized using real-life experiences for movie ideas and standing up against bullying.

      During a discussion about potential movie ideas, the topic of creating a film based on the life of a real-life figure with physical differences led to brainstorming various characters and storylines. One idea involved creating a sequel to "The Elephant Man" with a character named Vlad, who would raise a bullying victim named Rangi, with the possibility of The Rock making an appearance to help Rangi fight back against his bullies. Another topic touched upon was the issue of naming the character, with the name "Munco" being suggested but later discarded due to potential bullying implications. The conversation also touched upon the idea of using real-life experiences and inspiration for movie ideas, as well as the importance of standing up against bullying. The discussion showcased a creative and collaborative brainstorming session, with a focus on creating a heartfelt and impactful story.

    • The Surprising Story of Conjoined Twins and Their Unique ChallengesConjoined twins face unique challenges in their personal lives, including limited privacy and autonomy. One brother, who was gay, experienced penetration during sexual activities while the other didn't, highlighting the complexities of relationships and personal boundaries in unusual circumstances.

      The copyright for the "Happy Birthday to You" song was declared invalid in 2015, and Warner Chappelle Music agreed to pay back 14 million dollars in licensing fees. During a conversation, the topic shifted to an intriguing tale about conjoined twins, one of whom was gay. The speaker was surprised to learn about their unique living situation and the challenges they faced in their personal lives. Despite their close proximity, they couldn't share sensations, and the gay brother would feel the penetration during sexual activities while the other didn't. The speaker theorized that if they were in such a situation, they would find ways to maintain privacy and autonomy, such as using curtains, walls, or even virtual reality headsets. The conversation also touched upon the ethical implications of invading their privacy and the complexities of relationships and personal boundaries in unusual circumstances.

    • Brothers' Movie DiscussionBrothers bonded over their shared movie experiences, expressing opinions on films like 'Jurassic Park' and 'Top Gun', while also sharing memories of a friend named Razzle and their shared disdain for certain movies.

      The discussion revolved around the brothers' shared past and their current dynamic, with one brother expressing a desire for payback and imagining unusual scenarios, while the other shared their opinions on movies like "Jurassic Park" and "Top Gun." The brothers also mentioned a friend named Razzle and shared their experiences of walking out of a bad movie together. The conversation included jokes and criticism of certain films, with a focus on the merging of storylines and lack of suspense in "Jurassic Park." The brothers also expressed their admiration for actors like Chris Pratt and Tom Hanks. Despite their differences and occasional arguments, they seemed to enjoy each other's company and shared experiences.

    • Authentic representation vs. finding the best actor for the roleWhile authentic representation is crucial, the focus should be on finding the best actor for the role, regardless of their identity. Societal norms and context should be considered.

      While it's important for authentic representation in acting, particularly for marginalized communities, it doesn't necessarily mean that only those individuals should be considered for roles. The art of acting involves taking on different characters, regardless of one's personal identity. However, the context and societal norms should be considered. For instance, in the past, non-gay actors played gay roles, and it was accepted. But in today's era, there's a growing expectation for more authentic representation. This doesn't mean that a straight actor can't deliver a compelling performance as a gay character. The focus should be on finding the best actor for the role, regardless of their sexual orientation. Additionally, there are instances where finding a suitable actor from a particular community might be challenging, and in such cases, the debate arises. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that the representation is authentic and respectful while also recognizing the importance of skill and talent in acting.

    • Discussing the importance of authentic performances and representation in castingCasting should focus on talent and dedication to the role, rather than limiting based on identity. Authentic performances enhance representation and impact underrepresented communities.

      The ability to connect with a role and deliver a convincing performance should not be limited by physical or personal characteristics. The discussion touched upon the casting of a non-British actor for a British character and the debate around actors playing roles outside of their sexuality or physical differences. It was argued that acting is about dedication and understanding the character, and limiting roles based on identity could lead to a lack of authentic performances. The conversation also highlighted the importance of representation and the potential impact on underrepresented communities. However, it was also emphasized that exceptional talent and dedication should be recognized and celebrated, regardless of personal identity. The discussion concluded with a reminder that acting is an art form that requires imagination and the ability to step into different perspectives.

    • Microdosing THC with LumiLabs: A Convenient and Tasty SolutionLumiLabs offers microdosed THC gummies for consistent relief or enhancement, available nationwide with code 'bad friends' for free shipping and a discount.

      LumiLabs has developed a way to microdose THC effectively through portioned gummies, providing a steady dosage for various medical and personal reasons. The gummies also taste good. Microdosing THC is available nationwide, and more information can be found on microdose.com using the code "bad friends" for free shipping and a discount. The speaker expressed interest in playing certain movie roles, including John Wilkes Booth and Jon Hamm's character in Top Gun. Overall, microdosing THC is a viable option for those seeking consistent relief or enhancement, and LumiLabs' product offers a convenient and tasty solution.

    • Finding a Convenient Home Exercise SolutionThe speaker is seeking a compact, under-desk exercise solution for improved fitness while watching TV or working, considering a foot pedal exerciser after being inspired by their sister and a late-night commercial.

      The speaker is looking for a convenient home exercise solution to incorporate while watching TV or working, preferably something similar to a body blade or foot pedal exerciser. They've considered a Peloton but find it less convenient due to its size and location. They've also discovered a foot pedal exerciser from a late-night commercial and are considering purchasing it for under-desk use during their favorite shows or while working. The speaker is motivated to improve their fitness for various reasons, including touring and gaining a newfound appreciation for life. They're also proud of their sister's achievements and are excited about a new movie one of their friends has produced. The conversation also touches on various topics, including politics, immigration, and identity.

    • Discussing the challenges of ethnicity and immigration status in the film industryDespite qualifications and experience, ethnicity and immigration status can limit opportunities in the film industry, leading to feelings of exclusion and disappointment.

      Despite having experience and skills, opportunities in the film industry can be limited based on factors such as ethnicity and immigration status. The conversation between two individuals expresses their frustration and desire to be considered for roles, despite their past accomplishments and qualifications. They discuss the challenges they face due to being of ethnic backgrounds and the impact of immigration policies on their opportunities. They also discuss their adaptability and ability to navigate complex situations, showcasing their potential value as actors. However, they have not been given opportunities, leading to feelings of exclusion and disappointment.

    • Discovering Andres' hidden talent and supporting Doc's healthThe group valued each other's talents, admitted mistakes, and showed concern for each other's health and well-being.

      Despite some misunderstandings and mistakes, respect for each other's talents and abilities remains strong among the group. During a conversation, they discovered that a friend, Andres, was the unknown guitarist in a video they had watched. Although they were initially surprised, they acknowledged Andres' skill and even expressed admiration for his work. The group also discussed other projects Andres had worked on, including a Korean drama where he hired Korean actors to play American roles. Despite some health issues, Doc was encouraged to continue pursuing his talents and was supported by the group. They also discussed the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices, such as washing hands after using the restroom, to prevent the spread of bacteria. The conversation ended with expressions of support and concern for Doc's well-being. Overall, the group's respect for each other's talents and abilities, as well as their concern for each other's health and well-being, emerged as a key takeaway from their discussion.

    • Reflecting on a Friend's DepartureThough we may miss a friend's presence, discovering deceit can lead to strong reactions. Shared struggles build strong bonds.

      The group is discussing the departure of a friend and colleague from their show, and they are contemplating their feelings towards his absence. They acknowledge that they miss him, but if they found out he was deceitful and doing another show without them, their reactions would be severe. They also share their experiences of making do with limited resources and eating cheap food when they were struggling financially. The conversation veers into a discussion about the affordability of certain stores and the types of food available there. The tone is lighthearted, but the underlying sentiment is one of camaraderie and the impact of loss. The group's bond is evident as they reminisce about their past struggles and the shared experiences that brought them closer together.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Comfort Foods and HealthWhile comfort foods bring joy and nostalgia, they can also lead to health issues like neck pain, discomfort, high salt intake, and lactose intolerance. Awareness of individual dietary needs and limitations is crucial.

      While some comfort foods bring joy and nostalgia, they can also have negative effects on the body. The speaker shares an experience of eating ramen every day for a month due to financial constraints, which led to neck pain and discomfort. He also mentions his love for Kraft mac and cheese and Velveeta, but acknowledges the negative effects of high salt intake and potential lactose intolerance. The speaker also mentions a preference for whole milk over alternative milks due to texture and temperature, and reveals a recent revelation about his lactose intolerance causing diarrhea from eating cereal with homogenized milk. The conversation ends with a discussion about favorite cereals, with the speaker expressing a strong affinity for Frosted Mini Wheats. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex relationship between comfort foods and health, and the importance of being aware of individual dietary needs and limitations.

    • The speaker's cereal preferences and admiration for Irish cultureThe speaker enjoys creamy cereals like supreme and cocoa Rice Krispies, dislikes marshmallow cereals, and prefers hot oatmeal made with steel cut oats, while also expressing admiration for Irish figures and culture.

      The speaker has strong opinions about cereals and prefers some over others based on their texture and taste. They enjoy creamy cereals like supreme and cocoa Rice Krispies, but dislike the original Rice Krispies due to the need to add sugar. They also dislike marshmallow cereals like Lucky Charms. The speaker is a fan of oatmeal, particularly overnight oats, which they describe as mushy and always cold. They prefer hot oatmeal made with steel cut oats, which they believe originated in Ireland. The conversation also touched on the speaker's admiration for Irish culture and figures like Conor McGregor and Charleston Heston. Despite their love for some cereals and oatmeal, the speaker does not hold positive views towards the NRA, expressing a past affinity for the IRA instead.

    Recent Episodes from Bad Friends

    A Little Chit Chat

    A Little Chit Chat
    NEW MERCH ALERT: Go to http://badfriendsmerch.com to get the Bad Friends World Shirts and Mugs Today! Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: Rocket Money, Manscaped & BespokePost • Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Go to https://rocketmoney.com/badfriends • Manscaped: Get 20% and free shipping at https://www.manscaped.com code: BADFRIENDS • BespokePost: Get a mystery box with your first box of awesome at https://www.bespokepost.com code: BADFRIENDS YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 The New Intern 11:00 Fancy's New Movie 18:30 Angry Grandma 28:00 Rhino Pills 32:00 Like a Rogue Puzzle Piece 42:00 We Are Going to the Korean Spa 50:00 A Little Chit Chat, Chit Chat 1:04:00 Down Under More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    New Episode today on Patreon

    New Episode today on Patreon
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    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby
    NEW MERCH ALERT: Go to http://badfriendsmerch.com to get the Bad Friends World Shirts and Mugs Today! Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: Shopify, BLUECHEW, Morgan & Morgan, & Liquid Death • Shopify: Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/badfriends • Morgan & Morgan: If you’re ever injured, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information go to https://ForThePeople.com/badfriends or dial Pound LAW (Pound 529) from your cell phone. This is a paid advertisement. • Liquid Death: Go to https://liquiddeath.com/badfriends and check their healthy infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closer retailer + free shippping. YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 Bobby Hosts The Excellent Asian Awards 5:40 Genghis Khan's Shaman 12:00 Scratch 'n' Sniff Sampling 23:55 John Krasinski, the NEW Spielberg? 37:55 South Korean American Pie 31:00 McKone's Grandma Hates Bobby 44:55 Good Cop, Bad Cop 50:40 JoJo Siwa 55:22 Ice Boxing More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    New Episode Out on Patreon Today

    New Episode Out on Patreon Today
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    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    Life Of Poon

    Life Of Poon
    Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: ZocDoc, Draft Kings & HelloFresh • ZocDoc: Find and book top rated doctors at https://www.zocdoc.com/badfriends • DraftKings: https://sportsbook.draftkings.com Download the app and use code BADFRIENDS for a no swat bet up to $1,500 [21+ (18+ NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/LA(select parishes)/MI/NH/NJ/ NY/OR/PA/TN/VA/WV/WY only. $150 in Free bets: New customers only. Min. $5 deposit. Min $5 pregame moneyline bet. Bet must win. $150 issued as six (6) $25 free bets. Ends 12/31/22 @ 11:59pm ET. Stepped Up SGP: 1 Token issued per eligible game. Opt in req. Min $1 bet. Max bet limits apply. Min. 3-leg. Each leg min. -300 odds, total bet +100 odds or longer. 10+ leg req. for 100% boost. Ends 1/8/23 @ 8pm ET. See eligibility & terms at sportsbook.draftkings.com/footballterms] • HelloFresh: Go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/badfriendsapps for free appetizers for life! YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 03, 2024

    New Episode Out on Patreon!

    New Episode Out on Patreon!
    For more exclusive content and ad-free early episodes go to https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency
    Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: BLUECHEW, Rocket Money & Morgan & Morgan • Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Go to https://rocketmoney.com/badfriends • Morgan & Morgan: If you’re ever injured, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information go to https://ForThePeople.com/badfriends or dial Pound LAW (Pound 529) from your cell phone. This is a paid advertisement. YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 Andrew Santino is ALIVE! 7:30 Santino Gets MGK's Sweater 17:03 9 Pounds of Poo & Fake Death Scares 29:50 Bobby & Carlos Hell's Angels Kiss 36:40 Are Dolphins Actually Smart? 43:28 Couch Turds & Stolen Weed 52:02 Terrence Howard Blows Joe Rogan's Mind 58:37 Bobby on The Evil Laughing Contest More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usMay 27, 2024

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