
    The Russian Revolution: An In-Depth Guide - Antony Beevor

    enApril 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Russian Revolution: Oppression and UnrestThe inflexibility of the czar, widespread suffering of peasants and workers, and the growing strength of revolutionary groups led to the Russian Revolution, ultimately triggered by the disastrous outcome of the Japanese war.

      The conditions leading up to the Russian Revolution were marked by great oppression and unrest. The czar's inflexibility and refusal to liberalize led to widespread frustration among the population, particularly in the countryside where peasants continued to suffer despite some reforms. Meanwhile, in the cities, workers faced appalling conditions in factories. The revolutionary groups, including the Bolsheviks under Lenin's leadership, grew in strength, and the ruling class's confidence waned. However, it was the disastrous outcome of the Japanese war that ultimately tipped the balance and led to the revolution. Despite the czar's efforts to maintain the autocracy, the pressure from below and the ruling class's lack of confidence proved to be the catalyst for the events that followed.

    • Tsar Nicholas II's Weak and Arrogant Rule Led to Russia's Downfall in WW1Tsar Nicholas II's weak leadership, disastrous military decisions, and reliance on outdated traditions and advisors like Rasputin caused Russia's military to be ill-prepared and incompetently led, leading to disastrous defeats, loss of morale, and eventually the overthrow of the monarchy in 1917.

      The weak and arrogant rule of Tsar Nicholas II, coupled with disastrous military decisions and the distractions of internal political instability, led to Russia's downfall during World War 1. The czar's refusal to adapt to changing political and military realities, as well as his reliance on outdated traditions and advisors like Rasputin, ultimately sealed the fate of the Romanov dynasty. Despite having vast resources, Russia's military was ill-prepared and incompetently led, resulting in disastrous defeats and the loss of morale among the population. The czar's assumption of supreme command during a major retreat further solidified his blame for the military's failures, and the eventual overthrow of the monarchy in 1917 was a result of these compounding disasters.

    • Winter of Revolution: Czarina's Power and Food CrisisDuring Russia's 1916-1917 winter, the Czarina's favoritism towards Rasputin led to chaotic government appointments, while in modern times, online fundraising for protests faces limitations by authorities.

      The winter of 1916-1917 in Russia was a time of political instability and food shortages leading to a spontaneous revolution. The Czarina wielded significant power during this period, and her favoritism towards Rasputin led to a chaotic government situation known as "ministerial leapfrog." In contrast, Putin's current hold on power is secure, and comparisons between the past and present should be resisted. During the Russian Revolution, the Czarina's desire for power intensified when she took control of appointing ministers, often based on Rasputin's advice. In a modern context, the Canadian trucker protest in 2022 saw online crowdfunding campaigns raise significant funds for the demonstrators, but these efforts were ultimately thwarted by authorities, highlighting the complex relationship between power and the people.

    • The Influence of Leadership on HistoryChoose a crowdfunding platform that respects diverse views and values to ensure effective fundraising without potential censorship or interference.

      The strength of a leader matters greatly in shaping the course of history. The discussion highlighted the case of the Russian Czar, who despite being surrounded by advisors, refused to listen to their warnings and instead relied heavily on his wife and a mystic named Rasputin. This rigidity and unwillingness to adapt led to disastrous consequences, contributing to the Russian Revolution. In the modern world, this lesson applies to various aspects, including crowdfunding. It's essential to choose platforms that respect diverse views and values, like Giv San Go, rather than relying on the big tech platforms that may back off during critical times. By starting a campaign on Giv San Go, individuals can effectively raise funds for their causes without facing potential censorship or interference.

    • Rasputin's manipulation of the Russian empress led to moral collapse and revolutionRasputin's corruption and demoralization of the army and population contributed to the February Revolution, surprising everyone including the czar and the Bolsheviks.

      Rasputin's manipulation of the Russian empress contributed to the moral collapse of the Russian regime during a time of military defeats and societal unrest. His involvement in corruption and the resulting demoralization among the army and population played a significant role in the outbreak of the February Revolution, ultimately leading to the downfall of the czarist regime. Despite the czar's belief in the loyalty of his troops, many were ready to join the workers in revolt due to their own desperation and disillusionment. The Bolsheviks, too, underestimated the situation, assuming it to be just a bread riot. The combination of military losses, societal unrest, and moral decay created a perfect storm for the revolution, which caught everyone by surprise.

    • Cossacks' Defection Turning PointThe unexpected defection of the Cossacks, along with the collaboration between various factions, led to the downfall of the czarist regime in the 1917 February Revolution.

      The turning point in the 1917 February Revolution came when the Cossacks, who had initially been loyal to the czar, defected and joined the workers' cause. This unexpected shift caught the czar and his family off guard, as they were living in a state of denial about the severity of the situation. The police, who were hated by the populace, bore the brunt of the violence, and the soldiers were mostly ignored. The czar attempted to return to his family, but was stopped by railway workers. By the time he realized the gravity of the situation, the empress and her family were already under threat from the rebel troops. The grand dukes and other conservative forces tried to work with the liberals in the Duma to control the revolution, but the Petrograd Soviet, which was mostly made up of moderate socialists, played a key role in the formation of the provisional government. This unexpected collaboration between various factions ultimately led to the downfall of the czarist regime.

    • Power vacuum and chaos after the Russian RevolutionThe Russian Revolution resulted in a power vacuum, leading to chaos, and the Bolsheviks took advantage of this to seize power, despite being a small group initially.

      The Russian Federal Revolution of 1917 was not marked by the organized takeover and replacement of the royal family, but rather by a power vacuum and chaos. The Provisional Government, which took power from the Czar, was made up of liberals and socialists, but they had no real control over the country as the police had been destroyed and communication was poor. Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who were initially a small group, saw this as an opportunity to seize power for themselves, sabotaging the idea of a Constituent Assembly and eventually staging a coup. The paradox was that the dying old regime left an orphan government that was vulnerable and powerless.

    • Bolsheviks' Election Success: Strong Organization, Coherent Ideology, and External SupportThe Bolsheviks, despite receiving only about 30% of the votes, managed to significantly increase their numbers in Russian elections due to their strong organization, coherent ideology, and external support from Germany.

      The Bolsheviks, a radical Marxist political group, managed to significantly increase their numbers in Russian elections despite only receiving about 30% of the votes, largely due to their strong organization, coherent ideology, and the support they received from external forces like Germany during the First World War. At the time, there were several major political movements in Russia, including the Cadets (constitutional Democrats), Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and anarchists, each representing different views on how the country should move forward. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, were the best-organized and most extreme of these groups, advocating for the abolition of the police, money, and finance. Lenin's speeches, which called for these radical changes, even shocked some members of his own party. The Germans saw the Bolsheviks as a useful tool to weaken Russia and turn their forces towards the Western Front, and they provided financial support to help the Bolsheviks gain power. This external support, combined with the Bolsheviks' internal strength, allowed them to make significant gains in the elections and ultimately seize control of the Russian government.

    • Lenin's determination to upend societyLenin's brilliance and arrogance enabled him to centralize control and manipulate promises to gain power, despite his extreme ideology and small following

      Lenin's desire for revolutionary change led him to encourage the destruction of the past and implement deceptive promises to gain power. Despite being underestimated due to his extreme ideology and small following, Lenin's genius and arrogance enabled him to centralize control and manipulate the promises of peace, land, and factories to win support from soldiers, peasants, and workers. Lenin, a member of the provincial nobility with a determined commitment to Marxist ideology, was a brilliant speaker but lacked the charisma of others like Trotsky. His brother's execution during a period of political unrest fueled his conviction to upend society completely. Lenin's ability to hammer away at his message and make key decisions set him apart as a powerful leader, even if it meant using deception to achieve his goals.

    • Lenin's clear objective and determinationLenin's promise of peace and order, capitalizing on chaos and Kerensky's indecisiveness, allowed Bolsheviks to gain massive support and seize power.

      Lenin's ruthless determination and clear objective for total power gave the Bolsheviks a significant advantage during times of chaos and uncertainty in Russia. The disaster of Kerensky's offensive and the resulting collapse of discipline within the czarist armies made Lenin's promise of peace and order more attractive to the population. Additionally, Kerensky's indecisiveness and miscommunications led him to believe that General Kornilov was planning a right-wing coup, causing further fear and instability. Lenin's ability to capitalize on these circumstances and maintain a clear vision for his party allowed the Bolsheviks to gain a massive surge in numbers and ultimately seize power.

    • The Bolsheviks' strategic planning and power struggles during the October RevolutionThe Bolsheviks' success in the October Revolution was due to their strategic planning, military control, and dedicated supporters, while the opposition was weak and lacked a significant military presence.

      The Bolsheviks' preparation and strategic maneuvers leading up to the October coup in Russia were crucial to their success. They had infiltrated communication networks, controlled key military forces, and had a dedicated group of supporters ready to act. In contrast, the opposition led by Kerensky was weak and lacked a significant military presence. Lenin's determination and Trotsky's strategic moves allowed the Bolsheviks to seize power despite the chaos of the revolution. It's important to remember that the romanticized images of the October Revolution often overlook the strategic planning and power struggles that occurred behind the scenes.

    • Bolsheviks' Seizure of Power: A Well-Organized CoupThe Bolsheviks effectively seized power through strategic planning and control of key locations, leading to the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and eventual exile of the royal family.

      The Bolsheviks' seizure of power during the February Revolution in Russia was not a chaotic event, but rather a well-organized coup d'etat. They seized key communication points, secured strategic locations, and quickly took control of Petrograd. The storming of the Winter Palace was not a dramatic charge, but rather a peaceful entry into the building. Once in power, the Bolsheviks celebrated with destruction and chaos, while the royal family was kept as prisoners and eventually sent to Siberia. Lenin's promise of peace on the Western front led to the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which resulted in Russia giving up large territories to Germany.

    • Lenin's Pragmatism During Peace NegotiationsLenin prioritized the greater good for the Bolsheviks, making sacrifices during peace negotiations to prevent counter-revolution, even if it meant significant humiliation.

      Lenin, despite being a master tactician, was also a pragmatist. During the negotiations with the Germans for peace, Lenin recognized the need to make sacrifices to keep the power and prevent counter-revolution, even if it meant giving up territory and facing great humiliation. The negotiations were unlike any other, with the Bolsheviks sending an unprepared peasant representative, leading to comical moments. However, when the Germans began to take military action, Lenin urged Trotsky to make concessions, but Trotsky refused. The Bolsheviks eventually signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which was a significant German victory in the First World War. Lenin's ability to prioritize the greater good for the Bolsheviks, despite the personal cost, demonstrates his pragmatism.

    • The Bolsheviks' pragmatic approach during the Russian RevolutionThe Bolsheviks survived early revolutionary challenges through tough decisions, including territorial concessions and recruiting Czarist officers, which led to a split with Trotsky and set the stage for their eventual victory.

      During the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks faced significant challenges in their fight against both the Germans and internal rebellions. In order to survive, they had to make tough decisions, such as giving away vast territories to the Germans and accepting humiliation. However, they managed to keep the fight going through the use of cavalry and eventually recruited Czarist officers to command their troops. This decision led to a split between Lenin and Trotsky. The first stage of the Russian Civil War was largely a cavalry or railway war due to the immense distances involved. Despite initial struggles, the Bolsheviks were able to regroup and eventually emerge victorious. Ultimately, the pragmatic approach of the Bolsheviks allowed them to weather the challenges of the early revolutionary period and set the stage for their eventual success.

    • Trotsky's Role in the Russian Revolution and Civil WarTrotsky's charm and oratory skills influenced foreign powers, he got weapons to Bolsheviks, started Red Army, and showed bravery on front lines, while Lenin lacked physical courage but survived an assassination attempt, White Army's incompatible goals and imperial obsession weakened their efforts, clarity of ambition and purpose crucial for victory

      Leon Trotsky played a pivotal role in the Russian Revolution and the Civil War. He was instrumental in getting weapons to the Bolsheviks for the coup d'etat in October and later became the foreign minister, using his charm and oratory skills to influence foreign powers. Trotsky also started the creation of the Red Army and showed great bravery on the front lines. Lenin, on the other hand, lacked physical courage and survived an assassination attempt that led to the start of his personality cult. The White Army, however, was a complex alliance of forces, including Cossacks, former czarist officers, and right socialist revolutionaries, whose incompatible goals hindered their effectiveness against the Bolsheviks. Despite their shared anti-Bolshevik stance, the White Army's imperial obsession and refusal to work with the white generals weakened their efforts. Ultimately, the clarity of ambition and purpose were crucial factors in determining the outcome of the conflict.

    • The Russian Civil War: Division Among Whites, Unity Among BolsheviksThe Russian Civil War marked by ideological differences and looting by whites, leading to Bolshevik control and profound impacts on Europe and beyond

      The Russian Civil War was a pivotal moment in history, marked by division among the whites and unity among the Bolsheviks, leading to the Bolsheviks' seizure of control. Many whites, believing they would be exiled, engaged in looting, further alienating the population. Ideologically, the Bolsheviks, motivated by Marxism-Leninism, wanted their own revolution rather than going through a bourgeois one. Parallels can be drawn between certain aspects of Marx's predictions and modern society, but it's important to remember that history does not repeat itself. The Russian Civil War had profound impacts, leading to fear and destruction that influenced Europe and beyond, shaping patterns of conflict up to the first and second Cold Wars. Today, we're in a different geopolitical environment, and the lessons from the Russian Civil War remain relevant as we navigate current global challenges.

    • Understanding the complexities of historyIndividuals shape history, but larger forces also play a role. We should discuss why certain events and figures are remembered or forgotten, and their impact on our present and future.

      The world has become a more complex and dangerous place since the end of the Cold War, with the axis of conflict shifting from ideologies like communism and capitalism to autocracy and democracy. Individuals play a significant role in shaping history, as seen in the cases of Lenin and Hitler. However, it's important to remember that there are also larger, non-human forces at play, such as famine and environmental change. We should be having a more open conversation about these issues as a society, including why certain events and figures are remembered or forgotten, and how they shape our present and future. For instance, why did communism take hold in some places but not others, and why is Stalin often given a pass while Hitler is not, despite the former causing more deaths? These are important questions to consider as we navigate the current geopolitical landscape.

    • Underestimating threats from authoritarian leadersFailure to recognize potential threats from authoritarian leaders like Putin, due to democratic biases, can lead to underpreparation and vulnerability, potentially leaving us exposed to expansionist goals and future conflicts.

      Underestimating the threats posed by authoritarian leaders, such as Putin, can have serious consequences. During the discussion, it was mentioned that the same mistake was made with Hitler in the 1930s, and we failed to imagine that anyone would want another war in Europe. This "confirmation bias of the democratic mentality" can hinder our ability to understand and prepare for potential conflicts. Moreover, Europe's underinvestment in military expenditures has made us vulnerable and played right into the hands of leaders like Putin, who have expansionist goals beyond Ukraine. Putin's intentions are not limited to Ukraine; he also has designs on Transnistria and parts of the Baltic states. The failure to prepare for war now could leave us exposed in the future. Overall, it's crucial that we recognize the potential threats and take steps to mitigate them, rather than underestimating them based on our own democratic values.

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    Peter Hitchens is an English conservative author, broadcaster, journalist, and commentator. He writes for The Mail on Sunday and was a foreign correspondent reporting from both Moscow and Washington DC. His books include The Abolition of Britain, The Rage Against God, The War We Never Fought and The Phoney Victory. Previously a Trotskyist and supporter of the Labour Party, Hitchens became more conservative during the 1990s. He joined the Conservative Party in 1997 and left in 2003, and has since been deeply critical of the party, which he views as the biggest obstacle to true conservatism in the UK. SPONSORS: Manscaped. Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code TRIGGER at https://manscaped.com Start earning A Yield on Silver, Paid in Silver with Monetary Metals. Click here to find out more: https://bit.ly/3Rs8Rv2 Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enJuly 03, 2024

    Piers Morgan: Israel/Palestine, Farage & Who Gets My Vote

    Piers Morgan: Israel/Palestine, Farage & Who Gets My Vote
    Piers Morgan is a journalist and broadcaster who has spent a lifetime in media. He was the editor of the News of the World and the Daily Mirror before hosting various TV talk shows such as ITV Breakfast and Good Morning Britain. He currently hosts Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@PiersMorganUncensored) Follow Piers on X: https://twitter.com/piersmorgan Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc   Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enJune 30, 2024

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    1:33:58 – Support: How to stay on THE PATH.

    1:22:55 – Final thoughts and take-aways.

    1:56:11 – Closing Gratitude.

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