
    About this Episode

    Have you ever wondered what the secret is to finding purpose in life? Join Marla Goldberrg as she welcomes Rose Henry to the show. Rose Henry is an Intuitive Coach, helping people in the last 11 years to embrace their Spiritual Journey. Rose will discuss how she helps people find their purpose. Rose will teach us how to turn on your sixth sense plus will tell the audience what the secret is to finding purpose. Join Marla and Rose as they dig deeper into the spiritual world. For more information about Rose: https://www.intuitiveholisticservices.com/

    Recent Episodes from Guided Spirit Conversations With Marla Goldberrg

    Be Your Own Light with Dr. Susan Jamieson

    Be Your Own Light with Dr. Susan Jamieson

    Are you one of those amazing individuals who started on a traditional track only to realize that your passion lies somewhere else, a different type of path than the one you spent so much time becoming educated in?


     This week’s guest on Guided Spirit Conversations did just that. She became a medical doctor, only to be guided to take a turn and incorporate alternative techniques into her practice. Dr. Susan Jamieson comes from the Scottish Highlands. She lived in China for 30 years. During that time, Dr. Jamieson learned to seamlessly weave modern neuroscience with ancient Celtic wisdom and Eastern Philosophy techniques.

    Please tune in as Dr. Susan Jamieson and I talk about her path, her techniques, and how she has helped her clients who range from regular people to those well-known, such as Dir Elton John, The Eagles, and Sir Mick Jagger to name a few. 


    For more information about Dr. Susan Jamieson: www.susanjamieson.com

    Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones with Karen Noe

    Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones with Karen Noe

    As the last show of the year, as always, I’m bringing to you a psychic medium to talk about not only her path but also insights into 2024. I’m really excited about my guest, Karen Noe.

    Karen is as mentioned a Psychic Medium, as well as an Author, Healer and Spiritual Counselor. Karen is so revered that she has a two-year waiting list for her services. In addition, Karen leads retreats and teaches workshops all over the country.

    Please join Karen and me today as we delve into the energies of 2024.

    For more information about Karen: https://www.karennoe.com

    Intuition Wisdom with Sue Frederick

    Intuition Wisdom with Sue Frederick

    This year is quickly coming to an end and if you are familiar with my past year-end shows you’ll know that I love to bring to the show Metaphysicians that can help bring insights and information for you for our upcoming year.

    This week’s guest on Guided Spirit Conversations is a powerful intuitive and channel, Master Numerologist, Pat Life and between Lives Soul Regression Therapist, Ordained Minister, and Author of her books; Through A Divine Lens, The Sacred Numerology Workbook, Bridges to Heaven and I See Your Dream Job. Her name is Sue Fredrick and I’m so excited to bring her to you.

     For more information about Sue: https://careerintuitive.org

    Feeding The Human Spirit With Jessica Byrd

    Feeding The Human Spirit With Jessica Byrd

    As the year is quickly winding up, I wanted to introduce you to a metaphysician who might be the perfect gift to give to loved ones or friends. Jessica Byrd is a Spiritual Guide, Catalyst, Medical Intuitive, Intuitive Psychic, Channel, and Energy Healer. Her main focus is healing. She guides her clients, intuitively, back to wellness, wholeness, and authenticity.

    In this episode, Jessica delves into the fascinating world of Body Coding Sessions, exploring an energy-balancing system designed to pinpoint imbalances causing physical and emotional issues. Learn how the Body Code goes deep into your energetic body, circuits, and systems, addressing emotional wellness, body system rebalance, structural issues, toxin resolution, pathogen resolution, and nutrition and lifestyle.

    Throughout the episode, Jessica tackles profound questions about intuition, emotions, exercise as a spiritual practice, healthy eating, boundaries, life purpose, and the true meaning of healing. Gain insights into developing your intuition and understanding the messages your body is sending.

    To connect with Jessica and explore the world of G88dvibrations, visit www.g88dvibrations.com or reach out via email at g88dvibrations@gmail.com. Follow G88dvibrations on social media: Instagram (@g88dvibrations), YouTube (   / jbyrdtwo  , Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/g88dvibrations), and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/G88dvibrations/).

    Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery? Listen Now! 

    The Angel Journey with Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

    The Angel Journey with Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

    Angels... I know this may be hard to believe, but I wasn't raised learning about angels. When I started down my spiritual path, my knowledge about Angels and Archangels was almost non-existent. Today, not only do I know about many of them, but I have had actual encounters with Jesus, Enoch, Abraham, and more. I feel blessed to be able to share that I've been fortunate enough to have had those experiences.

     For me, the holidays are not a time of commercialism, but a time of magic, miracles, and mirth. That's why I'm bringing back Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney to Guided Spirit Conversations. Rev. Dr. Kimberly is a pioneer in the field of angelology and spiritual transformation. A gifted angelologist, author, mystic, workshop leader, and spiritual counselor, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide open to God's love, heal, and move forward on their life paths. Additionally, she is the founder of The Angel Ministry and President of Gateway University, a school for the study of Higher Consciousness.

    Please join Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney and me as we talk about angels, the myths and truths about angel interactions on Earth, and during the holiday season. It's an interactive show, so you can write in your questions for Rev. Dr. Kimberly and/or myself, and we will answer in real-time.

     If you're unable to be a part of the live show, please watch the replay and leave your questions!

    For more information about Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney: The Angel Ministry





    Grateful - Thankful - Blessed with Dr. Marla Goldberrg

    Grateful - Thankful - Blessed with Dr. Marla Goldberrg

    Welcome to a special Thanksgiving edition of Guided Spirit Conversations with Dr. Marla Goldberrg, where gratitude takes center stage in our hearts and minds. In this episode, titled "Grateful - Thankful - Blessed," I delve into the essence of thanksgiving, exploring the transformative power of gratitude, the profound beauty of being thankful, and the undeniable blessings that surround us.

    Join me, Dr. Marla Goldberrg, your guide on this spiritual journey, as I share personal reflections on my own path to gratitude and the significant role it plays in our lives. Drawing from over 20 years of experience in metaphysical healing, intuitive insights, and the wisdom gained from my own spiritual awakening, I'll unveil the practices and techniques that have paved the way for a life filled with gratitude. Together, we'll discover the profound impact of clearing our own closets before assisting others and the beauty that arises when we embrace the possibility that everything is fixable.

     This Thanksgiving special is not just about my story—it's about yours too. I invite you to reflect on your own journey, recognizing the moments of gratitude, the reasons to be thankful, and the countless blessings that have graced your life. As we navigate this episode, let's embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving, allowing gratitude to be a guiding force in our lives. Whether you're a long-time listener or joining our community for the first time, I express my deepest gratitude for your presence and support.

    Get ready for a soul-nourishing conversation that explores the dimensions of being "Grateful - Thankful - Blessed." Tune in and let the spirit of Thanksgiving inspire, uplift, and resonate within you. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with warmth, love, and the profound realization that we are all truly blessed.





    Twists of Destiny: From Emmy Awards to Akashic Records with Mary Madeiras

    Twists of Destiny: From Emmy Awards to Akashic Records with Mary Madeiras

    This path of ours is filled with many twists. When I was in my 20s, I never would have thought that I would find myself being a Doctor of Metaphysical Healing. Yet, this is where my path has taken me.


    This week, we'll hear another story of being on a successful track in the entertainment industry, only to find a different road to explore. Mary Madeiras was a trailblazer within network television, garnering three Emmy awards and a Director’s Guild of America Award when she had a psychic reading and learned about a male figure overseeing her Akashic Records. The psychic had no understanding of what that meant. Mary was perplexed and this encounter ignited a profound exploration into spirituality, leading her to the Akashic Records and later earning two certifications as an Advanced Akashic Records practitioner.

    Join Mary and me as we talk about her journey and discuss the book that started her path as an Akashic Records Reader. We’ll delve into what the Akashic Records are, how they help her clients with their inner alignment, and aid them in discovering their soul’s destiny. 


    For more information about Mary: https://spirittherapybymary.com

    Charity of choice: - World Wildlife Fund www.worldwildlife.org

     Don’t forget to check out my website at: www.MarlaGoldberrg.com


    Why Each One Of Us Is The Medicine Of Spiritual Revolution with Tracey Ash

    Why Each One Of Us Is The Medicine Of Spiritual Revolution with Tracey Ash

    My first recollection of being told I have had past lives in Egypt as a Pharaoh and Imhotep happened a few short years ago. I was told that as a Pharaoh I would go to a secret library that was housed under the Pyramids to study metaphysics. I was fascinated. It certainly explained my strong desire to go to Egypt and explore my old stomping grounds.

    This week on Guided Spirit Conversations my guest is Tracey Ash. Ash is a mystic, healer, timekeeper, and gatekeeper. She lives in the Temple of Medinet Habu. Ash has dedicated her life to bridging the gap between ancient knowledge and modern understanding. With her extensive experience in curating international pilgrimages and educational events, Tracey explores the realms of human origins, genius, time, prophecy, and mysticism.

    Please join Tracey and me as we delve into her journey and how it led her to live in Egypt and create the retreats and pilgrimages she has been executing since 1999. In this podcast, Tracey shares her insights on soul initiation, a transformative tool that connects you with the essence of your being.

    Through riveting conversations, she explores the significance of healing, the evolution of consciousness, and the importance of understanding our connection with the spiritual realm. Discover the fascinating stories of ancient Egypt as Tracey unfolds the secrets of inter-dimensional gateways, benevolent gods, and star races that shape our human story. Join her as she discusses her experiences at the United Nations, her work with influential leaders, and her dedication to healing trauma to connect with the spirit and intelligent universal life.

    Prepare to be inspired and enlightened as Tracey Ash guides you through a captivating exploration of the soul, metaphysics, and the profound mysteries of existence. Whether you're seeking spiritual awakening, healing, or a deeper understanding of your purpose, this podcast is your gateway to a higher consciousness. 

    To learn more about Tracey Ash and her transformative work, visit her website at https://traceyash.com/ Explore her Soul School, Psychic School, Sessions, and Egypt Tours and Retreats to embark on your own soul journey. Join us in this transformative conversation and embrace the spiritual revolution within.

    From Shadows to Spirits: Exploring the Paranormal Spectrum with Mary Marshall

    From Shadows to Spirits: Exploring the Paranormal Spectrum with Mary Marshall

    When I was young, I watched a segment on a news show that talked about a paranormal investigator who was helping the authorities with a case. I was intrigued.

     I learned that the word paranormal was established in the early 1900’s, and the definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary states that, and I paraphrase, paranormal means above normal. A Paranormal Investigator is a person, a psychic medium, who can find clues that might elude an average human, which supports the authorities with their investigations.

     Again, I became curious about these people who can communicate with the other side and their special abilities in this process.

    In the latest episode of Guided Spirit Conversations with Dr. Marla Goldberrg, prepare to embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of the paranormal. Join me and esteemed guest Medium Mary Marshall, renowned as “The Paranormal MD”, as she unveils the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. I am bringing Mary Marshall back to learn more about Paranormal Investigators, what they do, and how they do it. Mary, a pioneering figure in the field of paranormal education, reveals the roots of her intrigue in the unknown.

    With over two decades of experience, she shares captivating stories from her career as a paranormal investigator and researcher of ufology and cryptozoology. Explore the depths of her encounters with the supernatural, including her most memorable experiences connecting with the spiritual realm during investigations.

     In this thought-provoking conversation, delve into the profound role psychic abilities play in the realm of paranormal investigations. Mary provides unique insights into the compelling evidence she has gathered over her extensive career and sheds light on the intricate connection between diverse paranormal phenomena, from UFO sightings to cryptid encounters.

    Discover Mary's perspective on life, death, and the afterlife, shaped by her experiences as a psychic medium and paranormal investigator. Gain valuable insights into misunderstood aspects of paranormal studies and how she works tirelessly to dispel misconceptions through her teachings and writings.

    Learn about Mary's ongoing projects and upcoming investigations, offering a glimpse into the future of paranormal research. Tune in for an enlightening conversation that bridges the gap between the known and the inexplicable, leaving you with a deeper understanding of the paranormal spectrum. 

    For more information about Mary: http://www.mediummarymarshall.com


    Don’t forget to check out my website: https://www.marlagoldberrg.com/


    Support the Podcast here:

    PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/marlaGoldberg

    Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Marla-Goldberg-21


    Trust – Surrendering – Allowance With Dr. Marla Goldberrg

    Trust – Surrendering – Allowance With Dr. Marla Goldberrg

    Today on Guided Spirit Conversations I will talk about: Trust – Surrendering – Allowance. These three words carry immense power, encapsulating the essence of resilience, faith, and the art of letting go. In the journey of life, we often find ourselves clinging tightly to the illusion of control, fearing the unknown and the unpredictable. Yet, it is in embracing surrender, trust, and allowance that we find our true strength and freedom.


    Surrender is not a sign of weakness; rather, it signifies wisdom and courage. It is about acknowledging that there are forces at play in the universe far beyond our comprehension and that it's okay not to have all the answers. When we surrender, we release the burden of trying to control every aspect of our lives. Surrender teaches us acceptance, the ability to find peace amid chaos, and the beauty of living in the present moment.


    Trust is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship, be it with ourselves, others, or the universe. Trust is the quiet confidence that things will unfold as they are meant to, even if we cannot see the bigger picture in the present moment. It's about having faith in the goodness of people and in the inherent wisdom of life's processes. Trusting ourselves and our abilities empowers us to take risks, learn from failures, and grow into the best version of ourselves.


    Allowance is the gentle art of letting life flow. It means allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, open to experiences, and receptive to change. When we allow life to unfold naturally, without imposing rigid expectations, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities. It's about recognizing that life is a river, and our attempts to control it only create unnecessary resistance. By allowing, we invite miracles to happen, we embrace serendipity, and we welcome the unexpected gifts that life has to offer.

    In embracing these principles of surrender, trust, and allowance, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We learn to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. We cultivate a deep sense of inner peace, knowing that we are an integral part of a grander design. Let us embrace the wisdom of surrender, trust, and allowance in our lives. Let us release our grip on the steering wheel of fate and allow the universe to guide us. Let us trust in the inherent goodness of life and surrender to the flow of existence. In doing so, we find not only freedom but also the limitless potential of our own being.


    Don’t forget to check out my website: https://www.marlagoldberrg.com/

     Support the Podcast here:

    Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/marlaGoldberg

    Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Marla-Goldberg-21