
    About this Episode

    Welcome to Episode 27 of The SELFISH Podcast, in this episode Anna and Nicola talk women’s health, hormones and Ayurveda to Susan Pulley.

    Susan leads 10-week courses, each season, to help women do what they know they ‘should’ but seem to push off every day: eat better, de-stress, exercise, feel happy.

    She specialises in women's hormones, menopause and burnout, and gracefully translates how to apply the techniques of Ayurveda, drawing from 10+ years of professional clinic and teaching experience. She's passionate about helping women get the health they need to become who they know they have the potential to be!

    In this episode, we dive into:

     Who is Susan

    • What is Ayurveda
    • How she came about to focusing on women’s health and hormones
    • The menopause
    • Some of the major hormone issues Susan treats
    • Whether a ‘blanket approach’ to managing your lifestyle and hormones using Ayurveda works
    • Where to learn more about Ayurveda
    • Her 10-week course


    Follow and contact Susan...

    Atma Ayurveda website - https://atma-ayurveda.com/

    Bonus: free 20 min Discovery call with Susan - https://atma-ayurveda.com/product/health-strategy-session/

     Get a free copy of Susan's Harmonize Your Hormones eBook (complete a quiz) - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScU6dfw8YobyiSlihRK2gjo5d5O4OwugxvxpUOUVA8aYhqbHA/viewform

    Recent Episodes from SELFISH with Nicola Cloherty

    Women Who Birth with Chantelle Prindable

    Women Who Birth with Chantelle Prindable

    Here is our final Women Who Birth talk of the series.

    I spoke to Chantelle Prindable - a
    holistic beauty therapist, coach and intuitive healer. She is also a mother to a beautiful boy, two fur babies and a wife.

    She shared so many recipes, nuggets and tips not only about holistic beauty, but intuition, healing and wellness.

    Chantelle an utter oracle, and has inspired me to get into the kitchen to create some homemade, natural products to sample out on my boat race (face - Cockney rhyming slang 😆)

    This conversation is another example of how everything we do, experience, consume has such a profound impact. Choose wisely and ask for help.

    Please go ahead and share this chat with someone who loves a bit of natural skin care and beauty, but is also here for deep healing, intuition, honouring themselves and blossoming from with ♥️

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx


    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading here or by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com or via Instagram 


    Chanetelle Prindable


    https://www.blossom-within.com/ - grab Chantelle's free e-book 

    Women Who Birth with Zoe Naylor

    Women Who Birth with Zoe Naylor

    I am saaaaaah excited to share this week's episode with you!

    The beautiful Zoe Naylor and I talk firstly about BIRTH TIME: the documentary created by herself, Jerusha Sutton, Jo Hunter and Sselina Scoble. 

    Zoe has just finished touring NZ spreading the word about this incredible documentary, and it'll be coming to the UK and Europe very soon. I know me, and many of my friends are chomping at the bit to watch it!

    In this episode, Zoe and I talk about birthing the doco and her own experience as a woman, mother, creator, activist, and so much more!


    It's the result of three women Jo Hunter, Jerusha Sutton and Zoe Naylor, coming together through a birth, and afterwards taking a deep dive into what birth looks like for women in the developed world, asking the question, "What would it take for women to emerge from their births physically well, and emotionally safe?"

    A theme emerges through the interviews with world-renowned birth experts, such as Hannah Dahlen, Sarah Buckley, Sheena Byrom, Soo Downe, Andrew Bisits and Kirsten Small, that vast amounts of global evidence state that one to one continuity of midwifery care, i.e. women having a known midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, improves the outcomes for mothers and babies. 

    It explores the trauma that is inflicted on women as they go through an experience that should be amongst the most joyous of their lives. Through the insights of experts, evidence AND women's stories, looks at how we can do so much better for women, their babies and their families. 

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx


    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com via Instagram or here.



    BIRTH TIME: the documentary 



    Zoe Naylor 


    Women Who Birth with Ana Pereira

    Women Who Birth with Ana Pereira
    What a joy to discuss money, systems, business, energy, mindset with this wonderful woman!
    Ana Pereria's mission is to help you develop a strong relationship with their money.
    We aren’t taught this in schools and the systems set up (SET UP!) aren’t designed with our best interests at heart.
    I dunno about you, but I’ve had a “she’ll be alright” attitude towards my finances in the past 🙅🏼‍♀️ NO MORE!
    The struggle doesn’t have to be real when we get radically self-honest and create some boundaries, make some choices and get in relationship with money.
    We had this chat via my Instagram - so a little rough around the edges but who cares! It was such a fabulous chat, full of nuggets of wisdom and ways to make money work for you.
    “Money is always coming into my bank account”, is a great place to start.
    Get on it!
    Also, please go ahead and share this chat with someone who may need to shift their relationship with money. Do it with love ♥️
    Lots of love,

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com via Instagram or here.




    Ana Pereira 


    Ana's FREE Money Action Plan - https://www.subscribepage.com/moneyactionplan

    Ana's e-book https://ana-pereira.com/shop/money-mindset-matters-e-book/ 

    The Hidden Secrets of Money - Mike Maloney 

    Women Who Birth with Natalie Lee

    Women Who Birth with Natalie Lee

    I’m saaaah honoured and excited to share the 9th Women Who Birth with the beautiful and incredible creator or Style Me Sunday - Natalie Lee!

    She is a pure and raw example of a woman who creates space for herself, and other women to be truly in their power. She is a big advocate of encouraging women to feel comfortable in their skin and likes to stick a middle finger up to society's standards and norms, which I just adore!!!

    We talk about:

    - creation
    - her two human babies, and Style Me Sunday, her third
    - ADHD & transitioning through life with it
    - her creative process
    - moving through the shadows and dark side that creeps up when creating and sharing one’s voice
    - how we can change our ways to stop apologising, creating disclaimers, and say what we want and mean (including no!)

    And so much bloody more!!!

    Please share this convo with someone who will enjoy and, perhaps, needs to join our pact and ditch the disclaimers and ask for what they need! 

    Lots of love,



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.


    Natalie Lee




    Women Who Birth with Jennie Clegg

    Women Who Birth with Jennie Clegg

    Oooh, a juicy AF convo about the actual birthing humans, womb connection and wisdom, connecting with your powerhouse energy and living in partnership with your female biology!

    Jen is a woman after my own heart. We went a little deep toward the end, sharing our passion for connecting more women to their womb, their cycle, their ability to create. IT WAS PURE MAGIC!

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.
    https://nicolacloherty.com/ https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Jennie Clegg




    Women Who Birth with Dr Mariza Snyder

    Women Who Birth with Dr Mariza Snyder

    Gaaaaah! What an absolutely fabulous chat with Dr Mariza Snyder!

    I have read her work and books, listened to soooo many of her podcast episodes, but I had never heard her personal story or about her creative and manifestation process.

    I talk to Dr Mariza about birthing books, business and baby, and how things have shifted and pivoted for her since Kingston landed earthside!

    It was so special to receive this chat with open arms and heart! There are so many golden nuggets for you to try on - go ahead and listen.

    As for me, I'm gonna do some deep work with Mr Inspired Action himself: Blue Tansy essential oil. #InBlueWeTrust

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx


    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Dr Mariza Snyder
    Essentially You Podcast https://www.drmariza.com/podcast/



    Women Who Birth with Steph Panther and Maartje Bruning

    Women Who Birth with Steph Panther and Maartje Bruning

    What a joy and an honour to birth this conversation with this birthing duo!

    Steph and Maartje share about 
    ~ how they partnered together to work through fears, worries and choices
    ~ how they created labour 'settings' and 'stations' to support Steph and her partner Sammy
    ~ Maartje's role and the work she does as a Doula
    ~ how Freddie was born into the world
    ~ how pregnancy and motherhood have transformed the way Steph lives and works


    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Maartje Bruning 

    Mother Me doula services www.motherme.nl 
    de Doula Academie www.doulaacademie.nl 

    Women Who Birth with Tara Bliss

    Women Who Birth with Tara Bliss

    This conversation is ALL OF THE FEELS.

    A beautiful chat with Tara Bliss about creation, trust, impact, community, and so much more! She has experienced many birthings - including a baby boy - and she shares so generously how she creates in the world!

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did; I am gonna re-listen and receive her wisdom some more.

    Rebel sister, thank you so much for being a woman who births, a facilitator of Rebels of Light (that changed me no end!) and a an incredible light in this world.

    Lots of love,


    Connect with Tara



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I give a f**k about them reconnecting inward, remembering who they are and reclaiming their power.

    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Women Who Birth with Illana Gambrill

    Women Who Birth with Illana Gambrill

    This bundle of love and energy, Illana creator and birther of DanceBox and I had a bloody beautifully brilliant chat which is ready for your ear!

    Illana created and birthed DanceBox, an all-inclusive dance class designed for everybody. It's therapy for the mind and body. Teaching humans of all walks of life to let go, release the daily life struggles and remember who they are!!

    She went to online in 2020 (go figure!) with DanceBox Powerhouse, and brought dance to hundreds of homes every single week!

    I have been a PowerHouse member for almost a year, and I love it so very much. Not just for the dance - but the connection and community. For me, and many others, it shifts so much in us and is its own type of therapy!

    Energy has no space and time - you can feel and experience and relish in energy virtually, from anywhere. For me, Illana highlights this for us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    If you want to catch up on Illana's backstory, go back to Season Two of #SelfishWithNicolaCloherty podcast last year and have a listen to our chat then.

    As bloody always, it was an utter P L E A S U R E to talk to you, Illana.

    Thank you so much for being a beautiful representation of birthing more than just humans!

    Illana and DanceBox 




    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Learn more: https://nicolacloherty.com/
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty



    Women Who Birth with Lucy Davis

    Women Who Birth with Lucy Davis

    This started as an Instagram Live then we got cut off three times, so we decided to record it!


    Lucy and I chat about her rebirth, birthing self-love club, being a leader of the divine feminine, how to step into your own truth, and so much more!




    The irony of Lucy being so incredibly tiny in size is the sheer scale of the message that she is delivering to the World.


    With an undeniably contagious energy and a phenomenal intuitive nature, Lucy Davis is a woman on a mission.


    A mission to inspire you to step out of your head and into your heart space to remember exactly why you are here and what your mission is this lifetime.


    She has an incredible gift whereby she has become a master question asker that leads you to recognise your own talents, dreams and the legacy you wish to leave on the World.


    She believes everybody is walking around with a gift buried deep in their heart space.  The path she guides you through will very quickly have you dropping from your head into your heart space and unlocking your true, unlimited potential.





    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.


    Learn more: https://nicolacloherty.com/
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty