
    The sex lives of strangers: creating ‘This is how we do it’

    en-gbAugust 23, 2024
    What is the focus of the podcast series Black Box?
    How has Lydia and Bjorn's sex life changed after children?
    What cultural differences affect discussions about sex among couples?
    What insights does Kitty Drake's column provide on relationships?
    How does AI play a role in the podcast's narratives?

    Podcast Summary

    • Human Relationships and AI, Intimate ExperiencesThe Guardian's podcast 'Black Box' and sex column 'This Is How We Do It' explore the complexities of human relationships, revealing the joys and challenges of intimacy through personal stories, including the mismatch of desires in couples like Bjorn and Lydia.

      The Guardian's podcast series, Black Box, explores the intersection of human relationships and artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, in the Guardian's sex column "This Is How We Do It," couples like Bjorn and Lydia share their intimate experiences, revealing the joys and challenges of their sex lives. Lydia and Bjorn met in 2012 and quickly fell in love. Their relationship was passionate, but after having children, their sex life changed, and they faced a mismatch of desires. The column, which requires total honesty from participants, offers unique insights into the complexities of romantic relationships. Kitty Drake, the column's creator, interviews couples separately to provide diverse perspectives. The idea for the column came about during Kitty's tenure at the Guardian, and she was tasked with making it a reality.

    • Sexual honesty in relationshipsPeople were hesitant to share their honest opinions about their partner's sexual skills, but a successful sex column was able to secure participants by offering privacy and a safe space to discuss vulnerability, kinkiness, and monogamy.

      People were reluctant to share their honest sex experiences with their partners, even for a widely-read publication like The Guardian. Despite the openness and honesty found in the publication's sex-related content, individuals were hesitant to reveal their thoughts about their partner's sexual skills to them. The creator of The Guardian's Sex Column, who was determined to bring authentic couple stories to the table, faced numerous challenges in securing participants. She persisted, asking everyone she met and even her own parents, but encountered resistance. Eventually, the column became a huge success, and she was inundated with potential interviewees. During these interviews, conducted in a stationery cupboard for privacy, she asked about vulnerability, kinkiness, and monogamy to ensure a diverse range of stories.

    • Intimate struggles and representationHonest and vulnerable stories shared in the 'Sex and Relationships' column of the Guardian help reduce feelings of isolation and encourage open conversations about common issues, providing representation and normalizing conversations around intimate struggles

      The "Sex and Relationships" column in the Guardian has evolved to provide a safe space for people to share their intimate struggles and connect with others going through similar experiences. By sharing honest and vulnerable stories, the column has helped reduce feelings of isolation and encouraged open conversations about common issues such as erectile dysfunction, mismatched sex drives, and the challenges of balancing family life and intimacy. The column's success lies in its ability to provide representation and normalize conversations around these topics, allowing readers to feel seen and understood. For example, a man who had kept his erectile dysfunction a secret for his entire life found comfort in sharing his story and the response from readers was overwhelming. Similarly, Lydia and Bjorn's honesty about their struggles with managing family life and differing sex drives resonated with many readers. Overall, the column's impact lies in its ability to foster open conversations and provide a sense of community for those dealing with the complexities of sex and relationships.

    • Real-life storiesAuthentic and vulnerable real-life stories evoke strong emotions and resonate deeply with readers, inspiring them with reminders of human resilience and the importance of open communication in relationships.

      Authentic and vulnerable stories resonate deeply with readers. The stories that evoke strong emotions, whether they're about overcoming challenges or experiencing joy, tend to be the most popular. For instance, a woman's account of dealing with painful sex after an episiotomy and her eventual relief when the cause was identified and addressed touched a nerve with many readers. As the column has evolved, it has become a platform for older couples to share their experiences of having sex in later life or through illness. A couple, Tony and June, who have been together since university, openly discussed their compatibility in the bedroom and even shared Tony's experience of wearing a colostomy bag during his 60s due to prostate issues. Their honesty and openness were inspiring and refreshing to readers. Overall, the power of sharing real-life stories, especially those that are relatable and vulnerable, is a potent reminder of the human capacity for resilience and the importance of open communication in relationships.

    • Sex in Old Age and Cross-Cultural DifferencesDespite physical challenges, sexual satisfaction and pleasure can be achieved in old age. Cross-cultural differences exist in how openly couples discuss and approach sex, and legislation can significantly impact people's lives.

      Despite physical challenges that come with aging, sexual satisfaction and pleasure can still be achieved with adjustments. The speaker shares her personal experiences and the importance of not giving up in one's 70s. Additionally, during a global expansion of her sex column, the speaker discovered significant differences in how openly couples from various cultures discuss and approach sex. Some cultures, like France, were more open, while others, like Japan, were more reticent. The speaker also noted stark differences in how sex is legislated and the impact it has on people's lives, such as government-funded sex worker visits for disabled individuals in Australia and criminalization of homosexuality in Nigeria.

    • Cultural impact on sexual relationshipsCultural norms and societal structures significantly influence sexual relationships and experiences, shaping desires, privacy, and communication. Keeping relationships secret due to societal stigma, checking genealogy before starting a serious relationship, and changes in sex lives due to having children are some examples.

      The nature of sexual relationships and experiences can be significantly influenced by cultural norms and societal structures. The stories shared by the interviewees highlight the impact of these factors on their intimate lives. For instance, a couple in the UK had to keep their relationship a secret due to societal stigma, while another couple from Iceland met and fell in love in high school, checking their genealogy before starting a serious relationship. Additionally, having children can bring about changes in sex lives, and the division of labor in relationships can lead to resentments and affect desire. However, open communication and acknowledgement of each other's contributions can help mitigate these issues. Overall, these stories underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of sexual relationships and the role that societal norms and personal circumstances play in shaping them.

    • RelationshipsContributing to a relationship, be it emotional or practical, can deepen the connection and understanding between partners. Sharing stories and experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration for others.

      Contributing to a relationship, be it emotional or practical, can lead to a deeper sense of connection and understanding between partners. This was a recurring theme in the stories shared on the podcast "Today in Focus" featuring couples discussing their experiences. Additionally, the podcast recommended listeners to submit their own relationship stories for potential inclusion. The episode also mentioned a series called "Black Box" which explores the intersection of humans and artificial intelligence, and how it can lead to unexpected and moving experiences. The podcast encouraged listeners to listen to the entire series, especially episode 4 which tells the story of a man in Montana who turned to AI when his wife was diagnosed with cancer.

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