
    The Soros/Big Tech Misinformation Campaign Explained (Ep 1559)

    enJuly 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Protect your online privacy with a VPN like ExpressVPNUse a VPN to mask your IP address and secure your online activity, go to expressvpn.com/Bongino for three extra months free

      In today's digital age, protecting your online privacy is crucial as your data can be easily collected and used without your consent. Dan Bongino emphasizes the importance of using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN to mask your IP address and make it difficult for third parties to identify and harvest your data. He shares his personal experience of using ExpressVPN to secure his online activity and encourages listeners to do the same by going to expressvpn.com/Bongino and getting three extra months free. Additionally, Bongino emphasizes the need to distance oneself from liberal ideologies that can be harmful and divisive, as seen in the reaction to his previous show that drove it to the top of the charts.

    • Left vs. Right: Control vs. Individual FreedomThe left seeks control through spying, censorship, and critical race theory, while conservatives and libertarians uphold individual rights and freedoms.

      While conservatives and libertarians believe in individual rights and freedoms, the left seeks to subjugate and control. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and American hero, discussed this on a forthcoming podcast with Mike Pompeo and Irish Mickey Ward. The left's commitment to spying, censorship, and critical race theory, which promotes racism, is evidence of their need to control. In contrast, conservatives and libertarians uphold God-given rights for everyone, which protect individuals from government overreach and interference in their personal beliefs and practices. The left, as collectivists, seeks to redistribute resources and control objective values, requiring subjectivity and the ability to change rules at will. Ultimately, the left needs to subjugate individuals, while conservatives and libertarians do not. Therefore, it's essential to get away from the left's influence and embrace individual freedoms and rights.

    • The Deeply Held Desire for Freedom and LibertyThe American people's strong desire for freedom and liberty will always outweigh the left's attempts to control and subjugate them.

      The desire for freedom and liberty is deeply ingrained in the American people, and this desire will always overpower the left's attempts to subjugate them. The left's need to control and subjugate requires the taking away of civil liberties, which the right will fiercely resist. The left's offensive in the culture wars is driven by their need for subjects, while the right just wants to be left alone. The intensity of the right's reaction to losing traditions and hierarchies is greater than the left's pleasure in gaining changes they desire. The left's ignorance and misinformation are a result of their lack of doing homework and the dominance of liberal narratives in the culture. The right must fight smart by avoiding lost battles and focusing on areas where they can win. The resistance to losing freedoms is a powerful force that will always exist.

    • Using fear and ignorance to manipulate realityThe left uses fear and ignorance to spread misinformation, perpetuating a false reality that is not based on facts. This is a powerful tool used to further their agenda, and it is crucial to challenge these false narratives with facts and evidence.

      The use of fear and ignorance is a powerful tool for those seeking to subjugate others. Spike Lee, as an example, has been able to spread misinformation about police treating black people like animals, leading many to be scared and ignorant of the truth. This false reality is perpetuated because those with cultural capital, like Spike Lee, are not held accountable for their lies. Moreover, a significant number of people, particularly those on the left, hold beliefs that are not based on facts, such as the belief that hundreds or even thousands of unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019 when the actual number was less than 50. This ignorance is a commodity that the left uses to further their agenda, and it is essential to challenge these false narratives with facts and evidence.

    • Liberals and Reality: A DisconnectThe speaker criticizes some liberals for having skewed perceptions, fueled by misinformation and fear, and argues for seeking truth and reality in police interactions and beyond, while promoting Bravo Company Manufacturing for reliable rifles.

      According to the speaker, there is a significant disconnect between the perceptions of some liberals and reality, particularly regarding police interactions with unarmed black men and the role of figures like Spike Lee in shaping those perceptions. The speaker also criticizes liberals for being easily misinformed and fearful, using examples like Spike Lee and Big Tech. The speaker argues that this fear and ignorance is used to manipulate civil liberties. Additionally, the speaker promotes Bravo Company Manufacturing as a reliable source for life-saving rifles for responsible citizens and law enforcement officers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking out truth and reality, and being cautious of misinformation from sources like Big Tech.

    • Study raises concerns about masks' impact on children's respirationA study highlights potential negative effects of masks on children's respiration, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing these findings, questioning authorities, and accessing diverse sources of information.

      A study published in JAMA Pediatrics raised concerns about the negative effects of masks on children's respiration, specifically the inhalation of excess carbon dioxide. The speaker urged listeners to demand their school boards acknowledge and address these findings, as they claim to base their decisions on science. He criticized those who disregard the study as ignorant and accused them of relying solely on big tech for information, which he believes prevents them from accessing alternate sources of truth. The speaker expressed gratitude to those who have covered the topic on their podcasts and in their writing, saving his business marketing costs. He emphasized the importance of being informed and questioning authorities, particularly in matters of health and safety.

    • Social media platforms suppress scientific studies that go against their narrativeSocial media giants suppress research contradicting their views, funded by donors like George Soros, and promote fear campaigns, eroding civil liberties

      Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, while presenting themselves as free market information exchanges, are in fact major purveyors of misinformation. This is evident in their suppression of scientific studies, such as one on the effects of face masks on children, which goes against their narrative. This suppression is often funded by mega donors like George Soros, who also support fact-checking organizations. The left's commitment to enforcing mask mandates and promoting fear can be explained by their use of visual symbols as tools to invoke fear and control, as seen in their use of race and skin color as weapons. The left's disbelief in scientific data and their promotion of fear campaigns are part of their efforts to subjugate people and take away their civil liberties. This interconnected web of deceit and manipulation is a crucial understanding in the ongoing battle for individual freedoms.

    • The intersection of media, culture, and technology shapes access to information and narrativesTwitter censored criticism of Chinese leader while allowing election questioning, contrasting the ease and affordability of custom sofas with traditional methods, and acknowledging the spread of misinformation and ignorance in certain circles

      The intersection of media, culture, and technology plays a significant role in shaping the narrative and information accessible to different groups. The discussion highlighted Twitter's censorship of a foreign policy expert who criticized Chinese leader Xi Jinping, while allowing questioning of elections in blue states. Meanwhile, the ease and affordability of customizable sofas from All Form was showcased as a contrast to the complexity and cost of traditional sofa buying. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the idea that some individuals and groups may intentionally spread misinformation and ignore facts that contradict their beliefs, creating an "ignorant world" for their followers. The audits of elections in certain states were discussed as a potential source of concern for some, with the implication that those who are more open to truth and facts would welcome such transparency.

    • Ongoing debate over election fraud investigationsDespite concerns of potential election fraud, responses vary greatly depending on political affiliations. Some advocate for transparency and investigations, while others dismiss and call for boycotts. Trust in the electoral process is crucial for democratic societies, and impartiality is key in investigations.

      While some individuals may be convinced about the results of the 2020 election, there are valid concerns and calls for investigations into potential election fraud. However, the response from certain groups and individuals varies greatly depending on the political affiliations involved. Some advocate for transparency and investigations, while others dismiss the concerns and even call for boycotts against those raising legitimate issues. It's important to remember that trust in the electoral process is crucial for the functioning of a democratic society, regardless of which political party benefits. The recent call for a forensic investigation in Pennsylvania is an example of this ongoing debate. Additionally, the selective application of boycotts and investigations based on political affiliations raises questions about fairness and consistency. The Justice Department's response to the 2020 election and related investigations also highlights the importance of maintaining impartiality in the pursuit of justice.

    • Double standard in handling political unrestGovernment and law enforcement prioritize investigations on certain political events over others, raising concerns for transparency and accountability.

      There is a significant discrepancy in how the government and law enforcement agencies have handled investigations and prosecutions related to political unrest and violence. While there seems to be a substantial effort and resources dedicated to investigating the events of January 6, 2021, there appears to be a lack of action when it comes to left-wing groups like Antifa and BLM, who have been responsible for widespread violence and destruction in cities across the US. This double standard is concerning and highlights the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement and government. Additionally, the speaker expresses a deep distrust in the current political climate and urges people to distance themselves from what they perceive as dangerous and radical political ideologies.

    • Mistrust towards government and officials fueled by perceived disregardAmerican patriots mistrust gov't due to disregard for concerns, potential hidden agendas. Understanding adversary's thought processes important.

      The mistrust towards government and officials, as well as the "swamp," among American patriots is fueled by perceived disregard for their concerns and potential hidden agendas. This was exemplified in the discussion about a Justice Department executive defending the NSA's actions despite evidence of spying on journalists, and the White House's apparent ignorance of the significance of certain dates to extremist groups. Additionally, the importance of understanding the adversary's thought processes was emphasized, as demonstrated by the potential use of seemingly innocuous dates by neo-Nazi and white supremacy groups. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of low-impact exercise, such as the FreeStep recumbent cross trainer by Teeter, for maintaining overall fitness and health.

    • Conservatives feel betrayed by government and mediaConservatives view govt and media as enemies, feeling betrayed by their disregard for traditional American values.

      The current state of politics and media in the US has left many conservatives feeling disillusioned and betrayed. For decades, conservatives have held respect and reverence for their country, encouraging their children to serve in the military and standing in respect for the national anthem. However, the behavior of those in power and the corporate press has changed that. Conservatives now see the government and the media as enemies, hating the country and its people. This feeling of betrayal has been intensified in recent years, as those in power have shown contempt for traditional American values. The press, once seen as merely driven by ratings and sensationalism, is now viewed as the propaganda arm of the regime. This shift has made it difficult for conservatives to continue to support and trust these institutions.

    • Instances of perceived deceit and manipulation erode trust in institutionsThe 2020 election, FBI, and media are among the institutions losing credibility due to suspected lies, cover-ups, and propaganda campaigns, leading to a general sense of disillusionment and the 'Trump revolution'.

      The distrust towards institutions like the government, media, and certain political figures among a significant portion of the population stems from perceived deceit and manipulation. The speaker argues that instances of suspected lies, cover-ups, and propaganda campaigns have eroded trust, leading to the "Trump revolution" and a general sense of disillusionment. The speaker specifically mentions the 2020 election, the FBI, and the media as key institutions that have lost credibility. This distrust is not just limited to conservatives but extends to centrists as well, according to the speaker. The speaker also mentions the Spygate case as an example of the ongoing confusion and lack of transparency regarding the origins of allegations against political figures.

    • Fusion GPS lawsuit may reveal hidden documentsFusion GPS is trying to avoid a lawsuit to hide potentially damaging documents, involving the Justice Department, Clinton and Obama campaigns, or individuals in the Trump-Russia collusion story.

      Fusion GPS and its attorneys are reportedly trying to avoid a civil lawsuit due to potential discovery of hundreds of critical documents, some of which may involve communications with the Justice Department, Clinton and Obama campaigns, or individuals involved in the Trump collusion story. The desire to keep these documents hidden raises questions about what they contain and why Fusion GPS is so eager to prevent their release. The lawsuit may provide answers to these questions and potentially shed light on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. It's important to note that Google Podcasts app is going away soon, so listeners may need to find alternative platforms to continue enjoying their favorite shows.

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