
    The spirituality of parenting

    enApril 04, 2022
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    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Interconnectedness of Money, Travel, and MindfulnessWise and Viator provide practical solutions for managing money and planning travel respectively, while 'Parent as Mystic Mystic as Parent' emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in parenthood and life.

      Wise and Viator offer valuable solutions for managing money and planning travel respectively. Wise simplifies international money transfers by providing real-time exchange rates and eliminating hidden fees. Viator streamlines travel planning by offering a wide range of tours and experiences with free cancellation and customer support. Meanwhile, the book "Parent as Mystic Mystic as Parent" by David Spangler emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and presence in the role of parenthood, offering lessons for living a grounded life that extend beyond just parents. This conversation highlights the interconnectedness of these seemingly disparate topics, encouraging us to explore new ways to navigate our financial, travel, and personal growth journeys.

    • Parenting as a spiritual experienceParenting teaches us to put our lives in service to others, recognizing the interconnectedness and importance of all beings in the world's growth

      Parenting, despite its challenges and repetition, can be a deeply spiritual experience. It requires the surrender of the self to another, not as a submission but as a service to their well-being. This selfless act is an essential part of a sacred ecology where all parts are interconnected and necessary for each other's growth. Parenting brings this concept into a concrete and specific context, allowing us to discover our resources to help the world around us thrive. This connection with something beyond ourselves, whether we call it the world, the other, or the whole of creation, is the essence of spirituality. Through parenting, we can learn to put our lives in service to the world, recognizing that our well-being enables us to contribute to others' and vice versa.

    • Embrace the beginner's mind for a fresh perspectiveAdopting a childlike wonder and curiosity can broaden horizons, enhance spirituality, and deepen connections with the world.

      We can learn a great deal from the perspective of children, who approach the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity that we often lose as we grow older. Children have a beginner's mind, which means they don't filter their experiences with preconceptions or assumptions. This fresh perspective can help us rediscover the beauty and richness of the world around us. The speaker emphasizes that this childlike wonder is not limited to parents or those with children in their lives, but is a mindset that anyone can adopt. By embracing the beginner's mind, we can broaden our horizons, enhance our spirituality, and deepen our connections with the world. The challenge is to find a balance between the wisdom gained from experience and the fresh perspective of the beginner's mind. This blend can lead to a more fulfilling and engaging way of living.

    • Balancing respect for experience and newness in parentingFoster individuality by respecting children's interests, but also set boundaries and communicate effectively to ensure a proper education balance

      Striking a balance between respecting the wisdom of experience and seeing things with fresh eyes involves constant communication and trust. An example of this is seen in the father's experience with his son Johnny, who had learning difficulties but was allowed to shape his own curriculum based on his interests. This approach fostered Johnny's individuality and led him to develop a passion for math. However, it's important for parents to know when to give space and when to set boundaries. The father also shares the importance of not missing opportunities for wonderment and not dismissing the requests or interests of children. This constant dance between respecting experience and embracing newness is a challenge for parents and requires a beginner's mind.

    • Embrace the present and recognize the interconnectedness of all experiencesStay present and mindful, recognizing the sacred in the ordinary, and learn valuable lessons from children's unique perspective and heightened awareness in parenting.

      Every moment in life, especially during the experience of raising children, offers opportunities for connection, growth, and spiritual awareness. We may miss some of these moments, but there are always more to come. The challenge is to stay present and mindful, recognizing the sacred in the ordinary. Children, with their unique perspective and heightened awareness, can teach us valuable lessons about consciousness and communication. Parenting is an ongoing learning process, and it's essential to approach each moment with love, awareness, and a willingness to adapt. By embracing the present and recognizing the interconnectedness of all experiences, we can find meaning and joy in the everyday.

    • E-commerce and Currency Management Tools: Shopify and WiseShopify: an all-in-one e-commerce platform for businesses of all sizes, with AI-powered features to help sell more. Wise: simplifies managing money in different currencies, offering real-time exchange rates and no hidden fees. Being a parent: a significant responsibility with immense influence, requiring self-awareness and continuous growth.

      Shopify and Wise are powerful tools designed to help individuals and businesses navigate different stages of growth, whether it's selling products or managing currencies. Shopify, an all-in-one e-commerce platform, offers flexibility for businesses of all sizes, from small-scale operations to large corporations. With features like Shopify Magic, an AI-powered helper, businesses can sell more and stress less. Wise, on the other hand, simplifies managing money in different currencies, offering real-time exchange rates and no hidden fees. For parents, the responsibility of being a role model is immense, as children internalize every decision and emotion. However, it's essential to remember that we're not the only influences in our children's lives and that making mistakes is part of the learning process. The key is to be aware, make amends when necessary, and continue striving for improvement. In essence, Shopify and Wise are valuable resources for businesses and individuals, while being a parent is a significant responsibility that requires self-awareness and continuous growth.

    • The Pressure and Expectations of ParentingRecognize the power to change approach, accept unmanageability, and embrace ebb and flow for a healthy parent-child relationship.

      Being a parent comes with immense pressure and expectations, but it's essential to recognize that we have the power to change our approach and find balance. We should not be too hard on ourselves for not modeling perfection at all times, as every organism, including children, needs room to grow. Over-scheduling, over-bearing, and over-protective behaviors can stifle a child's development. Reflecting on the past, it's clear that parents today face unique challenges compared to previous generations. However, it's crucial to accept the unmanageability of the situation and remember that being a parent is a constant test of our patience, emotions, and sense of self. As Ram Dass wisely put it, "If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." Ultimately, embracing the natural ebb and flow of the parent-child relationship is key to fostering a healthy and loving environment for growth.

    • Parenting experiences and storiesHaving a good partner and involving children as allies can enhance the parenting journey. Recognize and manage moments of losing patience.

      Sharing experiences and stories as parents is a powerful tool for learning and support. The author, who is not one to offer advice or techniques, instead shares his own experiences of success and failure in parenting. He emphasizes the importance of having a good partner to parent with, as they can compensate for each other's weaknesses and provide wisdom. The author also encourages enlisting children as allies in the process, recognizing their insights and forgiveness. He acknowledges that parenting is challenging and that all parents have moments of losing their cool, but emphasizes the importance of recognizing these moments and taking time to cool off rather than reacting in harmful ways.

    • Balancing routine and spontaneity as a parentRecognize short-term anger, embrace long-term spiritual self, and learn mindfulness for compassionate parenting.

      Being a parent requires balancing the desire for routine and order with the spontaneity and chaos of children. When we get angry or frustrated, it's essential to recognize that our short-term self may react strongly to the situation, but our long-term, spiritual self knows that these moments are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The wisdom of children, who live fully in the moment, can teach us to embrace spontaneity and not surrender to the tyranny of habit. By practicing mindfulness and spiritual awareness, parents can learn to tune into their long-term selves and respond to challenging situations with compassion and understanding. The relationship between the mystic and the parent is a complex one, as we live in both the short and long term. By recognizing the importance of the present moment while maintaining a connection to our spiritual selves, we can be more present and joyful parents.

    • Balancing the present and future in parentingParenting involves embracing the present moment while managing long-term responsibilities. Encourage faith in oneself.

      Effective parenting involves balancing the present moment with long-term responsibilities. According to the speaker, children naturally live in the moment without worrying about self-consciousness or the future. However, adults have to consider these aspects of life. The challenge is to incorporate the childlike mindset of being fully present into adult life while also managing responsibilities. The speaker suggests that parenting can serve as an anchor to this other way of being and learning from it. Yet, adults must also keep an eye towards the future and take care of practical matters. If one becomes too focused on the future or past, they may miss the present. The goal is to navigate this balance, and all individuals, especially parents, must do so in their unique ways. The speaker also mentioned that if he could add something to his book written 24 years ago, it would be to encourage parents to have greater faith in themselves.

    • The complexities and joys of parenthoodParents should create a loving family, cherish every moment, and embrace imperfections while striving for improvement.

      Being a parent is a complex and challenging journey filled with worries and imperfections. However, it is also a profound act of service and a source of self-obliterating love. Parents should strive to create a loving family where children feel safe, supported, and empowered. They should also remember that their love is the most important communication to their children and that every moment, even the hard ones, is worth cherishing as they will pass quickly. The author of the book, reflecting on his own experiences, encourages parents to relax into the role, embrace the inevitable mistakes, and find joy in the journey. Ultimately, the experience of parenthood is beautiful and miraculous, and questioning and striving to be better are signs of a terrific parent.

    • Parenting has its ups and downs, but remember they're temporaryFocus on the present moment, as temporary situations will eventually pass in parenting and life

      Life, especially parenthood, has its ups and downs, but nothing lasts forever. Quote from David Spangler, "Some days are better than others, but that's the story of every parent everywhere forever." So, parents, keep pushing through the tough times, as they will eventually pass. And for those not in the parenting stage, this wisdom can still apply to your own life. Don't waste time and energy worrying about temporary situations. Instead, focus on the present moment and remember that it will pass. Vox Conversations is a production of Vox, with Eric Janikis as producer, Amy Drostonska as editor, Paul Robert Mounsey as mixer and masterer, Breakmaster Cylinder for theme music, and Amber Hall as deputy editorial director. We welcome your feedback, ideas, and ratings at VoxConversations@Vox.com. Join us for a new episode on Thursday.

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