
    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from Spygate victims at CPACCarter Page, Svetlana Lakova, Doug Collins, and David Harrison shared their experiences of targeted surveillance and underhanded tactics used against them during the Spygate probe. The interviews revealed surprising interactions between human spies and their targets, and highlighted the importance of NetSuite for businesses.

      The Dan Bongino Show interviewed key figures from the Spygate probe at CPAC, including Carter Page, Svetlana Lakova, Doug Collins, and David Harrison. These individuals shared insights into the targeted surveillance and underhanded tactics used against them. The interviews revealed surprising behind-the-scenes information about how some of the human spies involved in the plot interacted with their targets. Additionally, the show highlighted NetSuite as a crucial tool for businesses looking to accelerate their growth. The interviews with Spygate victims provided valuable insights into the extent of political spying in the US and the ongoing efforts to hold those responsible accountable.

    • Politically motivated Steele dossierThe IG report exposed that the Steele dossier, used to investigate Carter Page for Russian collusion, was funded by the DNC and contained manipulated information.

      The Steele dossier, which was used to investigate Carter Page for alleged Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign, was a politically motivated document funded by the Democratic National Committee. Carter Page, who was falsely accused of meeting with Russian executives for access to the Trump team, categorically denies these allegations. The IG report revealed that an FBI lawyer manipulated emails to make it appear that Page's contacts with Russians were malicious, when in fact, he was assisting US intelligence agencies. Despite this, Steele continues to suggest that there is some authenticity to the dossier. This situation highlights the need to set the record straight and the dangers of using unverified information to damage reputations and impede the work of public servants.

    • Military service used as a shield against criticismDouble standard for political figures with military backgrounds, false narratives spread, call for Civil Liberties Act of 2020 for reparations, investigation of evidence manipulation by federal agents.

      The military background of public figures is often used as a shield against criticism, particularly when it comes to political figures who hold opposing views. This was evident in the case of Michael Flynn and Carter Page, who both served in the military but faced relentless attacks from those who disagreed with their political alignments. The executive at Ross Neft brought up the hypocrisy of this double standard, pointing out that false narratives have been spread about these individuals, despite their military service and dedication to their country. The call for a Civil Liberties Act of 2020 to provide reparations to innocent individuals, like Flynn and Page, who have been wrongfully targeted is a step towards addressing this issue. Additionally, the manipulation of evidence by federal agents to make someone look like a Russian spy is a serious matter that warrants further investigation and potential legal action.

    • Internal Challenges at the Justice DepartmentDespite doing nothing wrong, individuals like Carter Page and Svetlana Lakova faced investigations based on personal agendas, highlighting the importance of truth and consistency in testimony and public discourse.

      The Justice Department, under Attorney General Barr, has faced internal challenges similar to what President Trump experienced in the White House with individuals pursuing personal agendas contrary to policy. Carter Page, a central figure in the Spygate saga, shared his experience of being a subject of investigation despite doing nothing wrong. He was accused based on events at a 2014 dinner party attended by Lieutenant General Mike Flynn. Despite being exonerated, Page's testimony was postponed to compare it with Flynn's, highlighting the importance of truth and consistency in testimony. Svetlana Lakova, another key figure in the Spygate saga, joined Dan Bongino's show to share her story. The ongoing attempts to communicate and finally meet for an interview underscored the significance of their experiences and the ongoing importance of transparency and truth in public discourse.

    • A researcher shows a Stalin postcard to Flynn at Cambridge dinner in 2014A researcher, falsely accused of having an inappropriate relationship with Flynn, reveals she was targeted by a known intelligence asset in 2017

      A researcher named Svetlana, who was a UK citizen born in Russia, attended a dinner at Cambridge University in 2014 where Michael Flynn, the DIA director under Obama, was present. She was asked to bring a postcard written by Stalin in 1912 and was seated near Flynn and the head of UK intelligence. Towards the end of the dinner, she was asked to show the postcard to Flynn. Three years later, in 2017, she was suddenly accused of having an inappropriate relationship with Flynn by the US and UK press. It was later revealed that Stefan Halper, a known intelligence spy asset, was the source of this false information. Despite this incident, Svetlana continued with her research and was invited to more events until the accusations surfaced.

    • Professor Stefan Halper's Role in Setting Up False Allegations against Carter Page and Michael FlynnProfessor Stefan Halper, under US government contract, falsely accused Carter Page and Michael Flynn of inappropriate relationships using taxpayer money.

      Stefan Halper, a professor at the University of Cambridge who was under contract with the Office of Net Assessments (ONA) of the US government, was intimately involved in setting up Carter Page, a researcher, and possibly Michael Flynn with false allegations. Halper, who had a history of being rude to Page, was co-convener of a seminar that Page was a part of. In late 2015 and early 2016, Halper tried to invite Page to dinner, but he refused. Around the same time, Halper received a large payment from the ONA for a Russia-China study, for which there is evidence that he did not travel to Russia or China. Halper's actions led to Page being falsely accused of having an inappropriate relationship with Flynn and being targeted as part of an attempt to undermine Flynn and Donald Trump. The scandal lies in the fact that Halper was using taxpayer money to carry out these actions.

    • ONA paid for professor Halper to attend event where he met with Carter PageThe US government reportedly spent taxpayer dollars to fund a professor's attendance at events where he attempted to gather intel on Trump campaign associate Carter Page, who had Russian connections. This raises questions about the use of public funds for political purposes.

      The Office of Net Assessment (ONA) in the US reportedly paid for the attendance of a professor named Stefan Halper at various events, including one in London where he attempted to meet with Carter Page in January 2016. Halper also had connections to Russian intelligence, including a former SVR head named Tribnikov, who was also invited and paid for by Halper to attend the same event. This raises questions about the use of taxpayer dollars to target individuals like Carter Page in an attempt to undermine the Trump administration. The details of this story are explored in Svetlana Lokhova's book "The Spider: The Dark Web of the Coup Against President Trump." It's a concerning example of the complex web of intelligence operations that have taken place behind the scenes, and highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government spending.

    • Expressing Political Views in Public PlacesThough wearing political hats in public may lead to confrontations, they are rare, and increased security measures make airports and planes safer environments for expressing political views. Respect others' views and engage in dialogue instead of confrontation.

      Wearing a political hat, such as a MAGA hat, in public places like airports and on planes can lead to confrontations with strangers. However, the speaker, David Harris Jr., shares that such incidents are rare, and he encourages Trump supporters to wear their hats and gear with confidence, as airports and planes have increased security, making them safer environments for expressing political views. The speaker also notes that the tough guys on social media are often the weakest in person and that he has received more positive reactions to his hat in recent years. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of respecting others' views and engaging in dialogue rather than resorting to confrontation.

    • Unexpected shift in Black and Hispanic voter base towards RepublicansDan believes Trump's authentic approach to connecting with people, regardless of race, is driving a significant and real shift in the Black and Hispanic voter base towards the Republican Party.

      The current political climate has led to an unexpected shift in the Black and Hispanic voter base, with some individuals expressing their support for Republican policies and leaders, including President Trump. The speaker, Dan, believes this shift is significant and real, as he's witnessed it firsthand through personal interactions and conversations. He argues that Trump's authentic approach to connecting with people, regardless of race, is a major factor in this trend. The speaker also criticizes the Democrats for pigeonholing minority communities and speaking to them differently, suggesting a "soft bigotry" at play. Trump's ability to see people as individuals, rather than racial or ethnic labels, is a key component of his appeal to these voters. The speaker's personal experiences and observations lead him to believe that the Republican Party could make inroads into the minority vote by adopting a more inclusive and authentic approach.

    • Political attacks against public figures based on past supportOpposition uses past support for controversial figures and policies to discredit individuals, rather than engaging with their ideas. This tactic is used to silence alternative perspectives and maintain power.

      The ongoing political attacks against certain public figures, like Doug Collins and J.D. Vance, are often driven by their past support for controversial policies and figures, particularly in relation to the Trump administration. Collins was discussed in relation to his roles in opposing the impeachment hearings and the Spygate scandal, with some suggesting that these issues are connected due to the involvement of common players. Vance, on the other hand, was praised for his support of various communities and his opposition to political correctness, but was labeled a racist when he ran for president as a Republican. These attacks are seen as an attempt to tear down individuals who offer alternative perspectives and challenge the status quo, rather than engaging with their ideas on their merits. If the opposition fails to provide a compelling alternative vision or agenda, they may continue to rely on these tactics to maintain power. If the political landscape shifts and the opposition loses control, there is hope for accountability and transparency regarding these scandals.

    • Addressing Concerns Over FISA Surveillance ReformThe FISA surveillance reform debate is stalled due to partisan differences and distrust. Provisions necessary for foreign intelligence, like roving wiretaps, may expire without reforms addressing abuses and political affiliations in investigations. Transparency, accountability, and maintaining trust in the system while protecting civil liberties are key.

      The ongoing debate around surveillance reform, specifically the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) process, has reached an impasse due to partisan differences and distrust. The speaker expresses concern that provisions necessary for foreign intelligence, such as roving wiretaps, are set to expire and won't be renewed until reforms, like those related to the Pfizer case, are addressed. The speaker believes that the system needs to be fixed to prevent abuses, but also maintains that political affiliations should not be a factor in investigations. The speaker also raises concerns about the timing of investigations, such as the case of Michael Flynn, and calls for transparency and accountability. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues to maintain trust in the system and protect Americans' civil liberties.

    • Guest Doug's dedication to a cause in GeorgiaPersevere through challenges to make a positive impact, protect your online privacy with ExpressVPN

      A guest on the show, Doug, was praised for his advocacy and dedication to a cause in Georgia. Despite facing challenges, he remained committed and made a difference. The show also reminded listeners to protect their online privacy with ExpressVPN. Overall, the episode emphasized the significance of perseverance and taking action in making a positive impact. Stay tuned for more inspiring interviews on the Dan Bongino Show. Don't forget to check out Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow him on Twitter @dbongino for daily updates. If you have any feedback, feel free to email us at Bongino@Bongino.com. We look forward to bringing you more engaging and informative content in the future.

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