
    The stories behind Europe’s unmarked migrant graves – podcast

    en-gbDecember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering unmarked graves of migrants and refugees in Lanzarote, SpainThe human cost of migration is often overlooked, with unmarked graves serving as a stark reminder of the individuals and their stories behind the abstract numbers and statistics.

      The journey to Europe for thousands of people every year comes with immense risks, and for those who don't survive, their final resting places may be unmarked and forgotten. Ashifa Kassam of The Guardian reported on the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves in Lanzarote, Spain, where many migrants and refugees have lost their lives attempting to reach European shores. Among them was Al Hassan Bangura, a baby born on a boat in the Atlantic Ocean during the perilous journey from Morocco. His grave, just a meter long and covered in ochre-colored stone, was a stark reminder of the human cost behind the abstract numbers and statistics often used to discuss migration. The lack of information about Al Hassan's mother and the rise in unmarked graves underscores the need for acknowledgement and support for the families and loved ones left behind. This poignant reminder of the human experience behind the migration crisis serves as a call to remember the individuals and their stories, rather than just the numbers.

    • Migrants' Perilous Journey to Europe: A Story of Hope and SurvivalMigrants risk their lives for a better future, facing harsh conditions and even death, but hold on to hope and eventually reach their destination, often entering Europe through unconventional routes like Lanzarote.

      Migrants are driven to make dangerous journeys in search of stability and opportunities for their families, often facing harsh conditions and even death. The case of a raft of 39 people, including 19 children, that drifted in the Atlantic for days without food or water highlights the risks involved. Despite the challenges, they held on to hope and eventually reached Spanish territories. Lanzarote, a Canary Island, is not an obvious destination but is a common entry point into Europe for many migrants due to its proximity to African shores. The story of the youngest victim, born at sea during their perilous journey, underscores the urgency and desperation behind their quest for a better life.

    • Migrants risking deadly Atlantic Ocean journey to reach EuropeDespite increased Mediterranean surveillance, migrants risk dangerous Atlantic Ocean journey for European opportunity, resulting in high death toll and unidentified bodies

      Due to increased surveillance and crackdowns in the Mediterranean, migrants are taking the dangerous and deadly route across the Atlantic Ocean to reach the Canary Islands off of Spain as a gateway to Europe. This journey involves crossing strong currents and winds in the Atlantic Ocean, which results in a high number of deaths and missing persons. In Spain, when a migrant dies during this journey, their body is kept in a morgue while judicial authorities investigate potential smuggling routes and smugglers. However, many bodies are never identified, and families may never find closure. This dangerous journey is a testament to the desperation and determination of migrants seeking a better life in Europe.

    • Mother's Trauma: Losing a Son in Europe's Migrant CrisisThe lack of proper care and recognition for migrants leaves their graves unmarked and their memories unremembered, underscoring the importance of addressing their needs and providing closure for their families.

      The story of the mother and her deceased son, Al Hassan, highlights the complex and traumatic experiences faced by migrants who lose their lives during the perilous journey to Europe. The mother, who arrived in a foreign country after losing her child, faced immense distress and a lack of closure due to the unmarked grave and delayed release of her son's body. The larger issue lies in the lack of proper care and recognition for these migrants, leaving their graves unmarked and their memories unremembered. The story underscores the importance of addressing the needs of migrants and their families, ensuring they receive proper care, closure, and respect.

    • Thousands of migrant deaths go unmarked in EuropeDespite an estimated 20,000 missing migrants between 2014 and 2019, only about 7% were identified and given proper burials. Unmarked graves range from rough white stones to concrete slabs, highlighting the need for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to address this humanitarian issue.

      Thousands of migrants who die on their journey to Europe each year are being buried in unmarked graves, with only a small percentage of them being identified. The investigation by The Guardian and the Border Graves Investigation Team revealed this stark reality across various European countries, where the markers for migrant graves range from rough white stones to faceless slabs of concrete. Out of an estimated 20,000 people who went missing between 2014 and 2019, only about 7% were found and identified. Forensic pathologists use various methods, such as DNA samples and personal items, to identify the deceased, but the process is complicated and politically driven. The lack of coordination and political will on the ground results in many unmarked graves. This situation underscores the urgency for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to address this humanitarian issue.

    • Identifying and marking graves for missing migrantsEuropean Parliament needs to prioritize creating a systematic solution to identify and mark graves of migrants who die during their journey to Europe, providing families with closure and the ability to pay respects.

      The identification and marking of graves for migrants who die during their journey to Europe is a significant issue that requires more attention and action from the European Parliament. Although a resolution was passed in 2021 acknowledging the need for a properly coordinated database, there has been little progress made. Families of missing migrants are left with uncertainty and the challenge of trying to find their loved ones' resting places. One man, Abdallah, shared his experience of trying to locate his cousin Usama's grave after he went missing during a boat journey from Algeria to Spain. Despite their efforts to ask authorities and organizations, they were unable to find any information. The lack of marked graves and a centralized database makes it difficult for families to find closure and grieve properly. The European Parliament needs to prioritize this issue and implement a systematic solution to ensure that migrants who die during their journey to Europe are identified and their graves are marked, allowing their families to trace and pay respects to their loved ones.

    • Struggle for closure for migrant familiesEuropean administrations dismissively treat missing migrants and their families, causing emotional distress and hindering efforts to find the deceased.

      The experience of Abdullah and his cousin in identifying a potential relative in a Spanish morgue and their subsequent struggle to gain access to the body, highlights the insensitive and dismissive treatment of migrants by European administrations. Despite being a French citizen, Abdullah felt belittled and ignored in his quest for closure regarding the disappearance of his cousin. The lack of cooperation from the police departments further compounded their emotional distress. This incident underscores the callous attitude towards missing migrants and the lack of concern for their families seeking answers. Despite the emotional toll, Abdullah contemplates returning to Spain to search for his cousin, but the passage of time and the potential relocation of the body make the prospect of finding him increasingly difficult.

    • Consequences of missing loved onesLack of closure affects families emotionally and practically, preventing them from inheriting, claiming pensions, or exercising parental rights without a death certificate. Proper burial and marking graves is essential for families to visit and remember their loved ones.

      The lack of closure and information about the fate of missing loved ones can have profound emotional and practical consequences. Families are left feeling stuck in time, unable to move forward, and face real-life challenges such as inability to inherit, claim pensions, or exercise parental rights without a death certificate. The importance of proper burial and marking graves is a deep human need, allowing families to visit and remember their loved ones as individuals. Initiatives like marking unmarked graves or leaving flowers on them serve as a testament to the impact and significance of each person's life. These stories remind us of the importance of acknowledging and honoring the lives of those who have passed, regardless of their circumstances.

    • Balancing border control and human rightsThe European Commission and interior ministry stress the importance of respecting refugees and migrants' rights while addressing people smuggling. Every member state is responsible for dealing with unidentified bodies and improving coordination.

      Both the interior ministry and the European Commission emphasized the importance of respecting the rights and dignity of refugees and migrants while addressing the issue of people smuggling. The European Commission stated that every member state is responsible for dealing with unidentified bodies found on their borders and is working to improve coordination and protocols. The loss of every human life was also regretted. This underscores the need for a balanced approach to border control and the protection of human rights. Additionally, Shopify was highlighted as a platform that helps businesses sell at every stage, and 1800flowers.com/acast and Quince were promoted as excellent resources for gift giving and affordable high-quality fashion, respectively.

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