
    The Story Just Got Even Weirder (Ep 2132)

    enNovember 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino talks about his signature woes, upcoming simulcast, and White House cocaine investigationDan Bongino discusses his simple signature at book signings, announces a simulcast with Stephen Crowder, and shares concerns over conflicting reports and destroyed evidence in the White House cocaine investigation. He also promotes the use of a VPN for online privacy protection.

      Dan Bongino, the host of his self-named show, admits to having a less-than-impressive signature at book signings and shares a special programming note for an upcoming simulcast with Stephen Crowder. Additionally, he discusses the ongoing investigation into a cocaine incident at the White House, expressing frustration over conflicting reports and destroyed evidence. Furthermore, Bongino emphasizes the importance of using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN to protect online privacy as internet providers can legally sell data logs of users' online activities.

    • Secret Service transparency under scrutinyThe Secret Service's handling of an investigation into a bag with a potential fingerprint at the White House has raised concerns about transparency and trust, while Nikki Haley's proposal for government regulation of social media algorithms and user verification has sparked privacy and free speech debates.

      The handling of the investigation into the discovery of a bag with a potential fingerprint at the White House has raised serious questions about transparency and truthfulness from the Secret Service. The existence of secondary DNA on the bag does not rule out the possibility of a primary print, and the lack of clear communication and action from the Secret Service has fueled speculation and mistrust. Furthermore, Nikki Haley's proposal for government regulation of social media algorithms and mandatory verification of users' real names has been criticized as a potentially disqualifying idea, as it raises concerns about privacy, free speech, and the role of government in regulating technology. Overall, these developments have contributed to a growing sense of unease and distrust in various institutions and figures, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in public affairs.

    • Nikki Haley's proposed chat requirement met with oppositionOpponents argue Haley's real name requirement for campaign chats infringes on privacy, liberties, and is impractical to enforce

      Nikki Haley's campaign proposal to require real names for chat participants in her potential presidential campaign was met with strong opposition from Dan Bongino and his listeners. They argued that it infringes on personal privacy and liberties, and could potentially lead to a slippery slope of demanding more personal information. Bongino believes it's a major mistake and suggests the campaign to retract the proposal. He emphasized that individuals have the right to keep their identities private, especially in online spaces, and that this is a characteristic of a free society. The proposal was also criticized for being impractical, as it would be difficult to enforce, especially for larger platforms like Rumble. The discussion also touched on the current political climate and the importance of allowing individuals to express their political beliefs without fear of retaliation or identification.

    • People's voting behaviors remain unchanged despite rising inflation and crime ratesThe speaker expresses concern over rising crime and inflation, but believes it's not severe enough to alter people's political allegiances

      Despite rising inflation and crime rates, people's voting behaviors remain unchanged. The speaker expresses his concern over the situation, sharing examples of violent crimes and economic instability. However, he believes it's not severe enough yet for people to alter their political allegiances. He emphasizes the importance of self-defense and criticizes the consequences of using force in certain situations. The speaker also shares his skepticism towards the media narrative surrounding crime statistics and the impact of inflation on voting patterns, comparing it to the situation during Jimmy Carter's presidency. In essence, the speaker's message is that the current state of affairs is alarming, but not enough to prompt significant change in people's voting behaviors.

    • Stay informed, be aware of potential challengesDespite optimism, unexpected election outcomes and potential challenges should be considered. Prioritize self-care and maintain a balanced diet, even during busy times, with the help of products like 'Field of Greens'.

      Despite the optimism about the upcoming election, there is a warning against overconfidence and the potential for unexpected outcomes. The speaker also shared a personal story about a tragic event that received little media attention due to the racial dynamics involved. In the midst of this discussion, there was a promotion for a product called "Field of Greens," which the speaker strongly endorsed for its health benefits. The speaker emphasized the importance of getting enough fruits and vegetables, even when time is a constraint, and encouraged listeners to take advantage of the Black Friday sale for the product. The speaker's overall message was to stay informed, be aware of potential challenges, and prioritize self-care.

    • Complexities in investigating attacks and dealing with public safety issuesThe investigation into attacks and ensuring public safety involves dealing with complex situations, including larger groups of perpetrators and financial strains caused by accommodating illegal immigrants.

      The investigation into the attack on Jonathan, a father in Las Vegas, is complex and ongoing, with new information coming to light that makes it more complex. The initial attack was not just by one or two kids, but a larger group. The school's intervention in gathering the kids before the police arrived also complicated the matter. Meanwhile, in New York City, parents are expressing frustration over the potential reduction in public safety services due to the financial burden of accommodating illegal immigrants. The situation is causing significant financial strain, and some parents are speaking out against it. These issues highlight the complexities and challenges faced by authorities in dealing with crime and public safety, and the impact on taxpayers.

    • Impact of NYC budget cuts on illegal immigrants and high-income residentsNYC budget cuts affect illegal immigrants and high-income residents, with the latter already contributing significantly to the government. Government funding allocation is criticized, and the DOJ investigates. Voter choices shape the political climate, and free online courses from Hillsdale College are encouraged.

      The budget cuts in New York City are expected to significantly impact illegal immigrants, but the high tax rate for residents, particularly those at the higher income level, means they are already contributing a significant portion of their income to the government. The speaker expresses frustration with the inability of the government to effectively allocate funds to benefit citizens. The DOJ investigation into the situation is mentioned, and it's suggested that the current political climate, with a focus on sanctuary policies and taxation, is a result of voter choices. The speaker encourages learning about important subjects, such as the U.S. Constitution, through free online courses offered by Hillsdale College. Lastly, a skincare sale from GenuSell is promoted as a great opportunity for looking one's best during the holiday season.

    • Senate Hearing: A Tough Exchange and Genucel's Skincare SaleA Senate hearing featured a heated exchange between two senators, while Genucel offered a skincare sale with significant discounts and free priority shipping at genucel.com/Dan, promising to improve signs of aging.

      During the Senate hearing, there was a heated exchange between two senators, with one, Mark Wayne Mullen, being described as a tough, self-made man, and the other, whose identity was not clear, being criticized for his appearance and past actions. Meanwhile, unrelated to the discussion, there's a significant sale going on at Genucel for their gender cell skincare products, offering incredible discounts and free priority shipping. The skincare line promises to reduce fine lines, crow's feet, puffiness, and dark spots, with a money-back guarantee. The sale is available at genucel.com/Dan.

    • Disconnect between reality and perception in economic debatesOfficial inflation rates may not reflect real-life price increases, leading to misunderstandings and misinformed decision-making. Clear communication and accurate information are essential.

      The recent heated debate among political figures regarding economic policies and inflation numbers reveals a disconnect between reality and perception. While the official inflation rate may have decreased, prices continue to rise at an alarming rate, far exceeding the reported figures. This disconnect can lead to misunderstandings and misinformed decision-making. It's crucial to look beyond the headline numbers and consider the underlying trends in the economy. Additionally, the importance of clear communication and avoiding inflammatory language cannot be overstated, as it can only serve to fuel confusion and mistrust. In essence, the debate serves as a reminder to stay informed, stay calm, and seek accurate information when making decisions related to economic matters.

    • Inflation and Price Increases, Free Speech, and Controversial TopicsInflation can cause price hikes, free speech is crucial, and controversial topics require informed discussion

      Inflation can lead to price increases that outpace previous months, making everyday items more expensive. The speaker used an analogy of selling a coin for an increasing price to illustrate this concept. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of free speech and encouraged a rational discussion about controversial topics, expressing concern that those on one side of a debate may not be well-informed. The speaker also highlighted a large rally in support of Israel in Washington D.C. and criticized the actions of those advocating for Palestine, specifically mentioning Jeremy Corbyn and Hamas as examples of extremist views. The speaker challenged listeners to label Hamas as a terror group and have a rational discussion, expressing frustration that this question could not be answered directly.

    • Piers Morgan's Repeated Interruptions and Labeling During Middle East Ceasefire DiscussionDuring a Middle East ceasefire discussion, Piers Morgan's repeated interruptions and labeling of Hamas as terrorists fueled controversy, with critics arguing his behavior contributes to a perception of anti-Semitism and led to Corbyn and the left distancing themselves from him.

      During a discussion on the topic of a ceasefire in the Middle East, Piers Morgan was unable to answer simple questions and instead repeatedly asked his interlocutor if Hamas is a terror group. Morgan's refusal to answer questions about whether a mass should stay in power and if Hamas is a terror group was met with criticism, with the argument being made that his inability to keep quiet and allow others to answer questions contributes to the perception that he has a problem with Jewish people. Additionally, Morgan displayed graphic footage of an attack and labeled the victims as "demon savages" and "freedom fighters," further fueling controversy and making it clear that he cannot make a point about Palestinian statehood without labeling the actions of Hamas as terrorism. This behavior has led to Corbyn and the left in the UK distancing themselves from him.

    • False narratives and lack of critical thinkingFact-checking and research are crucial to avoid spreading false information, even if it comes from public figures. Companies' decisions can impact their brand, so staying informed is important for consumers and shareholders.

      Misinformation and lack of critical thinking can lead people to believe false narratives, even if they are major public figures. The example given was a performer claiming that books were banned in Florida when in reality, they were required reading. This highlights the importance of fact-checking and doing one's own research before spreading information. Additionally, the discussion touched on the consequences of companies making controversial decisions that can negatively impact their brand and the importance of staying informed to make educated decisions as consumers and shareholders.

    • Hip control is crucial in physical fightsMaintaining hip control in a fight gives you an advantage and keeps your opponent at bay. Avoiding mid-range combat decreases the chances of getting hit repeatedly.

      That controlling the hips is crucial in a physical fight. The person who has hip control has the upper hand and can keep their opponent pinned down. Additionally, it's essential to avoid the mid-range in a fight as it puts you in punching range and increases the likelihood of getting hit repeatedly. The speaker emphasized the importance of these lessons, having witnessed numerous street fights. Another topic touched upon was the debate between Kevin Kylie and Rosa Deloro regarding mask mandates for children. The speaker criticized Rosa Deloro for lacking evidence to support her argument and relying on emotion instead.

    • Representative Argues Against Mask Mandates in Head Start ProgramsRepresentative criticized mask mandates in Head Start programs due to lack of evidence, emphasizing evidence-based policies and rejection of harmful mandates.

      During a recent debate, a representative strongly argued against a proposed amendment for mask mandates in Head Start programs due to lack of evidence supporting the policy. He criticized the Secretary of Health and Human Services for implementing such mandates without sufficient proof, and urged for the restoration of "sanity" in the country. The representative also made light-hearted comments about the debate participants and upcoming events. Overall, his stance emphasized the importance of evidence-based policies and the rejection of harmful mandates without proper justification.

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