
    About this Episode

    War is NOT anti-isolationism, so what is it? We should beware the person who promotes war with Moral Virtue signaling. War and Trade each have benefits and costs. We should not ignore them because of some subjectively represented "good."

    Being anti-war and pro-trade is not isolationism. War is actually racially motivated in the sense of the Subjective Professor. Economics goes a LONG way to explaining how certain positions are untenable.

    Recent Episodes from The Subjective Professor Podcast

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 105 1John 5 19-21 Your Religion and Your God

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 105 1John 5 19-21 Your Religion and Your God

    This week we take a look at Idolatry through a better understanding of "Religion". It turns out that there's quite a lot of content in that religion/idolatry category, e.g. football.
    Clarity in the distinction of what is and what is not of God enables us to be more devoted and better witnesses. This devotion must be a good testimony for people living in the darkness of their own ignorance.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 104 1John 4 15-18 – Love which chases out Fear – Love is not an emotion

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 104 1John 4 15-18 – Love which chases out Fear – Love is not an emotion

    NEW Shorter Format!
    Since I can't find "highlights" of an episode, mostly because it means more editing and I don't have that kind of time, I have moved to a more summary format.
    The Love of God is not an emotion. Over the years people in my circle have struggled with this subjective interpretation of Love, but here it is. Understanding that the Love of God is an absolute allows for a "neater" explanation of the passage and Christian life.

    Love as Truth chases out the Lies of sin.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 103 2Timothy 2 14-17 - Do not quarrel over words - Trouble with words - Correctly discerning the words of Truth

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 103 2Timothy 2 14-17 - Do not quarrel over words - Trouble with words - Correctly discerning the words of Truth

    Paul wrote not to quarrel over words, but we are to use them correctly. People will often use the in-fighting in the church (even libertarianism) as an excuse not to join in some way.  To top it off, many people are in the business of confusing words and their meaning because it is profitable for them.
    How does one learn without creating a fuss and devolving into fighting?
    Give a listen.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 102 Eph 1 9-10 Unity in Christ – Do we Destroy Diversity to save it

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 102 Eph 1 9-10 Unity in Christ – Do we Destroy Diversity to save it

    So, how do we have unity when EVERYTHING in and out of church is so divided? I offer a place to start using this passage from Ephesians. We must acknowledge that unity is tricky if we want to avoid superficial or fake unity.  You may be happy to know that unity does not require conformity in knowledge or behavior, quite the opposite.

    Hope this message is a blessing for you. Peace.

    *I said I would upload the recording from church with me speaking in Korean... but upon listening to it, my accent is SO bad... I am too embarrassed to do so.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 100 Phil 2 14-16 Living in a warped generation - Innovation not Regulation

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 100 Phil 2 14-16 Living in a warped generation - Innovation not Regulation

    How does one NOT complain when the trend these days IS to complain... about everything. But most things people complain about are not really a problem. Complaints today lead to political activism and legislation. Just say no to this destructive activity and embrace innovation and creativity.
    Blessing and Peace to us all!

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 99 Hebrews 11 1-6 – The privilege of Faith - What is better than White Privilege

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 99 Hebrews 11 1-6 – The privilege of Faith - What is better than White Privilege

    People talk about privilege as if there's only one kind worth having: White Privilege. I have talked about white privilege in Ep 13 and Dollar Privilege in Ep 65 but neither episode addressed the Faith aspect of the concept. So, Faith Privilege, beyond the obvious, what is it and what does this mean for us as believers, as children of God.
    May this be a bit of grace for you, today.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 98 1Sam 16:6-13 The Anointed and the Believer - Who is going to save you

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 98 1Sam 16:6-13 The Anointed and the Believer - Who is going to save you

    This passage covers the story of David's anointing as future king of Israel. It is a foreshadowing of Jesus the Anointed. So, what does this mean for believers today? What do we do, how do we live in service to the anointed?
    It surely does not mean we do nothing.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 97 Amos 5 14-15 – The believer who hates Evil and Loves Good

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 97 Amos 5 14-15 – The believer who hates Evil and Loves Good

    It is hard to know what is good and what is evil these days. Some people have the advantage of the bully pulpit and thus have a louder and more authoritative voice. But the Lord does not leave us in the wind, he does provide for us the means through which we can seek and find Good. It's a blessing and curse, because we now see just how evil things have become... but we press on because we have hope in faith made possible by Jesus.

    Peace to us all.

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 96 Is 43 18-19 - The New Year the New Thing and Faith

    The Subjective Professor Podcast Ep 96 Is 43 18-19 - The New Year the New Thing and Faith

    Happy New Year. 
    Yes... as usual, the message is a bit different from what some might expect from a church. In spite of that, I hope that it is a blessing to you. 
    What is the "New Thing" and what do we do with it? What do we do with the old? The subjective answers are in the recording.