
    The Sunday Story: Breaking a Prison's Code of Silence

    en-usMay 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Investigating Police Misconduct: A Complex IssueInvestigative journalism plays a crucial role in holding police accountable for misconduct and use of force incidents. New laws, like California's Right to Know Act, provide access to previously hidden internal records, but investigating police misconduct remains complex and challenging.

      The process of holding police accountable for misconduct and use of force incidents is a complex issue that requires transparency and public scrutiny. In recent years, high-profile cases of police brutality have brought increased attention to this issue, and investigative journalism plays a crucial role in shedding light on what really happens behind the scenes. Criminal justice reporter Suki Lewis, host of the KQED podcast "On Our Watch," has been at the forefront of this effort in California. Along with her team, she has been uncovering thousands of previously sealed internal affairs law enforcement records as part of the California Reporting Project. In the second season of her show, "On Our Watch," she delves into recent incidents at one of the most dangerous prisons in California, providing a glimpse into the closed world of correctional facilities and the challenges of investigating what happens inside. The California Reporting Project, co-founded by Suki in 2018, was made possible by a new law called the Right to Know Act, which opened up internal police records for the first time. This law gave access to the paper trail that had long been hidden from public view, providing a window into how police departments operate. However, even with this new transparency, investigating police misconduct remains a complex and challenging process.

    • Promises of accountability in police departments are based on a false assumptionSeason 1 of 'On Our Watch' podcast revealed that police accountability systems prioritize risk management over justice, and Season 2 shifted focus to correctional facilities to investigate accountability functions in a system where complainants are often incarcerated.

      Learning from the first season of "On Our Watch" podcast is that the promises of accountability in police departments are often based on a false assumption. Instead of being focused on justice, these systems serve as risk management tools to protect departments and cities from liability. This was particularly evident in the secretive world of police internal affairs. For the second season, the team shifted their focus to correctional facilities, specifically California State Prison at New Folsom. They discovered that this prison had three times as many serious use of force incidents as any other prison in the state, making it an important place to investigate. The world of corrections is even more closed off than policing, and understanding how accountability functions in a system where complainants are often incarcerated is crucial.

    • Two whistleblowers at New Folsom Prison died under suspicious circumstancesInvestigative journalists uncovered potential retaliation against two prison officers who were uncovering issues within the prison, highlighting the risks faced by whistleblowers.

      The mysterious deaths of two whistleblowers at New Folsom Prison raised serious concerns about potential retaliation and foul play. Investigative journalists, Suki and her team, uncovered that correctional officer Valentino Rodriguez and sergeant Kevin Steele had both died within a year of each other. Rodriguez's death was ruled an accidental overdose, while Steele died by suicide. The team reached out to the families of the deceased officers for information and filed public records requests for their death investigations. Although they did not find evidence of foul play, they learned that both officers had been uncovering issues within the prison before their deaths. The father of Valentino Rodriguez, also named Valentino Rodriguez, was a key source who helped the team understand his son's last days and motivated him to seek answers. The team's investigation highlights the importance of whistleblowers and the potential risks they face when uncovering wrongdoing.

    • Prison's harsh environment affects officer's mental healthDespite a kind and hardworking personality, a prison officer faced mental health struggles due to harassment and identity crisis, ultimately questioning his career choice.

      Valentino Rodriguez, despite being a kind, funny, and hardworking man, faced significant challenges and mental health struggles during his time in a dangerous prison's investigative unit. He tried to fit in with the older officers but was met with harassment, which took a toll on his mental health. After a breakdown at work, he went on stress leave but continued to mentally grapple with his experiences at the prison. This ordeal led him to question his identity and feel like he had given up on his job. The small artifacts found on his phone, such as the cumbia dancing video and songs about his dog, offered glimpses into his personality and the challenges he faced.

    • Whistleblowers face immense pressure and risksSpeaking out against misconduct can lead to serious consequences, including fear, paranoia, and even death. It's crucial to create safe spaces for whistleblowers and address their concerns promptly to prevent tragic outcomes.

      The pressure and moral dilemmas faced by whistleblowers, as depicted in the story of two officers in the California Department of Corrections, can lead to devastating consequences. These officers, Valentino Rodriguez and Kevin Steele, felt compelled to speak out against misconduct and harassment within their unit, which functioned as the prison's internal police force. However, their decisions to blow the whistle came with significant risks. Rodriguez, who made a report just days before his death, became increasingly paranoid and fearful for his safety. Steele, who was also a military veteran with a strong sense of morality, was disillusioned by the system's failure to address the issues he had reported and the insensitive treatment of an officer's family following his death. Both officers paid a heavy price for their actions, ultimately losing their lives. Their stories underscore the importance of creating safe spaces for whistleblowers to come forward and addressing their concerns promptly and effectively to prevent such tragic outcomes.

    • Culture of silence in prisons hinders accountability for use of force incidentsThe code of silence among officers in prisons prevents reporting of use of force incidents, leading to lack of accountability and fear of retaliation for those who speak out

      The culture of silence in prisons is a significant barrier to holding accountable officers involved in use of force incidents. Former correctional officer Kevin Steele, who exposed such incidents in a memo before leaving California, revealed inconsistencies between reported incidents and actual injuries. These incidents often lacked camera coverage and the use of force descriptions did not align with the injuries sustained. The code of silence, an unspoken agreement among officers not to report on each other, is even stronger in a prison context due to the lack of outside witnesses. This silence results in no discipline for officers involved and fear of retaliation for those who speak out, making it a formidable challenge to uncover the truth behind prison use of force incidents.

    • Uncovering the Mental Trauma of Prison LifeReporting on the mental health impacts of working in a prison exposed the shared experiences of trauma between correctional officers and incarcerated individuals, highlighting the need for compassionate and supportive systems within the prison system.

      The culture of silence within the prison system contributed to the deaths of correctional officers Steele and Val. Despite no evidence of foul play being found, the mental trauma experienced by these officers for speaking out against the system led to their declining health and eventual demise. Reporting on such a sensitive topic in a prison setting presented numerous challenges, including maintaining confidentiality with correctional officers and ensuring informed consent from incarcerated individuals. Phone conversations were recorded, and some individuals had limited understanding of podcasts, requiring careful explanation. Additionally, dealing with the trauma experienced by both officers and incarcerated individuals required a nuanced and sensitive approach. Ultimately, the reporting uncovered a complex story about the mental impacts of working in a prison, revealing the shared experiences of trauma between correctional officers and incarcerated individuals.

    • Empowering sources in trauma-informed journalismTrauma-informed journalism lets sources control their narrative, fosters trust, and ensures accurate representation. Transparency in reporting brings attention to issues, but change requires public interest and engagement.

      A trauma-informed approach in journalism involves giving sources the power to control their narrative and ensuring accurate representation. During reporting for the On Our Watch podcast from KQED, criminal justice reporter Suki Lewis held conversations with families of incarcerated individuals, allowing them to reconsider their statements and ensuring there were no surprises upon publication. This approach fosters trust and accuracy, ultimately ensuring responsible journalism. Moreover, transparency in reporting can bring attention to issues within public institutions, such as prisons. However, the impact of this reporting is limited without the internal will to act upon it. For instance, California's Office of the Inspector General of Prisons issues reports on prison issues but lacks the power to enforce change. Therefore, public interest and awareness are crucial in driving change. Ultimately, journalism provides a voice to those who have been silenced, including the deceased and incarcerated individuals. The work of journalists like Suki Lewis is essential in shedding light on critical issues and fostering public engagement and interest.

    • Exploring Mental Health and Family MemoriesThis episode of The Sunday Story discusses mental health resources and the importance of creating cherished family memories in Fort Myers.

      ... you can access the latest season of "The Sunday Story" podcast at kqed.org or through popular podcast platforms. This episode was produced by a team at KQED, including Justin Yan, Liana Simstrom, Jin Chien, Chris Egusa, Robert Rodriguez, Abby Wendell, Jenny Schmidt, and Irene Noguchi. If you're dealing with mental health issues or know someone who needs crisis support, call or text 988. Up First will return with news for the week ahead. In a different vein, PBS invites you to explore the future in their series "A Brief History of the Future," available to stream now on PBS and the PBS app. Lastly, Fort Myers offers various experiences for making cherished family memories, so plan your visit at visitfortmyers.com. Remember, if you're dealing with mental health concerns, there's help available. Call or text 988. Tune in tomorrow for Up First's news update.

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Megan Pratz, Lisa Thomson, Tara Neill and HJ Mai. It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Chris Thompson and Nina Kravinsky. We get engineering support from Robert Rodriguez. And our technical director is Zac Coleman.

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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.

    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Megan Pratz, Lisa Thomson, Tara Neill and HJ Mai. It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Chris Thompson and Nina Kravinsky. We get engineering support from Robert Rodriguez. And our technical director is Zac Coleman.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Tara Neill, Kevin Drew, John Helton, Megan Pratz, Olivia Hampton and Lisa Thomson.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Nina Kravinsky.

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Krishnadev Calamur, Ally Schweitzer, Neela Banerjee, Olivia Hampton and Lisa Thomson.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Nina Kravinsky.

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    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun?
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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Kevin Drew, Catherine Laidlaw, John Helton, Olivia Hampton and Lisa Thomson.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Nina Kravinsky.

    Our technical director is Zac Coleman, with engineering support from Stacey Abbott.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Up First
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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.

    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Gabriel Spitzer, Ally Schweitzer, Neela Banerjee, Mohamad ElBardicy and Lisa Thomson.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Taylor Haney.

    Our technical director is Zac Coleman, with engineering support from Carleigh Strange.
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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.

    Today's episode of Up First was edited by
    Catherine Laidlaw, Tara Neill, Hannah Block, Mohamad ElBardicy and Alice Woelfle.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas, Claire Murashima and Taylor Haney.

    Our technical director is Zac Coleman, with engineering support from Carleigh Strange.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.

    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Russell Lewis, Eric Whitney, Diane Webber, Mohamad ElBardicy and Alice Woelfle.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Taylor Haney.

    Our technical director is Zac Coleman, with engineering support from Carleigh Strange.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    ~ Podcast graphics by Navy Veteran Brandon Tomason, Owner and head designer of Veterans Apparel
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    Website: Veteransapparel.org ,
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    IG: @dogs4vets_
    Website: dogs4vets.org ,

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    ~ Podcast graphics by Navy Veteran *Brandon Tomason*, Owner and head designer of Veterans Apparel
    IG: @veterans.apparel
    Website: Veteransapparel.org ,
    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    ~ Erin Scanlon
    IG: @heyerinscanlon , @heyerinpodcast ,
    Facebook: Erin Scanlon

    ~Dogs4Vets trains and certifies Veterans and service dogs as a team. Dogs4Vets began back in 2012 with the simple mission— to help Veterans get back on their feet and live a full life. Now 9 years later they have helped train over 800 Veteran/service dog teams. Learn more about Dogs4Vets, their mission, and how to get involved or donate.
    IG: @dogs4vets_
    Website: dogs4vets.org ,

    ~Emergency Nutrition...We teamed up with Sports Nutrition Specialist Rachel Irons and her company to bring you and the first responders in your life healthy, macro friendly meal plans. If you live in the Phoenix Area and are looking for a legit meal plan service look no further. Use Code: (𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹𝟮𝟭) to receive 10% off your order today *excludes subscription meal packages*
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    Website: emergency-nutrition.com ,

    𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀:
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    Website: EmergeTacticalsolutions.com ,

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    In the final episode of Poison, James goes to Canada to track down Kenneth Law and confront him over his operation.    

    If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide or needs to talk to someone, please get in contact with the Samaritans online https://www.samaritans.org/ or call them for free on their 24-hour helpline 116 123.

    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes.

    Host: James Beal, Social Affairs Editor, The Times. 


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    ~ Podcast graphics by Navy Veteran *Brandon Tomason*, Owner and head designer of Veterans Apparel
    IG: @veterans.apparel
    Website: Veteransapparel.org ,
    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    ~ Erin Scanlon
    IG: @heyerinscanlon , @heyerinpodcast ,
    Facebook: Erin Scanlon

    ~Dogs4Vets trains and certifies Veterans and service dogs as a team. Dogs4Vets began back in 2012 with the simple mission— to help Veterans get back on their feet and live a full life. Now 9 years later they have helped train over 800 Veteran/service dog teams. Learn more about Dogs4Vets, their mission, and how to get involved or donate.
    IG: @dogs4vets_
    Website: dogs4vets.org ,

    ~Emergency Nutrition...We teamed up with Sports Nutrition Specialist Rachel Irons and her company to bring you and the first responders in your life healthy, macro friendly meal plans. If you live in the Phoenix Area and are looking for a legit meal plan service look no further. Use Code: (𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹𝟮𝟭) to receive 10% off your order today *excludes subscription meal packages*
    IG: @emergencynutrition
    Website: emergency-nutrition.com ,

    𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀:
    Strategic Armory Corps
    IG: strategic_armory_corps
    Website: SacFirearms.com ,
    IG: EmergeTactical
    Website: EmergeTacticalsolutions.com ,

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    ~ Podcast graphics by Navy Veteran *Brandon Tomason*, Owner and head designer of Veterans Apparel
    IG: @veterans.apparel
    Website: Veteransapparel.org ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito

    ~Dogs4Vets trains and certifies Veterans and service dogs as a team. Dogs4Vets began back in 2012 with the simple mission— to help Veterans get back on their feet and live a full life. Now 9 years later they have helped train over 800 Veteran/service dog teams. Learn more about Dogs4Vets, their mission, and how to get involved or donate.
    IG: @dogs4vets_
    Website: dogs4vets.org ,

    𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀:
    Strategic Armory Corps
    IG: strategic_armory_corps
    Website: SacFirearms.com ,

    IG: EmergeTactical
    Website: EmergeTacticalsolutions.com ,