
    Podcast Summary

    • Belly fat contributes to inflammation and poor metabolic healthStay updated on functional lab testing and functional medicine to help patients manage insulin resistance and improve overall health. AG1 supplement supports gut optimization, stress management, and immune system function. Diet plays a significant role in LDL particle size and composition.

      Belly fat, which is associated with insulin resistance, contributes to inflammation in the body. As healthcare practitioners, staying updated on functional lab testing and functional medicine is crucial to provide accurate information and tools to patients. AG1, a foundational nutrition supplement, supports universal health needs, such as gut optimization, stress management, and immune support. Poor metabolic health driven by insulin resistance is a significant underlying cause of various health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. Lifestyle choices, particularly diet, play a significant role in the size and composition of LDL particles, with the standard American diet being a significant contributor to dangerous LDL particles.

    • Insulin resistance and cholesterol: More than just numbers on a lab reportInsulin resistance contributes to unhealthy cholesterol, affecting HDL levels, LDL particle sizes, and inflammatory markers, increasing heart disease risk.

      Insulin resistance is a major contributor to an unhealthy cholesterol profile and increased heart disease risk. A standard lipid panel may not provide a complete picture, as optimal HDL levels and desirable LDL particle sizes are also important indicators. Insulin resistance, a precursor to metabolic syndrome and prediabetes, affects the vast majority of Americans. The inflammation and oxidative stress caused by belly fat, a hallmark of insulin resistance, can lead to oxidized LDL cholesterol, which is more damaging and more likely to cause plaque buildup in the arteries. This "rancid cholesterol" in the bloodstream is a significant risk factor for heart disease. It's essential to consider the whole picture, including particle size and inflammatory markers, to fully understand one's heart disease risk.

    • Heart disease: Inflammation and oxidative stress matterStudies suggest inflammation plays a bigger role in heart disease than cholesterol. Fasting, statins, and lifestyle changes can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, improving heart health.

      Heart disease is not just about high cholesterol levels, but also about inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Studies suggest that inflammation may be a more significant factor in heart disease than cholesterol. Fasting, which reduces inflammation, has been linked to lower heart disease risk even in people with high cholesterol. Statin drugs, commonly used to lower cholesterol, have been found to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. However, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress can be achieved through lifestyle changes and functional medicine approaches, which include testing for biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation, investigating potential causes such as diet, toxins, and microbiome imbalances, and addressing underlying conditions like prediabetes and diabetes. A functional medicine perspective goes beyond a narrow focus on cholesterol levels and looks at the root causes of heart disease.

    • Focusing on cholesterol alone overlooks heart health risksConsider family history, lifestyle, and other health conditions when assessing heart health, as high cholesterol doesn't always mean danger, and normal levels don't guarantee safety. Hypertension, a leading cause of heart disease, affects over a billion people and requires effective treatment beyond medication, which may have side effects.

      Focusing solely on cholesterol levels when evaluating heart health may be missing the mark. High cholesterol doesn't always indicate a need for concern, and some individuals with normal levels may still be at risk. When deciding on the best course of action for a patient, it's crucial to consider their family history, lifestyle factors, and other health conditions. High blood pressure, a silent killer, is a leading cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and other health issues. It can also impact sexual function and cause peripheral artery disease. Despite the prevalence of hypertension, with over a billion people affected globally and 50-75 million in America, only around 14 million receive effective treatment primarily through medication, which can have side effects. Therefore, exploring alternative methods for managing hypertension is essential.

    • Trusting the Right Supplement BrandMonitor blood pressure and consider insulin resistance as a potential underlying cause. Choose a reputable supplement brand like Momentous for trusted products.

      When it comes to choosing supplements, trust is crucial. Dr. Mark recommends Momentous, a brand that collaborates with leading experts and undergoes rigorous third-party testing. He personally uses Momentous collagen and creatine for body repair and power. Regarding blood pressure, it's essential to monitor and treat it, either through medication or lifestyle changes. Traditional medicine focuses on checking blood pressure and prescribing medication, but causes like insulin resistance and sleep apnea are often overlooked. Insulin resistance, an epidemic in the US, contributes to high blood pressure and various other health issues. Therefore, it's vital to address these underlying causes for optimal health.

    • Insulin resistance and poor sleep quality contribute to high blood pressureDiet-driven insulin resistance causes inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to hardened arteries. Sleep apnea restricts oxygen flow, causing inflammation and oxidative stress, both contributing to high blood pressure and insulin resistance. Undiagnosed nutritional deficiencies, like low magnesium, can also play a role.

      Insulin resistance and poor sleep quality, specifically sleep apnea, are major contributors to the development of high blood pressure. Insulin resistance, driven by diet, causes inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to the hardening of arteries. Sleep apnea, often underdiagnosed, restricts oxygen flow to the body, causing an inflammatory and oxidative stress cycle, which can also lead to high blood pressure and insulin resistance. Additionally, nutritional deficiencies, such as low magnesium levels, can also contribute to high blood pressure. It's important to note that many people with insulin resistance and sleep apnea are undiagnosed, so it's crucial to be aware of these conditions and discuss them with a healthcare professional.

    • Underlying causes of high blood pressureMagnesium deficiency, omega-3 fat insufficiency, heavy metal toxicity, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, and inflammation can cause high blood pressure. Address root causes through diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes for improvement.

      There are various underlying causes of high blood pressure that often go overlooked in conventional medical treatments. Magnesium deficiency, omega-3 fat insufficiency, heavy metal toxicity, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, and inflammation are some of the key factors that can contribute to high blood pressure. Addressing these root causes through dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, and lifestyle modifications can lead to significant improvements in blood pressure levels. Additionally, individual responses to salt intake can vary greatly, and genetic testing can help determine if someone is more sensitive to salt and therefore more likely to develop high blood pressure.

    • Avoiding excess salt from processed food is crucialProcessed food with added salt is the main source of excessive salt intake. Focus on reducing deep belly fat to improve overall health.

      While it's important to be aware of salt intake, the issue lies mainly in processed food with added salt, rather than the salt we add at home. Additionally, many health issues are overlooked in conventional medicine, such as heavy metals, insulin resistance, sleep apnea, and magnesium deficiency. The focus should be on finding the root causes of health problems. Regarding fat, deep belly fat around organs is particularly harmful, producing inflammatory markers and increasing insulin resistance, leading to various health issues. This deep fat is metabolically active and contributes to increased inflammation in the body. Therefore, focusing on reducing deep belly fat can significantly improve overall health.

    • Measuring waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratioMeasuring waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio can help identify excess belly fat, linked to health issues. A healthy ratio for Caucasians is less than 0.8 for women, less than 0.9 for men. Regular checks can monitor progress and identify potential concerns.

      Focusing on waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio can help identify the presence of excess belly fat, which is linked to various health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, low sex drive, low testosterone, pimples, poor periods, and sleep apnea. The waist-to-hip ratio can be easily measured by finding the waist circumference between the lowest rib and the upper hip bone, and the hip circumference over the largest part of the hip. A healthy waist-to-hip ratio for Caucasians is less than 0.8 for women and less than 0.9 for men, while for Asian and Indian ethnicities, it's stricter, with less than 0.8 for women and less than 0.9 for men. Regularly checking this ratio can help monitor progress and identify potential health concerns. Additionally, other biomarkers like high C-reactive protein or inflammation markers may indicate the presence of too much visceral adiposity.

    • Understanding Visceral Adiposity: Causes and Health RisksVisceral adiposity, or belly fat, is linked to insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidative stress. A high-sugar, ultra-processed diet is a primary cause, but prevention and improvement involve lifestyle changes, including a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise, and stress management.

      Visceral adiposity, or belly fat, is a complex issue that's connected to various health problems such as insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidative stress. These issues are often interconnected and can be diagnosed through specific biomarkers. The major cause of visceral adiposity is an ultra-processed, high-sugar diet, which drives insulin production and keeps fat in the belly. Prevention and improvement can be achieved through lifestyle changes, such as a nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise, and stress management. Other contributing factors include toxins, microbiome imbalances, and poor sleep. It's crucial to address these underlying causes to effectively manage and reduce visceral adiposity.

    • Aging and Insulin Resistance: Maintaining Muscle Mass and a Healthy GutAging causes muscle loss and fat gain, leading to insulin resistance. Exercise, a healthy gut, and avoiding toxins can help prevent insulin resistance and improve overall health.

      As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and gain fat, especially visceral fat. This process, known as sarcopenia, can lead to insulin resistance and various health issues. Exercise, particularly strength training and resistance workouts, can help maintain muscle mass and improve metabolic function. Additionally, environmental toxins like BPA can negatively impact insulin sensitivity and contribute to weight gain. A healthy gut microbiome is also crucial for optimal metabolism and weight management. By addressing these factors, we can effectively combat insulin resistance and improve overall health.

    • Dr. Hyman's Weekly RecommendationsDr. Hyman shares free health recommendations through his newsletter, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional advice.

      Dr. Mark Hyman shares his weekly recommendations for books, podcasts, gadgets, supplements, and more through his free newsletter, Mark's Picks, available at drheimman.com/marks-picks. These recommendations have helped him on his health journey and he hopes they'll help listeners too. Dr. Hyman emphasizes that this podcast is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. He encourages listeners to seek out qualified healthcare practitioners for personalized help. Keeping the podcast free is part of Dr. Hyman's mission to bring practical ways of improving health to the general public, and he expresses gratitude to the sponsors that make it possible. It's important to have a trained healthcare practitioner to guide you, especially when it comes to your health.

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    How To Treat High Blood Pressure And What Causes It?

    How To Treat High Blood Pressure And What Causes It?

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, Beekeepers, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein

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    In today’s episode, I talk with Dr. George Papanicolaou and Dr. Cindy Geyer about the seriousness of high blood pressure, the misconceptions around salt intake and blood pressure, what foods and supplements support healthy blood pressure, and overall metabolic health.

    Dr. George Papanicolaou is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and is board certified in family medicine from Abington Memorial Hospital. He is also an Institute for Functional Medicine practitioner. Upon graduation from his residency, he joined the Indian Health Service. He worked on the Navajo reservation for four years at the Chinle Comprehensive Medical Facility, where he served as the Outpatient Department Coordinator. In 2000, he founded Cornerstone Family Practice in Rowley, MA. He began training in Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. In 2015, he established Cornerstone Personal Health, a practice dedicated entirely to Functional Medicine. Dr. Papanicolaou joined The UltraWellness Center in 2017.

    Dr. Cindy Geyer received her bachelor of science and her doctor of medicine degrees, with honors, from the Ohio State University. She completed her residency in internal medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY, and is triple board certified in internal medicine, integrative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. She joined The Ultrawellness Center in 2021 after practicing and serving as the medical director at Canyon Ranch for 23 years.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, Beekeepers, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein. 

    Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests with Rupa Health. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com today.

    Head to drinkAG1.com/HYMAN to receive 10 FREE travel packs of AG1 with your first purchase.

    Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/HYMAN and enter code HYMAN to get Beekeeper’s Naturals' exclusive offer of 20% off sitewide.

    Right now, you can get 10% off Super Simple Grassfed Protein by heading to drhyman.com/protein and using code protein10.

    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    Dr. George Papanicolaou

    Dr. Cindy Geyer

    Dr. Mark Hyman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    What Causes A Fatty Liver And How To Fix It

    What Causes A Fatty Liver And How To Fix It

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Mitopure, Levels, and Super Simple Protein

    Fatty liver is a dangerous yet misunderstood disease that is growing more and more common, and its effects are numerous. Fatty liver happens when fat replaces your liver cells and thereby compromises its important functions, thus increasing inflammation in the body. Surprisingly, it is not fat that causes a fatty liver, but sugar and starch.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Dr. Elizabeth Boham, Dr. Robert Lustig, and Shawn Stevenson about the importance of our liver and how to support it.

    Dr. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices Functional Medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing.

    Dr. Robert Lustig is a neuroendocrinologist with expertise in metabolism, obesity, and nutrition. He’s the Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology and a member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF. He is also one of the leaders of the current “anti-sugar” movement that is changing the food industry, in part through his game-changing books.

    Shawn Stevenson is the author of the international bestselling book Sleep Smarter and creator of The Model Health Show, featured as the number one health podcast in the US, with millions of listener downloads each year. A graduate of the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Shawn studied business, biology, and nutritional science and went on to found Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a company that provides wellness services for individuals and organizations worldwide.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Mitopure, Levels, and Super Simple Protein. 

    If you’re a healthcare provider who wants to learn more about Functional Medicine testing, go to rupauniversity.com to sign up for a free live class or a boot camp!

    Support the growth of new, healthy mitochondria and get 10% off of Mitopure. Head to timelinenutrition.com/drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10 at checkout.

    Right now, Levels is offering an additional two free months of their annual membership. Head over to levels.link/HYMAN to learn more.

    You can get 10% off Super Simple Grassfed Protein with the code protein10 at drhyman.com/protein.

    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    Dr. Elizabeth Boham

    Dr. Mark Hyman 

    Dr. Robert Lustig

    Shawn Stevenson

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.