
    Podcast Summary

    • Social media platforms suppressing damaging news storiesMajor social media platforms are censoring damaging news stories about political figures, raising concerns about truth and bias in the digital age. Protect your online privacy and consider alternative services.

      Major social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, are suppressing damaging news stories about political figures, in this case Hunter Biden, just weeks before an election. Dan Bongino calls this a "Soylent Green" situation, implying a dystopian future where truth is distorted and manipulated. The hosts express their frustration and concern over the blatant bias and censorship, urging listeners to protect their online privacy and consider getting rid of these companies. The show also promotes ExpressVPN and Bambi HR services. Overall, the message is that the media and social media are becoming enemies of the truth, and individuals must take steps to protect themselves and their businesses.

    • Media and social media suppressing Hunter Biden's China emailsMedia and social media are hiding Hunter Biden's emails revealing business dealings with a Chinese firm during his father's vice presidency, undermining transparency and democracy.

      The media and social media tech tyrants are suppressing critical information about the Hunter Biden corruption scandal involving the Chinese Communist Party before the US election. They are acting as enemies of the people by lying and hiding the truth. The New York Post has uncovered emails revealing that Hunter Biden was trying to cash in on behalf of his family with a Chinese firm, and this story adds to the existing scandal about his dealings in Ukraine. These revelations are significant, as Joe Biden was the vice president at the time, and the fact that this information is being suppressed is a major issue of transparency and accountability. The media's actions are not only unethical but also dangerous for democracy. It's crucial for voters to be informed and make their decisions based on accurate information.

    • Allegations of corruption involving Hunter Biden and his familyRudy Giuliani released texts and emails suggesting Hunter Biden discussed money distribution with a person believed to be Joe Biden, potentially compromising the presidential race or leading to impeachment if Joe Biden is elected, while media and tech companies face criticism for lack of thorough coverage

      There are allegations of corruption involving Hunter Biden and his family, with suggestions that Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, may have been involved in financial dealings that could potentially be considered compromising. Rudy Giuliani, a former prosecutor, has released texts and emails that appear to show Hunter Biden discussing the distribution of money, with references to a person referred to as "Pop" or "the boss," who is believed by some to be Joe Biden. The allegations, if true, could potentially lead to calls for Joe Biden to step aside from the presidential race or even face impeachment if he is elected. The media and tech companies have been criticized for not covering these allegations more thoroughly, with some arguing that the potential national security risks posed by foreign enemies having compromising material on a U.S. president are too great to ignore.

    • Chinese government allegedly has compromising material on BidenAllegations of Biden family's financial dealings with Chinese gov't could be blackmail, raising national security concerns, media dismissive, free press needed

      There are serious allegations that the Chinese government has compromising material on Joe Biden, which could potentially be considered blackmail. These allegations involve financial dealings between Biden and his family members and the Chinese government. The media's response to this story has been dismissive, with some pundits even using derogatory language towards Americans. This situation raises concerns about national security and the potential for foreign influence on American politics. If these allegations are true, it could have significant implications for the United States and its relationship with China. The media's lack of serious engagement with this story is concerning and highlights the need for a free and unbiased press.

    • FBI investigated Trump based on Russian agent's claim, but no concrete evidenceA reporter dismissed an FBI investigation into Trump and a Ukrainian story about Biden without evidence, despite potential disinformation campaigns.

      During a discussion on the news, it was mentioned that the FBI investigated Donald Trump based on information from an alleged Russian agent, but without any concrete evidence, this claim was dismissed as disinformation by a reporter. The same reporter also dismissed a story published by The New York Post, a major American newspaper, about Joe Biden's alleged meeting with a Ukrainian official, despite the Biden campaign not denying the story. The reporter's network has a history of spreading false information, such as the "peepee tape" hoax. The intelligence community believes that this story could be part of a disinformation campaign meant to interfere with the elections. The speaker expressed concern that if Joe Biden is elected, he would be in the pocket of an enemy of the United States with nuclear power. The speaker also endorsed Simply Safe, a home security company that offers affordable and contract-free security solutions.

    • Social media censorship threatens democracySocial media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, wield significant power to censor news stories and lock out accounts, limiting the free exchange of information and threatening democracy. Examples include the New York Post story on Biden family corruption being censored.

      Social media platforms, specifically Twitter and Facebook, have a significant amount of power over the dissemination of information and have been accused of interfering in the 2020 election by censoring news stories and locking out accounts. This mass censorship, as described by Dan Bongino, is a threat to democracy as it limits the free exchange of information between citizens. The New York Post story about potential corruption involving the Biden family and China is one example of a story that was censored. The tech monopolies, which include Twitter, Facebook, and Google, have all the power in this situation and don't have to care about the public's opinion. This is a dark moment in American history, and it's important for people to be aware of this issue and demand accountability from these companies. The situation is so severe that it's being compared to Orwellian censorship. It's crucial to stay informed and check out alternative platforms like Parler and Rumble for diverse perspectives.

    • Social media platforms limiting news distribution during electionFacebook and Twitter are restricting news stories, raising censorship concerns, and potentially damaging the democratic process during the 2020 election

      Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are limiting the distribution of certain news stories, raising concerns about censorship and freedom of speech during a major election. Andy Stone, a Democrat activist and communications director at Facebook, has publicly stated that a story about potential blackmail of the Democratic nominee for president by the Chinese government will be blacklisted. This action has led to accusations of bias and censorship, and the story is also being restricted on Twitter with a warning label. Critics argue that these private companies have done significant damage to the democratic process by controlling the flow of information in the public square. The United States, as a republic, has an interest in preserving free speech, and some believe that the actions of these companies warrant intervention. The implications of these actions in the 2020 election could be catastrophic, potentially turning away allies and further polarizing the country.

    • Senator Hawley's Hypothetical Questions about Biden Family CorruptionDuring Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing, Senator Hawley asked hypothetical questions about potential foreign corruption involving Hunter and Joe Biden, while Barrett declined to answer. Senator Hirono called 'sexual preference' offensive.

      During a Senate hearing for Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination, Senator Josh Hawley asked hypothetical questions about potential foreign corruption involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden when Joe was Vice President. Hawley's questions were in response to Barrett's refusal to answer hypothetical questions about how she would rule on future cases. Hawley's questions touched on the potential sale of access to the Vice President by Hunter Biden to a foreign oligarch, and the Vice President's intervention to prevent prosecution of the oligarch. Barrett declined to answer, stating that she couldn't answer hypotheticals. Hawley's questioning was seen as a significant moment in the hearing, with some commentators comparing it to a wrestling move. Meanwhile, Senator Mazie Hirono, a Democrat, has recently declared the term "sexual preference" to be offensive, despite her and other Democrats using the term in the past.

    • Political exploitation of language surrounding sexual preferencePolitical figures and groups are manipulating language to divide society and stifle open dialogue about sexual preference, which is being redefined as offensive by some and used without issue by others.

      The use of the term "sexual preference" has become a politically charged issue, with some individuals and organizations claiming it to be offensive, while others continue to use it without issue. This discrepancy in perception is being exploited by certain political figures and groups to paint their opponents as morally bankrupt and intolerant. A recent example is the controversy surrounding the use of the term by Senator Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearing. Webster's dictionary even changed the definition of "preference" to include the offensive term "sexual preference" just a month after defining it as "orientation" or "sexual orientation." This deliberate manipulation of language is a concerning development, as it has the potential to further divide society and stifle open dialogue. It is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of this tactic and to promote clear and respectful communication.

    • Hunter Biden photos and Cuomo's lockdowns discussedSpeaker expressed concern over Hunter Biden's photos, criticized Cuomo for using fear to justify lockdowns, and promoted Stamps.com as an alternative to the post office

      The topic of Hunter Biden's photos involving drug paraphernalia is fair game due to his father's presidential campaign, but it's not a subject to be treated lightly or joked about. The speaker expressed concern and acknowledged the sensitivity of the issue. Regarding Governor Andrew Cuomo, an audio recording of him speaking to a religious leader about lockdowns was discussed. The speaker criticized Cuomo for using fear as a justification for the lockdowns without sufficient scientific evidence, and encouraged business owners affected by the shutdowns to listen closely if they have been negatively impacted. Additionally, the speaker promoted Stamps.com as a convenient and cost-effective alternative to the post office during the holiday season.

    • Fear-driven response to pandemic fuels blunt policies and censorship concernsThe fear-driven response to the pandemic is leading to blunt policies and censorship concerns, which undermine individual freedoms and the ability to access information

      The current response to the pandemic, as discussed, is driven primarily by fear rather than science or a nuanced approach. This fear is leading to blunt policies, such as widespread school closures, without considering the potential negative consequences or resources required for more targeted solutions. Additionally, there are concerns about censorship and suppression of information on social media platforms, which further fuels anxiety and mistrust. The speaker calls for a more thoughtful and competitive approach, with a focus on breaking up monopolies and promoting transparency. The fear-driven response to the pandemic, coupled with censorship concerns, creates an Orwellian atmosphere where individual freedoms and the ability to access information are at risk.

    • Supreme Court Case Threatens Entirety of ObamacareThe Supreme Court case, California versus Texas, could determine the fate of the Affordable Care Act, with potential implications for US healthcare.

      The upcoming Supreme Court case, California versus Texas, could potentially dismantle the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) due to the repeal of the individual mandate and its tax penalty. The individual mandate's constitutionality hinges on it being a tax, and with the penalty now being zero, the Republicans argue that the entire law is unconstitutional. Democrats, on the other hand, argue that the individual mandate's repeal is severable from the rest of the law, allowing parts of it to still stand. The outcome of this case, which Amy Coney Barrett could potentially preside over, could have significant implications for healthcare in the United States.

    • Obamacare's Individual Mandate: Penalty or Tax?The disagreement over whether the individual mandate penalty in Obamacare was a tax or a penalty, and the inconsistency between the Obama administration's arguments and the Supreme Court's ruling, remains a significant point of contention in the debate over the law's severability.

      During the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) debate, there was a disagreement over whether the individual mandate penalty was a tax or a penalty. The Obama administration argued it was a penalty both in court and publicly, but Supreme Court Justice John Roberts ruled it was a tax for constitutional reasons. This discrepancy between the administration's arguments and John Roberts' ruling is a point of contention, with some, like Amy Coney Barrett, questioning John Roberts' judgment. The Democrats want the Obamacare law to be severable, meaning they can remove the individual mandate penalty without the entire law falling apart. However, the issue of whether the penalty was a tax or a penalty and the inconsistency between the administration's arguments and the Supreme Court's ruling remains a significant point of contention.

    • Obama's Contradictory Statements on Obamacare PenaltyPresident Obama's statement that the Obamacare penalty wasn't a tax contradicted the administration's argument in court, raising questions about truthfulness and potential implications for future cases.

      During a nationally televised interview, President Obama stated unequivocally that the penalty for not buying healthcare under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was not a tax. However, when the case went to the Supreme Court, the Obama administration argued that it was a tax. This discrepancy was highlighted by Judge Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearings, and the Democrats are reportedly concerned about her potential impact on Obamacare cases. In essence, Obama's statement and the administration's argument in court contradicted each other, with the Supreme Court ultimately ruling in favor of the administration's tax argument. This inconsistency raises questions about the truthfulness of the administration's position during the healthcare debate and the potential implications for future court cases. It's important for voters to stay informed about political developments and engage with their elected representatives to express their concerns. Additionally, considering alternative social media platforms can help users avoid potential election interference and preserve online freedoms.

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    Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When one cannot buy or sell, one is metaphorically up the creek. Short of producing everything one needs oneself, buying and selling are necessary parts of virtually every modern person’s life.
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    No less an authority than James Madison warned Americans that the First Amendment alone was not enough to protect free speech. In Federalist No. 47 and Federalist No. 51, he argued that the separation of powers was necessary to protect free speech by preventing one branch of government from accumulating too much power at the expense of the others and, indeed, the rest of society at large.
    This is an important point to remember when considering the First Amendment implications of Big Tech and its war on free speech and gun freedom. The Founding Fathers did not live in a world where a few large corporations had more power than the (incredibly limited and power impoverished) government had, either at the federal or the state level. It’s doubtful that they could have conceived of such a thing.
    But they did carefully consider the problem of centralized power as it pertained to the rights enshrined in the Constitution. At the end of the day, the Constitution is just a piece of paper with no ability to enforce itself. What’s more, if the Founders did not address the notion that the private sector could meaningfully and substantially circumvent rights for all Americans, it was simply because they could not conceive of such a thing, not because they were writing the private sector a blank check.
    You can read the full article Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment” at Ammo.com.
    For $20 off your $200 purchase, go to https://ammo.com/podcast (a special deal for our listeners).
    Follow Sam Jacobs on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SamJacobs45
    And check out our sponsor, Libertas Bella, for all of your favorite 2nd Amendment shirts at LibertasBella.com.
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