
    The Therapy Crouch made some new friends....and they do not disappoint

    enDecember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • PlushCare: Accessible Weight Loss Solutions and Blue Nile: High-Quality Lab-Grown DiamondsPlushCare provides easy access to certified physicians and FDA-approved weight loss medications, while Blue Nile offers discounted lab-grown diamonds for special occasions

      PlushCare offers a convenient and accessible solution for individuals looking to begin their weight loss journey with the help of certified physicians and FDA-approved medications like Wegovy and Zepbound. Meanwhile, Blue Nile provides high-quality lab-grown diamonds for significant moments in life, offering a discount with the promo code "listen." Beyond that, the conversation between Peter and Abby Crouch and their guests James and Claire Buckley touched on various topics, including Peter's past experiences with gaming, their first meeting in Liverpool, and the beginning of their relationship. The discussion was lighthearted and entertaining, showcasing the couples' chemistry and shared experiences.

    • Unexpected connections through social mediaSocial media platforms like Twitter enable forming meaningful connections with people beyond immediate surroundings, bridging geographical and social gaps.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can serve as unexpected avenues for forming meaningful connections. The speakers in this conversation met online and shared how their initial interactions were unusual but have become more commonplace with the rise of dating apps and digital communication. They discussed how social media allows individuals to meet people with similar interests beyond their immediate surroundings. The speakers also shared stories of how they pursued relationships that started online, with one sharing an experience of persistently asking for a phone number and the other sharing a story of a spontaneous meeting after already developing a connection online. Ultimately, these experiences demonstrate the power of social media to bridge geographical and social gaps and facilitate the formation of meaningful relationships.

    • The power of communication and honesty in relationshipsExpressing feelings honestly and committing to exclusivity are essential for a healthy relationship. Shared experiences and respecting boundaries strengthen the bond between two people.

      Communication and honesty are key elements in starting and maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker shared a personal story about expressing his feelings to a past girlfriend and committing to an exclusive relationship. They've been married for 11 years, and their love for each other continues to grow. Additionally, they enjoy spending time together, watching TV shows, and having family nights. Despite having different preferences and schedules, they value the importance of being there for each other. The conversation also touched upon the idea of mutual exclusivity in relationships and how it's important for both parties to respect each other's boundaries. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of open communication, commitment, and shared experiences in creating and sustaining a strong bond between two people.

    • Discovering The Sopranos late at night on Channel 4Accidentally found a groundbreaking show, shared cherished memories, and incorporated unique dialogue into daily life.

      The Sopranos was a groundbreaking television show that the speakers discovered accidentally late at night on Channel 4. They watched it together during a significant time in their lives, including when one was pregnant. The show's crude nature and unique dialogue became part of their everyday vocabulary. The lack of advertising and promotion added to the excitement and mystery of the show. They couldn't believe they had stumbled upon something so great, and they shared it with each other, creating cherished memories. The Sopranos was a solid part of their lives during that period, just like a reliable Volkswagen Polo was a solid part of their youth. The show's impact is still felt today in their use of certain phrases and references.

    • Unexpected Outcomes and ExperiencesPeople's habits and preferences can lead to unintended consequences, and it's essential to embrace the complexity and contradictions in life.

      People's habits and preferences can lead to unexpected outcomes and experiences. The discussion revolves around a man's experience of buying a flat and furnishing it, only to end up with large, unwanted pieces due to miscommunication. He also shares his affection for his Rottweiler, Paisley, who brings joy and chaos to his life. Another topic touched upon is the ethical dilemma of eating meat despite feeling sympathy for animals. The man expresses his love for meat but acknowledges the trauma involved in its production. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and contradictions in people's lives and the importance of embracing the unexpected.

    • Pondering deep thoughts before bed can lead to amusing distractionsDeep thoughts before bed can lead to entertaining musings, bringing people closer through shared podcast experiences, but remember not all conversations are meant for public consumption.

      Sometimes, pondering deep thoughts before bed can keep you awake, leading to unusual and entertaining musings. For instance, questioning the weight of electricity or pondering the capabilities of punching a monkey. These thoughts, although seemingly unrelated, can provide amusing distractions from the day's events. Additionally, the shared experience of creating a podcast can bring people closer together, even if they are not physically present. This sense of camaraderie can lead to a comfortable dynamic where grievances are aired, but boundaries are still respected. However, it's important to remember that not all conversations are meant for public consumption and should be discussed privately before being shared on a podcast.

    • Authenticity and relatability matter in podcastingUnique dynamic and authenticity of hosts resonate with audiences, even if format isn't new. Adapt to audience needs and set a good example.

      The success of a podcast or any form of content creation doesn't depend on being original in format but rather on the authenticity and relatability of the people behind it. The married couple in this discussion, for instance, shares their weekly conversations about their pet peeves, and while the format may not be new, their unique dynamic and authenticity have resonated with their audience. They admit to incorporating swearing in their earlier episodes but made an effort to change when they had children, acknowledging the importance of setting a good example. The discussion also touches on the influence of accents and how it can add to the overall experience of the content. Ultimately, it's the people and their connection with their audience that make a podcast successful.

    • Effective communication and treating children as equalsSpeak to kids like friends, address issues with maturity, acknowledge intelligence and maturity, adapt parenting styles to unique needs, pay attention to small details, and be consistent in enforcing rules.

      Effective communication and treating children as equals from a young age can help prevent behavioral issues as they grow older. The parents in this conversation shared their experiences of speaking to their sons like friends and addressing any issues with maturity. However, as their sons grew into pre-teens, they began to exhibit signs of attitude and forgetfulness. The parents acknowledged their sons' intelligence and maturity, but also realized they could be more independent. The conversation also touched upon the different parenting styles for boys and girls, with the parents expressing the need to be tougher with girls to help them stand on their own. The discussion underscored the importance of paying attention to small details and being consistent in enforcing rules. Overall, the parents emphasized the importance of adapting parenting styles to the unique needs and personalities of their children.

    • Impact of Personal Appearance on Self-ConfidencePersonal appearance, whether it's teeth or otherwise, can significantly affect self-confidence. Taking care of one's health and wellbeing, even if it means undergoing uncomfortable procedures, is important for self-confidence. Others' opinions can also impact self-confidence, so it's essential to understand and respect individual choices.

      Personal appearance, whether it's teeth or otherwise, can lead to significant self-consciousness and anxiety. Denise shared her experience of wanting straight teeth and getting veneers, only to face criticism and negative comments. She also recalled her friend Jim's experience of losing his teeth and wearing false ones during matches. The importance of self-confidence and the impact of others' opinions on it were emphasized throughout the conversation. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the importance of taking care of one's health and wellbeing, even if it means undergoing lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable procedures. Denise's dedication to her dental health, despite the challenges she faced, was commendable. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding and respecting individual choices, as everyone has different priorities and experiences. In essence, the conversation underscored the significance of self-confidence, the importance of taking care of one's health, and the impact of others' opinions on personal appearance and wellbeing.

    • James Corden's past in kitchen fitting shaped his acting careerCorden's experience in kitchen fitting influenced his laid-back approach to acting and relationships, leading him to try comedy and forgetting valuable skills.

      James Corden's background in kitchen fitting influenced his approach to acting, with him approaching auditions and the industry more casually compared to others. During a conversation, Corden shared how he used to fit kitchens before pursuing acting, and how the physical labor involved made him realize there must be an easier way. This led him to try stand-up comedy and eventually television, forgetting the skills he had gained from his past experience. Corden also shared how his lack of cleanliness and organization around the house is something he would advise his daughters against when choosing a partner. Despite his past experiences, Corden expressed that he would still be chosen by his partner if given the chance.

    • Friends share amusing anecdotes about past habits and quirksFriends found joy in reminiscing about past embarrassing moments, acknowledging that everyone has quirks and it's all part of being human.

      Everyone has their quirks and habits, no matter how embarrassing they may seem. During a conversation, two friends reminisced about their past experiences and shared some amusing anecdotes. The first story revolved around the topic of personal cleanliness, with one friend jokingly accusing the other of being messy. The second story involved a prank involving farts and the resulting embarrassment. Despite the awkward moments, they shared a good laugh about it. The conversation also touched upon the topic of Scottish culture and the habit of some men from Glasgow to defecate with the door open. The friends also discussed their current lives and how they no longer live or work together as much as they used to, but cherished the memories of the past. They ended the conversation on a light-hearted note, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and that it's all part of being human.

    • Clear communication and consent in relationshipsMisunderstandings and embarrassment can arise from lack of clear communication and consent in relationships, especially regarding financial matters and intimate moments.

      Communication and understanding are crucial in relationships, even when it comes to seemingly trivial matters like spending habits. In the discussion, it was revealed that a scene in a movie involved a character's sock being shown instead of his naked body, which was unintended and led to embarrassment. The incident highlighted the importance of clear communication and consent in such situations. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the insecurities and vulnerabilities that can arise when financial differences exist in relationships. The anecdote about the small penis stunt further emphasized the importance of open communication and the potential for misunderstandings and embarrassment when secrets are kept. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of honesty, understanding, and open dialogue in maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships.

    • Managing Financial Differences in RelationshipsExpress feelings, find compromise, and prioritize open communication to manage financial differences in relationships. Address compulsive shopping habits and their impact on financial stability.

      Communication and setting boundaries are crucial in managing financial differences in relationships. Sam from Burnley shared her frustration with her partner's excessive shopping habits, which have escalated to using their joint account. She suspects her partner is hiding purchases from her. The speaker suggested there's no middle ground in such situations, but emphasized the importance of expressing feelings and finding compromise. The conversation also touched upon the emotional aspect of buying things, making one feel good and desirable. However, when shopping becomes a compulsion and impacts the financial stability of the household, it's essential to address the issue. Companies often make it difficult for consumers to return items, making it a challenge for those who are indecisive or buy things impulsively. Ultimately, open communication and mutual respect are key to managing financial differences and maintaining a healthy relationship.

    • Authenticity and Spontaneity in Building ConnectionsBuild genuine connections by being true to oneself, sharing interests, using humor, communicating effectively, and respecting boundaries.

      Building a connection in a relationship requires authenticity and spontaneity. The speaker in this conversation shares anecdotes about her experiences with a new partner, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself and not trying to force intimacy. She mentions the significance of shared interests, humor, and being in the moment. However, she also acknowledges the challenges of navigating a new relationship without mutual friends or a large social circle to help gather information. The conversation also touches upon the importance of communication and understanding each other's boundaries. Overall, the takeaway is that genuine connections are built through authentic interactions and a willingness to be vulnerable.

    • Being too keen can be a turnoff, but kindness and assertiveness are keyDon't be overly sexual or pay for dates to signal interest, instead be kind, sympathetic, and assertive to build strong connections. Address communication issues directly to maintain respect and professionalism.

      Being overly keen in a relationship can be a turnoff for some men, but it's important to remember that every situation is unique. Women don't need to be overly sexual or pay for dates to signal their interest. Instead, being kind, sympathetic, and grafting in a relationship can be effective ways to build a strong connection. However, if there's a communication issue or a co-worker taking credit for your ideas, it's essential to address the situation directly and assertively to maintain respect and professionalism. In the end, it's about finding the right balance and staying true to oneself.

    • Valuing Ideas and Acknowledgement in the WorkplaceOpen dialogue and acknowledgement of ideas are crucial for trust and innovation. Properly crediting and appreciating team members' contributions prevents feelings of undervaluing and frustration.

      Communication and acknowledgement of ideas in the workplace are essential for building trust and fostering innovation. However, when those ideas are not properly credited or acknowledged, it can lead to feelings of undervaluing and frustration. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience where their ideas were taken and presented as their supervisor's own, leading to feelings of unease and nervousness about bringing up the issue. This situation highlights the importance of open and honest dialogue between team members and managers to ensure that everyone feels valued and appreciated for their contributions. Additionally, it's important to remember that humor and storytelling can be powerful tools for building relationships and creating a positive work environment, but they should not be used to undermine or dismiss someone's ideas or contributions.

    • Find joy in the little things and unexpected factsDiscovering our loved ones' quirks, learning new facts, and embracing the unexpected can bring joy and inspiration to our lives.

      People's quirks and habits, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can bring unexpected joy and amusement to our lives. James's habit of buying the same clothes as his father and surprising him with it is an example of this. This simple act brought laughter and fun to their relationship. Another unexpected fact is that a crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. This may seem unrelated, but it serves as a reminder that there is always something new to learn and discover. Furthermore, UnitedHealthcare's short-term health insurance plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for those in between jobs or starting a new business. The all-new Lexus GX is another exceptional thing that inspires us to do exceptional things, with its exceptional capability and luxurious features. Overall, these seemingly unrelated topics remind us to find joy in the little things, learn new facts, and embrace the unexpected.

    Recent Episodes from The Therapy Crouch

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Peter have more than a few words of wisdom for our listeners this week as they sit down and answer some of your guys’ burning questions that have come up over the past week. 

    One listener question sparks Abbey to revisit her glory days on the set of Britain’s Next Top Model both as a contestant and as a judge, whilst we also get a glimpse into Abbey and Peter’s ideal career paths for their 4 children. 

    We also discuss how the dictionary could make some lovely light reading before bed, and Abbey and Pete give their say on the best city in the UK!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

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    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 27, 2024

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are joined by some of their oldest and closest friends - Steve and Krysy Sidwell. 

    In a friendship spanning two decades which has seen the couples share career paths, holidays and some outrageous nights out, this podcast is full of laughs and a behind the curtain, sneak peak into what it’s like being best friends with your favourite pair of podcasters! 

    Steve and Krysy discuss what they think has made their 20 year marriage stay rock solid after all these years and how they are navigating having three teenage boys who have developed of penchant for knocking seven bells of sh*t out of each other on a regular basis. 

    In the Agony Ab section, we hear from a listener who has some concerns about his wife’s recent fashion choices as well what to do in the awkward situation when someone likes you more than you like them - so stay tuned for that!! 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 25, 2024

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Pete are back in the driving seat answering all your serious-ish questions that you are dying to know the answer to. 

    After Abbey’s recent Veto on our ‘would you rather’ questions, the gang have decided to dig a little bit deeper and are looking at some more thought provoking topics. 

    We discuss if couples dance classes are ever a good idea, how to stop you kids getting spoilt and what to do when your boyfriend just cant seem to get his priorities straight…

    We also have a lovely guest appearance from Abbey and Peter’s FAVOURITE people on the planet so if you are a fan of the pod you won’t want to miss this!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

    If you want your question read out on the pod, hit the link below


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 20, 2024

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, your favourite couple are back fresh off the heels of a romantic getaway in Sicily. 

    In classic Crouch fashion, worries about the weather, stylish cardigans and a cameo appearance from airport ab all made an appearance on this romantic getaway!

    But it’s not all doom and gloom, Abbey and Peter also found time to reconnect by having a joint listen to their latest audio book whilst out and about and child free - what a pair of crazy cats!

    We also get your guys’ opinions on who was truly to blame for iPad-gate and we also hear from a listener whose in-laws eating habits are forcing her to reevaluate her whole relationship..

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 18, 2024

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans, join us back on the sofa for another exciting, tantalising, provocative, thought provoking & mind expanding AMA with the nation’s favourite twosome!

    After we put out the call asking for some jingles, we play two of our favourites so far, Abbey & Pete discuss which genre they’d choose if they could only listen to one for the rest of their lives, they give some holiday advice & why Pete gets 99% off sunglasses…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 13, 2024

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are filling us in on what has been a very busy week for the pair! Peter attended his first ever life drawing class that has given him a new lease of life, whilst Abbey has been on the hunt for gardening inspiration at the Chelsea Flower Show, all right for some!

    Abbey and Pete give their thoughts on why men run for the hills once they take a relationship to the next level and we also hear from a husband who is fed up of men taking a lot of heat on the pod and wants to set the record straight. 

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a listener whose friends constant complaining is leaving her feeling down in the dumps about her own body image as well as from a listener who made the age old mistake of asking his new girlfriend about the dreaded body count

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 11, 2024

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans! Come back to the sofa with us as this week our tremendous twosome are tackling some of the more important questions we’ve received…

    Satisfying Abbey’s search for deeper questions, the two discuss what Ronaldo, Ashley Cole & Alisson Becker have in common, their top tips for making the most of this summer’s travelling, how they explain fame & being asked to take pictures to the kids & most importantly just how deep Peter can go…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    To contact us:

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 06, 2024

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    In this lively episode of The Therapy Crouch, hosts Abbey and Peter Crouch continue to take advantage of the gorgeous recent weather and keep the conversations outdoors!

    Today we are getting you in the mood for your upcoming hot girl/boy summer and are giving some of their top tips on how to make the most of it!

    From their struggles with camping and tent erections to their favourite summer tunes and holiday plans we have got you covered to turn this summer up to 11. Abbey is also embracing her fashion icon status and giving you all some style tips for how to turn heads in the coming months!

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a 20 something singleton who is struggling to get their foot on the dating ladder and the pair have some hilariously blunt advice for someone whose ‘treat them mean keep them keen’ tactics is starting to wear thin. 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    00:00 - Introduction

    04:42 - Sweat, Botox, and Erection Issues

    09:31 - Ticket Touting 

    23:03 - Lonely Hearts Club

    28:55 - Treat Them Mean Keep Them Keen

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 04, 2024

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    You know what time of week it is! Abbey and Pete are making the most of the recent heatwave and are coming live and direct from the garden, bloody Marys in hand and BBQ on the go, summer is almost upon us!!

    After some questionable low brow questions last week, Abbey and Peter are trying to bring the podcast out of disrepute and are answering harder hitting questions such as ‘what is your favourite meal deal’ and ‘have you ever considered an open relationship’ - Question Time got nothing on us!

    Joking aside, Abbey and Pete discuss their bucket list dreams, cosmetic questions and who dropped the L bomb first!

    00:00 Cosmetic Questions

    03:03 Open Relationships

    17:27 Meal Deal Madness

    21:36 That’s All Folks!

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    If you want to submit your questions to The Therapy Crouch then hit the link below! 


    Want to take it one step further and get your voice on the pod? Follow the link below!


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enMay 30, 2024

    ‘Are You Having A Laugh?!’ Pete and Abbey Talk All Things COMEDY!

    ‘Are You Having A Laugh?!’ Pete and Abbey Talk All Things COMEDY!

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Pete are fresh off the back a very busy week which has seen Pete jet setting around Europe, and Abbey rubbing shoulders with global icon Liz Hurley. 

    Now that they are back in the couch, Abbey and Pete have decided to address a few messages people had about them not ever having watched Peep show, so they decide lift the lid on their favourite comics, sitcoms and regional sense of humours. 

    In the weekly whine club, we hear from one of our listeners who has been getting peered pressured into getting back on the booze as well as someone whose bank holiday plans were ruined by the great British weather. 

    And hang around for the Agony Abs where we have one of our all time favourite messages from a woman who, in the throes of passion has discovered her new lover is giving her the wig ick. 

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enMay 28, 2024

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    Happy New Year - The Very Best Bits Of 2023

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    We can’t wait to give you an even BIGGER 2024, we’ve got so much planned! Plus we can’t WAIT to see you at our tour. 

    We thought we’d put together our best bits of 2023, a look back on some of our most memorable and hilarious moments. We hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them.

    From Sophie & Jamie and all the team! See you in 2024!

    Thanks for listening x 

    Instagram: @newlywedspodcast

    TikTok: @newlyweds 

    Email: newlyweds@jampotproductions.co.uk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newlywedspodcast



    Podcast Producer & Editor: @jacksuddaby_

    Exec Producer: @jemimarathbone

    Assistant Producer: @maiaadelia.docs

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Social Media: @thechampagency 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    For 20% Off + Free Shipping use code SNG at Manscaped.com

    This Week The Guys Discuss:

    0:00, No wonder You're Single!

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    59:28, Tweets Of The Week!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    410-Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
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