
    The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils in Your Home | Facts Matter Exclusive

    enDecember 28, 2023

    About this Episode

    At the same time that chronic health conditions have dramatically increased among Americans, the use of vegetable seed oils has also increased. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    In fact, it’s gotten to the point now that seed oils have become ubiquitous in our diet. Here is an excerpt from a recent article in The Epoch Times:

    “Vegetable oils are ubiquitous in restaurants and fast-food and packaged food including bread, crackers, cereal, granola, chips, dried fruits, salad dressings, mayonnaise, sauces, fried foods, ice cream, baked goods, and other snacks… Vegetable oils now account for 20 percent of our daily calories, which represents the greatest increase in sources of calories in the last 100 years, since the globalization era began.”

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    Recent Episodes from Facts Matter

    Exposing the Origins of the WHO and the Dangers of the New Global Treaty | Facts Matter

    Exposing the Origins of the WHO and the Dangers of the New Global Treaty | Facts Matter
    Right now, the World Health Organization (WHO) is in the process of finalizing a new global treaty, which would give it great authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    And so, while the WHO has been, up until now, an advisory body somewhere in Europe that U.S. officials in the CDC and the FDA can turn to for advice—they will instead become the ones to actually determine which policies we implement, like our vaccine policies, our lockdown policies, our school closure policies, the contact tracing of our citizens, and even the monitoring of our online speech if that speech goes against the official narrative.

    And so, in this episode, we discuss the origins of the WHO, as well as the implications of this new treaty.
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    Fani Willis Met With Kamala Harris Before Trump Indictment | Facts Matter

    Fani Willis Met With Kamala Harris Before Trump Indictment | Facts Matter
    In a newly released filing, White House records were made public on Wednesday for the first time revealing the fact that Fani Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, was actively meeting with Kamala Harris shortly before Georgia indicted former President Donald Trump. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    This new record (alongside a handful of other records we’ve been able to get our hands on) has allowed us to piece together a timeline of what was actually taking place behind the scenes.

    It’s not a complete picture, but what it shows is pretty wild. Let’s go through it together.
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    A Mother’s Fight Against Child Sexual Grooming, and the Legal Hurdles in Place | Facts Matter

    A Mother’s Fight Against Child Sexual Grooming, and the Legal Hurdles in Place | Facts Matter
    The act of sexual grooming is when an adult establishes an emotional connection with a minor in order to (over the course of days, weeks, months, or sometimes even years) induce them to engage in some sort of sexual activity. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1
    It’s a very insidious crime because while on the surface it might sometimes just look like playful banter, under the surface, the adult’s intention is to eventually take advantage of that child.

    While I was at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year in Washington, I met a woman who told me the story of how her son was groomed by his teacher. She explained the challenges parents face when fighting against real grooming—specifically, the fact that the legal framework in this arena is not that extensive.
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    Media Blackout as 56 Percent of States Enact Constitutional Carry | Facts Matter

    Media Blackout as 56 Percent of States Enact Constitutional Carry | Facts Matter
    On Tuesday, Louisiana became the 28th state in the nation to pass something known as constitutional carry. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1 

    In practical terms, the constitutional carry laws strengthen the Second Amendment rights of people living in those particular states by allowing citizens to conceal carry their weapons without a government-issued permit.

    Basically, as long as you are a legal gun owner, you are now allowed to conceal carry within the state—with the idea being that such a right is bestowed upon you by the Constitution itself.
    Essentially, in these states, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the only “permit” that you need to carry a gun.
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    Vaccinated Women Get Irregular Menstrual Cycle, Heavier Bleeding: Studies | Facts Matter

    Vaccinated Women Get Irregular Menstrual Cycle, Heavier Bleeding: Studies | Facts Matter
    You might remember how, a few years ago, during the height of the vaccine media propaganda blitz, there was anecdotal evidence emerging of women who claimed that their menstrual cycles were affected by taking the shots. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Their accounts were marginalized (and sometimes outright dismissed) by a media apparatus (as well as social media fact-checkers) whose only goal was to get more shots into more arms.

    However, now that things have cooled down and real research is being conducted, studies show that women’s menstrual cycles are being impacted by the COVID-19 vaccines.
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    Trump Scores Major 9–0 Supreme Court Victory | Facts Matter

    Trump Scores Major 9–0 Supreme Court Victory | Facts Matter
    In a massive win for former President Donald Trump, the U.S. Supreme Court decided unanimously in his favor on Monday and ruled that states cannot bar him from appearing on the ballot.  🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1
    This decision is extremely timely, given the fact that on March 5, two of the states that have attempted to kick President Trump off the ballot—Colorado and Maine—will be holding their primary elections.
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    Terrorist Sleeper-Cells Are Already in the US: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince | Facts Matter

    Terrorist Sleeper-Cells Are Already in the US: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince | Facts Matter
    Erik Prince, former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, and the founder of the private military company Blackwater, sat down with us in Washington DC and gave his insight on the true reason that the Biden Administration is so hesitant to deal with the Houthi issue in Yemen: the fact that Iran-backed terrorist cells have already come through the US Southern Border and are waiting in the wings here in the United States. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1
    It was a far reaching conversation, covering many aspects of this problem, as well as the many conflicts raging across the globe. Agree with him or not, Erik’s unique take is invaluable in a world increasingly at war.
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    New Cell Phone Records Expose Fani Willis | Facts Matter

    New Cell Phone Records Expose Fani Willis | Facts Matter
    A new bombshell court filing has just been dropped in Fulton County, Georgia, which reveals (through extensive cell phone tracking data) that District Attorney Fani Willis almost certainly lied to the court during her testimony.  🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    This data, subpoenaed from AT&T, shows the alleged whereabouts of Nathan Wade in the year leading up to him being assigned special counsel.

    And it reveals that, despite what they claimed under oath, Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis certainly spent a lot of nights together for two people who were just friends.
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    US Supreme Court Decides on Trump Presidential Immunity Appeal | Facts Matter

    US Supreme Court Decides on Trump Presidential Immunity Appeal | Facts Matter

    Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court threw a wrench into special counsel Jack Smith’s plan to prosecute former President Donald Trump before the November presidential election arrives. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    That’s because, after mulling it over for about a month, the Supreme Court officially granted President Trump’s appeal, and agreed to hear his Presidential Immunity argument.

    Let’s go through the details of what this means for the case, as well as for the upcoming Presidential Election.
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    Texas AG Wins Big Against DOJ in Federal Court | Facts Matter

    Texas AG Wins Big Against DOJ in Federal Court | Facts Matter
    In a surprise decision, a federal judge has just ruled in favor of Texas’s attorney general, and in so doing, he opened a pathway for other states to be able to challenge the federal government in a serious way. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Specifically, the federal judge ruled that the $1.7 trillion government funding bill that was passed in December 2022 was actually passed unconstitutionally.

    To explain why that is, as well as what this means for both Texas as well as the other states in the Union, let’s go through the details together.

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