
    Podcast Summary

    • Political spectacle instead of justiceDespite no flight risk or threat to public safety, NY plans to arrest Trump as a political spectacle, misusing resources. Protect data with ExpressVPN.

      The pending Trump arrest in New York is being handled as a political spectacle rather than a matter of law. The host, Dan Bonjino, emphasizes that Donald Trump is not a flight risk or a threat to public safety, making the planned arrest and subsequent public spectacle an obvious misuse of resources. Bonjino also highlights the importance of online security and encourages the use of ExpressVPN to protect personal data. He reiterates his belief that this case is a farce and an abomination of justice, and urges people to consider leaving blue states due to the erosion of justice systems and individual rights. Bonjino's personal experience of facing political opposition in Maryland adds weight to his argument.

    • Bringing Trump to Court: Unnecessary Spectacle?DA Alvin Bragg's decision to physically bring Trump to court could reinforce his image as a political victim, potentially backfiring and strengthening his supporters' belief in his unfair targeting.

      Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's decision to physically bring Donald Trump to court for an initial appearance is seen as unnecessary and potentially detrimental by some. Critics argue that the spectacle will do more to bolster Trump's narrative as a political victim than harm his image. They also point out that virtual appearances are a viable option, but Bragg seems intent on creating a public event. This could backfire, as it may reinforce the belief among Trump's supporters that he is being unfairly targeted. Ultimately, the decision to bring Trump to court in person may not change the preexisting narrative about him, but instead reinforce it.

    • Understanding News Through a Different LensFlipping negative news to a positive perspective can reveal hidden intentions and potential positive outcomes.

      The interpretation of news headlines and articles can greatly depend on one's perspective. Dan Bongino suggests using the "dipsy-doo flipper room" or "180 theory" to understand the true intent behind certain news stories, particularly those from left-wing sources. By flipping the negative into a positive, one can gain a different perspective on the information presented. In the case of an indictment against Trump, Bongino argues that instead of viewing it as a negative, it could potentially result in a positive outcome for him in terms of public support. It's important to remember that not all media outlets are reporting the truth and their intentions may not be based on journalistic integrity, but rather on political activism. Additionally, the Secret Service has the power to prevent Trump's arrest if it poses a threat to his safety, but it remains unclear what their response will be. Overall, the interpretation of news requires a critical and nuanced understanding of the information being presented.

    • Concerns over election interference and targeting of political opponentsAlleged tactics to interfere in the 2024 election and target a presidential candidate using law enforcement could compromise the democratic process and set a dangerous precedent.

      There are concerns about potential election interference and the use of law enforcement to target a presidential candidate, specifically Donald Trump, in the ongoing 2024 race. The speaker expresses shock and concern over these alleged tactics, drawing comparisons to old school Gestapo tactics and the erosion of faith in institutions. The stakes are high, as the democratic process could be compromised if this precedent is set. The speaker emphasizes that the former presidency of Donald Trump is not the main issue, but rather the unprecedented use of the justice system to target a political opponent during an active presidential campaign. If allowed to continue, this could set a dangerous precedent and undermine the democratic process.

    • The political divide in the US: Consequences, Constitutional Beliefs, and Politically Motivated ProsecutorsThe political divide in the US could lead to a national divorce, harming constitutional beliefs and causing serious consequences. Politically motivated prosecutors, like those funded by George Soros, pose a threat to fairness in the justice system.

      The political divide in the United States, as evidenced by discussions about a potential national divorce and the ongoing rhetoric between politicians like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, could have serious consequences if it continues to widen and disenfranchise a significant portion of the population. The value of shared constitutional beliefs and the potential harm caused by politically motivated prosecutors, like those funded by George Soros, were topics of discussion. Ron DeSantis received praise for his actions against a Soros-funded DA in Florida, but some critics felt his response was not forceful enough. The potential for an ugly primary season between DeSantis and Trump, as well as the broader implications of the political divide, were also highlighted.

    • Florida Governor and Trump's Extradition ClarifiedThe controversy over Trump's potential extradition to Florida has been clarified, with no involvement from DeSantis' team and Trump's intention to surrender. Focus on the issues rather than unnecessary attacks.

      The recent controversy surrounding Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and former President Donald Trump's potential extradition has been clarified. The DeSantis team stated that they will not be involved in the extradition process, but it was later clarified that there would be no extradition necessary as Trump has already announced his intention to surrender. The incident has been politicized, with both sides engaging in a public back-and-forth. My suggestion would be for both parties to focus on the issues at hand rather than engaging in unnecessary attacks. It's important to remember that the outcome of this situation is not reliant on an extradition, and it's crucial to keep the discourse productive and respectful.

    • Uniting behind a common cause during political attacksSupporters should stick together during political attacks, but unproven allegations can harm a candidate's reputation, and media hypocrisy can worsen the situation. Try Magic Spoon cereal for a delicious and healthy breakfast option with a special listener offer.

      During a discussion about political attacks against candidates, it was emphasized that it's important for supporters to unite behind a common cause, such as supporting former President Trump, during critical times. The criticism of Ron DeSantis for alleged past misconduct was discussed, and it was pointed out that such attacks could do significant damage to a candidate's reputation, especially if the allegations are unproven. The hypocrisy of the media in handling evidence against different politicians was also highlighted. Additionally, a promotion for Magic Spoon cereal was included in the discussion, emphasizing its delicious taste and health benefits, with a special offer for listeners.

    • Allegations against President Biden lack concrete evidenceInvestigations into Biden family corruption allegations are ongoing, but no concrete evidence has been found linking President Biden to wrongdoing during his time as Vice President.

      Despite allegations of corruption against President Joe Biden and his family, particularly Hunter Biden, there is currently no concrete evidence linking him to any wrongdoing during his time as Vice President. Republican investigations into the matter have not yet yielded any damning findings. Meanwhile, CNN and other media outlets have been criticized for downplaying the significance of these allegations, with some commentators even dismissing them outright. However, it's important to note that investigations are ongoing, and new information may yet come to light. Regardless, it's clear that corruption and political scandal are not unique to the Biden administration, and that public outrage and activism can be effective in holding those in power accountable. It's essential to stay informed and engaged, and to demand transparency and integrity from our elected officials and the media.

    • Hypocrisy of left's call for segregationThe left's call for segregation under the guise of affinity spaces reveals their underlying beliefs and attitudes towards racial separation, despite facing no consequences for doing so.

      While some individuals and groups promote segregation and racial division under the guise of affinity spaces or other euphemisms, there is a significant power imbalance at play. If a conservative were to make the same statement, they would likely face severe consequences. This hypocrisy highlights the left's ability to advocate for segregation while avoiding repercussions, revealing their underlying beliefs and attitudes towards racial separation. This is a concerning development, as segregation is a grotesque relic from our country's past that led to immense suffering and injustice. The fact that some individuals can advocate for it without consequence is a significant stain on our society. It is essential to recognize and challenge this hypocrisy and work towards fostering genuine equality and unity.

    • Potential financial crisis and concerning trendsA potential financial crisis looms, indicated by increasing bank borrowing from the Fed, despite regulations and political distractions. Progressive policies may mask a push for segregation. Prioritize skin care, especially during spring, with GenuSell's ultra retinol and dark spot corrector package.

      We are seeing a potential financial crisis that could be even worse than the one in 2008, as indicated by the increasing borrowing from the Federal Reserve by banks. Despite the argument from some that banks are more financially stable now due to regulations like Dodd-Frank, the situation is concerning and requires attention. The speaker warns against dismissing this issue due to the current political climate. Additionally, there's a push to bring back segregation under the guise of progressive policies, which is a disturbing development. In the midst of these serious issues, it's important to remember the importance of taking care of our skin, especially during the spring season. GenuSell's most popular package, featuring both ultra retinol and dark spot corrector, is currently offering significant savings.

    • The Dodd-Frank Act's unintended consequences: Banks holding losing US government bondsThe Dodd-Frank Act, designed to prevent financial crises, now has banks holding large US gov't bonds losing value due to rising rates. Consumers' debt and gov't response of printing more money exacerbates the issue, potentially leading to economic disaster.

      The Dodd-Frank Act, which was implemented after the Great Recession to ensure banks held similar assets, has led to a significant problem. Banks now hold large amounts of US government bonds, which are losing value due to rising interest rates. This issue is compounded by the fact that consumers are carrying high levels of debt and will need to borrow more money to pay it off. As the banks ask the federal reserve for more money to cover their losses, the government is printing more money, leading to inflation and further decreasing the value of these bonds. This situation could result in a major economic disaster, as consumers struggle to pay their debts and banks continue to lose money. It's important to note that this is not a new issue, but one that has been building for some time and was highlighted in various media outlets.

    • DC residents more informed than officials, Pandemic response driven by fear and censorshipDC residents are more informed and motivated to protect their health than government officials, pandemic response is driven by fear and censorship, ongoing legal case against government for censoring COVID-19 info, read about it and stay informed.

      The speaker in this discussion believes that DC residents are more informed and motivated to protect their health than government officials, and that the pandemic response has been driven by fear and censorship rather than accurate information. The speaker also mentions an ongoing legal case against the government for censoring COVID-19 information and shares an email allegedly showing White House collusion with Facebook to censor certain videos. The speaker encourages listeners to read about this case and stay informed. Additionally, the speaker thanks listeners for their support and encourages them to subscribe to the show and join the live chat. The discussion also mentions the speaker's move up in podcast rankings and expresses gratitude for the team.

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    The Authoritarian Voter Next Door

    The Authoritarian Voter Next Door

    Authoritarian voters cosplay Rambo on the U.S. Southern border, literally hunting refugees and denying them basic human rights. Our interview this week features Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss, the filmmakers behind the extraordinary must-watch Peabody Award-winning film Missing in Brooks County about the immigration crisis in America deliberately engineered for maximum cruelty by both Republican and Democratic leaders over the years, creating the world’s deadliest border crossing. It does not have to be this way. In this discussion, you’ll hear common sense solutions, unmasking an entrenched genocidal culture that has gone unchecked for far too long.

    Who was first in line to carry out the Holocaust? The authoritarian voter next door. Survivors described how their neighbors turned on them, throwing rocks through their windows. That’s who Trump is appealing to, driving out people who have existed throughout history: longing for a strongman to crush their enemies, and put mouthy women, smug nonwhite people, those pesky gays, and don’t forget entitled refugees in their place. These are the “vermin” Trump scapegoats as he travels the country, amplifying Russian disinformation, and consolidating his base: the authoritarian voter next door. 

    Reality Winner, the patriotic whistleblower who confirmed extensive Russian hacking of our election systems after government officials tried to downplay it, has faced far harsher punishment than violent coup plotter Trump with his 91 criminal indictments. The American people see the threat to our democracy clearly, which is why they’ve built resilient grassroots power that ushered in yet another historic Blue Wave. The latest victory in a long list: Dauphin County, PA flipped to Democratic control for the first time in 100 years. We the People have done significantly more to protect our democracy than Merrick Garland’s DOJ. 

    Given the immense power we’ve shown, it’s time to abolish the Electoral College, a monument to slavery, and agitate for other reforms to modernize the United States government. Gaslit Nation is working on a special series on how to Trump-proof our democracy, protecting us and future generations from his massive cult that ensures succession is guaranteed. Even after Trump is gone, another cultist will take his place. So it’s time to expand our historic Blue Wave energy into overdue government reform. The nonsense press release from the Supreme Court pretending to care about ethics is not what we’re talking about. 

    As a thank you to our Gaslit Nation community on Patreon, look out the weekend after Thanksgiving for a special MAKE ART workshop in the form of a podcast that you can download and try at your own leisure. We’re all natural born artists, and this act of self-care and meaningful therapy reminds us that our voices matter and that we’re needed now more than ever. In his brilliant resistance pocket guide On Tyranny, historian Timothy Snyder urges us to be visible, and that visibility comes through creativity, as we use our voice for our collective good. The model of this has always been embedded in this show that has featured interviews with extraordinary artists like Nelson George, a writer of the hip-hop movement and Andrea’s longtime mentor, and filmmaker Oleg Sentsov who survived a Siberian prison by writing a novel, stories, and directing a film.

    Yes, art matters. Art is survival. And each of us, to navigate these civilization-making-or-breaking years ahead, can embrace our inner artist to create a sustainable, livable future together. Artists imagine and show that another world is possible. As Sentsov said on our show: Dictators die. Art is forever. Look out for that special MAKE ART workshop next week! To get access to that, bonus shows, all episodes ad free, and more, subscribe to join our community of listeners at Patreon.com/Gaslit 

    This week’s bonus show will look at the latest in the Israel-Hamas war, troubling jumps in A.I., and answer questions from listeners at the Democracy Defender level and higher. Thank you to everyone who supports the show – we could not make Gaslit Nation without you! 

    If you’re in NYC, stop by 42 Second Avenue, between 2nd & 3rd Streets, to see a giant photograph of a “car cemetery” in Irpin, Ukraine, an area that suffered greatly during the early days of Russia’s total war genocide. The photographer is Phil Buehler, and more of his work can be seen here: https://modern-ruins.com/irpin-ukraine-please-dont-forget-us/

    You can also join Andrea this Thursday at NYU to check out a talk by Terrell Starr of the Black Diplomats podcast. Details here: https://twitter.com/terrelljstarr/status/1724146505001422925

    Andrea joined Jennifer Taub, author of Big Dirty Money: Making White Collar Criminals Pay, on her podcast Booked Up. Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/andrea-chalupa-on-dictatorship-is-easy/id1651929984?i=1000634521344


    MUST WATCH: Missing in Brooks County by Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss https://www.missinginbrookscounty.com/

    MUST WATCH: John Oliver on the Israel-Palestine Conflict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8

    Opening Clip: Trump in New Hampshire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE3S2_zWEIc

    Supreme Court Announces Ethics Code for Justices The decision comes after revelations about undisclosed property deals and gifts have intensified pressure on the court to adopt such a code. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/13/us/politics/supreme-court-ethics-code.html

    Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/politics/supreme-court-record-lows-gallup/index.html

    In a Historic First, the Supreme Court Has Adopted a Code of Ethics The code, which does not include any enforcement mechanism, comes after ProPublica and other outlets disclosed that justices had repeatedly failed to disclose gifts and travel from wealthy donors. https://www.propublica.org/article/supreme-court-adopts-ethics-code-scotus-thomas-alito-crow

    FROM AXIOS: “Driving the news: In a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump vowed to "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections." He then posted the same message on Truth Social, including the word "vermin" often used by Hitler and Mussolini to denigrate Jews and their political enemies. Trump went on to say that "the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within." The big picture: Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric — calling for a U.S. military leader to be executed, mocking a near-fatal assault on a congressional spouse, urging police to shoot potential shoplifters — has become a staple of his brand as he faces the threat of conviction in four different criminal cases.” https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-vermin-fascist-language-speech

    “The institutional right is screening a “pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists” that, if elected, Trump plans to use to unleash DOJ on his political enemies, create deportation camps for millions of immigrants, and generally turn his whim into law.”  https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1724037010183123157

    We encourage you to check out the sponsor of this week’s episode: 

    Our listeners can go to HelloFresh.com/gaslitfree and use code “gaslitfree” for FREE breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. Thank you so much for our sponsor, HelloFresh, America’s #1 Meal Kit 

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    Pietro is joined instead by Jordan Dittloff, federal Secretary of the Libertarian Party in Australia. They discuss the important topic of government giving powers to ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) which would allow them to censor free speech on the internet. 


    You can find Jordan at: 



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