
    The Trump Persecution - Nothing to Bragg About

    enMarch 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Consider diversifying investments with gold during financial uncertaintyAmidst the current bank crisis and inflation, securing financial stability through gold IRAs is crucial due to political instability and potential legal proceedings against high-profile figures.

      The current bank crisis and inflation could lead to uncertainty in the financial markets, making it a good time to consider diversifying investments with precious metals like gold. Birch Gold Group, with its A-plus rating from the Better Business Bureau, offers a tax-sheltered solution for converting existing retirement accounts into physical gold IRAs. Dan Bongino emphasizes the importance of this option due to the current political climate and potential instability in blue states. He shares a personal story of being warned to leave Maryland due to the unfavorable political environment for Republicans. The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Trump are seen as a farce and a sign of a police state, making it crucial for individuals to secure their financial future.

    • Manhattan DA rules out in-person appearance for Trump after arrestDespite no flight risk or threat, an unnecessary in-person initial appearance for Trump could create risks and costs.

      Despite the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, ruling out a virtual appearance for Donald Trump after an arrest, there is no valid reason to conduct an initial appearance in person at the courthouse instead of virtually. Donald Trump, a former president, is not a flight risk or a threat, and is under federal protection by the Secret Service. An in-person appearance would create unnecessary security risks and costs. The initial appearance is a legal requirement to bring the arrested person before a judge, but in this case, it could easily be done virtually without compromising safety or security.

    • Manhattan DA uses Trump case for political gainDA Vance seeks publicity, potential fundraising from Trump case. Protect finances with gold IRAs during inflation, market volatility. Be cautious of interest rate hikes and their impact on bonds, banks.

      The Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., is bringing former President Trump into court not just for the legal proceedings, but also for the spectacle and potential fundraising opportunities. This decision, despite the risks and challenges, is driven by Vance's desire to secure support for his political ambitions. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of diversifying assets, especially during times of inflation and market volatility. Gold has historically served as a hedge against inflation and the stock market, and Birch Gold Group was suggested as a trusted company to help individuals convert their retirement accounts into gold IRAs. The Fed's potential interest rate hikes to combat government spending were also mentioned, with a warning about the diminished value of long-term bonds and the impact on banks. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for individuals to protect their financial future and prepare for uncertain economic conditions.

    • Anticipated Trump arrest seen as potential spectacle or ineffectiveCritics argue that Trump's arrest might not change public opinion due to his established reputation, and could even boost his support. The response from other politicians will be crucial.

      The anticipated arrest of Donald Trump is seen as a potential spectacle by some, while others argue it was never seriously considered as a virtual option. Regardless, there's a belief that this event, whether it be a public appearance in handcuffs or not, could backfire and not have the intended damaging effect on Trump. A key political rule is that narratives that harm a candidate must challenge existing perceptions of who they are. Critics argue that Alvin Bragg's plan to arrest Trump in person may not change public opinion, as Trump's reputation as a liar, fraud, and defund the police advocate is already well-established. Instead, this event might boost Trump's support. The response from other politicians, like Ron DeSantis, will be crucial in navigating the political implications of this situation.

    • Trump's indictment may not harm him politicallySupporters see Trump as a figure in controversial matters, media reaction can be flipped, impact depends on Trump's response and public perception

      The indictment of Donald Trump may not harm him politically, as some believe it could reinforce his narrative as a target of the deep state. This is because his supporters have already perceived him as a figure involved in controversial matters. The media's reaction to the indictment, such as Politico's initial headline, can be flipped to understand the potential positive spin for Trump. However, it's essential to remember that the media's perception doesn't necessarily reflect the truth or the beliefs of those reporting it. Ultimately, the indictment's impact on Trump's political standing will depend on how he and his team handle the situation and how the public responds.

    • Discussion on Secret Service's potential role in Trump arrestThe Secret Service's involvement in a potential Trump arrest is uncertain, but concerns about safety could impact politics, potentially leading to a Republican poll boost

      The recent discussion revolves around the actions of activist media and the potential political impact of ongoing investigations involving former President Donald Trump. The speakers clarified that they did not suggest the Secret Service prevents Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg from arresting Trump, but rather, they expressed concerns about the potential danger to Trump during an appearance in court. The Secret Service has the authority to ensure the safety of those under their protection, but the extent of their involvement in this situation remains uncertain. The overall sentiment is that the investigation and related media coverage could result in a Republican poll bump, while Democrats are unlikely to change their primary vote choice.

    • Protecting Former President Trump from ArrestThe Biden administration should use Secret Service authority to prevent a potential security risk and embarrassment from Trump's arrest, prioritizing safety and security for all.

      The Secret Service has the authority to protect former President Trump from being taken to a courthouse in New York due to security concerns. The Biden administration and Department of Homeland Security should use this power to prevent a potential security risk and embarrassment. Failure to do so could lead to resignations and public backlash. The former president's arrest has the potential to cause chaos and interfere with the democratic process. It is crucial for the Biden administration to prioritize the safety and security of the former president and the country.

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    MUST WATCH: Missing in Brooks County by Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss https://www.missinginbrookscounty.com/

    MUST WATCH: John Oliver on the Israel-Palestine Conflict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8

    Opening Clip: Trump in New Hampshire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE3S2_zWEIc

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    Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/politics/supreme-court-record-lows-gallup/index.html

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    We encourage you to check out the sponsor of this week’s episode: 

    Our listeners can go to HelloFresh.com/gaslitfree and use code “gaslitfree” for FREE breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. Thank you so much for our sponsor, HelloFresh, America’s #1 Meal Kit 

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    Conversation Markers:

    • 0:49 – Recap and analysis from the previous week
    • 2:06 – Volatility in the Markets
    • 12:58 – Takes of the Week

    [Episode Length: 14:24]

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