
    The Undertaker, Mt Flushmore Of Business Decisions And What Makes A Cool Hat Guy

    en-usMay 20, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Mount Flushmore of Business Decisions: Discounts and Sports ReturnsThe Undertaker discussed business decisions, Father's Day gifts, and the return of sports, including discounts for g4.com/foreplay and the comeback of Ben Roethlisberger, as well as the end of careers for Phil Rivers and Eli Manning.

      The podcast episode featured an interview with The Undertaker, as well as discussions on various topics including business decisions, Father's Day gifts, and sports. The Mount Flushmore of business decisions was a random topic, and the podcast mentioned discounts for g4.com/foreplay for 10% off the first order. The podcast also discussed the return of sports, specifically baseball and basketball in July, and the shaving of Ben Roethlisberger's beard. Additionally, Tom Brady was mentioned for having a practice day with the Bucs. The podcast also hinted at the possibility of Big Ben coming back to football and Duck Hodges becoming his backup. The episode also mentioned the departure of Phil Rivers and Eli Manning from the NFL. The podcast ended with a mention of Charlie Whitehurst and his Instagram stories.

    • The Ability to Rock Obscure Hats: A Defining Characteristic for Hat GuysSome individuals, like Charley Whitehurst and Jason Whitlock, possess the charisma to wear obscure hats and command attention, making them 'hat guys'.

      Certain individuals, such as Charley Whitehurst and Jason Whitlock, possess an upper echelon charisma that allows them to pull off cool hats effortlessly, making them "hat guys." This ability to rock obscure hats commands attention and respect in a room. However, not everyone can pull off this look, and attempting to do so can be easily identified. Quarterbacks like Ben Roethlisberger and Cam Newton are examples of hat guys, while others, like Eli Manning and Jimmy Garoppolo, are not. The appeal of hat guys is similar to that of earring guys, and their confidence in wearing unique hats is a defining characteristic.

    • Quarterbacks and Their Hat PreferencesSome NFL quarterbacks have a strong attachment to hats for comfort, while others don't need them to project coolness.

      While some NFL quarterbacks, like Kirk Cousins and Blake Bortles, are known for their affinity for hats, others, such as Jared Goff and Joe Burrow, are not. The discussion revealed that some quarterbacks, like Blake Bortles, have a strong connection to hats and even need them to feel comfortable. In contrast, others, like Jared Goff, don't require hats to project coolness or swag. The conversation also touched upon the idea that some people can be judged as cool hat wearers even before they put on a hat based on their personality and brand. The discussion ended with a mention of a Peloton fitness challenge during the spring season to boost fitness routines.

    • Juxtaposing Peloton classes and Colombian hippos situation, WWE clips and crystal-clear TVPeloton classes challenge individuals, Colombian hippos pose a deadly threat, WWE clips showcase intense games, crystal-clear TV changes viewing experience

      Peloton offers a variety of classes to help individuals improve their skills and push their limits, while the Colombian people face an uncontrollable situation with hippos that have bred and are now attacking and killing people. The hippos, considered the most deadly animals in Africa, are sadly left to sit in mud due to a lack of water. In the world of entertainment, old school WWE clips like Dusty Rhodes hitting the 3 remain iconic, showcasing intense, dead-serious games unlike today's celebrity-sponsored events. Meanwhile, my personal hot seat is on my eyeballs due to a new, seemingly too crystal-clear TV that makes recorded shows appear unnaturally fast. The real test will come when football starts.

    • Sports Legends and Technology: A Discussion on Evolution and DebatesMichael Jordan vs LeBron James debate continued, with LeBron expressing desire to play with MJ; Scottie Pippen vs LeBron as Jordan's number 2 debated; Horace Grant denied being a snitch, expressed frustration; host shared personal biohacking habits for productivity and well-being

      Technology, like smart TVs, can bring convenience but also require maintenance and updates, while legends in sports continue to spark debates and controversies long after their careers have ended. The discussion touched upon the evolution of sports and the potential hypothetical match-up between Michael Jordan and LeBron James, with LeBron expressing his desire to have played with MJ instead of against him. This led to a debate about who would make a better number 2 player to Jordan - Scottie Pippen or LeBron. Additionally, the conversation included a segment about Horace Grant, who adamantly denied being a snitch for a book about the Chicago Bulls, and expressed his frustration with being labeled as such by Michael Jordan. Horace also mentioned that he would be open to talking with MJ about the issue or settling it another way. Lastly, the host shared his personal experiences of reading books and trying out new habits, such as taking short naps and avoiding using his phone before bed, as part of a biohacking approach to improve his productivity and overall well-being.

    • Discovering the Benefits of Reading Before BedInstead of using technology before bed, try reading a physical book for improved sleep and mental relaxation. The speaker recommends 'The Game' and 'The Big Short'.

      The speaker discovered the benefits of reading a physical book before bed instead of using technology. He shared his newfound habit of reading "The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists" and the annoyance of coming off as an overzealous book recommender. The speaker also mentioned his excitement about reading "The Big Short" in preparation for an upcoming movie. Additionally, the interview with The Undertaker was highlighted, with the speaker expressing admiration for The Undertaker's resilience despite numerous surgeries and injuries throughout his career. The speaker acknowledged that the pain and hardships were part of the job and expressed no regrets. The interview concluded with a reference to the documentary "The Last Ride" on the WWE network.

    • A wrestler shares stories of injuries and respect for opponentsProfessional wrestling demands physical and mental toughness, communication and respect for opponents are crucial.

      The speaker, a professional wrestler, has experienced numerous injuries throughout his career, some of which left him surprised or concerned for the safety of his opponents. He mentions a particularly memorable match against Mick Foley, where he was struck by the toughness and resilience of his opponent. The speaker also discusses the importance of communication and checking in with opponents during physical matches. Lastly, he reflects on the end of his famous WrestleMania streak, acknowledging the personal disappointment but understanding the business side of wrestling. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the physical and mental demands of professional wrestling and the importance of camaraderie and respect for fellow wrestlers.

    • Making the decision to break The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak required confidence and conviction from Vince McMahonVince McMahon's confidence and conviction led him to break The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak, making it an iconic moment in wrestling history. McMahon's career continues to intertwine with pop culture, and he approached each dangerous match with a young, invincible mindset.

      Confidence and conviction were crucial factors for Vince McMahon when making the decision to break The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. McMahon shared that he wanted to ensure The Undertaker was confident in his decision, as the streak was a significant part of WrestleMania's identity. The moment was iconic, and McMahon's career has continued to intertwine with pop culture, with his wrestling moments becoming references in various situations, even for those not familiar with wrestling. McMahon also shared a story about laughing with Brock Lesnar during a match, which surprised and intrigued fans. Despite the dangerous and boundary-pushing matches in his career, McMahon approached each one with a young, invincible mindset, trusting the WWE's planning and execution.

    • The Undertaker, Kane, and Paul Bearer's complex relationshipThe Undertaker felt an instant connection to Kane due to their shared backstory, and Paul Bearer's involvement added depth to their soap opera-like dynamic during the attitude era.

      The relationship between The Undertaker, Kane, and Paul Bearer created one of the most intriguing storylines in WWE history. When The Undertaker was told that his brother Kane would be joining the roster, he felt an immediate connection due to their shared backstory. The addition of Paul Bearer as their father added even more depth to the storyline, creating a complex and engaging soap opera-like dynamic. The attitude era in the late 1990s stands out as a particularly memorable time for The Undertaker, marked by high-quality wrestling and intense competition. The secret to selling a Stone Cold Stunner involves slamming on the brakes before the move to avoid injury. The Undertaker's iconic entrance music has led him to contemplate how long he could take to walk to the ring and make the most of the experience, especially if he anticipated a less-than-satisfying match. Despite this, he has never been bored during an actual match.

    • The Undertaker's Unique Locker Room DynamicThe Undertaker prioritized helping and motivating his fellow wrestlers, earning him respect, and maintained a strong social life without letting it impact his professional duties.

      The Undertaker, a legendary wrestler, approached the locker room dynamic differently than most. Instead of focusing solely on personal success, he prioritized helping and motivating his fellow wrestlers. This unique mindset earned him respect from both his peers and management. Additionally, The Undertaker was known for his ability to unwind with a strong crew of drinkers, with Yoko, Godfather, and Bradshaw being standouts. Despite their nightlife, he ensured that it never interfered with their professional duties. When it comes to his iconic entrances, The Undertaker's favorites include "American Badass" by Kid Rock and "Rollin'" by Limp Bizkit, among others.

    • The Unique Entrances of The Undertaker and Their ImpactThe Undertaker's unique entrances have been a significant part of his iconic persona. His commitment to maintaining the illusion of Kayfabe has now become an asset, making his insights and stories valuable and newsworthy.

      The unique and intriguing entrances of professional wrestler The Undertaker, from his smoke-filled debut to his collaborations with popular music artists, have been a significant part of his iconic persona. Despite his protective nature about his personal life, sharing his experiences in a new docuseries has been therapeutic and a huge benefit to the project due to the intrigue generated by his long-guarded secrets. The Undertaker's commitment to maintaining the illusion of Kayfabe for so long has now become an asset, making his insights and stories valuable and newsworthy.

    • The Undertaker's Unique Career and Fascinating StoriesWrestling legend The Undertaker shared his past fears, embraced his iconic character, and discussed his experiences with Vince McMahon and upcoming docuseries, inspiring fans for generations.

      Mark Calaway, better known as The Undertaker in the wrestling world, has had an intriguing career filled with unique experiences and fascinating stories. He discussed his past fears, such as being buried alive and his aversion to cucumbers, and how he has embraced his larger-than-life character that has left a lasting impact on fans. Despite rumors of his death, he hopes to continue inspiring fans for generations to come. The interview also touched upon his experiences with Vince McMahon and the anticipation for his upcoming docuseries, "The Last Ride," on WWE Network. Overall, The Undertaker's career and the conversation showcased the captivating nature of professional wrestling and the enduring legacy of its iconic figures.

    • Uninterrupted Comfort and Sustainability with MeUndiesMeUndies' membership model offers comfort, convenience, and savings, while their eco-friendly fabric adds to the sustainability appeal. Businesses can learn from regrettable decisions like Blockbuster's rejection of Netflix and Ronald Wayne's sale of Apple stock.

      MeUndies offer uninterrupted comfort through a membership that delivers soft, sustainable undies monthly, reducing laundry time and offering site-wide savings. The brand's micro modal fabric, made from trees, adds to the comfort and sustainability appeal. Meanwhile, in a different realm, the debate around when a sex doll becomes a sex doll was explored, leading to interesting perspectives. In business, the Mount Flushmore of Business Decisions discussed the regrettable choices, with Blockbuster's rejection of Netflix's $50 million buyout offer and Ronald Wayne selling 10% of Apple for $800 in 1976 being notable examples. These decisions highlight the importance of recognizing opportunities and making wise investments.

    • Friendships and relationships shaping business decisionsUnderstanding demographics and catering to specific audiences, as well as seizing opportunities, can lead to monumental business successes. Friendships and relationships can also result in significant decisions, some of which may be controversial at the time but ultimately prove beneficial.

      Friendships and relationships can lead to significant business decisions, some of which may seem unfavorable at the time but ultimately prove to be beneficial for all parties involved. For instance, Bill Gates bailing out Apple to save his friendship with Steve Jobs. Similarly, record labels turning down iconic acts like the Beatles or the Beatles' decision to kick out Pete Best. These decisions, while potentially controversial at the time, led to monumental successes for the respective entities. Another key takeaway is the power of demographics and the importance of catering to specific audiences. ESPN's decision to cancel "Barcel van Talk" and the record label's rejection of the Beatles both highlight the importance of understanding and appealing to a particular demographic. Lastly, missed opportunities and business missteps can have long-lasting consequences. The Mets' Bobby Bonilla contract, Cam Newton's fumble in the Super Bowl, and Mark Cuban's decision not to invest in a young entrepreneur are all examples of missed opportunities that continue to be discussed and analyzed in the business world.

    • Missing opportunities can lead to big business blundersConsider potential risks and rewards before making significant business or personal decisions to avoid missed opportunities and costly mistakes

      Sometimes the biggest business mistakes aren't the decisions we make, but the ones we don't. From Crystal Pepsi to Myspace, and even the infamous Vince Carter dunk on Weiss, some of the most memorable business blunders come from missed opportunities. On the other hand, drafting Darko Milicic or investing in Google early on were smart decisions that paid off in the long run. And when it comes to personal relationships, sometimes it's important to consider the potential consequences before making a decision, even if it seems tempting in the moment. For example, moving in with a sugar daddy who can no longer financially support the arrangement could lead to unwanted complications. Ultimately, it's crucial to weigh the potential risks and rewards before making any significant business or personal decisions.

    • Expanding Access to Interests with Multiple Children and Managing Sports Fandom in RelationshipsCommunication and understanding are essential in handling unique preferences in families and managing potential insecurities in sports fandom relationships.

      Having multiple children can expand one's access to various interests, but it's important to cater to each child's unique preferences. Deception in relationships, such as hiding past romantic connections, can lead to complications and potential discovery. In the context of sports fandom, a significant connection between a partner and a favorite athlete might raise questions and insecurities, but it could also strengthen the bond between the couple if handled honestly. Ultimately, open communication and understanding are crucial in navigating these situations.

    • Romantic gestures: Consideration and timing matterThoughtful, considerate, and well-timed romantic gestures can deepen relationships, while insensitive or poorly timed actions can cause discomfort or misunderstandings.

      Communication and timing are key in romantic situations. The discussion revolves around a boyfriend asking his girlfriend to go topless on a boat trip. While some may view this as a romantic gesture, others suggest that it could be seen as insensitive or lacking spontaneity. The girlfriend expresses her concerns about potential embarrassment and the boyfriend's motives, leading to a conversation about the importance of considering the moment and being sensitive to one's partner's feelings. Ultimately, the takeaway is that romantic gestures should be thoughtful, considerate, and well-timed to ensure they have the desired effect. The conversation also touches on the idea that people have different fantasies and desires, and that open communication is essential for understanding and accommodating those differences.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

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    Check out this week's Wordspiration (#wordspiration) and be sure to give them a follow and tell them @youwannadowhat sent ya!


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    E97: Confidence as a Young Woman in STEM

    E97: Confidence as a Young Woman in STEM

    Were you ever asked the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up”? Today's episode will remind you of who your teenage-self used to be. If you feel lost, stuck, or unsure of what to include on your bucket list, which goals to chase and what dreams to pursue, listen to Karina's story.

    Karina Popovich is determined to have her name listed alongside other STEM giants such as Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. At 14 she founded the company, Connect with Tech, to give students of underrepresented backgrounds the opportunity to deep-dive into the world of technology through coding workshops, speaker sessions, and tech programs. In a few weeks, she'll graduate from the prestigious Brooklyn Technical High School in New York City before heading to Cornell University to pursue a degree in Business and Engineering. 

    We discuss: 

    • Why she unapologetically calls herself an engineer 
    • How life as a first-generation immigrant influenced her work ethic
    • Confidence as a young woman in a male-dominated field of STEM 
    • Apprenticeship with Girls Who Code 
    • Ways her parents' support and encouragement has influenced her

    Stay connected to Karina: 


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    Check out this week's Wordspiration (#wordspiration) and be sure to give them a follow, and tell them @youwannadowhat sent ya!


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    E89: How to Have Your Most Productive Day

    E89: How to Have Your Most Productive Day

    Imagine your day without thousands of instant messages, emails and calls interrupting your workflow, without complex, unmanageable and unreachable goals and without mistakes because you can't concentrate on ALL the tasks at once?

    Today I’m sharing the technique I use that helps me work with time and not against it. It’s the exact method I used to accomplish 15 of the 20 items on my personal to-do list in ONE day. The best part? It’s really simple to do.  This productivity hack works for just about everyone, including you. 

    If you have a neverending to-do list, be prepared to start ticking off the list. 


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    Need to jump start your weight loss or fitness goals? Join the #BetterMe Fitness Transformation Challenge. 

    Check out this week's Wordspiration (#wordspiration) and be sure to give them a follow and tell them @youwannadowhat sent ya!


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    Have a question? Want to recommend a topic or guest? Email me: monica@youwannadowhat.com
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