
    The Union of Opposites & The Value of Evil - Ep. 6

    enAugust 25, 2020

    About this Episode

    Satya Doyle Byock breaks-down the Christian history of the young Salome and updates it with a feminist lens. Carol Ferris illuminates the horoscope December 25, 1913. Jung encounters Salome and Elijah on Christmas. This episode explores crucifixion and resurrection, good and evil, projection, and suffering, the collapse of systems amidst the contraction of winter, matter and time. Ann Carroll translates the German word for “forethinking.”

    Chapters: "Resolution"

    Learn More:

    Salome Institute: SalomeInstitute.com

    Carol: CarolFerrisAstrology.com

    Satya: SatyaByock.com

    Satya's book: Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

    Astrological Charts:

    Recorded April 26th, 2020

    Recent Episodes from Carl Jung's Red Book + Astrology

    Bonus - Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

    Bonus - Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

    Satya Doyle Byock, co-host of this podcast, has a new book out with Random House, Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood. In this Bonus episode, Satya introduces the book to listeners and reads a short excerpt from Chapter 2. 

    Quarterlife is the book that Satya needed in her 20s and that she's been looking for since for her clients. As a psychotherapist, Satya has focused on the stage of early adulthood—what she calls Quarterlife—and the need for a Jungian lens for that population. 

    Learn More:

    Book: Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

    Visit: satyabyock.com

    Jung's Epilogue, Scrutinies, and the Seven Sermons of the Dead - Ep. 28

    Jung's Epilogue, Scrutinies, and the Seven Sermons of the Dead - Ep. 28

    In this final episode of our journey, Satya begins by reading Jung’s Epilogue to the Red Book from 1959. 

    Satya and Carol discuss Scrutinies, which Sonu Shamdasani considers the third book of "The Red Book." They talk about the recent synchronistic publication of "The Black Books." Satya breaks down the history of Scrutinies and The Seven Sermons of the Dead.

    Satya explores Richard Wilhelm and the Secret of the Golden Flower, and Jung's emerging understanding of Alchemy.

    Carol shares the horoscope from this time and the shift from the 12th house to the 1st house astrologically. Jung is beginning to translate this journey into a psychology, rather than a religion. Carol and Satya read through Jung’s “Seven Sermons of the Dead” from 1916 and the strange experiences in Jung’s home, in which the Christian dead visit Jung’s home. They explore how Philemon has changed since “The Magician”. Satya concludes by returning to the beginning.

    Chapter: “Scrutinies.” THE END!

    Astrological Charts:

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    Recorded October 25, 2020 

    Toni Wolff, The Black Books, and The Magician - Ep 27

    Toni Wolff, The Black Books, and The Magician - Ep 27
    • As The Red Book nears conclusion, Satya & Carol explore the second half of "The Magician." Satya reflects on the origins of this podcast and its synchronistic ending with the release of The Black Books. Carol reflects on the beginnings of Jung's journey with the horoscope of October 13th, 1913, highlighting the explosive energy of Jupiter in both our time and Jung's.

    Carol explores the image of the serpent as woman and looks to Michelangelo's Adam, Eve and The Serpent in the Sistine Chapel.

    Satya highlights a shift in Jung's tone from surrender and query to enchantment and assertion. She relates Toni Wolff to Salomé, then quotes from the recently released Black Books, illustrating the influence of Toni Wolff on Jung, and Jung's need to make her "go away."

    The episode concludes with a discussion of feminism in Switzerland. Next week: a dive into Scrutinies.

    Chapter: “The Magician." Part 2.

    Astrological Charts :

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    Recorded October 18, 2020

    Together like Philemon and Baucis in the Age of Aquarius - Ep. 26

    Together like Philemon and Baucis in the Age of Aquarius - Ep. 26

    Carol Ferris read’s from "the Magician" and illuminates the intersection of healing, time, and space, weaving in the mythology of Philemon and Baucis as she and Satya explore the union of opposites with Philemon and Baucis, and Elijah and Salome. Satya tracks the feminine in Jung’s "Red Book" as Baucis stands in the kitchen. Carol discusses the coming into form of the yin yang pair of opposites. Jung asks where does one go to learn magic? Carol incorporates the Six Conformations of Chinese Medicine and Satya discusses the history of Jung’s psychology as it leads to Taoism and the union of the opposites. Satya & Carol discuss the Ego-Self Axis, Jedi’s, the Force, Karate Kid, and the importance of practice in connecting to the divine and the rhizome-like nature of the unconscious. Carol discusses the thinker and magician, David Abram. Carol speaks to the Age of Aquarius, The Great Ages (see chart), and when the “I” becomes “We.” Q&A touches on Tecumseh’s Curse, Baucis in the Kitchen, Jung & Quantum Physics, a return to our animal selves, the etymology of anima, and the somatic of Jungian Psychology.

    Chapter: "The Magician" Pt. 1

    Astrological Charts:

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    Recorded on October 18, 2020

    Nothing Matches the Torment of One’s Own Way - Ep. 25

    Nothing Matches the Torment of One’s Own Way - Ep. 25

    This episode follows the news of the White House super spreader event and the president and white house staffers testing positive for COVID-19.

    As Jung arrives at the "portal of a great mystery" our hosts explore the various definitions of magic in Jung's Red Book, Satya speaks to Jung’s notion of individuation, the need to relinquish will power in favor of psyche, and the pain of going one’s own way. Ann Carroll speaks to Nietzsche, Will to Power, and Jung’s wrestling with Nietzsche’s “failed individuation." Satya and Carol explore the meaning of the Symbol. Satya reads from Jung’s "Psychological Types" and refers to Gandhi and Mandela’s experiences in prison. Carol shares a "decumbature" chart showing the movement of planets from the 12th House to the 1st in Jung's Chart at "The Way of the Cross." Carol discusses snakes, serpents, incubation dreams, and the image of the snake coming out of the mouth. Carol introduces Shawn Nygaard, an astrologer, to share some thoughts on the images. Satya emphasizes fantasy as Jung’s return to the feminine and offers an analogy of “the crazy girlfriend” as the neglected soul gone crazy

    Chapter: "The Way of the Cross"

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    Astrological Charts:

    Recorded on October 4, 2020

    Carl Jung and Rilke on the Future and Fate - Ep. 24

    Carl Jung and Rilke on the Future and Fate - Ep. 24

    In this episode, Carl Jung is in conversation with his Soul about the gift of magic. Satya Doyle Byock reflects on the uncanny similarity between Jung and Rilke on fate and future, she explores the meaning of Shuddering and Jung’s journey into embodiment through the Grimms’ fairy tale “The Youth Who Goes off in Search of Fear.” Carol Ferris explores Jung's many paintings in this section, hexagram 38 of the I Ching, the symbolism of snake bites, the Greek Moirai, Anthropos, and astrologer Liz Greene. Ann Caroll provides a translation for “Solace” and a discussion of comfort which leads to a new reading of this chapter. Q&A explores potentiality, the Gospel of Thomas, Yoda and The Force, Stanislav Grof, and the tools of Magic.

    Chapter: “The Gift of Magic”

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    Astrological Horoscopes for Episode 24

    Recorded September 27, 2020

    Prophecy & The Coming New Religion - Ep. 23

    Prophecy & The Coming New Religion - Ep. 23

    Satya Doyle Byock & Carol Ferris read this chapter in call and response fashion. Carol discusses the similarity of our time to Jung’s and reads from Paul Shepard's "Nature and Madness." Both accompany Jung into the complexities of maturation and psychological adulthood. Satya discusses her manuscript on Quarterlife, and Jungian psychology for younger adults. She also reads Max Zeller’s dream of the 600-year-coming religion and Jung's thoughts.

    Chapter: "The Three Prophecies"

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    Astrological Charts:

    Recorded September 20, 2020

    Parsifal Got Out of the Wasteland by Uniting Left and Right - Ep. 22

    Parsifal Got Out of the Wasteland by Uniting Left and Right - Ep. 22

    Satya Doyle Byock & Carol Ferris discuss the Union of the Opposites within Jungian Psychology. Carol explores Parsifal and the Wasteland at length and how it relates to Jung’s journey. Ann Carroll explores the gender translation in this chapter. The image of Atmaviktu shows up, a many-armed dragon creature and symbol of God. Carol discusses the 12th house and Jupiter. Q&A explores racism, projection, and cleansing with dirt.

    Chapter: "Nox Quarta"

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    Astrological Charts:

    Recorded August 30, 2020

    Madness, Neptune, Nietzsche & The Collective Unconscious - Ep. 21

    Madness, Neptune, Nietzsche & The Collective Unconscious - Ep. 21

    Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris discuss the union of the opposites within Jungian Psychology. Carol explores Parsifal and the Wasteland at length and how it relates to Jung's journey. Ann Carroll explores the way gender is translated in this chapter. The image of Atmaviktu shows up, a many-armed dragon creature and symbol of God. Carol discusses the 12th house and Jupiter. Q&A explores racism, projection, and cleansing with dirt.

    Chapter: "Nox Tertia"

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    Astrological Charts:

    Recorded August 23, 2020

    The Serpentine Path to Wholeness - Ep 20

    The Serpentine Path to Wholeness - Ep 20

    Satya & Carol discuss C.G. Jung's "Red Book" and its social relevance for our times. In this episode, Jung enters through the left door and deconstructs man’s prejudice toward animals. Satya discusses the “serpentine path to wholeness" and how to reclaim one's embodied self from the projection onto animals. Carol reminds us the Zodiac is not an idle abstraction. Ann Carroll illuminates the image of the cook through Erich Neumann’s "The Great Mother."

    Chapter: “Nox Secunda”

    Astrological Charts:

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    Recorded August 15th, 2020