
    About this Episode

    Kat and I met https://justeconomyinstitute.org/all_fellows/marquis-harmon/ in 2021 as she was presenting to my Just Economies Institute cohort back in 2020-2021 which I happen to be a fellow of. Different, is the term that strikes me each and every time we meet or speak. Her and her husband both Tom Steyer who was a 2020 US Presidential candidate have this deep akin energy. Down to earth and in touch with reality or as best as they can. And, YES , THEY ARE GIVING THEIR WEALTH AWAY BEFORE THEY DIE!

    Candid and transparent about their work, passions and  how they have organized money in their family, businesses, and community as a tool to not just say they will do good but put their money where their mouths are. She's taken it upon herself and her large band of co-conspirators to invest, plant and give accordignly in good soil such as their "TomKat Ranch in the Bay Area, California and startups and founders aiming to help opportunity stricken neighborhoods. 

    We shared a conversation almost 90 minutes long in hopes of inspiring you to focus on, setting your soul on fire. Becoming the agent willing to bare the weight of responsbility and overcome whatever it takes to fulfill your purpose. 

    Recent Episodes from Identity Crisis

    Innovation, Life Hacking and Crypto with Former Google executive

    Innovation, Life Hacking and Crypto with Former Google executive

    Who knew Bill Duane & I had anything in common at all. We are both from separate walks of life and yet we were able to collab in a really cool conversation on culture, crypto/WEB3, and the heart of Innovation!

    When he asked me to join as a guest on  " The Heart of Inovation" I spent some time thinking about why would he want to talk to me. It then dawned on me that, our destinies are unlocked when we step out and connect and share our experiences with others. 

    Bill, post the pandemic has since transitioned from the role and identity he held as Google's Superintendent of Wellbeing in their Silicon valley HQ. Spending most of his time speaking with some really cool global movers and shakers, In hopes of identifying patterns that move humanity forward is where you will find him these days. 

    We spoke on my vision of utilizing WEB3 & blockchain technology for the purpose of closing banking, literacy, food and housing gaps in the hoods across the US and a few other topics. 

    If you enjoyed our dialogue kindly leave a 2 sentence review and share it to your pages! 


    Peace and love !


    The Weight of Responsibility as a BILLIONAIRE

    The Weight of Responsibility as a BILLIONAIRE

    Kat and I met https://justeconomyinstitute.org/all_fellows/marquis-harmon/ in 2021 as she was presenting to my Just Economies Institute cohort back in 2020-2021 which I happen to be a fellow of. Different, is the term that strikes me each and every time we meet or speak. Her and her husband both Tom Steyer who was a 2020 US Presidential candidate have this deep akin energy. Down to earth and in touch with reality or as best as they can. And, YES , THEY ARE GIVING THEIR WEALTH AWAY BEFORE THEY DIE!

    Candid and transparent about their work, passions and  how they have organized money in their family, businesses, and community as a tool to not just say they will do good but put their money where their mouths are. She's taken it upon herself and her large band of co-conspirators to invest, plant and give accordignly in good soil such as their "TomKat Ranch in the Bay Area, California and startups and founders aiming to help opportunity stricken neighborhoods. 

    We shared a conversation almost 90 minutes long in hopes of inspiring you to focus on, setting your soul on fire. Becoming the agent willing to bare the weight of responsbility and overcome whatever it takes to fulfill your purpose.