
    The Wisdom of God

    enAugust 24, 2024
    What did God grant King Solomon uniquely?
    How did Solomon contribute to biblical literature?
    What wisdom did Solomon gain in his old age?
    How many times does 'wisdom of God' appear in Scripture?
    What role does the Church play in understanding God's wisdom?

    Podcast Summary

    • Wisdom of GodGod bestowed upon King Solomon an extraordinary amount of divine wisdom, allowing him to effectively rule a kingdom and write inspired works, but his acquisition of worldly wisdom led to a loss of part of his kingdom. Angels and the Church also learn from God's wisdom.

      The wisdom of God, as exemplified by King Solomon, is an awe-inspiring concept. God, being omniscient, bestowed upon Solomon a greater share of divine wisdom than anyone else in his time. Solomon not only effectively ruled a great kingdom but also wrote thousands of proverbs, songs, and even three inspired books in the Bible. However, he also acquired worldly wisdom in his old age, which led to a loss of part of his kingdom. The phrase "wisdom of God" appears six other times in Scripture, contrasting the eternal divine wisdom with the temporal and often misguided wisdom of man. Even angels, with their own wisdom, are being taught the manifold wisdom of God. Through the Church, we learn how God has created and redeemed man for eternal fellowship with Him. If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review to help spread biblical truth and encouragement. Support ICR's ministry by visiting icr.org/donate.

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