
    The Worst Episode Of 2022

    enOctober 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Cherishing little moments and new experiencesReminiscing about past experiences, no matter how small, can bring joy and nostalgia. Be open to new experiences to create new fond memories.

      Reminiscing about past experiences, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can bring great joy and nostalgia. Kayla Ewell shared stories from her gigging diaries, highlighting memorable moments like performing at the Drill Hall and getting paid to do a minute on TV. These moments, though not always the biggest or most lucrative, stood out to her and brought back fond memories. Similarly, trying new experiences, like the new KFC chicken nuggets, can also bring excitement and delight. So, cherish the little moments and be open to new experiences.

    • A comedy veteran shares stories of performing and networking in the industryPersistence and dedication are key to succeeding in the comedy industry, as shown by this veteran's experiences performing at various venues, networking with peers, and seeking out opportunities despite rejections.

      The speaker in this conversation has a rich history in the comedy scene, having performed at various venues and events over the years. He mentions several comedians, gigs, and awards, including Robin Ince, Josie Long, Andrew O'Neil, Sabotage, and Russell Howard. He also recalls sending emails to all sorts of people, from Phil Zimmerman to Roddy, in search of gigs. Despite some rejections, he remained persistent and continued to pursue opportunities. The conversation also reveals the speaker's admiration for innovative and amazing comedy, as noted in reviews from The Guardian and The Independent on Sunday. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the dedication and perseverance required to succeed in the comedy industry.

    • Recalling Past Unanswered Outreach EffortsDespite past disappointments, it's important to keep reaching out for opportunities and not give up hope.

      The speaker had a long history of reaching out to various individuals for potential opportunities, only to receive no response. This experience left him feeling discouraged and questioning his worth. He recalled past interactions with people like Robert White and Jerry Page, who had asked for performers and the speaker had replied, but never heard back. He also remembered a chubby club and a photographer named Klaus Gellebrink, who had taken his picture but never used it. The speaker expressed frustration and self-deprecation over the situation, but also acknowledged the passive aggressive nature of his own communications. The experience left him feeling strange and disconnected, questioning the sense of it all. Despite the lack of response, he continued to put himself out there, hoping for a break.

    • Finding Engaging Content During Live Podcast RecordingsDespite initial struggles, delivering raw and unfiltered content is essential for podcast success, and a successful advertisement from Mint Mobile highlighted the importance of affordability and high-speed data in wireless plans.

      The conversation between the podcast hosts revealed their struggle with finding engaging content during a live recording session. They attempted to read old emails and negative reviews, but the content fell flat. However, they also discussed the success of their podcast and the significant increase in their listener numbers. A notable advertisement was about Mint Mobile, a company offering affordable wireless plans with high-speed data and unlimited talk and text. Despite the initial struggle, the hosts decided to continue the recording, acknowledging the importance of delivering raw and unfiltered content for their audience.

    • Edinburgh Fringe Festival: A Bitter-Sweet ExperienceThe Edinburgh Fringe Festival offers opportunities for exposure and growth, but also comes with the risk of negative reviews and criticism. Learning to handle criticism and continue working on one's craft is crucial for performers.

      The Edinburgh Fringe Festival can be a double-edged sword for performers. On one hand, it can provide opportunities for exposure and recognition. On the other hand, it can also lead to harsh criticism and rejection. In this conversation, we heard about a performer's experience of going to Edinburgh in 2009 with high expectations, only to receive negative reviews that left him feeling demotivated and uncertain about his abilities. Despite the pressure and the initial disappointment, the performer learned to take the criticism in stride and continue working on his craft. In short, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival can be a valuable learning experience for performers, even if the reviews aren't always positive.

    • Brian Giddens' Unique Comedic Style and Rapid Rise to FameDespite criticism and monotony, comedian Brian Giddens continues to push through and put out content, leading to a rapid rise to fame and a significant following.

      Brian Giddens, a comedian, has experienced a rapid rise from performing in a greasy spoon to selling out shows at the London Palladium within five years. However, he has faced criticism for his reliance on audience participation and anti-comedy elements, which lack credibility compared to other comedians like Ricky Gervais or Count Arthur Strong. Giddens' act consists of bad knock-knock jokes and doodles, and he uses rubber masks for audience participation. Despite the criticisms and the monotony of some of his performances, he continues to push through and put out content, even if it's considered boring or terrible by some. In an attempt to make a boring episode more bearable, they considered speeding it up during post-production. Giddens' quick rise to fame and his unique comedic style, despite its flaws, have brought him a significant following and continue to propel him forward in his career.

    • Speaker's Anxiety Over Sharing Personal Content on a PodcastSharing personal stories or content publicly can be vulnerable and risky, causing anxiety and embarrassment.

      The speaker in this conversation was expressing anxiety and embarrassment about sharing a personal piece of content, which he had written as a memoir, on a podcast. He was hesitant due to the potential vulnerability and time investment involved. Despite having prepared the content on his computer, he was unable to locate the necessary adapter to play it during the recording session. The speaker also mentioned his past experiences and emotions during the creation of the content, which added to his unease about sharing it publicly. The conversation ended with a promotion for a podcast called "Directionally Challenged" and an advertisement for new KFC chicken nuggets. Overall, the speaker's hesitation and anxiety illustrate the vulnerability and risk involved in sharing personal stories or content in a public forum.

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